Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame
Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast system and its about time it’s been brought to light. This has been heavy on my soul for a while now because of this revelation of Nanotech, I cannot rest. This is probably the most controversial article I have ever written, as a result of these findings TMH instructed me to write this.
I like a lot of you Israelites world wide are into some tech of some sort and many of you have seen the wonders it can bring. For those of you that have no idea what I am speaking about grab some coffee/tea and get ready. We know in part and prophesy in part, therefore we look through a dark glass to bring some light (1 Corinthians 13:9).
As a nation of Israelites born in these last days to show forth the light because we are not children of the darkness. For this reason TMH chose us to warn the people this is why I am writting this. Not for vain glory or praise but because I see death coming, in the form of Nanotech.
I pray this article reaches you through the power of Yahawashi (Jesus). Above all else we are commanded to have faith in these last days, and to keep the commandments, but we cannot be stupid/stiff-necked.
Real Israelites are not ignorant of Satans Devices 2 Corinthians 2:11, so just like in the days of old we have to stand on one side or the other. Choose everyone world wide whom you shall serve as for me and my house we will follow TMH.
Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast, an endgame system of control
When it comes to Nanotech and control you need to understand the system it runs on. Like all computers there is a master switch and guess what you do not control that. If you put these monsters into you rest assured you are no longer in control. The bad out weights the good, like with all things Esau invents.
Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast, an endgame system of control and you are the guinea pig. Google ID 2020 or simply look at your ID in your pocket is there a start in the upper right corner? They are starting tracking programs now as you are reading this and what I’m about to show will blow your mind.
All of you need to see this Trojan Horse of doom for what it is, because if you take it (The mark of the beast) you are finished. To make it plain you have accepted another God to rule you. You cannot have both the blessing of TMH, and the blessings of the devil, you cannot be the King of Babylon and in heaven.
I have been tossing and turning in my sleep on how to bring this to you brothers and sisters in the right light, so you can clearly see with 100% clarity. Clarity is mandatory in this matter, and I must give a strong mighty SHALOM AND THANK you to brothers in GMS, Rebirth of a nation , and all that have stood so firm on this topic. I pray I can throw a log on the fire, and save 1 soul from falling to this trick of Satan.
The Most High revealed this to me while watching a documentary on the affects of 5G and Covid19, which later in this article you will see they scrubbed those type of videos off Youtube. That this indeed that Nanotech is a part of the mark of the beast that the bible speaks of. You Israelites still claiming that this is an embargo alone lack understanding to sum it up you need to dig DEEPER.
We are commanded to cry aloud and spare not: Nanotech needs to be seen for what it is
I have no idea why TMH chose me to bring this out in an article, even as I am typing this I know that this is only the tip of the iceberg of what Nanotech brings to the table. We are commanded to tell the truth even in the face a certain death. Isaiah 58:1 is clear and it’s a sin to place Nanotech into your body.
Most of you know what 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, because of this scripture alone you should never willingly place these things in you. God is in you to protect you and give you power if you place programable mini robots in you off some weak promise then you have chosen another god which violates Exodus 19:3-5.
I also fear you will not believe me and take this warning severe, and place this accursed thing inside of you. I used to love Nanotech and couldn’t wait for the innovations it brought, but as I came into the truth I learned early everything is upside down.
You will learn in this article how something that was meant to do so much good, has been turned into a weapon against not only Israelites but the entire planet. All for one final showdown that is soon to come, and no thats not hype talk thats cold hard facts. Covid19, 5G and Nanotech is a 3 prong attack devised by the devil and his sons to take you out.
I am crying aloud and sparing not. Whether you hear or forbear you cannot say in the day of Judgement you never knew. My hands are clean of this blood Ezekiel 3:17. Play time is over gird up your loins.
Full disclosure this is only a piece of the bigger puzzle, but TMH is burning my spirit to bring this to you all, and I have lost DAYS OF SLEEP. Maybe someone can take the mantel after this and bring it further.
I am petrified, not with fear but knowing so many of our people will die to take this “Cure”, disguised as savior vaccine, for Novel Covid19 but in fact its a smoke screen for something much more sinister.
Hold tight Hebrews world wide, for this will be a bumpy ride. This article revelation is NOT to cause fear but, to crack the door the enlightenment so you can see what I do. You will never read another article like this again, I know soon it will have to be taken down. The devil does not like when you reveal his tricks of the trade.
The end game for Nanotech is revealed world wide, its more than meets the eye
The end game for Nanotech is to merge man and machine to create a super drone, or Nano Solider. Owned and operated by Babylon or principalities the rulers of the darkness. I will not get into it for this article but they have been merging man and fallen angel DNA for decades. As Yoda said in Star Wars you must unlearn what you have learned, but the bible said it first. Just ask yourself does Esau want his blessing back and how badly does he want it?
“human beings will eventually be transformed into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label ‘posthuman‘”
large-scale genetic and neurological engineering of ourselves….[a] new chapter in evolution [as] the result of accelerating developments in the fields of genomics, stem-cell research, genetic enhancement, germ-line engineering, neuro-pharmacology, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition technologies, and nanotechnology…. at the intersection of science and religion [which has begun to question] what it means to be human
I have personally debated leading transhumanist, Dr. James Hughes on his weekly syndicated talk show, Changesurfer Radio. Hughes is Executive Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and teaches at Trinity College in Hartford Connecticut.
More alarmingly, the same researchers have already managed to reanimate tissue,
“from dead human cells in another breakthrough which was heralded as a way of overcoming ethical dilemmas over using living embryos for medical research” Source
(( WAIT WHOS DEAD CELLS DID THEY USE? And you wonder why so many of us Israelites are “Missing” What are they combining?))
I could care less if you believe in fallen angels, or devils, or DNA, whether you believe or DONT YOUR ENEMY DOES and is using it. Esau’s goal is to not only restructure your DNA, but what is more important is fixing his own soul (Habakkuk 2:4). In Israelites DNA there is the building blocks of life itself, and he knows this fact 300%. From what basic research shows our life strand DNA has elements that have no been unlocked as of yet.
This is where the Nanotech or Nanites come in. If Esau cannot change you, and track you he will try to switch your DNA to “Something else”, in hopes of getting his blessing back. Dont let me tell it listen to what “They say”.
More interesting is the crossover that occurs in recombination, in which two pieces of DNA break and partially unravel and the resulting four strands join up somewhat like the intersection where two highways cross.
(( Meaning that some of your DNA has to be broken off in order for the “New DNA” to be implanted))
You can read more about combining of Nanites and DNA here. Also I have linked a video from the brothers in Rebirth of a nation it explains the 4 strand DNA, and your DNA. The brothers also go into a rather deep topic on 5G and Vaccines which we will also deal more with.
I know it sounds like something out of the movies but truth be told they showed you this very fact in the movie Bloodshot, or even Captain America and have been giving peeks here and there in other movies. What you see in this picture is not dust and dirt but Nanites doing a complete body Regen. I told you Esau aint playing games this is already here.
Through the Black Hebrew Israelites as they call us in the media, I have learned that if they show it in the movies they already have it. Its what you DO NOT see that is the end game.
I owe a huge thank you to GMS, HODC Israelite Camp and other like minded Hebrews because they have been hammering “The mark of the beast” but what I am about to share should crack the door of truth a little more.
What is Nanotech and what are the benefits? Why is this so deadly?
I know its hard to believe that Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame, but once you see the benefits of this tech you will believe. I know what the scripture says in Revelation 13 and we will get there. Buying or selling is just a small part of this mystery. This mark of the beast comes with some heavy benefits that most people will willing take. If the Nanites are in you then you do not even have to go to the store to buy groceries.
As a matter of fact you will have an internal HUD display that you can pick out buy and have your groceries delivered to your door while playing video games. Everything will be controlled by the Nanotech in essence you will be what you see in the movies but at a high cost. In contrast us Israelites are controlled by TMH and he provides all what we need, do you see the dilemma, but for us its not a hard choice?
The ultimate end goal as Morpheus put it in the movie Matrix is to change a human (Israelite) into a commodity, or reusable battery, or slave. All controlled by one system of control owned by 1 master, because to end your paradise of tech all they have to do is flip a switch. Since he cannot beat us he will try to change us.
The purpose as you seen in Matrix 3 is to do one final battle for all the chips. Neo had to fight Mr. Smith in a no holds barred battle royal, he will be enhanced and so will we. Which is why Nanotech needs to be shown in full light so we we can know what we are up against. We will be changed instantly when the time is right (1 Corinthians 15:40-45) Jacob vs Esau and this time is fast approaching.
What is Nanotech and what are the benefits how deep does this go?
Well to someone like myself that has a lot of preexisting health conditions, one of them is extreme pain in my legs. Some of these next level health advancements are almost too good to pass up. The enemy sure does know how to tempt you like the devil. But the true Israelite will never cross that line, and deny the promises the father set in stone.
Here is a short list of the benefits of Nanotech. Not my Quotes lets walk through the dark to get to the light.
⦁ Nanotech is hailed as having the potential to increase the efficiency of energy consumption, help clean the environment, and solve major health problems.
((WAIT WHAT ENERGY? And Clean up the environment from what? Remember this when we talk about Radiation later.))Others, however, are as cautious as Smalley is enthusiastic. Eric Drexler, the scientist who coined the term nanotechnology, has warned of developing “extremely powerful, extremely dangerous technologies”. In his book Engines of Creation, Drexler envisioned that self-replicating molecules created by humans might escape our control
more effective methods of delivering drugs in medicine and new ways of repairing damaged tissues and organs, according to a report Source
(This report was written in 2003 we are in 2020 how has things changed?)
We will take this in small bites family so we can all digest what is being said because you know some of us are not on that techy nerdy level heh. I will lay it out for you plain as ice water. Benefits of Nanotech so far are.
⦁ Being able to absorb energies (this is heavy you will see why and what it has to do with Covid19 or Coronavirus). This means you can convert different kinds of energy and turn it into renewable power via the Nanites.
⦁ When you have Nanotech in you or Nanites you can help clean the environment and what does it need to be cleaned from? It has to be some form of pollution that we cannot see or smell
⦁ And the crown Jewel can fix health problems before you even know you have a health Problem.
⦁ As you clearly read my brothers and sisters world wide: Nanotech is extremely powerful, extremely dangerous tech.
And also self-replicating molecules created by humans might escape our escape our influence. In other words these nano particles are independent to the laws of nature.
⦁ And if all that was not enough you see that you can have drugs given to you remotely and repair damaged tissue and organs.
⦁ All this is to make you a God on earth. But wait there is more!!
The Israelites were created to be immortal and the powers and principalities know this as the warning states in Ephesians 6:10-12. You are commanded to put on the entire armor of god but its much deeper than the scriptures.
They know what we shall become and they have been taking steps to avoid and delay this collision of biblical prophecies since before 1969. Esau and these nations know the power of god on earth was never promised to them but to Jacob. They also know Yahawah is soon to return and his son thats why Trump made the Space Force.
2 Esdras 6:9 is written for a reason there has to be a transfer of power on the earth
There is a deeper meaning to 2 Esdras 6:9 If Esau is the end of the world as we know it what did he do to bring it to that level? What is this new beginning that TMH is talking about here that Jacob must bring? There is a transfer of power and powers happening here.
We are approaching this at break neck speeds because of these new technologies the time MUST be cut short. The bible in Sirach 10:8 talks about riches and power gotten by deceit and Nanobots are one hell of a deceit. If this is allowed to happen globally no flesh shall be saved.
We read above by their own hand some of the benefits of this Nanotech, but there is a key part I want to dig in deep on which is what TMH woke me up to see which I will explain more later. Nanites can absorb energy now lets get a second witness on this fact so we can expose more of this mystery.
Again this is not ANYWHERE in the media because they are being paid to push the Covid19 scare, so when phase 2 happens you will have no choice but to get vaccinated. Those of you that want to remain in the dark shall soon be a part of that dark permanently. The cure or vaccination they are preparing you for is part of the Mark of the beast. More Answers are coming keep reading family.
In the future, nanotechnology could also enable objects to harvest energy from their environment. New nano-materials and concepts are currently being developed that show potential for producing energy from movement, light, variations in temperature, glucose and other sources with high conversion efficiency Source
((But how can energy be take from the environment to power these micro machines?))
What materials would a Nanotech Nanite have to be made out of to Absorb energy from the environment?
So you cannot get anymore plain that this the Nanites or Nanotech or microrobots need energy to be powered like your toaster or your microwave. We will learn now about the material they will use for these machines because you need to see how this all ties together.
And since Nanotech needs to be powered by an energy source the enemy has invented Nano-Materials. They are using Crystals of Power. That can be used to harness the energies around this giving them unlimited energy. But the question remains what energy?
There are still unknown elements on this planet that have been burried since before TMH said let there be light. There are facts around that Crystals Absorb harmful energies. I am NOT TALKING ABOUT WITCHCRAFT.
I know some Israelite out there minds have been seared with a hot Iron concerning this but you have to see this family to believe it. Read closely and do not judge see the BIG picture. Today you will fully learn what EMF’s are so you can go forward with this message we are trying to bring. These new Nanites are covered in anisotropic crystals.
EMF definition and what it has to do with Nanotech
⦁ Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. Source
Ok now we are getting somewhere but now watch this family. Read slowly so you can understand why TMH wants you to see this and the end game of the Nanotech they are about to implement. Some of you have all ready done the match and know where this road is headed you see what I highlighted in red and blue above? Anisotropic crystals absorb radiation from the air and turns it into usable energy.
Scientists have found that EMF’s can be attributed to a number of symptoms. These can include:
Blurred Vision
Ringing in ears
Lack Of concentration
Sleep disturbances
And many more symptoms including destroys your ability to fight sicknesses
2 anisotropic crystals that protect against some of these Symptoms are as follows
⦁ Black Tourmaline = Cleanses, purifies and forms a protective shield around the body. Protects against EMF’S. Protects against cell phones, and strengthens immune system.
⦁ Orgonite = Is one of the most common and popular to use for EMF’S. It is man-made from resin, crystal shavings and metals. This mixture of elements are combined to harmonise bio-energy or chi.
⦁ Nanites or Nanotech robots are made from anisotropic crystal and can 100% Absorb Electromagnetic radiation and convert it into an unlimited Power Source.
Scientists show that it is possible to fully absorb electromagnetic radiation using an anisotropic crystal (( DONT JUST STARE AT THIS READ IT)) Source
To make it easy to understand these anisotropic crystal or crystals of power take negative energy and coverts it to positive. Its like an AC/DC battery but on a biblical level. Since these new Nanite bots will be made from a composite mix of these crystals and other materials if you have these in your body = You will be protected from Radiation 100% and get all the benefits listed above but it will come at a cost of your soul. These are not my words while Israelites are making twerk videos and Covid Dance Off Parties they are creating your demise.
As I stated above we are of the true Israelite stock of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and we would not willingly put this into our bodies ……or would we time certainly will tell. They know about our methods of healing and the source of our power.
We are already Gods on earth we just haven’t been fully transformed yet. We don’t need their vaccines or Nanotech
Living in America we have no idea the depths this “Oppressor” has gone through to keep the secret that we are the Israelites. They killed off the elders of the native Americans and stole their herbal healing techniques. They went into Africa and did the same thing and where ever these devils went took what they wanted John 10:10 and left us scraps.
We used to have books upon books of family remedies that came from the earth. Dr. Sebe told you that the earth has everything you need to cure any aliment or sickness but the bible said it first. The word of God heals just look at the acts of Yahawahshi in the New Testament.
He never dug up an herb from what we read but he did spit on dirt and rub it in a mans eyes to heal him. There is still untapped power in this earth just look at the Dead Sea Salt. If we are made from the earth it stands to reason that the earth has health cures yet untapped, does this include the minerals of the earth?
Our hair and skin absorbs and coverts the suns rays into vitamins but hurts the white man and those without melanin. We are naturally immune to some things that plagues others. We already run faster and jump further how much more when we get the final change? People that are going to be attracted to Esau’s tools are the ones of us that are low on faith, or are in pain. Even Christ said those that are not sick need not a doctor. In the end the feeble among us will be like David.
Here is the issue since we have been here over 500 years we have not kept the same diet, or activities, of our fathers and foremothers. I am sorry to say we have lived like the heathen for far too long and must come out of her. Now we are getting stronger and we are learning more. We are waking up and standing in the truth and as the scripture says soon we will be an exceeding great army and Esau knows this.
Our source of power is TMH and his son, as he was resurrected so shall we be. The enemy does not make movies like Avengers and Xmen, or Bloodshot for nothing. He needs an Equalizer and Nanotech is it.
To be clear once again do not get side tracked I am not talking witchcraft of hookas pokas spookism. Im trying to keep it real. Esau has ALL of our history in the Vatican and refuses to let it go. They needed a weapon to fight against us when we get transformed and now they might just have it.
Some of our own people will want to be healed and will walk right into the blender of doom, because nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame.
We as Israelites would never take this Mark of the Beast” or a Nano Chip: Continued.
I will explain how a lot of you will absolutely take this if you are not grounded in truth, and it will be in your hand or your forehead. If you are dying and bleeding from every part of your orifices and the doctor says take this or die. It’s easy to say I would never take such a thing when you are sitting in your house with no pressure on you.
The bible says “Ye have not resisted unto death”. So we shall see whos about this walk and whos an agent of the devil. Shout out to Ron Dalton JR for your ground breaking series. Another word for this tech as you can see is “Black Goo” which is made from the Weyland corp.
If you want to learn more about this see this amazing video by Ron Dalton explaining more on Nanotech. Start at 1:46:29 and watch till 2:15:49.
What if it was a family member and you had a choice of letting them die or signing paperwork to allow this “Nanite” to save their life. This is going to be the hour of temptation the bible speaks of. The devil never presents something as evil and says here take this. He comes with smooth words like the abilities listed above, he will slow how he can help you.
You never know the poison is killing you till you die. He makes the bitter taste sweet. His children such as Bill Gates is a child of darkness. I will expose why I would type and say such a thing. You Israelites think this Covid Virus is the main event of 2020. no family that is a feign, or a fake, a clever distraction, the real Phase 2 is the 5G towers.
Now why would I say something like that? Am I claiming 5G towers are going to kill us outright? Look to the radiation coming from these towers. Those of us that know what this enemy will do knows he sees no limits. That Radiation is one of the many weapons they have used on us. The records are listed below.
They have tried killing us before Corona Virus, 5G and Nanotech is nothing new
You can go all the way back to Genesis with Cain and Able with this spirit of Malice and Wickedness. The children of righteousness have always fought the children of Satan or the evildoers. They have been trying to take us out even to this very day.
13 ways the world has tried to kill the Israelites a short list.
⦁ Egypt tried to wipe us out but Shiphrah and Puah seen to it to save us from certain death
⦁ In the Apocrypha you read many times the Greeks and the Romans tried to take us out, even some of our own people as it is this day.
⦁ In the New Testament plans were laid to kill Christ and leave us in slavery under the Romans.
⦁ 70 AD happened and the same Romans decided to fight us and all but eliminate us by Titus and Vespasian.
⦁ We survived the gladiator pits in the coliseums
⦁ We somehow through the grace of god survive the Spanish Inquisition
⦁ 1492 the Northern Kingdom world wide were persecuted by the Papal Bull written by the Roman Catholic church.
⦁ 1619 we all know of the trans Atlantic slave trade we survived that, Trans- Pacific, and Blackbirding slave trades and we are still here, and who ran that enterprise.
- Poisoned the waters (See Flint Michigan)
⦁ Jim Crow laws were made so we could not advance.
⦁ Planned Parenthood and Eugenics
⦁ Medical Apartheid and many other medical break throughs were given out by the doctors of death to us Israelites.
⦁ Forced Vaccinations and Ebola these are the SAME Romans.
⦁ Now the invisible enemy called Covid19 which originally was not affecting us now is. 5G towers giving us radiation poisoning and their own people.
Before we get into the last bulletin point made above I must share with you a revelation TMH gave to me and I could not sleep because of it. We are a loving and forgiving people but we got to come to hard facts. How many of you knew we were targeted for radiation experiments to see how we can survive? Did you know the current way of curing cancer was first experimented on us first?
He Used Black People As Guinea Pigs For Years – And The Government Paid For It.
The experiments worked like this: The University of Cincinnati hospital would refer patients with advanced cancer diagnoses to Saenger, who would explain the intention of his tests while omitting the fact that the “treatment” was being paid for by the Department of Defense. ((REMEMBER THIS))
The patients, who were anywhere from nine to 84 years old, were exposed to up to 300 rads over the course of a few hours. This is equivalent to about 20,000 chest x-rays, well outside the amount of radiation exposure considered safe. They suffered from a number of debilitating side effects, ranging from nausea and vomiting to hallucinations.
The mortality rate was astonishing. Of the 80-plus cancer patients experimented between 1960 and 1971, as many as one quarter are thought to have died from radiation exposure.
Covid19 or Coronavirus is the Smoke Screen, 5G is the trigger, and Nanotech is the weapon
Before we start this section I want to make something clear. I do believe the sickness called “Covid19” exists but I can see a much thicker plot than a virus. They are prepping you and the world for a switch in your reality. This is a warning to all Jews and Gentiles. These are not words of a madman high on shrooms or LSD. I am 100% sober and filled with the spirit of TMH when writing this. All you got to do is look up on google 5G towers being put up while you sleep. Across the WORLD this is happening.
Im not saying Novel Covid19 isn’t deadly hell, its made in a lab by people who want to kill you with a Patent number, then they will justify it via a law. Like Ebola or Zika you israelites need to look deeper. It is not the same Coronavirus on the back of a Lysol bottle.
My main thing is why are they putting up ALL these 5G towers at the same time this “Virus” is loose? They got something to hide if they are doing it at night, again family THINK. yes while you are sleeping these towers are going live. Prepare to learn the hidden secret deep thoughts of Edom.
It is well established now that this virus is a global pandemic, but when you look closer there is something amiss. You see Anchor men and regular everyday citizens out in the world without masks every day. 5G towers give off massive amounts of Radiation and it is poisoning millions world wide. They are forcing you to stay in the house and its not because of Covid19. This is all to get you face to face with a doctor.
This is not only a fact but even your own government was trying to stop putting these towers of death up but the FCC still said its all good along with those who go mega paid. They know very well the affects of 5G on the body and guess what it is the exact same symptoms as Corona. Remember Israel they tell you enough truth in pieces to make a full puzzle. Go to google and type in.
5G is what’s actually causing COVID-19 symptoms. (( Scrubbed from the internet))
Symptoms of Covid19 and 5G are the same. (( Scrubbed from the internet))
Try any variant you will see that they ALL are saying the same talking points. The media including youtube are all scrubbing any trace of independent media on this topic. 1 month ago you could find tons of other videos on the topic, I wish I would of saved them. All these media companies are owned by the beast and are going to take the Mark of the beast, some already have. Forbes, CNN, Vox, MSNBC and Fox are all owned by the same group of people.
They are paid to misdirect and confuse the issue and fill the airwaves with propaganda. The most high is about to turn Egypt against Egypt once again this truth shall come out. If ALL of them are saying that “5G It’s safe nothing to see here”, and you believe it click off this article and go about your life. You are already marked I cannot help you, this goes for Jew and Gentile.
This is so controversial that the Media giants (Fake Jews) have been on a all out blitz to call “Corona and 5G connection” theories as a bannable offense on social media. They are trying to do soo much damage control it looks like a cover up, because it is. This means they will try to filter truth through their lens of lies. You will not get the truth from these Media Liars.
The term Conspiracy Theory was even made up by the government to slander anyone who speaks about things they WANT to keep hidden. Like 5G and coronavirus have the exact same symptoms. So much for free speech huh.
Corona Virus is just the cover up or smoke screen and a damn good one. To what end? To have to go to THEM for a cure. Bill Gates said in 18 months this crises will be over and the “vaccine” ready, hmm the same timeline that the Government is saying this will be over. Again by the time some of you read this the internet police would of already scrubbed some of this off to preserve their net of lies.
Your immune system has been crippled by 5G and you are suffering, now how does that “New Vaccine” look? When you cannot breathe or other maladies then you are presented with hope what will you do?
The 5G towers are the trigger for all this it weakens your natural immune system down to a crawl. This in turn makes your body not be able to fight off the virus. They know that these towers are destroying immune systems. They know how radiation affects our body they tested it on us Israelites for years. 5G tower is the trigger to get you to take that Vaccine of Death. The radiation is so strong from those towers its way above the allowed amount. Fine dont believe me let the experts in Canada tell it. Go to 2 Minutes to get the quick news but if you are like me and you want the entire cake watch the whole video.
Nanotech is the doorway to the Mark of the beast system take it at your own Perl you have been warned
So when I came to this realization that TMH has given to me by faith, a dark fact entered my mind. If Esau will do this thing in combination with the 5G and Corona will that not kill some or most of his own people? The answer through the spirit said YES because he was a murder from the beginning.
The first video I linked on this article is the exact 1 I watched that night. I will admit some of it is above my paygrade but most of it said volumes. After I watch that video I said to myself
…..they trying to kill us all once again. But how will he do this and protect himself.
How do you fight an invisible enemy that is killing you from the inside out, because it destroys whatever Biomaterial it touches? So there I was at a cross road where I didn’t know what to do. I was in the room my head was spinning as some of you do when you are learning different things. I keep up with the Israelite brothers on youtube and try to keep myself sharp, they always say the mind of Esau is DEEP.
That’s when it hit me, and it was heavy on my mind soul. Esau needs a method to protect himself and those that are on his side. That’s TMH and he said “Look to the Nanotech” so I dug deep into the subject.
First thing I looked up was “What Materials Absorbs EMF Radiation” thats when anisotropic crystals popped up lets be honest thats not a negro friendly word lol. After I learned that Nanotech uses anisotropic crystals to convert that energy to raw power. Still that wasnt enough to seal the deal because I asked myself the logical question.
“Who in their right mind would willing place these things in their body” Then through the power of TMH I came across a brother from the GMS camp who showed a video involving the Quantum Dot Tatoo.
When I got to what TMH wanted to show me to see which was the Quantum Dot Tatoo information invented by Bill Gates. Through that research I learned that they have already been using Nanotech to inject medicines and vaccines remotely in soldiers. Then I put it together and the picture got real clear ….. Nanotechnology, Quantum Dots
- 1 Phase Cause a Pandemic to make everyone rush to the hospitals = Coronavirus plaster news station with distractions, causing Medical Martial Law (See 2 Esdras 15) Food Shortages people are outraged. Trigger Collapse of the Dollar. Assign Blame to others instead of the source which was not China.
- Phase 2 Run 5G towers to weaken Immune System Globally = EMF Radiation Poisoning causes people to rush to doctors for vaccine. Public unaware that towers weaken immune systems to make you a target to Covid19. Causing a perfect storm for a “Fix, Cure people demand to be healed. Media chalks everything up to Covid.18-20 months later the Gates foundation implements the Nanotechnology Quantum Dot Tatoo as mandatory to go to school or go in public. Government funds this cure as a savior of the people. Dollar gets ready to fall people are in a panic because the Covid is still active. People are persuaded to take “Vaccine or Chip” that contains the Micro Nanotech.
- Phase 3 Dollar Collapses the world is in a uproar somewhere between A-Z its announced that One world Currency is the only way to right the ship. News still says people are still dying from the virus but the ones that took the Nanotechnology Quantum Dot cure are recovering well.Good news everyone the vaccine can also tell who and where you are! No need for Paper money anymore. The mark of the beast was disguised as a cure. Those who refuse the new cure are persecuted. Privacy has been eliminated freedoms gone you are now part of the Machine
- Phase 5 One government and world. Everyone is “Chipped” whether externally or internally with Nanotech. With most of the known world sick off the “Virus” people place ID2020 in their veins.
This is where we are heading and I will explain more about the how and why of the Nano-cure below. This is how you get the entire planet to take something the bible calls the Mark of the beast. This is the only way you get 7.8 billion people on the same page. Out of this Chaos the war will begin super Nano soldiers activated and the end will come.
While these 5G towers are pumping our absolute mega tons of this radioactive energy micro waves. Those without the protection of the father will fall. Those that are weak and feeble will die. Dont believe me? Look at whos dying now you are telling me ALL these patients are dying from Covid19?
Nanotechnology Quantum Dot evolution is happening right now, Nanotech is the mark of the beast. Esau is about to play his Trump Card, join us or die. Those that take this abomination will surely die in the end. You cannot scrape this off your body when TMH cracks the sky. Nanotech is made from powerful crystals forged into mini robots and are able to absorb ALL ALL ALL radiation and convert it into sustainable power and energy to create a superhuman.
Bloodshot Showed you a small taste of what Nanotech can do remember if they show it in a movie they have it.
Esau and those like him believe the bible is not real. He thinks its a fairy tale or a fictional story but the elites know it to be true. They KNOW that we are going to be transformed: so they also need to be changed into something more powerful. Nanotech soldiers are real and have been for a very long time.
They fear going back to the father because they KNOW judgement is written, so what do they need to do? Thats right hebrews make themselves immortal. I couldn’t sleep a few days ago at all knowing the damage these 5G towers were doing to my people. I also could not get the voice out of my head about the Nanotech Robots.
I watched the movie Bloodshot just a few days ago and then the entire puzzle was unravled from one scene. Thats when I looked up all the research I am giving to you all. FYI I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS VIDEO ITS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES.
In the movie Bloodshot this hero is
⦁ Immune do all forms of external trauma
⦁ Able to download anything informational on the internet. Can learn any skill in seconds.
⦁ Able to control other robots
⦁ Can be programed to do certain tasks that normal humans cannot
⦁ Immune to disease and famine and pestilence
⦁ Superhuman strength, speed, agility,
⦁ stamina, reflexes and endurance are enhanced
⦁ Regenerative healing factor
⦁ Master hand-to-hand combatant Skilled marksman Shapeshifting Cyberkinesis Camouflage and more ..
(( Ladies and Gentlemen that is Nanotech and more. In short like I said a god on earth))
This is why I am writing this and I hope you watch the movie because I am showing you the truth. Something special that TMH is showing me. This is spiritual power on the LEFT HAND side we are on the RIGHT side. This is all to tempt YOU like Christ was tempted, so you willingly give up your salvation that is the end game.
The same as Esau giving up his birthright to Jacob he is trying to reverse what has been done. WAKE UP JACOB its about to get real in this article. This has to be inserted in you either willingly or not. Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame, do not give in to the wiles of the devil.
I will explain how someone Jew or Gentile would take such an enhancement. Make no mistake what I am about to show you is real not fiction. Esau believe we cannot live without him but he will soon see. Without us there is no world past present or future.
Just in case Vin Diesel sees this article you are an Israelite brother by blood. I hope you repent and pray for your family both past and present. I know you did this movie not knowing what you showed but I pray even you can see the bigger picture. The Most High is calling you home and its time you reclaim your heritage.
Bill Gates is bringing the Mark of the Beast to a new level
This sinister game to be played out on earth is to be orchestrated on earth by your friendly neighborhood villain named Bill Gates. He is bringing everything into focus on what Ive been typing. How many of you knew that him and his wife have been at the forefront of ID 2020 and vaccinations?
Just look up Event 201 you will see in that video whats coming down the pipe. These elites have been planning our demise for a long time, and if you watch in that video look whos sitting around that table.
Well here is the quick short of the matter he wants to make it so everyone and yes I mean globally has to get designer vaccines, in order to be deemed safe and free from infection. This is the same man who put in a plan to depopulate the planet. Thats right they planned this outbreak to force their one world order. This is not out of context or a misquote hes serious. Phase 1 from what I call it is all about panic and Depopulation.
Gates said the world must advance its treatments, vaccines, testing, contact tracing and examine its policies for opening up, in order to stop the virus. (Source)
In video 2 I linked above at the end of it they go into some white Jesus just throw out the bones keep the meat. The information is very solid and on point dont mind their ignorance. Here are some more sources you can look up for yourself these are facts that break the non believers backs.
The use of nanotechnology in medical settings is spreading, but challenges remain.
Folks like Bill Gates and others that have been involved along the way, they’ve been involved because they’re interested in the five-, 10-, 20-year horizon,” Giljohann said. Source
Now how would they get this “Nano Micro Chip” on you? Here is a deep dive into the left hand side. Remember the scripture says he will be like god. They are getting the methods to do things like this from the FAR LEFT and no I am not talking politics. Introducing the Quantum Dot.
What is a Quantum Dot? Who Invented it?
Bill Gates is the brain child behind this abomination called the Quantum Dot Tatoo. It’s the hidden enemy that disguise itself as a cure but is death. It is part of the wicked Babylon system of control.
You go into the doctors office suffering from what you think is Covid19 or a sickness of some sort. You find out there is a new trail treatment that you can take and you will never get sick again. You have pre existing conditions and have been in pain for a while and you trust your “Doctor”. He tells you of the Quantum Dot tatoo but doesn’t tell you whats in it like they do with Vaccines today. To keep it 100 a lot of doctors don’t even know about this tech yet.
You are suffering from 5G or 6G sickness but the doctor will not tell you that since you know they work for the enemy or most of them anyways. Since the media has all but expunged the evidence clinical or otherwise of the affects of 5G the doctor is “Doing his Job”.
He explains it goes on your hand and there is a small pinch and then 30 minutes later you feel brand new. You hearing this great news and forgetting you are an Israelite have just marked yourself. The Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine is not something made up its real and it’s coming sooner than you think.
Im sorry for this next section Israelites world wide, but you MUST read what this damn thing is. This is from section 3.1 on this PDF document. They are already placing these in Humans. DOWNLOAD IT BEFORE THEY PULL IT.
Quantum Dot Tatoo or ”lab-on-a-chip” devices already being manufactured and animal testing and early clinical trials starting on nanotechniques for drug delivery
Nanotech’s promise comes from the fact that nanoscale devices are a hundred to tenthousand times smaller than human cells and are similar in size to large biological molecules (“biomolecules”)such as enzymes and receptors
While a quantum dot is about the same size as as mall protein (<10 nm) and some viruses measure less than 100 nm. Devices smaller than 50 nm can easily enter most cells. ((Source))
By gaining access to so many areas of the body, they have the potential to detect disease and deliver treatment in new ways.
So what does all this have to do with Bill Gates?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team’s research, which was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Wednesday.
According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations.
The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots – tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light – that glows under infrared light. The pattern – and vaccine – gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar. ((Source))
Look at the history of how they treated the slaves in the past, because your answer is there. In the movie Roots Kunta was whipped till he broke. You are being whipped right now and do not even know it. What will you do when they say in order for you to get your basic needs you have to have these “Trackers” in you? What if they tell you your kids need to have these robots injected into themselves in order to go to school?
Slaves used to have to walk around with ID patches on their persons back in the early slave days for Identification there is nothing new under the sun. Which begs a question WTF do you need an ID for to tell someone who you are? All these things have something in common. Watch this family…..
- They control the farms and production = We dont
- They control the government and global Resources = We dont
- They control when you can and cannot go out = We dont
- They have their own Military or Police = We dont
- Who controls the Media? = We dont
- Who controls your Education = Our people do not
- Who is still is under social and physical, and mental slavery to this day = We are
- Who Invents things like the Atom Bomb, Syphilis experiments, Planned Parenthood, or secret plots to exterminate millions? = They do
- Whos holding the master program for these Nanotech inventions? = They ARE
- If and when they enforce this thing who are they coming after = The youth and US
- Who came up with EUGENICS!? = They Did
- ((So now ask yourself if these are the exact things they controlled when we were under chattel slavery what do you think Nanotech will do))
Here is another source Israel read this and tell me if GMS called this right or not. Shout out again to those brothers who kept the path straight. When no one else was saying the mark of the beast is the Microchip you stood strong. The white man might of been talking about that Mark some years ago but question when we were in slavery who had OUR records?
Microsoft founder Bill Gates announced on March 18, 2020 during a “Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session” that he is working on a new, invisible “quantum dot tattoo” implant that will track who has been tested for COVID-19 and who has been vaccinated against it.
According to BioHackInfo.Com: “The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. You cannot Dig this out its permanently in your body!
After the microneedles dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum dots whose patterns can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered.” (( There is your Permanent Mark of the Beast both inside and outside of you))
The Covid-19 vaccine is already under research and development and experts say it will likely be available in about 18 months. <==== See that timeline Hebrews? Didnt the government say this would be over come 18 months?
Will this mean forced vaccinations or perpetually “sheltering in place” for those who refuse the coronavirus vaccine?
Bill Gates is carrying many hats these days, working on the ID2020 Certification Mark, which according to uses “immunization to serve as a platform for digital identity”. The Gates Foundation company has also formed an alliance with other huge businesses like, Accenture,, Gavi, and the Rockefeller Foundation to make ID 2020 a real not just a pipe dream or a Hoax. The use of human enhancement Nanobites by the military is not new. Broadly construed, vaccinations could count as an enhancement of the human immune system ((Source))
It was recently announced that Covid-19 has the ability to survive on cash for up to 10 days. How long before businesses shun paper money for fear of the virus and people demand a cashless society? As we already pointed out you will not be able to function in Esaus new world without being marked. Those of us that choose not to take this will be marked as enemies of the state. Those of us who resolve not to step into willful sin would rather walk to the gallows rather than burn for an eternity.
There is nothing new under the sun. This is what we are up against so this will be how this will happen lets recap:
- Nanites or Nanotech is made from Crystal so it can absorb harmful radiation being pumped out by 5G. Those of us that do not have it world wide will be getting hella sick.
- The Nano robots feed and gather that power to keep them charged, all the while the cell towers and satellites keep them full power. This will be injected into you via a cure (See picture IM NOT MAKING THIS UP)
- You can never take them out they now control you, or whoever is driving the chip program. You now are a soldier for Satan and marked eternally
Revelations 13:16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
((This is the Quantum Dot Tattoo))
This trans-human change is for the last war to come because these elites are now hiding in droves. This is not superstition or Hyperboil, or chicken little. Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast, this war will happen choose wisely.
TMH asked me to warn you ALL both Jew and Gentile that this war is going to happen. Why do you think they do not want you out of your house? They are placing these towers everywhere. Start looking UP family and notice whats been right in your face.
Remember the scripture says he CAUSES all to take it not by force. He creates scenarios where you have to choose. Remember when the Devil tempted Christ in Luke 4:1-4?
These are white elites saying this its not pooky on the street corner slinging dime rocks and weed. Who would do this madness and force the world to bow down like this. We Israelites have been warning Jew and Gentile alike about these horrors but as my uncle says “Some people have to get hit by the bus to know it hurts”. The military will not let you go unless you can pass one of their bio-checkpoints.
Now you think they are just going to inject you with medicine? Nope this is nanotech being disguise as a cure. They can program the Nanites where ever they are in your body as you see from the Bloodshot video.
They are telling you their plans to your face and I hope you can see it. They are already making super soldiers and got a space program, why is that? You might scream they cannot do that its not constitutional. My question to you is when has the government ever knocked on your door and asked your opinion on a policy?
They just printed 2.2 TRILLION dollars out of thin air there was no pole for that, but yet they still will not give reparations. They pump tons of chemicals on you daily so they can track where you are via satellite, they didnt ask permission from anyone.
They are preparing us for a kill shot I hope you are ready……fyi this is why TMH has to cut the time short. They know judgement is coming for them and ALL the wicked on the planet. White Jesus cannot save you from this coming onslaught. They have tried everything since the days of Moses to take us out. Now Esau is betting the farm on this plot.
Listen up you Israelites and gentiles world wide, Satan came when Christ on Luke 4 was weakened as we are today. The devil offered him things he already had. The Israelites are joint heirs with Christ we will get our immortality and power back it is written have faith till the end. You true blooded Gentiles of the other nations better start cleaving because the Israelites are your hope.
As soon as you read this get pray hard that we have the courage of our ancestors and we can stand strong. Pray for the father to crack the sky and make the time short, most of all pray for forgiveness for not only your sins but your forefathers. This is why Christ has to come back to save us from THIS enemy.
Even if we die to the plans of Satan, we MUST remain faithful that we shall return. They will at first come with subtilty like the devil they come in the footprints of their father. This way he can accuse you like the devil and say no one forced it upon you. Like I said most of us have pre existing conditions this Nanochip innovation seems like a god send. Remember the strength of the sisters with the 7 sons in 2 Maccabees 7 stand strong and united.
This is the end game he has been trying to force us into his vaccines of extermination for years. They know time is short. You have to face facts family there are demons around us.
⦁ You go to the hospital because you “Feel Sick”. Even if its a loved one.
⦁ They present the Quantum Dot Tattoo (Probably another name later)
⦁ You take this “Cure” not knowing what it is because you clicked off this article.
⦁ You get BILLIONS of nano robots injected into you. Welcome to the Mark of the beast and yes they will be in your head/brain.
⦁ They flip the switch on and you go bananas killing everything you see.
⦁ You get back to the father because you took their mark and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
As For the heathen they have to do this enhancement to survive but for us who believe in Yahawah and the son this is a HELL NO. As the scripture says who will stand for me against the evildoers?
As we walk through the prophecies in 2 Esdras 15 and chapter 16 lets not forget who our rock is. We got to be stronger than normal we need to push for truth for the famine of the word is coming.
We can no longer walk with the whore we need to drop her ass off at the curb and Rise up as Israelites. Watch the movie Bloodshot and you will see exactly what I am saying. We are too close to the fathers promises now to give up.
Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame I hope and pray you do not take this thing. Shalom