Choose Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot serve 2 masters

Choose Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot serve 2 masters

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Choose Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot serve 2 masters Choose who you will serve” heading_tag=”h3″ spacer=”image_only” spacer_position=”middle” spacer_img_width=”85″ spacer_img=”id^3055|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^null|description^null”]

Light in the darkness John 1:5 who will you listen to? CHOOSE YOUR SIDE!


Choose Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot serve 2 masters Choose who you will serve



  Well the genie is out of the bottle now and the reports are out, but its up to you now to choose Transhumanism

Transhumanism is here to stay

 or Yahawahshi you cannot have both. We are commanded in Isaiah 58:1 to cry aloud and don’t care about your feelings on matters of survival. Some you save with a kind word and some with fear Jude 23-25. Although this site is under constant attack by people trying to stop us from doing what the lord said we push on in hopes of saving just 1 soul in hopes they repent and stand strong against the wind. And just incase you are slow of mind and understanding these are the last minutes

 of the last days.

  WARNING if you cannot understand how serious this is from this article and are blind to biblical prophecy then I will refer you to James 1:5 fast and pray for wisdom in this matter.

But there are more than 3 articles on this site alone that deal extensively with various topics but especially the Jab Covid19 and Transhumanism also 5G and how they are ALL tied together. The scripture says after 3 admonishments leave them alone so this is my 3rd message on this topic and this is a hot one.

What is Transhumanism? What does that have to do with Covid19 Agenda and the bible?



These articles take time and research and our time is short so I pray everyone and I mean from the small to the great free and bond read and RESEARCH OUTSIDE OF GOOGLE, YAHOO and FB, because they are lying to you and censoring the real deal. Its the same with CNN, MSNBC and all other main stream media liars. The video above is a small drop of the plan of Esau and others tied to him the enemies of god written in Psalms 83.

Now back to the scriptures and the truth Lets go deeper.



The scriptures are clear when it comes to this matter of choosing a side take for instance  passages like Revelation 3:15 or Joshua 24:15. You have to make a choice true israelite no one can make it for you.

1. Transhumanism = The merging of Machine and man (Yes im not bullshitting via nanobots). This is a system of control like they TRIED to show you in bloodshot or Matrix. This is in an attempt to copy gods blueprint to create Gods on earth. Whats the purpose? 2 Esdras 3:8 gives you a clue but there is more to this Joel 3 also talks of a major battle.


2 Esdras 3:8-11


And after this I beheld, and, lo, all they which were gathered together to subdue him were sore afraid,

and yet durst fight.

And, lo, as he saw the violence of the multitude that came, he neither lifted up his hand, nor held sword, nor any instrument of war:

But only I saw that he sent out of his mouth as it had been a blast of fire, and out of his lips a flaming breath, and out of his tongue he cast out sparks and tempests.

And they were all mixed together; the blast of fire, the flaming breath, and the great tempest; and fell with violence upon the multitude which was prepared to fight, and burned them up every one, so that upon a sudden of an innumerable multitude nothing was to be perceived, but only dust and smell of smoke: when I saw this I was afraid.



OPTION 1 = Transhumanism, or trans-human, is the concept of an intermediary form between human and posthuman. In other words, a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans.


  ((In other words you will become a god like being using technology instead of the holy Spirit. Both systems answers to a higher power))


OPTION 2  = Being transformed into an incorruptible power 1 Corinthians 15:38-52. ((This power is unmeasurable and comes free from Yahawahshi and Yahawah for those that are faithful unto death)). This war is going to happen and you have to be prepared to make a choice.

  Now 1 year ago many Israelites told you the absolute truth about what was coming via the Vaxx19 Jab or Nanobot Graphene particles in the shot but we were viewed as crazy or quacks. Even when the white man and the social media repated our truth it was labeled as “Misinformation”.

Are we bitter? Absolutely not we are sitting back watching God be true and every man a liar the Joke is on YOU all that pushed that poison into your arms.Banned from facebook and youtube for talking about Covid 19 and transhumanism

Ever since we started talking about this Plandemic (Yea I said it) we have been catching straight hell but its all glory to the father. When you choose Transhumanism over Yahawah you are placing lust over truth. You must understand this is the end game and this is the last time I reach out on this matter on this website. For the last time you have a 99.7 chance of resisting and recovering from ANYTHING related to c-19 why would you place Graphene Oxide Nano particles in your system that are poisonous, just to have magnets stick to you?

There are even gentiles telling you about the Nanobot, Transhuman, Covid19 inoculation that is it not safe but they banned them from speaking out of Facebook and Youtube.


    You cannot serve Yahawah and Man you have to choose Carnal or Spiritual because 2 temples cannot exist on the same foundation (Matthew 6:24). Look im done playing biblical semantics and the warning was given. Transhumanism Nanotech is part of the mark of the beast system. If you placed that graphene robot cocktail in your system you are FINISHED and will answer to the father very soon for your disbelief.

To the rest of you Israelites and Heathens world wide that have some sense the rest of this article is for you. If you have not taken the Covid19 Jab Inoculation then you still have a chance. But to be clear time is running out the test of your faith is knocking at the door will you stand strong? Speaking of knocking at your door you do know Biden is trying to pass a law that allows the military to go door to door to force Jab you?

  Before I continue showing you examples of those who stood strong against ALL ODDS to follow the truth I have to quote Yahawahshi for those of you that lack vision.


Matthew 15:13

For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.’




Isaiah 6:10
“Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.”



  We need to go back to understand this recurring issue with the Israelites. We are a stiff necked and hard hearted people and love to do our own thing and love Idolatry and worshiping of other things.

Examples of Disobedience choosing another God AKA Transhumanism


Example 1 MOSES WARNED YOU = Exodus 32:26 is clear the israelites earlier in the same chapter were building another idol like the ones that were in egypt and worshiping it. Moses told them ALL of you that stand with the lord come to my side. Now the Levites at that time represented the law keepers and teachers.

  Now you have already been promised as Israelites that the world and all that is within was made for your sakes (2 Esdras 6:54-58). Why would you choose to make you an idol when you KNOW its poison?

The Transhumanism Agenda has been in play for over 20 years. You think Nanobots are in the shot for no reason? When and if you place that crap in your body you are choosing another interface and their mark, so you can what buy groceries?

Your lust to get that shot for fear was so great you tossed gods laws to the side and sided with the wicked to make yourself dumb Idols. Like Moses said all those that have not had their minds poluted stand with us. The unvaccinated purified soilders of Yahawah the strong the True Israelite will not be moved. We believe Moses and the father and the son, in contrast you that have sold out to the devil now work for that system.

Elijah warned you about being of 2 minds but are you listening? Being Double Minded is Death.

Example 2 Elijah and the priest of Mahon or Baal = 1 Kings 18:21 Elijah said plainly to the Israelites and the priests of Baal. If you believe in God or Yahawah let HIM be true (Romans 3:3 James 1:8). You cannot have a double mind.

You KNOW what Revelation 13 is talking about and you know the word Mark in that verse is Charagma which means incision under the skin.

a stamp, an imprinted mark: of the mark stamped on the forehead or the right hand as the badge of the followers of Antichrist, STRONGS NT 5480: χάραγμα cháragma, khar’-ag-mah; from the same as G5482; a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude)

((Where do you think the Nanobots go?!))

In other Words Luciferase Biomark Do I have your attention NOW Click the link see for yourself?


  TMH power of Israel told you and commanded all israelites to trust HIM. If your body is the temple of Yahawah and he lives in you why would you choose another God? If Yahawah is your power why choose another? Although we are a small number of unvaccinated heros of truth we know who we server and will NEVER bend the trust of the father and trim our ways to be able to have a Covid19 Pass.

For us that love Yahawahshi this choice is easy and straight forward but to those who do not study to show themselves approved its a stumbling block no matter how many scriptures we bring or how much crystal clear we make it they that have sold out have not been chosen to endure (Matthew 13:10). To those in the light we hear and see but those in darkness have chosen destruction.

We realize we are outnumbered but so was Gideon we realize we are not harkened to but no one listened to Jeremiah. We told you and showed you the Nanobot, Transhuman, Covid19 plan but just like the israelites of old a lot of you have tossed it behind your back.

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  Eleazar and the Rightous woman and 7 sons they were also given the choice to conform or die


2 Maccabees Chapter 6 & 7 Strength of Yah over conformity of the nations = Most of us know the term “go along to get along” but is that biblical? Did not the Israelites get separatated by the most high to be a holy nation to himself? Did we not have our OWN laws and commandments for our people? Was the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy written in vain?

In Leviticus it tells you as an Israelite you cannot eat certain foods because they are poisonous. Now today we eat just about anything but that was not always the case.

As a matter of fact Eleazar and The Woman with her 7 children left us an example of resisting conformity and choosing rather to die in righteousness than to die in sin because they KNEW defiling their temples was a sin. They were told to eat pork and live and get gifts and other trinkets but they said absolutely not.

Some of us took the Jab to keep a job some of us took it to travel whatever the excuse did they tell you that the Spike Protien made from the shot not only is transmitable to others that are not Vaccinated but also weakens your immune system just like pork?

If you read the bible you would know this basic truth. Even the book of Barnabas tells you this. The book of 3rd Maccabees tells you the plight of these 2 heros of Israel a stand against tyranny and oppressions’. They resisted unto death where will you stand? Did you know that ALL the ingredients in the Covid19 Jab are against the commandments?



My family has chosen the Covid Jab but I do not want it what do I do?



When push comes to shove you have to stand your ground and tell whoever is trying to persuade you to take that madness to back off. They have religous exemptions and other protections you can do. For some of you it might mean moving out of Mom and Dads basement. Pray and fast should be the first thing on your list of things to do. TMH will seal your instructions while you sleep (Job 33:4).

If it’s your job ask them for a way to work remotely or if you can separate from everyone else so not to disturb them. If you have not taken the poison yet their is still hope. Some brothers and sisters have moved to states that have no mandatory mandates. Even some have moved to other countries as Ludacris once put it MOVE GET OUT THE WAY.

Again Christ said in the NT revelation 18:5 get away from her. That means the system the people who are a part of that system etc. Find like minded Hebrews that will stand with you (Ecclesiastes 4:9).


People are dying from the Transhuman Conversion via the C-19 Vax inoculation.

This is not Sci-Fi Mumbo Jumbo we are not crazy even in Spain they got the vials of fresh Vaxx bottles and what is in them is shocking and they are not telling you. Did you know people who took the Jab are Magnetic?

1. People are getting heart attacks
2. People are getting blood clots
3. Metallic objects are sticking to folks
4. Lightbulbs are glowing off injection sites
5. Spike Proteins is shedding to other people. Yes people with the Jab are making others sick (See Zombie Apocalypse)
6. You are replacing Gods Immune System with a Synthetic one so any new “Virus” you will need a new shot.
7. Pilots are dying while flying from brain clots and other complications.
9. Children are having heart attacks and other massive heath complications
10. Bells Palsy and paralysis, dementia and other neurological aliments

They hid these results from you on PURPOSE. But even more sinister than all of that even more critical is the Luciferase proteins that is in it need I say more? Dont believe me your local neighborhood Negro go to the Vares CDC website yourself and see the results, and remember thats only 10 percent of the reported cases Sirach 13:23. Let the rich that control this earth tell you so you might believe.

Us versus Them the Unvaccinated versus the Vaccinated the division and war has started


In this agenda of transformation to the beast there are 2 classes emerging the Vaccinated vs the Unvaccinated. The believers of Yahawah and the ones who believe in Science and that Esau can do no wrong.

We are called to be separate and not to join with those who choose wickedness. Remember the Devil and his followers can appear as the angels of light. Ask yourself why wont your congregation tell you that Nephilim exist? Why will they not tell you the real breakdown of Ephesians 6:10-11 and how these are not flesh and blood enemies we fight? Even Christ warned you as in the days of Noah (Matthew 24). Yes the fallen ones are back watch what happens when they activate the 5G towers and cern. That Nanotech will be activated soon but by then they will have activated the entire agenda.

  This fight is nothing new its Esau (The sword of War vs Jacob (12 tribes of Righteousness)  the final fight written about in 2 Esdras 6:9, Genesis 25:21-25, Amos 1:11-12. You have to ask yourself a question if all of what the Israelites have been saying was a why silence them if its a lie? Hell even Gentiles that are cleaving to Israel are seeing the Nanobot Transhumanism Agenda and are speaking out. In droves they are dropping tech for Yahawahshi and cleaving as it is written in Isaiah 14:1-5.

We are being divided into 2 teams for 1 final war for all the marbles and all the chips. They are trying to change you into Techno Gods when the scripture says that you are already GODS (Psalms 82:5) so what is the devil offering that you do not already have?

1. We are already promised the world This can never be broken even Daniel speaks of this Eternal Kingdom
2. We are already promised eternal life and salvation. And to be transformed 1 Corinthians 15:38-50
3. We are promised Eternal power the acts of Christ we will do even greater.
4. We are joint heirs with the Messiah with an eternal covenant Psalms 2 Romans 8:17.
5. Every place we set our foot on this planet or other ones belongs to us Deuteronomy 11:24, John 14:2.
6 The blessings in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 are already locked in stone for us.
7. The kingdom shall be returned to us never to be taken again.
8. THEY ARE TRYING TO MAKE YOU GIVE UP YOUR BIRTHRIGHT AS ESAU DID. If you take that shot you are trading everything Yahawah has promised you for a bowl of soup that will perish. Esau is trying to get his birthright back. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

((So what can the devil offer you that you do not own already?))


  Luke 4:1-13, Matthew 4:1-8 = Christ is tempted when he was at his weakest,  as we have been this day weakened by this system of oppression. If you have eyes to see everything the devil tried to give Yahawahshi he outright rejected because he is already a King and a High Priest. The devil was trying to recruit him then as the devil is coming after us as he did with Job so we will curse god.

  Now Mandatory Lockdowns and Vaccines are coming they will use their political power and influence through unrighteous laws (Daniel 8:25, Isaiah 10:1) to try to pass laws to get you Jabbed and working for Satan. They told you in 2020 2 weeks for this Covid19 nonsense to end we are now in 2021 whos the liar now? Your Vmat2 Gene will be destroyed Bill Gates and the Government along with big Pharma has been playing a shell game with you. You will be marked with the devils brand and when Yahawahshi cracks those skies their will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Does ANYONE know what a Lipid Nano Particle is? How about mRNA? Does anyone understand what a Spike Proteins is or how it will destroy you immune system? This is not fear its truth why would you place that shit in you unless the father has rejected you.

What would you trade for your eternal soul? Well you might say my friend/family member got the shot but they are OK.  The bible says NEVER trust your enemies (Sirach 12:10) what your friend is not telling you is that they got a placebo shot or a saline. When they go back for one of the real shot out of the batch that has the Graphene in it then you will see what we have been saying. You are in the clinical trial NOW they skipped the animal trials on purpose.

  In Matthew 10:37 Christ warns us that he was going to place family member against family member to CAUSE division. Now I see one method he is trying to see who is really about that life. He is willing to place his children through the fire as he was tested with the Devil.

Alot of us with our mouths profess we will do such and such for the faith but now the angels and the righteous one is watching closely. In my previous article I taught you about the Sorcerers in Revelation 21:8 that word is Pharmakia or workers of Poison (See Graphene Nano Particles) and its in the major vaccines.

FFS if you believe in the Messiah you at least need to look this stuff up go to Bitchute or NewTube or RumbleTube, and see what they have been hiding from youtube and why.

In closing I will leave you with some videos they have tried to scrub from the internet. Good thing the door of salvation is still open and Yahawahshi is coming. Will you resist unto death or take the deal Esau took. No more games no more Christianity Lies pushing this poison. You fake lying pastors of decite will be punished for leading Gods Children to the halls of Satan. The videos below are graphic but you must see the truth uncut and in your face. I am trying to save you from misinformation and give you a chance. WARNING THE VIDEOS BELOW ARE ADULT IN NATURE VIEWERS DISCRESSION IS ADVISED.

  They are Vaccinating, Inoculating Chidden without parents consent when they have a 99.99 chance of totally resisting Covid. People are dying from the shot those who got the double Jab. Choose Transhumanism or Yahawahshi you cannot serve 2 masters Choose who you will serve! SHALOM family world wide (James 1:1) Now the ball is in your court.


Revelation 18:4 is a quick lesson in obedience and the witchcraft of Pharmacies

revelation 18:4 the truth

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”WAKE UP SO CALLED BLACK MAN ((Israelites))! They are using Pharaoh’s Playbook once again Exodus 1:10-19″ heading_tag=”h3″ spacer=”image_only” spacer_position=”middle” spacer_img_width=”85″ spacer_img=”id^3055|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^null|description^null”]

Poison in the vial an Ancient Evil disguised as a savior, forming mischief by a law


Revelation 18:4 is a quick lesson in obedience and the witchcraft of Pharmacies

  For us Israelites the scripture of Revelation 18:4 is a quick lesson in obedience couldn’t be more plain. As a matter of fact TMH has said “Come out of her my people” at least 10 times throughout the bible. This also means you are dealing with 2 different factions of people groups. In other words those of you that stand for truth and your people come to this side NOW! Make your choice because as Christ said you cannot serve 2 masters.

Revelation 18:4 is a warning not to take the Covid19 Jab

  One peoples is tied to Babylon and the other is tied to Yahawah and  Yahawahshi. Just like in the times of Moses they are planning to take us out wholesale and they mean to do it via our own people (1 Maccabees 1:11). Some will hear this message some will not but all will know there was a message sent. There us a New Pharaoh  (See Romans 9:13-22) and he and his sorcerers are using an old playbook most of us have forgotten. Just like the days of old Spiritually Moses and the Israelites are on one side and those who are tied to the Egyptian Oppressor stands on the other. Just like Elijiah verses the 400 priest of Baal, but there is more of us than the wicked.

  Revelation 18:4 in reality has played out through history in each ruling dynasty of the enemies of the children of Israel and no different in 2020 or 2021. The current ruling power is Rome and us Israelites once again are faced with a massive test. One example is the book of Daniel Babylon there was pushing their agenda but the Hebrews wanted no part of their idolatry.

The scriptures are clear the father according to Zephaniah 2:1 we are commanded that all of us come together but some are choosing to be poisoner by the oppressor the Stockholm syndrome is real. Facebook and Youtube are censoring everything the prophets and messengers of truth are saying, but you cannot FACT CHECK YAHAWAH or YAHAWASHI. They are truth incarnate and you will be judged for we all must stand before the judgement seat (2 Esdras 16:66-76).


Lets reason together family the bible said NEVER trust thy enemies Sirach 12:11.  If TMH Yahawah made every herb on the planet for us to eat and the scripture says herbs actually heal us because you know we are made from the earth, then why would you poison yourself? Would Moses or the apostles place a needle in their arms claiming this fixes the plague? How about Joshua would he or Joseph line up with a mask and take a Vax19 Jab or would they back away from that madness. How about Judah Maccabees would he and Mattathias line up with the greeks and take the shot, or did they separate themselves?  I will warning you now this article is not politically correct but its biblically sound. Everything used in this article is for educational purposes only.


Recommended For truth

Why is the media lying and hiding the truth that the Vax19 Jab is not safe?


  The paid media is trying to get you to self poison yourself black people and you are walking up to this “Vax19 Jab” thinkingRevelation 18:4 and Revelation 21:8 are warning you come out of her NOW! this is the best thing since sliced bread. The father said long ago do not put anything harmful in your body because my spirit dwells within you. This was a commandment not a suggestion but as it is written we are a stiff necked people. I wonder would Moses or Abraham or even Peter take the shot #Gotfaith?

  All you got to do is a simple search on google to find out who MSNBC and Fox and Facebook and all the rest of these companies are owned by and guess what its NOT US. There are many gentiles who know all this to be 100% fact with no lies but a lot of them have also sold their souls to push this confusion campaign. To you gentiles that are seriously trying to cleave to us Israelites I would recommend getting far away from Babylon spiritually and physically because you are about to be destroyed. 

  For those of you that have already believed the devil and his message and took the RNA vaccine all I can do is pray for you because when they flip the switch you now will be controlled not by the holy ghost but ….something else. For those of you that are on the fence and have not taken any poison yet this article is for you. My goal as with all the articles on this site is to save 1. Notice how now that the variants are up to over 4000 that the media is no longer reporting the outbreaks like normal?

 Revelation 18:4 and Revelation 21:8 go together because its warning you about witchcraft of Pharmacies and other abomination sins that will not allowed to enter into the kingdom. Yes it is also a warning not to take their “Mark” or the lies. If its a misinformation why fear it? If its not truth why censor it? Im going to expose what the media has been hiding about their sorceries. Let the Media have their lies us israelites stand on truth. 

 The truth hidden in plain sight a walk through of Revelation 18:4 and Gods warning

I will endeavor to show you what’s been in plain sight written in Revelation 18:4 along with Revelation 21:8 all long ago, written  by prophets much greater than me (And no I do not count myself in that number). Even as you read this the wicked forces that want this site and these articles scrubbed from the internet, are working to hack this message but I will not be stopped in sending this message to ALL Israelites. The holy ghost told me to write so I do exactly that, and that is all praises to the father.

Why is it that you non believers you cannot understand this simple of phrases? In this lesson we will learn a little bit about your temple (your body) and the sin of disobedience (1 Samuel 15:23). Yahawahshi has stated that we must be a unblemished vessel in order to see the kingdom. This also means put off what you learned in Babylon and come forth from her ways. In other words Not tainted physically or mentally by the abominations and misdirects of the truth.

Revelation 18:4 a quick lesson in obedience and understanding the separation as I wrote about earlier in the article. Also in the bible  in the book of Revelation 1:7 says blessed are those that read. I’m not going to place my own spin on this topic because as Martin Luther King said its too important to get the “language” right. For I do not want to lead my people into a burning house.

Most True Israelites today know what is about to be brought out because we study, but for the young sheep in the truth this might actually save your life if you never heard of it.  ALL scripture in the KJV bible is tied together like peanut butter and jelly or hand and a glove. When put together properly it opens doors of understanding that the holy ghost provides (and no im not talking about speaking in tongues topic for another day).

So lets take Revelation 18:4 step by step and lets see if there is a message to be had. And as always on True Israelite we keep it precept upon precept. 

Was John the Revelator crazy? Or did we just miss the message the devil is in the details Lets Dig Deep

Revelation 18:2-4

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Revelation 18:3

For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

Revelation 18:4

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

There is enough meat on these scriptures to do a 10 part series but for times sake we are going to take the quick route starting with verse 2. There are some key points you need to understand. John the Revelator was not crazy hes speaking in code. He is seeing things that in his day and age did not exist …yet. He was speaking for this time now that we are experiencing.

Revelation 18:2 = Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils when you break it down it translates to this.

Βαβυλών or Babylon = “confusion”= allegorically, of Rome as the most corrupt seat of idolatry and the enemy of Christianity <== (( This is supposed to read Christians see Acts 11:26 the Israelites are the true Christians. The Romans were against the Messiah and his people))

  So you can see plainly that this Babylon is not talking about the literal place or land mass that used to be called Babylon but its a spiritual version of that place. That the latter day Israelites would be mixed in nothing has changed throughout all of our captivities. A world wide conglomerate of Rome that was full of Idolatry and mischief not to mention confusion of a demonic level. If you want to see more on this read Revelation 11:18 Isaiah 47 and Psalms 137:7-9.

  I understand that this version of Babylon did not start in what we know as America (See the wickedness of the Roman Catholic Church) today but corruption seeps into every crack if not cleansed. What started in Europe has infected the planet and “America” is now the seat of power and the Roman Catholic Church along with the priests of Mahon are the drivers. There is no other place on that planet that meets this criteria by biblical definition. Rome never died it was ….transformed.

It also says in verse 2 that this is and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. We have to deal with this because again I stress John is not just saying things for nothing there is a message in the Matrix that only Israelites can see. That is if you understand the old testament and god doesn’t change like i said this is and was written in code.

Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird

((This is the phrase we want to deal with next lets break it down))

The Term Is Fallen x 2 KJV translates Strong’s G4098 in the following manner =

to descend from a higher place to a lower or metaph. to fall under judgment, came under condemnation.

((But wait Israelites world wide the scripture says Has Fallen twice!))

So can anyone tell me when in History did “Rome” fall a second time? The Answer is no only 1/2 of Rome was defeated.

Lets keep moving forward.

The Habitation = G2732 in the following manner an abode, a habitation :Ephesians 2:22; Revelation 18:2. (the Sept.; the Epistle of Barnabas <=== (Why do most Israelite camps teach not to read other “Books”)


Of Devils = KJV translates Strong’s G1142 in the following manner a dæmon or supernatural spirit (of a bad nature):—devil. In the N. evil spirit (see δαιμόνιον, 2): Matthew 8:31; Mark 5:12 [R L]; Luke 8:29 R G L marginal reading]; Revelation 16:14 (Rec.);Rev 18:2(where L T Tr WHδαιμονίων). [B. D. (especially American edition) under the word Demon

Ok now the picture is starting to come into focus lets see what we have so far.

  The Spiritual Rome has fallen 2 times and has become the chief home or house of SUPERNATURAL wicked evil malicious spirits (See Ephesians 6:10).This explains why the apostles were warning us that a spiritual fight was coming and we needed the entire armor of TMH. Lets keep going and learning as a family( See Ephesians 6:10). 

  One thing to keep in mind This Rome in the scripture has not fallen a second time yet but I think we can all agree the world of Babylon is being judged Covid19 is a good example. Lets keep digging deeper.

The Hold” = KJV translates Strong’s G5438 in the following manner of the place where captives are kept, a prison, of the time (of night) during which guard was kept, a watch i.e. a period of time during which part of the guard was on duty, and at the end of which others relieved them. As the earlier Greeks divided the night commonly into three parts, so, previous to the exile, the Israelites also had three watches in a night; subsequently, however, after they became subject to the Romans, they adopted the Roman custom of dividing the night into four watches



This is key its telling you that the Israelites would be captive into all nations as it says in many places in the bible and it was our job to keep watch and to pray hard for deliverance. Spiritually  if you look at Romans 13:12 its saying the night is far spent and the day is coming. Once this Babylon (Rome America or that system) falls this time we will be in the care of the father and the son in perpetual light. “The Hold or jail” is more than a cage its a place where the Israelites would be serving their punishment till the Messiah comes. This is why it says that the angels have to come get us where ever we are scattered. We are in the 3rd day now as you are reading this or the 3rd night.


“Foul” “Spirit” = Watch this family this is heavy definition of the greek word Foul The KJV translates Strong’s G169 in the following manner not cleansed, unclean in a ceremonial sense: that which must be abstained from according to the Levitical law in a moral sense: unclean in thought and life

ἀκάθαρτος akáthartos, ak-ath’-ar-tos or Foul (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G2508 (meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially, morally (lewd) or specially, (demonic)):—foul, unclean.

Spirit” = a spirit higher than man but lower than God, i.e. an angel used of demons, or evil spirits, who were conceived as ==> inhabiting the bodies of men<== READ THAT CLOSELY John was not crazy.


See what happens when you dig into the words! So as the Israelites are governed by TMH the son and the Holy Spirit (Which is more than just scripture). The rulers of Darkness or Foul Spirits are ruled by Demons of all sorts. This is why you need to look up phrases and study other books. The book of Maccabees was taken out for a reason along with many other so called Apocryphal books that were deemed by Esau to be heretical but yet as written above he knows the book of Barnabas .

  Ephesians 2:2 tells you who the prince of the breath of air is. Also you got what Christ was saying in John 14:30 a time was coming where Rome was going to take over by wicked spirits controlled by Satan himself. Christ even told  Pilot that this is not my kingdom if it was my servants would fight for me. If it was not Christs kingdom yet who was ruling? Who was ruling in the time of Christ? It had to be the foul Spirits of the prince of the air. The book of Romans was written for a reason it tells you who was ruling. Who was trying to kill Christ and who did he work for?

Revelation 18:4 and Revelation 21:8 continued the pit gets deeper

So we understand in Revelation 18:2 that the foul spirit are the agents of the devil himself and “Babylon” is the cage that holds them all but what is this hateful bird that represents babylon? What Foul Spirit Bird is not clean according to the levitical law? ((See Above Foul Spirit of the Air))

and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every

unclean and hateful bird

So we understand in Revelation 18:2 that the foul spirit are the agents of the devil himself and “Babylon” is the cage that holds them all but what is this hateful bird that represents babylon? What Foul Spirit Bird is not clean according to the levitical law? ((See Above Foul Spirit of the Air)) So now we need to look and see if anywhere in the bible does it talk about unclean birds of prey and for reference we are talking about the Eagle. Whos symbol is the eagle today?

Leviticus 11:13

And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

The eagle.As the king of the birds, the eagle stands first in the list. It denotes here all the species of the eagle proper. Also is the Symbolic flag of Rome America see Edom or Spaniards.

(( Deuteronomy 28:49, Baruch 4th chapter and Daniel 7th and 8th chapter Habbakkuk 2:4-15 with many many more precepts))

We are commanded not to go anywhere near the eagle and partake of none of his/her ways because its a defiled bird physically and spiritually. If you are looking for the bible to say AMERICA you are being willingly blind to what is being said this is a salvation issue you need to know where YOU ARE CURRENTLY. Here I will let Esdras (Ezra) tell you himself via the holy spirit who this bird is!

2 Esdras 11:1, 37-46

Then saw I a dream, and, behold, there came up from the sea an eagle,

which had twelve feathered wings, and three heads.

And I beheld, and lo, as it were a roaring lion chased out of the wood

and I saw that he sent out a man’s voice unto the eagle, and said,

38Hear thou, I will talk with thee, and the Highest shall say unto thee


39Art not thou it that remainest of the four beasts,

whom I made to reign in my world, that the end of their times might come through them?

((Is this not the same beast mentioned in the book of Daniel? Lets See))

40And the fourth came, and overcame all the beasts that were past,

and had power over the world with great fearfulness, and over the whole compass of the earth with much wicked oppression; and so long time dwelt he upon the earth with deceit.

41 For the earth hast thou not judged with truth.

42  For thou hast afflicted the meek, thou hast hurt the peaceable, thou hast loved liars,

and destroyed the dwellings of them that brought forth fruit, and hast cast down the walls of such as did thee no harm.

((Who did this world wide?))

43 Therefore is thy wrongful dealing come up unto the Highest, and thy pride unto the Mighty.

44 The Highest also hath looked upon the proud times, and, behold, they are ended, and his abominations are fulfilled.

45 And therefore appear no more, thou eagle, nor thy horrible wings,

nor thy wicked feathers nor thy malicious heads, nor thy hurtful claws, nor all thy vain body:

(What Nation in 2021 fits this?)

46 That all the earth may be refreshed, and may return, being delivered from thy violence,

and that she may hope for the judgment and mercy of him that made her.

Now if that was not plain enough for you watch this family its about to get really clear where we are today. For a reference point who was ruling after the book of Revelation? Lets see what was also said to brother Esdras via the Angels of TMH READ CLOSELY.

2 Esdras 12:8-13

Comfort me then, and shew me thy servant the interpretation and plain difference of this fearful vision, that thou mayest perfectly comfort my soul.

9 For thou hast judged me worthy to shew me the last times.

10 And he said unto me, This is the interpretation of the vision:

11The eagle, whom thou sawest come up from the sea, is the kingdom which was seen in the vision of thy brother Daniel.

12But it was not expounded unto him, therefore now I declare it unto thee.

((Get around that! See is why they took the book of Barnabas and the book of 2 Esdras OUT OF YOUR BIBLE))

13Behold, the days will come, that there shall rise up a kingdom upon earth, and it shall be feared above all the kingdoms that were before it.

Wait there is more! That is not all about the hateful bird this was written for a reason John was very careful with his clues, and so were the rest of the prophets.

And the lion, whom thou sawest rising up out of the wood, and roaring, and speaking to the eagle, and rebuking her for her unrighteousness with all the words which thou hast heard;

(See Revelation 5:5 and also 2 Esdras 11 the Lion is Christ)

32 This is the anointed, which the Highest hath kept for them and for their wickedness unto the end: he shall reprove them, and shall upbraid them with their cruelty.

33For he shall set them before him alive in judgment, and shall rebuke them, and correct them.

34  For the rest of my people shall he deliver with mercy, those that have been pressed upon my borders, and he shall make them joyful until the coming of the day of judgment, whereof I have spoken unto thee from the beginning.

((Reference Isaiah 14:1-5 then jump to 20-21))

The Book of Barnabas The hidden truth they didn’t want you to read more on that hateful bird


Now, in that Moses said, “Ye shall not eat swine, nor an eagle, nor a hawk, nor a crow, nor any fish which has no scales on itself,” he included three doctrines in his understanding. 

Moreover he says to them in Deuteronomy, “And I will make a covenant of my ordinances with this people.” So then the ordinance of God is not abstinence from eating, but Moses spoke in the spirit.

((So we are about to get a spiritual lesson take notes))


Neither shalt thou eat the eagle nor the hawk nor the kite nor the crow.” Thou shalt not, he means, join thyself or make thyself like to such men, as do not know how to gain their food by their labor and sweat, but plunder other people’s property in their iniquity, and lay wait for it,

((Anyone want to tell me how the Europeans got America? and What was their symbol? Who conquered the Philippines and Mexico? NOW DO YOU SEE WHY THEY TOOK THIS OUT?))


though they seem to walk in innocence, and look round to see whom they may plunder in their covetousness, just as these birds alone provide no food for themselves, but sit idle, and seek how they may devour the flesh of others, and become pestilent in their iniquity.

Now lets place all the pieces of the biblical puzzle together and see how this is supposed to read. Lets see if you are to trust ANYTHING Babylon says or am I just making shit up. As it is written let GOD be true but every man a Liar Romans 3:3. Here it is in plain English

The Spiritual Roman Kingdom (Daughter of Babylon Psalms 137) has fallen once but has yet to fall the second time but we are to watch and be mindful pray for deliverance without stopping.

His Chief House is in high places and is prophesied to be taken down fulling in due season. The leaders are ran by Devils or Foul Spirits or supernatural being you can also reference Ephesians 6:10 see Principalities. This is why our fight is not carnal this time. They take and destroy what is not theirs on a global level.

This Kingdom of Wickedness is holding the Israelites captive to this day until the time of the gentiles be completed Luke 21:20-24. We follow the holy ghost Yahawahshi and Yahawah for our guidance but the prince of the power of air also has their leaders. If the earth is given to the wicked (Job 9:24) has it ever changed hands since the time of Christ?

(Acts 1:6, Ecclesiasticus-10-8)

You would know this wicked final kingdom as the Eagle because they would leave their signature world wide (John 10:10). Daniel, Ezra, Christ, Habakkuk, Barnabas, Enoch and Micah with other prophets have told you of this nation to come WAY before the book of Revelation but as it is written we are a stiff necked people. Here is Wisdom as the scripture says. The Eagle is code for Edom, Or Esau, Idumea a type of Egypt  or oppressor (Isaiah 19:1-2) Who was the kingdom after the Greeks written about by brother Daniel?

Revelation 18:-5 breakdown continued this is deep stuff Israel lets keep moving ……

Revelation 18:5 = For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

  Here is a question that most are afraid to ask. When Israel or the Israelites as a nation sinned against TMH were they punished with the wound of an enemy? If you spent anytime in the new or old testament you would have to answer Yes. So if TMH is a just power (The Most High ) surely the nations shall reap what they sow. As it is written in Proverbs 11:1 an Unjust weight is an abomination with TMH.

In revelation 18:3-5 its pretty clear God is pissed at the nations (Zechariah 1:15) for what they have done to Israel and the planet. The “Her” in that passage is the whore called Mystery Babylon or if you go to Psalms 137 shes called the daughter of Edom or its written in Isaiah 47 the same way.

For all of you simple ones that say HEY IT DOESNT SAY AMERICA well it doesnt say a lot of new speak names in the old or NT, its the spirit of the matter and us Israelites know the spirit of the oppressor that had us in bondage.

You might argue Edom is done away with or no longer exists but then you have to throw out not only the entire book of Obadiah but Isaiah 34 and Exodus 17 where he says he will have war with Amalek from Generation to Generation.

So if Edom is still here that means the Israelites are still here ( Jeremiah 31:36) which means This judgment in Revelation 18:4 has to come to pass. The red Dragon Must Fall.

Hear me good all of you so called “Blessed and highly favored lying preachers in the pulpit”. After you read this article the blood is off my hands. YOU are telling your people to get the damn Nano-poisoned Covid19 shot while the most high said DO NOT PUT THAT CRAP IN YOUR BODY……

You will sit in front of the angels and Yahawahshi and have to explain that but I can no longer be silent on this issue or I will suffer your fate (Leviticus 5:1). For by revelation I have written truth in hopes to save the remnant.

When you read closely to the scriptures its telling you that us Israelites in the last days would be in Babylon (Global System) but to get out of her just like TMH told Lot and his wife to get out before the fire fell from the sky.

Lots wife looked back as some of you are doing right now. You say things like Oh .. My business is doing well or I am so tied up here I cannot go. Or some of you love America so much that you cannot believe these people are trying to break you in 2 just like Pharaoh did in Egypt. For some camps break this scripture down spiritual and for others physical today you will see both sides of the coin.

What does Revelation 18:8 have to do with Reveation 20:8?

I cannot take credit for this info as a matter of fact I am probably posting this info a little late because I am sure the spirit has shown other Israelites this and youtube vids are done and articles. Yahawahshi does things according to what the father says so now the spirit came on me to give this to you. To understand where I am coming from here in Revelation 18:8.

Revelation 18:8 = Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

One of many precepts for this is 2 Esdras chapter 15 and 16 but we will focus on the word plague.

STRONGS NT 4127: πληγή or Plague = a public calamity, heavy affliction (cf. English plague) (now tormenting now destroying the bodies of men, and sent by God as a punishment):

Although man creates weapons of mass destruction its always TMH who controls the smith of the weapons being made so who created Covid19? This is not to cause you to debate or cause an argument this verse says the “Plagues” thats with an letter S meaning more than 1.

How many different variants of the virus are alive now? Last report was over 4000 active viruses. Israelites hear me good this is not written in vain Covid is 1 of many viruses and plagues to come get out of Babylon Physically and Mentally if you can.

The question must be asked then again who came up with this new virus? Even a better question is who made up the so called cure or vaccine? Is it the same people? We shall see right now.

TMH called the end from the beginning has TMH ever destroyed a people with their own inventions or did Yahawah ever make an enemy fight themselves just to destroy them?

Revelation 21:8 = But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

We want to deal with the word Sorcerers. We will come back to the rest but when you learn what this is really saying you will get a gut punch and things will become clear why this verse goes right along with revelation 18. I dont want anyone to say Im making this up so we are going to show you its not just me that knows this.

The final Nail in the coffin of lies the true definition of Sorcerer in Revelation 21:8

Sorcerer Revelation 21:8 definition = pharmakeus far-mak-yoos

From pharmakon (a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion) a druggist (“pharmacist“) ==> or poisoner<==, i.e. (by extension) a magician:—sorcerer.

one who prepares or uses magical remedies sorcerer

Strong’s Number G5332 matches the Greek φαρμακεύς ( pharmakeus),
which occurs 1 times in 1 verses in the Greek concordance of the KJV

Do you see it now? Can you understand how deep John the Revelator was and what he was trying to show you. This was not written for his time thus only 1 precept there were no “Pharmacies” in that time we had the Apothecary herbal healers. There was no CVS in those times.

We are living inside of prophecy right now and we are a living testament to the precept he was trying to reveal. Watch this Israelites there is more.

Pharmakon, in philosophy and critical theory, is a composite of three meanings: remedy, poison, and scapegoat.

  The first and second senses refer to the everyday meaning of pharmacology (and to its sub-field, toxicology), deriving from the Greek source term φάρμακον (phármakon), denoting any drug, while the third sense refers to the pharmakos ritual of human sacrifice. Source

The Ritual of Pharmakos You need to OVERSTAND this point family!

A slave, a cripple, or a criminal was chosen and expelled from the community at times of disaster (famine, invasion or plague) or at times of calendrical crisis.  It was believed that this would bring about purification. On the first day of the Thargelia, a festival of Apollo at Athens, two men, the Pharmakoi, were led out as if to be sacrificed as an expiation.

Now does it make sense why they want to give this to all the “Black” nations first? Who is a slave and has low health conditions that they created with their drugs? We are the experiment we are the target or the rats in a cage and when they flip the damn switch for all of you that have that crap in your system it will be the walking dead in this bitch. Hell dont believe me the CDC on their official site told you this. We are always the last to know by the time we get the message its too late. Why do you think the shot is changing your DNA to destroy your Vmat gene or God Gene? You can still find the video online where Bill Gates explains this is plain detail. Why do you think there are Nanobots in the syringe? If they can send messages out from the Bots then they can send them through the bots.

There is tons more info on these wicked pharmacies but I think you can recognize why this was named Sorcery. If you read the verse as its supposed to be read then its clear TMH has spoken do not deal with the Pharma. Or in other words of wisdom come out of her my people.

Some of you have already taken this shot of abomination and there is nothing I can do for you its in the hands of the father now. You cannot dig out the Nanites roaming through your body or the RNA altering code going through your veins.

Am I saying there is no hope? I can only tell you what the scripture says there is a chapter dedicated to the prodigal Son so all hope is not lost but there is warnings right now of people hearing voices after they took that shot. Pharmacies are meant to treat not to cure.

A remedy is a treatment which means temporary but a cure is permanent. TMH gives herbs for a lasting cure. Read Medical Apartheid and see for yourself how many experiments they did on us in the name of “Science”.

If a signal or a message can be sent by the Nanites then a message can be sent to them. If they are connected to your brain then you do the math.

This verse in revelation is clear the second death is waiting for those who turn to white man science over the power of TMH to deliver you from all your trouble. Also it is written choose you this day whom you will server. Would any of the apostles take the shot?

Now lets finish looking at the entire verse with clarity. Because this is who God is NOT PROTECTING.


But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

The Fearful δειλός = deilos timid, fearful faithless
Christians who through cowardice give way under persecutions and apostatize. Matthew 8:26 Mark 4:40 Revelation 21:8 Romans 8:35 shows you that nothing should tear you away from this walk in faith.

Unbelieving ((apistos)) = The KJV translates Strong’s G571 in the following manner: that believe not , unbelieving ,faithless, unbeliever , infidel , thing incredible , which believe not. unfaithful, faithless, (not to be trusted, perfidious) or in other words without trust (in Yahwah or Yahawahshi).

Abominable ((bdelyssō)) = The KJV translates Strong’s G948 in the following manner bdel-oos’-so; from a (presumed) derivative of βδέω bdéō (to stink); to be disgusted, i.e. (by implication) detest (especially of idolatry):—abhor, abominable. In otherwords Idolatry worship of ones self.

Murderers = phoneus (fon-yooce ) fon-yooce’; from G5408;

a murderer (always of criminal (or at least intentional) homicide; which G443 does not necessarily imply; while G4607 is a special term for a public bandit):—murderer.

((This is also Spiritual Murder see 1 John 3:15))

Whoremonger = pornos The KJV translates Strong’s G4205 in the following manner

a man who prostitutes his body to another’s lust for hire

a male prostitute

a man who indulges in unlawful sexual intercourse, a fornicator


πόρνος pórnos, por’-nos; from πέρνημι pérnēmi (to sell; akin to the base of G4097); a (male) prostitute (as venal), i.e. (by analogy) a debauchee (>>libertine<<):—fornicator,


libertine Definition = a person who is morally or sexually unrestrained, especially a dissolute man; a profligate; rake. a person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or a sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.

((Now do you see why the Almighty Yahawah and Yahawahshi said come out of her my people? But wait there is more))

Revelation 18:4 is a quick lesson in obedience

Lets Expose the Doctors of this world which means to falsify by definition they have been lying all along.

Sorcerer or Witch doctor or Potion Witch Pharmacist = pharmakeús, far-mak-yoos’;

from φάρμακον phármakon

(a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician:—sorcerer ((See Above ))

Idolator = eidōlolatrēs The KJV translates Strong’s G1496 in the following manner

a worshipper of false gods, a idolater

used of any one even Christian, participant in any way in the worship of the heathen, esp. one who attends their sacrificial feasts and eats of the remains of offered victims

((See wicked holidays Christmas or Halloween, Thanksgiving))

a covetous man as a worshipper of Mammon

((Someone obsessed with money as a form of salvation))

Liars = pseudēs lying, deceitful, false  ψευ δής pseudḗs,

psyoo-dace’; from G5574; untrue, i.e. erroneous, deceitful, wicked:—false, liar.

((This is where you get pseudo Science from See Liar above))

So far as hell is concerned I wrote an article a while back on this site describing Hell and Heaven so you can look that up when you want to learn more. The debate on this article is not weather hell or heaven exists its the fact this this place ALL the wicked are heading to. Isaiah 66:24 gives a rather graphic account to the matter.

And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

Im not here to convince you either way just stating that I for one do not wish to be in that number of burning agony which is the second death, because I was tied to the system god said to GET AWAY from. You might get your “Trinkets” and “Gifts” in this life but when you stand in front of the maker and he asks you why did you take the shot for your salvation instead of the Messiah? I for one do not want to have that conversation. Also you can refer to 2 Esdras 9:9-12

9. Then shall they be in pitiful case, which now have abused my ways: and they that have cast them away despitefully shall dwell in torments.

For such as in their life have received benefits, and have not known me;

And they that have loathed my law, while they had yet liberty, and, when as yet place of repentance was open unto them, understood not, but despised it;

The same must know it after death by pain.


2 Esdras 15: 8,22-25 ((Read this entire chapter see for yourself the Judgement that is here))


I will hold my tongue no more as touching their wickedness, which they profanely commit, neither will I suffer them in those things, in which they wickedly exercise themselves: behold, the innocent and righteous blood crieth unto me, and the souls of the just complain continually.

((Precept is Revelation 6:10-11))

22. My right hand shall not spare the sinners, and my sword shall not cease over them that shed innocent blood upon the earth. ((Whos the right hand of Yahawah?))

23 The fire is gone forth from his wrath, and hath consumed the foundations of the earth, and the sinners, like the straw that is kindled. ((Burning Death see again Revelation 21:8))

24 Woe to them that sin, and keep not my commandments! saith the Lord. ((His commandment was Come out of her MY PEOPLE))

25 I will not spare them: go your way, ye children, from the power, defile not my sanctuary. ((What Sanctuary is he talking about? See 1 Corinthians 3:16))

Now do you see the damage you can do to yourself for lack of faith and belief? Now do you see why taking the Corona Jab is against TMH and his son? Like my uncle used to say tho … some people need to get hit with the bus to know it hurts.

There is not much more I can write on the matter of the Microchip or Nanobots I did a great article that to this day people are trying to hack this site to take it down. These plandemic of shut downs and forced vaccinations are all biblical.

They have been trying to take us out (The 12 tribes of Israel) since Exodus as was said in the beginning of this article. Even here where I stay in the south seas the Green Pass is being considered and people are being told no shot no shop or business.

New York and other American companies are implementing the vaccine as mandatory if you try to tell this truth on FB or other social media platforms you get a “Fact Check” by white supremacists that are part of THAT system.


Maybe all of what I said is nonsense to you maybe you do not believe in TMH much less Revelation 18:4 to you I say good luck but one day very soon you will look for articles such as this one and have no more real knowledge.

How many more videos and articles must us True Israelites place in front of you heathens to understand? For the last time RNA and Nanobot tech is in the damn shot look it up for yourself. You cannot take that shot and still claim you believe in TMH and fear him after this article.

In closing Im going to show you what the elites are afraid to show you. There is a reason the book of Enoch and other books of that realm were “Hidden”. Your enemy has told you only use the 80 books but im going to show you that Enoch and Barnabas said on the matter so long ago.

To those of you with eyes to see and ears to hear this will be as plain as ice water but to those of you with stiff necks and no understanding you will call it nonsense. I present to you the 2 paths of truth. Remember when Christ said you cannot serve 2 masters? Im going to show you the dark path because the judgement for this path is written in Revelation 18.



Book of Barnabas “2 paths of truth”

Now let us pass on to another lesson and teaching. There are two Ways of teaching and power, one of Light and one of Darkness.

And there is a great difference between the two Ways. For over the one are set light-bringing angels of God, but over the other angels of Satan.

2 And the one is Lord from eternity and to eternity, and the other is the ruler of the present time of iniquity.

((Good is set against evil Sirach 33:14-15))


The Way of Darkness Unlocked for all to see

1 But the Way of the Black One is crooked and full of cursing, for it is the way of death eternal with punishment, and in it are the things that destroy their soul:

idolatry, frowardness, arrogance of power, hypocrisy, double-heartedness, adultery.

Murder, robbery, pride, transgression, fraud, malice, self-sufficiency, enchantments, magic, covetousness, the lack of the fear of God;

Persecutors of the good, haters of the truth, lovers of lies, knowing not the reward of righteousness, who “cleave not to the good,” nor to righteous judgment, who attend not to the cause of the widow and orphan.

Spending wakeful nights not in the fear of God, but in the pursuit of vice, from whom meekness and patience are far and distant, “loving vanity, seeking rewards,” without pity for the poor.

Working not for him who is oppressed with toil, prone to evil speaking, without knowledge of their Maker, murderers of children, corrupters of God’s creation, turning away the needy, oppressing the afflicted, advocates of the rich, unjust judges of the poor, altogether sinful.


((Does that sound like a warning to come out of her and a quote of Revelation 21:8 all in 1?))



Book of Enoch chapter 94 Warning against the path of the wicked

And now I say unto you the righteous

Walk not in the paths of wickedness, nor in the paths of death,

==> And draw not nigh to them, lest ye be destroyed.<==

But seek and choose for yourselves righteousness and an elect life,

And walk in the paths of peace,

And ye shall live and prosper.

And hold fast my words in the thoughts of your hearts,

And suffer them not to be effaced from your hearts;

For I know that sinners will tempt men to evilly-entreat wisdom,

So that no place may be found for her

((In Short Come out of her MY PEOPLE))

The scripture says those with an ear to hear let them hear. The book of Revelation is not a new concept Enoch and many other prophets places prophetic blocks in place ages before the book of Revelation was written. Either join with the righteous all ye of the Israelites or join with satan the god of this present sinful world, because Revelation 18:4 tells you that you cannot have both.

Will you take the Sorcery Poison of the Heathen called Pharmakia or Pharmacist? Or will you choose TMH’s Vaccine of eternal life. 2 paths 2 judgments choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we shall choose Yahawah.

Shalom Family

Come see the top 10 ways God has hacked the planet in 2020 and Beyond

You might of hacked my site but God has hacked the planet

Come see the top 10 ways God has hacked the planet in 2020


God has hacked the planet earth in more ways than one, those that are blessed to see can see it, He is showing that the earth is his and all that live in it one simple truth. He is the King Maker the Kingdom shaper and the last word when it comes to what happens here.  While many enemies of the truth and of gods people were trying to hack sites like this one God has hacked the earth.


  When a Hacker get a hold of your information and life he means to disrupt it on a massive scale. When Malware is placed into a PC is causes havoc and sometimes an entire reset of your computer’s OS (operating system) needs to be reset. If you didnt take notice 2020 has been turned on it’s head and things will never be the same its clear that TMH has hacked life as we know it.

A message to the hackers of your efforts were for nothing TMH sees you and has written down your actions


  You might of wondered why on there were no new articles as of late well, I will tell you straight what happened the site was mega hacked. I guess this one and only article will show how that was fruitless and you will be judged for attacking this outlet of truth. I had protections on the site and what have you but in the end the enemies of truth cannot stand the light. I am not the only one that was harassed many Israelites were going through the same madness. We are back now and strengthened to push even harder.

The famine of the word is coming soon and those that are inside the light will have the father and the son guiding their ways but those who work for the devil and the priest of Mahon will do wickedly and be left to utter darkness. 

While you were busy trying to disrupt and disturb and misdirect readers here God has hacked the planet. I am going to show you the top 10 ways God has hacked the planet and America, so you wicked children of Satan will know your time is UP.

TMH is not pleased with you nations and hackers especially those of you that do your dirt from a laptop or a computer in the comfort of your own home. Google and Facebook and other media outlets run of algorithms that were written by man “To search out different info”. 

They then take this info and either “Hack” someone’s account that speaks truth or they do other malicious tasks that disrupt the message. If this site was lying about what’s printed why hack it? You believe you are save in you cubical of firewalls and cyber codes?  The funny thing is you believe you will not be judged for the actions you think are done in the dark.

  I had to rebuild this entire site from the ground up 7 times in order to protect my readers from the acts of the wicked, so they can learn to repent before it’s too late, but as you know there is always that ONE guy who because hes not invited to the party wants to ruin it for everyone else.

  Galatians 6:7 =  and neither are his servants mocked you might of delayed the truth but you stopped NOTHING. His word does not go out void whether you hear or forbare you have been warned. Whoever it was that hacked this site in the dark shall be brought to TMH’s eyes are 1000 times brighter than the sun and he sees what you attempted to do you shall be judged. Even if you do not believe it does not mean the Angels and the father and the son do not know who you are. 2 Corinthians 5:10 is plain as ice water you will have to pay for your deeds against TMH’s children and their message.

If this site was talking about twerking or the cutest kittens on earth I would of never had to rebuild this site but what you meant for evil TMH meant for good. So while you were busy trying to stop THIS message TMH was hacking the planet and America. In short the battle is over you already lost.

Top 10 ways God has hacked the planet and America


  1. Economic Collapse and Unemployment World Wide
  2. Social Collapse and mistrust of the social Media
  3. Racial Divide the feud of Jacob and Esau renewed
  4. Seed of Wickedness Revealed finally, but who is it?
  5. Global hate of the Whore of Babylon 2 Timothy 3:1-4 unlocked
  6. School System is now Home Schooling who will rise to the top?
  7. Your Churches have been shut down famine of the word is upon us
  8. Prophesy are coming to pass in your face TMH is showing you what the truth is
  9. Check the Weather you will see the truth TMH is in the storm
  10. Famine of the word is coming ASAP then total darkness

Coronavirus or Covid19 attack on the globe and America means a change in rulership

  It’s not a far fetched assumption to believe that 2020 has permanently changed the landscape of the world and America. As I stated in an article earlier in the year that this virus was only the start no one believed me. Coronavirus marked a chapter in our lives that shall go down as the biggest event of our age so far.

  Did you know that this plague dubbed the “Covid19 or Invisible enemy” was not the first time the father sent a message of this magnitude.  TMH and his angels are very busy hacking the planet with plagues and warnings to the people but no one is listening to the message. The fact is the world is blessing the wrong Israelites, and the father is fed up. Why do we know this information and not you?

As the scripture says in Amos 3:7 and Deuteronomy 29:29 for starters. Am I claiming that I have 300% truth and my word is law? NO that would be prideful and not give honor to the father. I am telling you us that are called the True Israelite knows what is happening because time will show you Gods Foot Print because the father is known by his judgements (( Psalms 9:6)). Plus the real prophets of Yahawahshi do what Jeremiah did in Jeremiah 28:8-10. It’s been burning my spirit to give you this message, the time has come to choose a side. Either you stand with the father and the son or the devil you cannot serve 2 masters.

As you have treated us Real Israelites for a very long time God has been bringing down the hammer and removing world leaders because of wickedness. (Ecclesiasticus 10:8-9 Daniel 4:17). Some of you will see this chart and realize that time is very short indeed. Before every Kingdom fell there was always a major event or a Plague of sorts.

See where the Black Plague starts? Who was ruling at that time? ((FYI I do not own the rights to this chart its for informational purposes))

Pandemic proof god is hacking the planet

Deuteronomy 32:29 and 1 Samuel 2:6-10

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.

The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.

The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill,

to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory:

for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.

He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

The adversaries (Enemies) of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.

If you call yourself a bible believer then you must recognize TMH power of Israel rules in this kingdom and Coronavirus was a weapon he spread world wide to disrupt the status quo or “Hack” the planet and this was not the first time.

I bet the father has your attention now. According to the chart above there have been many plagues but look where the plagues start getting more frequent. Start at the “Black Plague” and start working your way down. Look at the dates and who was ruling in the parts before and after. They didnt call it the “BLACK” plague for nothing.

According to many sources Negroes that ruled Europe during the so called Dark Ages and when the Black Plague ushered in the downfall of us Israelites of Spain, and brought in what you now know as the Renaissance Rule. What I have noticed is a pattern on Kingdoms falling and Rising and what comes before every Kingdoms Fall is a Plague like Covid19 or the Black Plague. Question: was this plague really meant to affect everyone on the planet, or are they fudging the numbers.

Just like a virus on your computer sometimes it’s so bad and so malicious you need to replace the entire computer, now use that same thought and look at America. According to certain articles when the Black Plague was rolling through Europe the Negroes or Moors got slammed with an uncurbable affliction. Not all of us fell from the disease some of us in ghettos were prospering (See Goshen) and living life just like now. Arguments were on both sides what the actual numbers were of those who died and lived just like today with this pandemic.

  Just like today they tell you on the news outlets that Negroes catch the virus more than any other race but the facts do not prove that. As a matter of fact Melatonin is Melanin and is extracted from African Americans (Judah Benjamin Levi) because we have the highest forms of it in our body naturally from our pineal glands. Is this why so many of our black brothers and sisters come up missing? Where do you think they get the Melatonin PILLS FROM!? They claim they take it as a sleep aid but there is more to it than that.

Which is it do we really get Covid19 faster than anyone else? Why do you think they are breaking their necks to get us to take this Covid19 cure? Am I a doctor? Absolutely not but someone needs to dig into this because there is more meat on this bone then what they are telling us.

The highest melatonin levels are in AfricanAmericans. In each racial … Extraction of melatonin and its metabolites from human epidermis. Source is here

We are happy to report that another group of clinics have also started using the melatonin in COVID with great success.

“Right now I am working with another doctor who is treating a group of COVID patients in a nursing home in South Texas, and they are responding well to the melatonin,” Dr. Neel said. Source 

Analysis of patient data from Cleveland Clinic’s COVID-19 registry also revealed that melatonin usage was associated with a nearly 30 percent reduced likelihood of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) after adjusting for age, race, smoking history and various disease comorbidities. Notably, the reduced likelihood of testing positive for the virus increased from 30 to 52 percent for African Americans when adjusted for the same variables. Source

The long list of potential COVID-19 treatments that researchers have suggested has one more addition: melatonin. A Texas doctor claims that he has treated 400 COVID-19 patients with the hormone, with few individuals developing severe enough cases to require hospitalization. 

They even try to blame us for the plague being here but yea ….that started in China. Fun fact though guess who funded the project in China? Ill just leave that one hanging in the air for a moment. No one gives TMH credit for his might, he is not called el shaddai demon like power for nothing.

Coronavirus or Covid19 attack on the globe and America means a change in rulership, so you think that this plague is Random? As we say in the streets “Yo ass better ask somebody what the real is”. We are in the days of prophecy and wonderous signs just like we fell during the black plague now a new unseen enemy is loose.

In the bible there is a critical story written about Antiochus and how he believed in his pride that he was going to destroy the Israelites and rape rob and murder them and TMH was going to sit back and do nothing. Pride comes before the fall and as sure as the united states does not follow the commandments, TMH will not break his word to Israel.



2 Maccabees 9:5, 8-9

  But the Lord the God of Israel, that seeth all things, struck him with an incurable and an invisible plague. For as soon as he had ended these words, a dreadful pain in his bowels came upon him, and bitter torments of the inner parts.

  Thus he that seemed to himself to command even the waves of the sea, being proud above the condition of man, and to weigh the heights of the mountains in a balance, now being cast down to the ground, was carried in a litter, bearing witness to the manifest power of God in himself:

So that worms swarmed out of the body of this man, and whilst he lived in sorrow and pain, his flesh fell off, and the filthiness of his smell was noisome to the army.

See  thats is the power of Yahawahshi and the father Yahawah, us Israelites understand that he sends the plagues to individuals and nations alike. Sometimes its a warning and sometimes a punishment, remember when David Numbered the Children of Israel? Up above I showed how different plagues effected different people. Yes some Israelites catch Covid 19 TMH’s will cannot be broken he said if we sinned we would be hit with plagues in Deuteronomy 28:61. Nations are also held is great judgement especially those that abuse gods real chosen people. Antiochus learned this lesson the hard way. Lets see what happened to the Israelites and brother David.

1 Chronicles 21:16

Then David looked up and saw the angel of the Lord standing between earth and heaven. The angel had his sword in his hand, held out over Jerusalem. Then David and the leaders fell on their faces.

If he did this to us for disobeying his word how much more is he about to punish the planet and America? Like I said you might of hacked my site but God is hacking your planet. Did he not say do his prophets no harm? You have been warned. You better repent before you learn as Antiochus did our father does not play! When it comes to breaking Gods laws as the USA does there is no respect of persons.

Economic Collapse and Unemployment World Wide explained

was it God or Man?

Ok so lets look at this realistically, and lets not let our feelings get in the way. The fact is even if you do not believe in God you must admit from March 2020 till now this income situation has been vexing at the least.

Now was that god or man that brought this pandemic well us True Israelites believe nothing is done on accident. Lets look at a case study of Rome. There are a few key factors that led to the fall of that massive empire. Let’s take a look at what was going on RIGHT BEFORE they went down to the dust.

The kingdom of Rome’s economy depended on slaves to till its fields and work as craftsmen, and its military might had traditionally provided a fresh influx of conquered peoples to put to work.

Rome fell through a gradual process because poor economic policies led to a weakened military which allowed the barbarians easy access to the empire. … Source

In the third century, Rome’s emperors embraced harmful economic policies which led to Rome’s decline and ultimate fall Source

How many times have African Americans marched or protested for Reparations for the slave labor that our forefathers bleed and died for? A even better question is after ALL these years of peaceful protests and martyrdom  has the needle not moved an inch against these racists laws and programs? How come we are going to prison for crimes we didnt even commit? You vote and vote until your fingers are sore and what for? All you are doing is voting for a new slave master every 4 years. We are still slaves in this captivity although we are breaking some chains of darkness and confusion we have yet to unite under Yahawahshi.

  An even better question is how come America and the other Roman European powers have not balanced the scales but in fact have worsen the affliction of Israelites Globally?  It’s a raw slap in the face when your country was built on slave labor and have no mercy on the slaves or the children. Does not the scriptures state woe to those who build their house with other mens labor and blood and uses his services without wages Jeremiah 22:13 Habakkuk 2:12?

Yet for all that they keep coming up with programs that do nothing to place food on the table. America however has pulled out close to 8 Trillion dollars for stimulus packages out of thin damn air and no one has gotten the memo yet, all the while telling us America is Broke. 

Proverbs 11:1 tells you how TMH feels about unjust laws and weights. Why are so called African Americans taxed at a higher rate that others or Mortgage set so sky high? The time of the lawless gentiles rule talked about in Luke 21:20-24 is fast approaching it’s final end. I suggest you see the signs and get ready.

History has proven when you make things equal that people of color excel at ALL we do. As I stated above America does not even follow the 10 commandments so you know they do not follow the laws of Usury Exodus 22:25.  Since TMH power of Israel rules in the kingdom of men what is causing the economic collapse? TMH has hacked your financial infrastructure to the point now that you cannot afford for the descendants of slaves to leave.

   If you do and the Israelites all leave America and go to other parts of the world the economic stability floor will fall overnight. This house of cards called the melting pot will come tumbling down and thats not political talking points thats raw facts.

Now white supremacists and other ethnic bootlicks will not agree but did you know that so called African Americans a worth by themselves? Surely one race cannot run an entire nations economy….. right? What does the enemy know that you do not consider?

Black buying power by the numbers this is why America will not give you reparations

African-American buying power has seen impressive gains since the end of the last economic downturn, jumping from $961 billion in 2010 to an estimated $1.3 trillion in 2018. Since 2000, the African-American market has seen a 114 percent increase in buying power. Source is here

African American Spending Power Demands That Marketers Show More Love and Support for Black Culture
Source is here

Soul food drives African American consumers top grocery purchases. These consumers are also passionate about the environment, wanting to buy safe, locally sourced food items. African Americans outpace the general market on:

  • Quaker grits ($19 million);
  • Louisiana Fish Fry ($11 million);
  • Glory Greens (frozen and fresh, $9.5 million combined) and Jay Potato Chips (nearly $2.7 million).
  • 61% say produce is the most important category to buy local, followed by bakery and prepared foods (56%),
  • eggs (55%) and dairy (52%).
  • Blacks over-index the total population concerned about food safety issues: antibiotic use in animal production (by 20%);
  • artificial ingredients (by 19%) and GMO crop development due to climate change. The biggest worry is rising prices due to trade tariffs (68% Blacks vs. 56% total population).


Nielsen continues to unearth undeniable data and insights that highlight both the agency and power of Black consumers, and the plethora of opportunities that exist for companies that are focused on nurturing and empowering how they move through the world, said Jonathan Jackson, former 2019 Nieman-Berkman Klein Fellow in Journalism Innovation at The Nieman Foundation for Journalism and member of Nielsen African American External Advisory Council.

If you bless gods people you will be blessed but if you curse gods people you shall be cursed and it’s really that simple. Now do you see why they cannot afford to let you go? This is only a few categories this is not counting many other things us Israelites enjoy daily.

  This is why TMH says in Zephaniah 2:1 gather YOURSELVES together. As a point of reference I am going to state we are not “Blacks” I’m using the language of the people to make a point. I also have many new readers on this page so I want this to make perfect sense. The slave master knows how much money slaves make them. Now this is going to hurt some peoples feelings but the truth is they should give us the 30 trillion estimated that they owe us why? Some of us still have the slave massa mindset and will give it all right back to them.

We were placed in America for our sins (yes I know some northern kingdom was already here) . America and these other nations were supposed to do what they did but they took shit too far Zachariah 1:15. In a nutshell if the African Americans which are the tribe of Judah for the most part leave tomorrow the void will never be filled. This is one reason why they are reluctant to give us reparations if we leave they fall.

Also we do the jobs no one wants the careers that are hands on labor intensive that you cannot social distance from. 3.9 Trillion buying power America literally cannot afford to loose.  We have made all the inventions and came up with all of the innovation in spite of being 400+ years behind. So far as unemployment when we are left alone we thrive. Look at Black Wall street and Greenwood and all the other black owned cities for your test sample. When the world was going through a famine of sorts we were making money hand over fist.

We did not have to beg at massa’s table we created our own. Nowadays our youth has forgotten the face of our forefathers and has grown to rely on the heathen this is one thing TMH warned us about. That is not our way the scripture says we are the former of ALL things. We own the boot and the straps we can pull ourselves up. Does not the scripture say we can do all things through Christ?

Let’s say for the sake of argument we all leave and go to a country or land mass all of our own. I’m not saying to leave America TONIGHT!!!! Lets look at this as a clear lens to  see the truth what if we as a nation of israelites live on our own biblical terms. In other words to do us and not them for once.

  • We have our own cooks
  • We have our own Maintenance Crews and infrastructure
  • We have our own doctors and health professionals
  • Bankers and lawyers and specialists
  • We have our own military personal
  • We even have our own Ambassadors and policy makers.
  • If you are into sports who rules all physical contact sports? Football Basketball Boxing just to name a few?  Show me the last 2000 yard rusher that was Caucasian or heavy weight champion …ill wait.
  • How about Music who owns the charts?
  • We have TMH and the Son by promise
  • We have Gods Laws and the prophets
  • We have the Angels and the blessings written in Romans 9:1-5
  • The Planet belongs to us 2 Esdras 6:54-55
  • We have the promises that TMH will never abandon us

I ask the question why do we need to stay under the umbrella of hate and malice called America? If you are one of the israelites who believe this is in fact our land then its time we establish that fact. It’s clear even by their own scholars that in order to get back to where we were in 2019 it will take over 15 years. When the lord said Come out of her my people that was NOT just talking spiritually.

It’s clear TMH god has hacked this economy which is a house of cards waiting for the right wind. I would humbling suggest that we ban together for the decree has went forth and judgment is coming Zephaniah 2:1-3.  To quote a well known poet as he so eloquently put it MOVE B@@CH GET OUT THE WAY, when it comes to America’s Way we do not need it anymore. One last thing so far as reparations is concerned we cannot get reparations as a color in a Crayola box. You cannot take a plane to the country of Blacks. We need to unite and I mean SOON the blood moon is fast approaching more judgements are coming. 

Social Colapse and mistrust of the social Media,

and the silence of the lambs

When you look at the era of Jim Crow it was all about making laws to suppress us Negroes and other Israelites in God has hacked the planet Shem was black and so are African AmericansAmerica. The powers that be have been spending Billions to keep the truth silent about who the true Jews are.  In 2020 Nick Cannon and Desean Jackson had the gall to point the finger at who the real Jews were and the world lost their DAMN minds. Not because it was a lie because they told the truth. You see there can only be 1 Israel.

  They called them anti-semetic but how can you be anti-self? We are the lambs or sheep of TMH and we do come from Shem we are not Hamites (Bloodline Africans) or Japhites . There is only 1 son left out of all of Noah’s sons. Now the silence of the lambs (or sheep) has started. The Jim Crow Social Media Era has begun.

They are separating anything and everything we say as Hate Speech and are smearing our name. Facebook CNN MSNBC and especially Youtube have made a push to since black empowerment took center stage. Unless you are bought and paid for these Jewish owned media giants can destroy your image and account with no warning.

You have to understand people as Morpheus put it in the Matrix if you are Tied to their system its their rules. Still to this very day some are afraid to be unplugged (Meaning come to the truth).  TD Jakes sits on national TV telling lies and so does all the rest of these fake pastors. The Jewish run around the earth saying they are the biblical Jews when it’s just not true.

The school system is racist and even home schooling with social distance learning has showed you the raw hatred. It’s almost impossible for any true black media to get the word out on youtube without being banned. Years of work and epic videos wiped out because some nerd paint licker on his couch got upset that his live has been destroyed or hacked.

TMH said that his prophets will not keep silence day or night so if you take the truth off social media then it’s your loss TMH’s word does not go out void. White people are commiting suicide at a massive rate and covid19 has made it so social gathering is a thing of the past. Also you have the opioid epidemic happening at the same time.

God has decided that your freedom to vacation and live Yolo (See Wisdom of Solomon 2:1-10) has gone far enough. The social collapse as a whole is getting worse not better there is only so much Netflix you can watch. You have to come up for air at some point, and when you do go out into you know the real world you see Chaos.

Our forefather Jacob when you read about him and his sons were satisfied with chilling in tents. This means we were homebodies not lazy but content to just be with family. We used to get down singing songs, dancing, playing dominos, spades, bidwiss, Tunk, Chess and many other small gatherings to release stress. This global pandemic has just brought black people together segregating us again Deuteronomy 6:7-9 Deuteronomy 32:8, Sirach 17:17.

TMH has always wanted us separate so we did not have to deal with all the nations fuckery and wicked inventions to keep us oppressed.  When you read that we lived in Goshen why do you think he placed us there. What do you think the Ghettos are now?  Like I stated in so many words above we do not need the nations to be successful. We have to repent get baptized keep the faith in the son and watch and see if the flood gates do not open up and send you a blessing.

We do not need their social media platforms either and we should care less about their opinions of how we view OUR HISTORY. We are no longer under a school master or anymore. God is about to do a massive shift in power and we need our own servers and platforms to write and speak on the truth without the white mans approval and their Jim Crow Media.

Their Social Collapse has begun dont get caught in the crossfire, because the famine of the word is coming. When Nick Cannon and Desean Jackson came out with the info that they did it hurt them badly.  Not because it was new information its because it spread to BILLIONS. Now even the heathen are rereading history and saying Damn … we have inherited lies. If you think 2020 was bad just wait till 2021 TMH has hacked your media and placed you all in a trick bag. Even brother Ice Cube had a fire lit under him and told facts about who the Negroes are in the USA, guess what the white man didnt like that either.

People are waking up all over even the heathen are cleaving what are you going to do when all of a sudden this happens.


The African Americans and the Native Indios scattered to the 4 corners of the earth are the biblical Jews that the bible speak of and we had it all wrong, America expresses deep sorrow for their role in the slavery of the indiginous blacks and will be giving back what is owed.

You might say thats wishful thinking but with TMH is anything impossible? Does not the scripture say we would leave with great substance and they would be made to bow at our feet?

Racial Divide the feud of Jacob and Esau renewed

When TMH decrees an order he means to follow through with it. In 2020 its become apparent that TMH father of Israel is stirring the pot of tension between Esau and Jacob (Blacks and Whites) and things are getting worse.

Many times God has said in the scriptures come out of her my people but still some of us are defending the same people who placed us on slave ships.

If you are a true israelite you know the score and I do not have to hash out what we did to offend the father. It is also clear what they did to us in the past and what they continue to do to us to this very day.

  • We still get hung from trees in 2020
  • We still get no Justice in 2020
  • We still vote for 2 sides of the same wicked coin, voting for your enemies means you stand with them. You are making an oath with the enemy and TMH calls that a sin. See for yourself.
  • We still March for things that we should have naturally in 2020

    We still ……..the list is massive.


1425–75; late Middle English (noun) Latin vōtum a vow


a solemn promise. Similar, oath , pledge, promise, bond, covenant, commitment, sworn statement


solemnly promise to do a specified thing.

According to the bible we are COMMANDED not to make any vows or votes or covenants with the enemy.  Now Biden has won the election and you think things are going to get better? When Obama was in office and Biden was Vice President what changed? Has anyone else noticed that this year has been more intensified? Does it seem to anyone else that in no other time in our history that gap of hatred that Esau/Japheth has towards us has been turned up?

Sure you got the Karens and the, Dont tread on crowd but this is different. This enmity seems Ancient like biblical Genesis 3:15 type of war. Whats going on in 2020 has an end game vibe to it different than all the other revolts. Some say its battle lines being drawn in plain sight. TMH has hacked a wedge between Jacob and Esau and has ripped a Band-Aid off of a sore wound all with 3 events.

My heart felt condolences go out to the family but the statement “I’m sorry for your loss” seems a bit lacking to me. I harken back to the days of an eye for an eye in these cases. When the lord said turn the other cheek he was not talking about if someone blatantly murders  your kinfolk. I place these 3 events on my site out of love for my people so we never forget what we are dealing with and his name is ESAU. I do not own the rights to these videos its for the education and learning of my people.

Ahmaud Arbery Say His Name

On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old African-American man, was pursued and fatally shot while jogging near Brunswick in Glynn County, Georgia.  Although events like this are common against us Israelites this was filmed and raw in your face murder, and sparked a long dormant rift between us and them. Protests and Nfac other movements were born from this one event.

Breonna Taylor the shot heard around the globe

Breonna Taylor’s Death, a Black medical worker who was shot and killed by Louisville police officers in March during a botched raid on her apartment, led to wide-scale demonstrations in the spring and summer as the case drew more attention. Now new information has came to light that the Attorney General is trying to silence the jury on the case, because information has been revealed that murder charges were never an option given to the jury as a verdict. In short the jury asked to speak out on the case and facts were told that Daniel Cameron (Attorney General) was hiding facts.

George Floyd the day the earth stood still for 8:46 seconds

May 25, 2020) was an African American man killed during an arrest after a store clerk alleged he had passed a counterfeit $20 bill in Minneapolis. A white police officer named Derek Chauvin knelt neck for a period initially reported to be 8 minutes and 46 seconds. To this very day if I watch the video ancestrial rage builds up within my spirit that cannot be calmed down. To white people the cops were doing their jobs but to us Israelites it sparked lynching reminders that some thought were long gone. 8:46 holds a memory now that has been seared into our brains never to forget the legacy of the patty rollers.

I cannot in recent history recall a time since we have been in this country a more tumultuous time than these, its as if aggression have been made worse than ever and we didnt do anything different than normal. Racial Tensions between Jacob and Esau go all the way back to the book of Genesis and it says clearly in Genesis 27:42-45 Ezekiel 35:5 2 Esdras 6:9 (End game). We are heading fast to this time like a brick truck rolling downhill with no breaks.

Republicans and Democrat’s have also had a rather hard time gathering trust from the Negroes in the USA and for good reason.

They both have lied or tried to sweep the issue of whats owed to blacks for over 400 years of slavery and the current government programs do nothing to ease those years of blatant hate. One is a racist to your back another one is in your face they are both not for you and whoever is still voting after reading this you are choosing a new king over TMH and Yahawahshi you are in grave error.

Joe Biden has made laws and agreed with things under the Obama Administration that were questionable at best.  He has no and I mean NO chance to push a black agenda for reparations. Trump also talks out of both sides of his mouth showing you he is either deaf or stupid when it comes to our issues or a little of both. I wrote on this very site 2 articles that dealt with voting and Google set them at the back of the bus if you will forgive the pun. It’s become harder and harder to trust anyone that fights to be president because TMH sets them there to show us the painful truth, THEY ARE NOT FOR US.

Show me 1 president that was for us that Esau does not control. It’s really that simple anyone who has ever came to our defense either gets killed, bought off, or gets into office just to drop our issues off at the front gates of the white house.  Now do you know why they do not care what we say and feel? A lion with no teeth instills fear in no one. This is why the government now calls us the BIE’s or Black Militias all the while they will not call us what god calls us that is Israelites.

If you cannot see that TMH is hacking Esau’s brain, and country by hardening his heart against us then you need to have your eyes check. He did it to Pharaoh and he is doing the same thing written in Romans 9:13-22 read it for yourself. Hold on to your seats folks we are not even done with 2020 yet and you have wars and rumors of wars. You have events in the sky no one can explain.

You have the mark of the beast system and Nanotech trackers being implemented and its not even 2021 yet…… hold on to your seats it’s about to get worse.  TMH god of Israel and Yahawahshi have not even gotten started yet. If you are married to a so called Edomite or have a close friend that might be of Esau’s stock id be very careful around them and be sure they are truly a friend.

Now am I saying every single so called white person on the planet is Esau? ABSOLUTELY NOT we know about the speckled bird (Israelites that look like the heathen) but you better be sure, because the father is upset at them as a race and their judgment is coming down like a waterfall. Tell them to swallow their pride and repent and I mean fast and cleave to the real Israel before it’s too late.

Seed of Wickedness Revealed finally, but who is it really?
Question for you Scholars

  Many places in the bible you read about “The wicked” or the seed of wickedness (Meaning the children of the wicked) but no one really seems to layout who or what that is. The bible makes it clear to the Israelites who these “People” are but many ignore it.  Has anyone looked up the actual word wicked? According to the bible what is the definition of the wicked? I had a bad habit when I first started reading the bible, and it slowed down my learning a bit because I didnt look up words.

Biblical Definition of Anomos or “The Wicked”

Reference 2 Thessalonians 2:8

The KJV translates Strong’s G459 in the following manner: without law (4x), transgressor (2x), wicked (2x), lawless (1x), unlawful (1x).

ἄνομος ánomos, an’-om-os; from G1 (as a negative particle) and G3551; lawless, i.e. (negatively) not subject to (the Jews) law; (by implication, a Gentile), or (positively) wicked:—without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked.

Now we go to Malachi 1:4 this is what the word wickedness means there. Read closely you will see where we are going.

The KJV translates Strong’s H7564 in the following manner: wickedness (13x), wickedly (1x), fault (1x).

רִשְׁעָה rishʻâh, rish-aw’; feminine of H7562; wrong (especially moral):—fault, wickedly(-ness).

So far we got someone on this earth when you read 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 will come long and do all manner of wicked deeds and not be subject to the laws of TMH. Then we read in Malachi 1:4 which that passage is talking about Esau as a people are called the border of wickedness. Now lets go to Job 9:24 and lets see what that wicked is talking about. The word there is called rasha.

The KJV translates Strong’s H7563 in the following manner: wicked (249x), ungodly (8x), wicked man (3x), miscellaneous (3x)

  1. wicked, criminal

  2. guilty one, one guilty of crime (subst)

  3. wicked (hostile to God)

  4. wicked, guilty of sin (against God or man)

 Now the picture is coming much clearer to what the bible is talking about. This “Man” who is Anonymous is a guilty one and very hostile. He is against everyone who stands for the laws of TMH but pretends he is TMH. I have a question for all you would be Church Scholars out there.

Who is this man of sin and wickedness ?????!!!

We are commanded to read the bible precept upon precept because its coded and only those blessed with the holy ghost can give understanding. What I am going to do is use the bible and we shall see who this someone is that is Ruining the Planet.

  • Who goes to other peoples lands and rape robs and murders them? John 10:10
  • All we got to do is use what TMH has put in front of us. Micah 2:1-3 tell you a clue.

Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand.

And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.

Precept Psalms 49:11

Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names.

Question to the bible scholars who is this?


Who is that talking about? No clue you say? Lets get another clue by studing a scripture passage that has been in the bible from the beginning. Habakkuk 2:4-8

 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

 Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine (Means Doctrine), he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people:

Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!

Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?

Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.

Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil!

Who on this earth has gathered all people into a “Melting pot” and is going around the planet as Conquer? Who has an embassy in everyone else country? NO we will not be chasing our tails on this prophecy saying “That could be anybody”. This is raw in your face prophecy and history. Is it the Eskimos that are running around the planet colonizing everyone elses properties? The bible says clearly you shall not remove another persons landmark well who is doing this today in 2020? 

Are the pieces coming together yet? Who has spread Christianity and Catholicism and has spoiled many nations? Ok lets drop the bomb lets reveal once and for all who the children of the wicked are. Once you read this you can never say you did not learn this fact. Deuteronomy 28:49-52 gives you a dagger of truth that eliminates just about everyone else on the list of nations save 1. Lets read and get some meat off the bone.

The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

50 A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young:

51 And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee.

52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.


Whos symbol is the eagle? Anyone got a dollar bill handy? What dominating wicked people used the eagle as their symbol of power and conquest?  Who traveled to the 4th part of the world like it talks about in Revelation and destroyed the Israelites that were scattered via a Papal Bull? Who was the eagle mentioned in Daniels Dream? What nation kills their own citizens or Denizens and says “Not Guilty”?


Obadiah 1:1-4 = The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the Lord, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.


Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised.

The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.


Question to you scholars of the biblical persuasion. Who is this eagle talked about in verse 3 and 4? Who is greatly despised on this earth as a nation, and used to live in the clefs of the rocks?


 Is this the exact same eagle that is mentioned in Deuteronomy 28:49-50? Remember we are going to see who the wicked is on the planet. Is Daniel and Ezra liars, do you pork chop tithe robbing reprobates twice dead know better than Enoch or Jeremiah? When they got the download from god on who would come in the last days did they make it up?


Daniel 7:7


After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.


2 Esdras 11:38:48, 2 Esdras 12:11-13

And I beheld, and lo, as it were a roaring lion chased out of the wood:

and I saw that he sent out a man’s voice unto the eagle, and said,

Hear thou, I will talk with thee, and the Highest shall say unto thee,


 Art not thou it that remainest of the four beasts, whom I made to reign in my world,

that the end of their times might come through them?

 And the fourth came, and overcame all the beasts that were past, and had power over the world with great fearfulness, and over the whole compass of the earth with much wicked oppression; and so long time dwelt he upon the earth with deceit.


For the earth hast thou not judged with truth.


For thou hast afflicted the meek, thou hast hurt the peaceable, thou hast loved liars, and destroyed the dwellings of them that brought forth fruit, and hast cast down the walls of such as did thee no harm.


Therefore is thy wrongful dealing come up unto the Highest, and thy pride unto the Mighty.


The Highest also hath looked upon the proud times, and, behold, they are ended, and his abominations are fulfilled.


And therefore appear no more, thou eagle, nor thy horrible wings, nor thy wicked feathers nor thy malicious heads, nor thy hurtful claws, nor all thy vain body:


That all the earth may be refreshed, and may return, being delivered from thy violence, and that she may hope for the judgment and mercy of him that made her.


The eagle, whom thou sawest come up from the sea, is the kingdom which was seen in the vision of thy brother Daniel.


But it was not expounded unto him, therefore now I declare it unto thee.


Behold, the days will come, that there shall rise up a kingdom upon earth, and it shall be feared above all the kingdoms that were before it.

Now this is how many witnesses we have for the eagle.

1 Obadiah

  1. Daniel

  2. Esdra (Ezra)

  3. Deuteronomy 28:49

  4. Jeremiah 49:16 is the precept for Obadiah

  5. The Chaldeans in Habakkuk is a 1:2-8 fold scripture that talks about the wicked and the eagle this is a continuation of chapter 2 where it keeps talking about these wicked people. It’s not talking about the Chaldeans of that day alone.

With all that evidence presented and all those facts speaking to your spirit you will still say something goofy like “That could be anyone”. Us who are blessed with eyes to see there is only 1 nation that fits that bill. The same nation mentioned in Psalms 83:1-5 and that nation is.

EDOM or ESAU = 2 Esdras 6:9

Now I know they mixed with Japheth that is a raw fact the book of Jubliees and other sources bare witness to. The one driving the ship of wickedness is no other than your so called neighborhood white man or Edom Idumea Roman Caucasian etc.

  I do also understand that we have Israel mixed in there so I am not talking about them Im talking about the Vagabond of the earth. The wicked has children and these are the same Patty Rollers of the past that today they call them police. These are the same Judges that said black people are only 3/5ths of a man. These are the same exact people that traded in the sheets for a 3 piece suit and 3000 dollar loafers and say pull yourself up by your bootstraps, when everything they have comes from slave money.

These are the same wicked the bible speaks of that has the nerve to go into someone elses country and dictate terms and agreements. They are your teachers, lawyers, judges, cooks, CEO’s and any other position of power. They are the last Samurai and the Last of the Mohicans. They are also white man Jesus and Superman. They are every identity but their own but no matter how many labels or titles they hide behind the truth is unlocked, because god calls them Edom.

Lets see you Edomite Apologists get around this curve ball

You cannot stop this prophecy!

God has hacked the planet and hidden who Edom really is

  God has hacked the planet into believing that these so called theologian scholars know these truth’s being revealed now. How is it you cannot see who is ruling the planet and who has next? I guess 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Isaiah 29 9-10 extend past Israel for you all have been blinded but now I hope you see who the son of perdition or sin is. If Rome is the car surely America is the engine and the steering wheel driving the world to oblivion. Edom has always stolen other peoples identity to get by and pass off as over nations. I know this hurts but these Karen’s and Darren’s of the world have an origin and their spirits bare witness to that old hate called Edom.

Global hate of the Whore of Babylon 2 Timothy 3:1-4 unlocked

There is a movie out there that is famous for the term “There is a disturbance in the force.” Anyone with half a brain and 2 eyes can see that the global affect of Pandemic issues has caused a major rift of hate. The only thing Trump did in 4 years is rip the Band-Aid off Obama set in for 8 years. Like I said above both parties have 0 interest in moving up a black agenda (Israelite).

The Ire (Hate or Anger) is different this time its more like the world is looking at America as a new type of Pandemic that affects all countries associated with it. In recent memory I cannot think of another country that has pissed off everyone at once. It’s so bad Canada our neighbors to the north have said “NO AMERICANS CAN ENTER”. Can any of you remember another time like this?

Europe said as much also when asked whether they would allow American’s during this Pandemic outbreak of Covid19 to escape to their lands and they categorically said HELL NO. You might say its because of this sickness that is floating around but its deeper than that. It’s like an unseen force is stirring the pot of anger and madness to where no one can just get along as Rodney King once said.

In the book of Obadiah it said that this Eagle shall be greatly despised. In Habakkuk it is said in chapter 2 that this people that has a soul that is not right people would rise against them. Ironically its the same nations who are tied to Babylon that will burn her. The 10 heads written about in Revelation 17:12-16 are in bed with the whore mentioned in Revelation 17 chapter and 18th chapter and are PISSED at her. These are the same nations that are going to RISE UP against America in these last days.

Now you might be asking yourself why would God allow this type of war to take place? Why would he use these nations to fight against one another? A better question would be has America made country fight country or Man vs Man?

  You need to get the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man it tells you flat out how America has sent people to destabilize countries. Not only America has done this though a lot of countries has used this method to gain control over another resources. In Revelation 18:11-13 it tells you what products were in high demand.  The Israelites have taken the brunt of all of Babylons hate from sometime now even before America was formed. If you want to be real about the matter 70AD was the marker where things really went ugly.

Since the rest of the nations hate the True Israelite and has done evil to TMH’s chosen people including making them fight one another. Then according to the bible whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

Isaiah 19:2, 2 Chronicles 20, Exodus 14:14 = All of these prove TMH is a god of war and if the Israelites will just do what HE SAID to do that the war is already won. We as a people cannot fight this enemy, but TMH has his number.

Behind the scenes Yahawah and Yahawahshi are doing marvelous things for us Israelites all we got to do is let him work and follow the commandments. 2 Esdras 16 tells you plainly that the father is at war right now as you are reading this article with the other nations, and hes pissed. As Christ said many times in the new Testament that as the days of Noah thus shall it be in the last days. Who is stirring the emotions and moving the chess pieces of man to an End Game?

2 Timothy 3:1-4 = This scripture passage is a marker to let you know where we are with Christs prediction and its right on time just look at your local news.

Im sorry Gentiles the kingdom has been taken from you are now you are going through Deuteronomy 30:1-7. You wanted to be us so bad now you are seeing a taste of what the curses are talking about. The only difference ours were for correction yours will be everlasting in short you will never rule again. You have ruled for over 2 days (2000+ years ) and the 3rd day is approaching fast. The times of the Gentiles is coming to a screeching halt and not soon enough it was.

Do you want a front row seat to see how us Israelites fell so long ago? You are seeing it God is hacking the planet and hitting the reset button. You cannot stop it and it’s past the time of reason even the hidden books like Enoch tell of a time where TMH and his angels are coming to set things right.  Frankly I could care less if you dislike or agree with the book of Enoch its clear that Jude and Christ quoted that book. Gone is the days where we listen to man now we follow the Lamb of TMH, we are trying to live righteously to earn our white robes for the marriage feast. Ive given you the breadcrumbs see where it leads for yourself then read 2 Timothy 3:1-4 you will see the cliff TMH is leading the world to.

Can it be stopped? I have no idea but every single law in the bible has been broken by Esau and the criminal vagabonds of Psalms 83 and the Jailers are coming soon to get the fugitives.

If I was a gentile I would cleave as fast as I could to an True Israelite and repent and I do mean today. God has you in a trick bag and he sees and knows all, he is not playing games anymore. There have been 7 Hurricanes that took the SAME PATH as the trans atlantic slave trade ships do you think that is a coincidence? Do I know gods full plan absolutely NOT but I have eyes to see that 2019 was the last year of peace. Now the father is at war for his people I would suggest you get out of the way Gentiles, for your time is over. (See Luke 21:20-24)

School System is now Home Schooling who will rise to the top?

I guess Covid19 has really evened the playing field and started to place things in perspective and Home Schooling is starting separate the wheat from the tares so to speak.  We as a Hebrew nation of Israelites have always had an edge when left to ourselves to thrive. Black Women back in the day used to teach lessons not learned in any so called “White School”.

Teaching from home was never a problem until our children were dominating everything they set their hands to. If you want a good example of this look not further than the times of Black Wallstreet and Greenwood and other so called black owned empires. We didnt need their higher schools of education we were thriving being separate and not depending on “His Story”. When we finally integrated into their system of learning it was like teaching a fish to walk on land ….it wasnt pretty. We adapted but it seems no one looked back at when we did pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and dominated.


Home Schooling now that this pandemic has crippled schools, teachers, overall social skills has impacted them more than us. Let the local Media tell it that Black Children are going through HELL not being around white children, I wonder why that lie is being told. Well of course they do not frame it in that context but the bottom line is always the same making it seem as though we are dependent on their schools of lies.

Our parents are to blame in some respects because at some point in time we stopped trusting our own elders and went to the enemies to learn their conquests and accomplishments.  I would argue that TMH has separated us by his own hand so we can search our fathers for the truth (Job 8:8) and stop relying on Babylon Knowledge. We needed a break from the yoke of political and prepackaged rhetoric that most teachers are commanded to shove down children’s throats.

When you teach a Child that their history didn’t start until 1619 you are mis- educating your entire class. Proverbs 22:6 clearly says train up a child in the manner where he should walk and he will not leave that path. Well here is a question what if you teach a child he is nothing or all of his heros are supposed to look like his oppressors…. what then?

Does a black child gain self esteem or a sense of something past being subservient when you teach a Eurocentric Education? Will he find a reason to thrive in tough environments if he is not given the same tools?  If you take a so called white child from a baby and all of his life teach him hes less than human and place in systems to hammer in that point what happens when he is an adult?

What if when a white child picks up a book especially the bible you cut off a finger or abuse them? Now imagine that same thing compounded by 400+ years. Can you now see how Negros, Indios and native Americans globally have been held back?

Sure we have had many heros that made it out the pit but that is not the norm they did it in spite of the traps laid by our education system.  If one thing is for sure not that we have to teach our children from home the reset button has been pressed. With more and more children catching the Covid19 virus we just like our forefather Jacob are just fine dwelling in the tents of Goshen.

Before there was social media and the TV how did the Negroes socialize? Were we begging at white children’s doors to play with them? I can speak for myself I had my gang crew I hung out with but sometimes I was good just by myself.  As a family we always had something to do or we made something out of nothing. The people losing their minds during this period of Isolation is not the colored children of the world but people outside of our circle.

The probing question is Home Schooling who will rise to the top, or who will woefully fall behind? There is also another aspect of this divide its the racial wall of discrimination children of color face from other non Melanated children.  The fear and hate is real as this article points out and is one reason blacks have decided to take matters into their own hands.

  One thing I find funny when “Others” use Wikipedia to find and bring up certain facts its credible but when black people use those same sources to prove their lies they say “WIKIPEDIA IS NOT CREDIBLE”. Now I know wiki only gets you so far lets at least be fair when a wiki has book sources listed for their quotes its a pretty good bet that they are quoting from a main source. All that being said these next quotes are not from wiki so you cannot say I made them up. I tell you blacks cannot win from losing.

As a sociologist who has interviewed dozens of homeschooling parents, I’ve found that whereas most white parents homeschool to make sure their children get an education more tailored to their needs and talents, most black parents homeschool to remove their children from what they see as a racially hostile environment.

Now that schools are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, families of all racial, ethnic and class backgrounds have been forced to spend more time educating their children at home, or at least making sure their children do whatever work the school has assigned.


There is no shortage of research to support the view that America’s public schools treat black students more harshly than their white peers. For example, a study by sociologists Edward Morris and Brea Perry found black boys are twice as likely as white boys to receive disciplinary action such as office referral, detention, suspension or expulsion. The same study found black girls are three times as likely as white girls to be disciplined for less serious and arguably more ambiguous behavior, such as disruptive behavior, dress code violations or disobedience. Source is here



Marvell Robinson was in kindergarten when a classmate reportedly poured an anthill on him at the playground. After that, the gibes reportedly became sharper: “Why are you that color?” one boy taunted at the swing set, leaving Marvell scared and speechless. The slow build of racial bullying would push his mother, Vanessa Robinson, to pull him from his public school and homeschool him instead.

Marvell is one of an estimated 220,000 African American children currently being homeschooled, according to the National Home Education Research Institute. Black families have become one of the fastest-growing demographics in homeschooling, with black students making up an estimated 10 percent of the homeschooling population. (For comparison’s sake, they make up 16 percent of all public-school students nationwide, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.)

And while white homeschooling families traditionally cite religious or moral disagreements with public schools in their decision to pull them out of traditional classroom settings, studies indicate black families are more likely to cite the culture of low expectations for African American students or dissatisfaction with how their children—especially boys—are treated in schools.


Marvell, now 7 and in the second grade, was the only black student in both his kindergarten and first-grade classes, and one of only a few black students in his San Diego elementary school, according to his mother. And Marvell’s Asperger syndrome—a high-functioning form of autism that makes social interaction difficult—only added to the curiosity and cruelty with which his fellow classmates approached him, Robinson added. She was concerned the school wasn’t doing enough about it. “I just thought maybe I could do a better job myself,” she said. ( Source )




That is 2 witnesses to the fact that we are going back to the days when we learned separately. There are many reason for this some are Racial Abuse, Lack of real Black History, Verbal Abuses and many other areas where things where the playing field is uneven.  Do you remember back in the day when they used to show the infomercials where some poor African child with a pop belly needed your help for 1 dollar a day?

Did you know that over years that placed a negative image of us as a people, and also showed that Africans needed America? What they so conveniently showed you was the worst of the worst, but they never showed you the mega cities and the lush beautiful parts of Africa.  They also needed to push this lie in schools to show how America was the standard of beauty and they did the Africans a favor by Apartheid and colonialism.


This over a long time reinforced white supremacist ideals and pushed an agenda of white is right and brown is down. Then they justified their ideals into laws to hold people of color back. What was the end game? You have a generation of Israelites that have no self esteem and self hate with all positivity and hope vanquished, we have become the monster they created. They view the white man as their savior, and honestly past a certain age it gets almost Impossible to break that programming. They reinforce this created stereotype on the news and music videos they are created super predators.


You also have the white children growing up with a slave master mentality, babies do not come out the womb screaming white power or NI@@ER. They never got the memo our 400 years are up according to the bible and the world will never go back to normal. Have you ever asked yourself why Black Panther did so well at the Box office?

Why are all the heros white in the movies or if they are black they are always owe their powers to some white father figure (See the series black lightning).  Why did they place Moses as a white man in the 10 commandments movie when Exodus 4:5-6 says that hes a so called black man. Also Acts 13:1 proves that fact so if the Israelite Heros of the Bible are all people of color why do we not have any heros in the movies for black children to look up to?

For the same reason they will not teach us about black revolutionaries in school because it only takes one spark of hope to start a movement of truth or Revolution. With this pandemic lockdown I am teaching my child what is not told to them in public schools today. Raw with no chaser with facts and maps to back up what I’m showing so they have a much better chance than what I had. Just like on this website the enemy does not like when truth comes out.

You have to understand this fact TMH is making the men go get the money and using the women to teach the children at home. Is this is the new normal or the old standard?  Time will tell but if during other pandemics and depressions we thrived at home better get ready TMH is turning things upside down. As Malcom X said many times only a fool would let the enemy teach their children.

They reversed the rolls in the Willie Lynch letters but God is setting his people back on the right path. Use this time wisely because we will never go backwards to their white washed system of Education again. You can argue whether or not the letter is real but what you cannot dispute is every single one of those curses within those pages happened to the 12 tribes world wide.

Your Churches have been shut down famine of the word is upon us

This subject is a heavy one amongst Israel should you be going to church? Well according to the bible in the book of Acts 7:38 which is the precept to Isaiah 66:1-2 the church is the Israelites.  The temple of the lord is stored in the Israelites its not a physical building 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:20. Which all comes back to the parable of the Kinsman Redeemer written about in the law of Moses (Leviticus 25:25-38 Ruth 4:4-6).

redeemer“), in the Hebrew Bible and the rabbinical tradition, is a person who, as the nearest relative of another, is charged with the duty of restoring the rights of another and avenging his wrongs. One duty of the goel was to redeem (purchase back) a relative who had been sold into slavery. (Source)

And yes if you did not get the memo Ruth is an Israelite from the tribe of Reuben. You “Camps” need to stop teaching she was a heathen there is no way Deuteronomy 25 would fit if she was a real Moabite. If you are too lazy to study to show yourself approved I have provided every single map and prophecy that shows for a guaranteed fact she is an Israelite by BLOOD. The story of Ruth is one of the precursor to the Kinsman Redeemer Prophecy she is not and was never a heathen even Jephthah tells you Israel owned the land for 300+ years before Ruth was born (Judges 11). 

Since the church is the Israelites how did this replacement theology come into play?

What Is Replacement Theology and how does it affect churches today ?

Replacement Theology was introduced to by some accounts sometime shortly after Christ died on the cross the gentiles from that time were hard at work replacing who the real Jews were. When the Israelites got scattered after the Messiahs death the Time of the Gentiles began, also with that destruction and defamation of biblical facts. What are the pillars of Replacement Theology?

  1. The True Israelite (the Jews of the promised lands) has been removed and replaced by the Modern Day Christian Church.

    This belief means that TMH power of Israel has thrown away his chosen people for a religion. This would also open the flood gates to anyone claiming to be an Israelite or Heathen free reign to walk into the kingdom.

  2. This belief also reverses gods covenant made with Abraham Issac and Jacob Psalms 1-5:5-10. This would also place into premises the ideals that the Israelites by blood have to answer to the Church for salvation (See Pope).

    The Israelites people have no covenant future, hope is lost, and in a quick phrase so you can understand god has cast away his olive tree. The same is true for every other nation and group on the planet.

  3. The church tries to justify this replacement theology by hanging it on Acts 2. Missing the point of the entire book of acts they replace Israelite with Church this is an abuse of the scriptures seeing that god said 3 times a year shall the israelite appear before him (Deuteronomy 16:16 Exodus 34:23). They have taken a high holy day and made it a mandate for inclusion of everyone.

  4. All The promises, covenants and blessings ascribed to Israel in the Bible via Romans 9:1-5 have been ripped away from the Israelite. Then TMH gave his oath to a Church of a mixed multitude of strangers.

    These new believers which have been given the power to dictate who and what gets into the kingdom have “Replaced” the Israelites They have been given power to bind on earth and loose in heaven. However, the Real Jews are subject to the curses found in the Bible and get no reward for their labor, as a result of their rejection of Christ (Which was the scribes and Pharisees and Sadducee.

This is what the Church of today believe and as a bloodline Israelite I am opposed to this view. You cannot and will not replace TMH’s chosen seed Romans 11:1 tells you that fact. These Churches are lying to you and TMH is placing a spirit of deceit on them all. If you remember in the book of 1 Kings 22:6-23 you can see a glimpse into the power of Yahawah and Yahawahshi. TMH is not mocked you cannot replace the people who this earth belongs to (2 Esdras 6:54-55 2 Esdras 7:10-11).

Since the world has been hacked by TMH is has placed Malware in non believers and is about the purge the entire program look and see what 2 Thessalonians says.

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;

because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


  TMH power of Israel did punish his children with the strike of an enemy but he never abandoned them. Lets see what TMH says about preachers teaching the message of their own mind.


Jeremiah 14:14-15, Jeremiah 23: 1, 20-23

Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.


“Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declares the LORD.
The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will understand it clearly.
I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet they have prophesied.
But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds.
Whether you believe in the Black Messiah or not you better pray for clarity on the situation because the message has been launched and whos going to stop the messenger or the Kinsman Redeemer from gathering his people? This entire kumbaya shazam hug your enemy spirit is coming to an end you Churches better get on code and tell your congregation the truth. 
Since the world wants to preach lies and things that do not help the Rise of the Israelites then the entire ship is sinking and if you didnt know the rats are leaving in a hurry. I will make it plain for someone out there that still does not get it.
TMH IS PLAYING BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE. A lot of the articles on this site point you to repentance and if I were you id do it with the quickness. Yahawah is a master of chess and you are on his board of play, all moves he sees before you do it. Your Jobs, free time, economy stability, health, freedom, religion, holidays and more have all been hacked by TMH.
Did I mention the blood moon coming at the end of November? Yea …go ahead and celebrate WICKED CHRISTMAS if you want to and see the doom our father brings. Keep playing with the power of the Israelites have you not seen enough hurricanes in the USA this year? 

You bloodline gentiles KNOW who we are and who you snatched from the west coast of Africa we are not idiots and neither are you. Give us back what is ours and what you owe before you have to stand in front of the one who said LET THERE BE LIGHT face to face. Excuse my language but this fuckery of history you are pushing does not match real history. You theologians know what Yahawah did to his chosen people, tell the truth before it’s too late. And I mean on a Global scale. Moses is calling from the grave again as a warning to Egypt (Modern Day Slave Masters) let the Israelites go.
If you are a gentile by blood then its time to cleave to the real Jews (Not the Khazar Amalek impostors in Israel today again read (Luke 21:20-24). This is not hard to understand people.
In closing its clear what Yahawahshi is getting ready to do to those with eyes. The earth is filled with Malware and Disease and Hatred and Yahawahshi is the Antivirus coming to purge all read Numbers 35:33.

Hes coming to save the people whom have kept the commandments and faith till the end the rest will be treated as a corrupted program. You might of hacked my site but God has hacked the planet earth. I would suggest you clean yourself of the filth of the devil before the ultimate purge of Yahawahshi comes. The clock is ticking the time of the gentiles is over.


Hey Max Kellerman come sit down let us show you how Desean Jackson was right

Hey Max Kellerman Desean Jackson was right

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Negroes Are the Biblical Jews Not the JEWISH


First of all I would like to give all praises to TMH and his son Yahawahshi, and secondly DESEAN JACKSON WAS RIGHT about us being the biblical Jews.  Now why do I say that with so much confidence? Its not because Hitler said it and its not because I feel some sort of way about some political slant the Media is trying to push. Its because frankly its already been proven and you Max Kellerman are a Liar. Desean Jackson was right all along we are the Jews

I do not know if you truly do not know that you are Jewish and not a JEW or if you are being paid to slander someone else’s nationality. Either way you need to repent and give Desean Jackson much love and stop spewing nonsense that your pie hole is spewing. Since you like stats and figures this article will use many of those aspects to prove not only Desean Jackson is right but also prove without a shadow of a doubt that we are from SHEM’s bloodline not Ham.



Negroes, Native Americans, South Pacific Indios, Hatians are just some of the 12 tribes of Israel because we have been scattered and had our Identity stolen buy YOUR PEOPLE we are bywords to this day (Deuteronomy 28:37, Isaiah 65:15). I for one am sick and tired of hearing the word Anti-semite when there is NO SUCH DAMN THING. We are done begging you for our identity that the father gave us alone.


Gone are the days when you can throw some random garbage on the Internet and expect no backlash. All praises to TMH Yahawah for giving us real Jews the courage to stand up for our brothers. Again I am going to use your OWN PEOPLE and show you that you infact are an imposter Max Kellerman. I could care less if you click off this article because TMH’s word does not go out void.

Max Kellerman and the rest of you media flunkies  get paid ridiculously well to talk football who do you think is carrying the rock? Who runs faster jumps higher cannot be caught? The blessings of God are right in your face but you will not call a spade a spade.

In boxing WHOS THE KING? You have been seeing the real Jews Daily but refuse to acknowledge the facts. This article is coming from a place of love for my people and I will defend the 12 tribes worldwide. People quote Andrew Jackson and Lincoln and other white figures of power and nothing happens. Donald Trump is passing a law to protect statues of Murders and no one says nothing. No one calls them Jewish folks Anti-Semite, haters, or makes them go to slave plantations to make them see black pain. Kellerman have you ever been to a slave plantation before? Guess who ran the slave ships and the auction blocks.

But because of your hate of the True Israelite real Jews you are making Desean Jackson go to that holocaust  camp to see what happened to 6 million Jewish imposters, but will not tell him that you all owned the slave ships that took his family to the 4 corners of the earth. You make him Apologize and and whip him verbally all across the media circuits because he had the nerve to Quote Hitler on something he really said? You rich well off Negroes need to break off and erect our own News Outlets. This silence back voices is getting old and fast.

Nick Cannon JUST GOT FIRED for having a conversation. Are you so called blacks not tired yet of being told what to feel, do, say? Are you not tired yet of being shot, Karened to death, abused, redlined? You come into work just like them you hustle even harder in most cases and can be fired because of your hair style or something you said.

No you damn Amalek Edomite Jewish Imposter from the seed of darkness and Ashkenazi we know who you are, and I am going to prove it using your own people because this has gone on long enough. You say that excerpt from Hitler was a hoax, a fake, fake news, poor research, or its been debunked. I have one question for you please answer this. You Jewish people have been sent a strong delusion that Christ and the Apostles warned you about.



I believe that is a fair and Legitimate question on the table. Options are like buttholes everyone has one but where are your facts? Gone are the days when you can crack the whip and say “Because I said so” and we shuffle down to the barn saying Yes Massa.

People say the Trans Atlantic, Trans Pacific,  Sub Saharan, Blackbirding and Indian Ocean Slave trade didnt happen does that make it so? TMH has a scripture for you and he knows his people Desean Jackson is an Israelite a real Jew and not Jewish.


I mean foreal foreal who debunked that we are the biblical bloodline jews? I am talking about the Negroes that in the early Christian days were called Benjamin, Levi and Judah? Who has sat down with IUIC, or Ron Dalton, or Big Judah, One nation one power and bereded them the same way you did Nick Cannon and Desean Jackson? You have had over a 500 year head start with our history and you have taught your own people lies. I say pick on someone your own size, you made Desean Jackson apologize for speaking truth why not go after someone who can fight you back with raw facts that break non believers backs.


We all know the answer to this you all are scared and terrified that we ARE right so you come up with agencies like the SPLC and other covert shell companies to infiltrate and label us BIE’s or Black Hebrew Israelites but we call you just 2 words “The Wicked”. Since darkness cannot stand in the light you will remain in the shadows and keep up with your media slander but be warned the times of the gentiles is O V E R. Every idle word you speak shall be paid for.

 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


Book of Sirach 13:20-23


20 As the proud hate humility: so doth the rich abhor the poor.

21 A rich man beginning to fall is held up of his friends: but a poor man being down is thrust away by his friends.

22 When a rich man is fallen, he hath many helpers: he speaketh things not to be spoken, and yet men justify him: the poor man slipped, and yet they rebuked him too; he spake wisely, and could have no place.

23 When a rich man speaketh, every man holdeth his tongue, and, look, what he saith, they extol it to the clouds: but if the poor man speak, they say, What fellow is this? and if he stumble, they will help to overthrow him.

  Which brings me to my next point before we get into some meat scriptures and facts. A message to STEPHEN A SMITH, SHANNON SHARP and the rest of you so called black men. You are Israelites whether you believe it or not, pick a damn side because if The Official Grand Master Jay NFAC Founder has showed you anything time is short. TMH has warned you to come out of her my people because the Plagues are hitting (Revelation 18:5). We Israelites are cutting the fat of Babylon off and it’s time to stand with your brothers or fall with your oppressors Proverbs 11:21, Isaiah 13:13-15.

Desean Jackson is your brother and you are letting a paycheck and whitey decide if you say whats right or not? Your religion is false and your pastor is lying to keep you paying Tithes. You are Israelites the savior is Yahawahshi (Jesus) and no hes not white, his skin is like his kin brown to the ground. Choose ye this day whom you will serve because after this article hits the world wide web YOU will be confronted with a hard choice. I pray you choose wisely.



  ALL OF YOU ISRAELITES WORLDWIDE If you do not stand up for your brothers and sisters now even in the face of these lies then stop teaching. You are commanded to love your brother and sister not slander them. The Angels of Yah are watching. Thats one thing I can say about Nfac they just do not talk about they be about it. Desean Jackson was right the spirit was on him and I for one will not hold my peace.

Come Max Kellerman let me show you what your own people have hidden from YOU




Here is your biggest mistake you ever made you didnt check to see what your own people said on the matter. If you did and still got on live TV saying we have “Bad Information” then you are sorely mistaken, because the losers of wars do not write history but the victors. In order to see what the real deal is you have to go beneath the layers. This is not about slander this is about TRUTH. Tell me something Max Kellerman before 1948 where were the current people in Israel living? Here let me help you out since we have “Fake Info and we are Anti-Semtic”.

balfour declaration was a planned attack to get Israel away from the real Jews

  So Max according to this document and historical fact the “Jewish” never even stepped foot inside Jerusalem till 1948. Is that bad information? The balfour declaration 1948 is what gave the Edomites or Modern Day Europeans the land. Before that time you and your people were in the Caucuses Mountains of Georgia Russia or Petra, this is why white people are called Caucasians. So before you got there who was in the land and whos land is it? We will get to that but first Im going to show you more proof you are converts.

Top 7 Proofs to confirm that the Jewish are Converts and not the biblical Jews

Proof 1 =  your own people are telling on themselves that you came from Northern and Southern Europe not my words. Your own people Max Kellerman are telling you that you are not originally from Israel but Petra.

Esau runs the media Desean Jackson and Nick Cannon were right

Proof 2 = 

Later, another mass conversion took place in the Black Sea kingdom of Khazaria towards the end of the eighth ­century. The Khazar elite acquired Judaism as a form of diplomatic neutrality in the surrounding clashes between Christianity and Islam. That conversion gradually scooped up people of mixed ethnic ­backgrounds who are, Sand believes, the main ancestors of Eastern European Jewry.

The Khazar conversion is no revelation. It was the basis for a 1976 book by Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, which was reviled, then ignored, by mainstream Zionism. But the Jewish Khazars were recognized by early Zionist historians, albeit as a numerically insignificant curiosity. They were only dropped from the story in the 1960s. After the 1967 Six Day War, to be precise. ((Source))

Proof 3 =  You want to take a crack at this Kellerman since you are so good at breaking things down? This is in the bible in the book of Maccabees and in Historic factual data and oh yea we didnt write this. We will dig deeper into this later but here is a taste. Please help us Negroes the true Jews of the bible out because we have terrible sources.



“Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, 25 and of the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews.”

Antiquities of the Jews[Judeans] by Flavius Josephus

Book 13, Chapter 9, Paragraph 1

The Josephus tells you that Desean Jackson was right

Proof 4 = Here is a Jewish scholar that believed as you did that the blacks had “Misinformation” and went with his resources to prove it only to prove in the end the Negroes are the real Jews. As a matter of fact this is what was said about the Jewish people in the land. Oh yea one more thing after you read this make sure you look online to see what happened to him after this book was released.

Arthur Koestler

A very convincing argument that most people who identify ethnically as “Jewish” (i.e. Ashkenazi) are actually descendants from the kingdom of Khazaria in Eastern Europe whose king, not wishing to be controlled by Christianity to the West, nor Islam to the East, converted to Judaism to remain autonomous.

“If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus […] and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

If true, the creation of the State of Israel, along with the notion of Antisemitism, would have no meaning, since ethnically, they were not a “Semitic” people, but rather European converts to a religion.

Deal with this Max Kellerman Desean Jackson and Slomo Sands were right


Proof 5 = So maybe you do not believe what was posted above maybe that is not enough meat. Let’s see what the The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41 says. I mean I dont want to mislead folks into a false story. I mean we can read now and everything but if people like Max Kellerman say its false surely we cannot believe what our eyes see ….right? Remember all these are YOUR SCHOLARS not ours. We havent even gotten into our works of great vision and academic purity.

The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41

95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,

“Edom is in modern Jewry.” Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some “Red pottage… therefore was his name called Edom”
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means ‘red’.

It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.

Proof 6 = Your top flight anthropologists and archeologist not to mention all the 1000’s of hidden books know something that ESPN CNN and all the other Jewish Edomites dont know or choose not to recognize. If you say you are “Jewish” (We will get into that later) then you know the story of the flood right? Watch this Max Kellerman and the Philadelphia Eagles.

Zondervan’s Compat Dictionary

Ham – The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites. ((WE ARE SHEMITES so how can we be anti-self?))

This aint that hard people either you really do not know and you have been lied to (Jeremiah 16:19) or you are really unlearned. You might know X’s and O’s but if this was a game you are way down on the scoreboard. Again these are not Brotha Street teachers, in addition to all this we have not even gotten into the Iconoclasm.

Proof 6 = Now read this passage closely because you cannot get around this. Period point blank if the Israelites fled into AFRICA what color are the Africans of that day (70AD)? When Christ was a baby where did Joseph and Mary flee to? Was not Paul confused for an Egyptian? Africans did NOT SELL AFRICANS they sold the biblical ISRAELITES to the Europeans.

Babylon to Timbuktu

  In the year G5 n.c. the Roman armies under General 
Pompey captured Jerusalem. In 70 a.d. General Vespasian 
and his son, Titus put an end to the Jewish state, with great 

During the period of the military governors of

Palestine, many outrages and atrocities were committed 
against the residue of the people. During the period from 
Pompey to Julius, it has been estimated that over 1,000,000 
Jews fled into Africa, fleeing from Roman persecution and 
slavery. The slave markets were full of black Jewish slaves. 

Wait the Jews are Black? Then that means Desean Jackson and Nick Cannon were right 


Thats right if the Jews are black which I am about to prove who exactly is that in Israel today? You need to read this history of Bulan  because this is where most of these issues stem from. Also in the book of Ester, and the Josephus you read about a forced conversion so that is 3 witnesses. Why did you come against what Desean Jackson said? Its really simple. You white White Supremacist  (Yea I know you have plenty of black friends) did the math in your head QUICK.

If the Jews are black and that means Christ was black (Tribe of Judah Hebrews 7:14) and Paul and Peter both said they were black. That would by elimination mean Moses was black (Exodus 4:4-6). In turn that would HAVE to mean that all the Israelites were people of color brown to the ground (Jeremiah 14:2, Genesis 2:7, Songs of Solomon 1:5).

If all that is true then that would mean Christ whom you hung from a TREE is also black and white Jesus is fake. Hmm … who did we hang on trees during slavery and who do we hang from trees in 2020? OHHH SHIIITT ……

This is what and why white people are afraid they did the match and its a problem they cannot solve. There is a payment due Desean’s Jacksons comment sent RIPPLES through the world and it was straight truth. Negroes and Indios are waking up worldwide and getting their Identity back, BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY 12 tribes and all of them are people of color.

I say black because that is the current construct you have us under Steven A Smith, Shannon Sharp, are all brown skin Hebrews. We are going to deal with a few issues on the table once and for ALL. What does the word Israeli mean?


English Language Learners Definition of Israeli

: a person born, raised, or living in modern Israel


Ok so do you see the problem with this? Even a non learned person can see thats like saying Im a American. There are plenty of American’s but does that constitute a race or Nation? There are Chinese people born in the USA does that make their bloodline “American”? See you’ve had the wool pulled over your eyes. You might be a citizen but that does not prove BLOODLINE. Ok now lets look at Israelite Definition this is basic info yall grab your cell phone and TRY IT lol.


Definition of Israelite

a descendant of the Hebrew patriarch Jacob specifically:
a native or inhabitant of the ancient northern kingdom of Israel


Ok all of you that have eyes to see open them this is plain. Max Kellerman are getting bent out of shape about what Desean Jackson said and I just learned that they fired Nick Cannon for saying the same. We are the Jews the bible speaks of thats not Anti-semtic or Anti-shemitic or Anti-European its call the raw truth not according to me but THEM.

The Jews are Black or people of color and always have been how do you think we survived in 100 daily degree heat? Do you not see that the sun is against people without Melanin? I am sick and tired of you fake Jews punishing us for telling the truth.

Facebook ban’s us for telling truth
Youtube ban’s us for the same
Media will do the same and have
They hack our sites so the message wont go out
They send BILLIONS to Israel and they are not the Jews.

We will deal with the word Jew and Jewish because you might say what is the difference. A Jew is one of the top 3 Israelite families Judah, Benjamin, Levi. When you hear an Israelite say the Jews were in power it’s talking about those 3 tribes. When you say House of Israel that is the 9 other tribes of the Northern Kingdom that was split off since the time of 2 Kings 17 because of Solomon’s sin of Idolatry. Jew also denotes Judah the 4th born son of Jacob.

Here is what Jewish means its simple family. Jew-ish is the same as saying Blackish or Childish it doesn’t mean exactly that you are a child or black it means you are imitating it. Jewish means “ACTING AS A JEW” but they are not the original article. The true Israelite or Jew or Israelite were scattered we do not speak the ancient Hebrew why? Because the Israelites born in China are they speaking Palo Hebrew? What if you are born in America?

Speaking of languages the version of Hebrew you hear the Israeli’s speak is not actually Hebrew its Yiddish mixed with Slavic (See Caucus Mountains again). They cannot even read Ancient Hebrew without the Vowel points. This is fact and not a made up narrative like you like to place out Max Kellerman.

Am I picking on you? Not exactly your white privilege has allowed you a platform to slander us and you dont know no better. HITLER said those comments and for the record they are right because World War II The Nazis Hardcover – January 1, 1980 Is Time Life lying also? He knew who the Negroes were thats just the end of discussion. Negroes are the Jews people of color, and we are not going to swallow nonsense anymore. We know who you and your people are.

Desean Jackson was right and Nick Cannon about the fake jews

Icon pictures proving the Negroes are Black and Desean Jackson and Nick Cannon were right!


  To all the brothers and sisters worldwide whether you know you are an Israelite or not WAKE UP. The devil knows he has a short time so he is coming full court press on us. I write this article not only to shut up those hateful demons that keep calling you slave terms but also for those of us that stand for the weak among us.

I do not mean weak Physically but mentality to their true Identity I’m going to show you what they have been hiding. These Icons are from the Dark Ages and no its not because there was a lack of knowledge. WE RULED EUROPE end of story and no King James was not white either. #FACTS

King David Get a white man out of THIS

Someone tell me who this Pope is bowing to?

You people owe us an apology and we will get it one way or another


We do not make threats we make promises via the scriptures. Revelation 3:9 and Revelation 2:9 MUST come to pass.(Heres a hint if they are the real Jews in Israel why has not this happened?) We are sick and tired of being sick and tired of your BS. You got all these crazy Karens and a mad man in the White House (Which Israelites built).

You have raped robbed and murdered enough to encompass the world 10 times over. You have stolen our lands and you have killed our children, from this day forward you no longer own our Identity. ISRAELITES WORLD WIDE we are going to flip the script today. If you do not stand up now you can sit down for these devils permanently. We will no longer respond to Black, Nigger (Acts 13), Indios, Indian, Native American, Filipino, Samoan, or any other wicked byword you give us.

Hosea 1:10 shall come to pass you will acknowledge us for who we really are. All we got to do is repent pray to the father and stay away from sin and its a WRAP. Time for Zephaniah 2:1 family no time anymore for trying to get along to get along. You demon white people fire us for standing up for ourselves and you make no account for our labors.

You hold yourself not guilty when a damn cell phone caught you live doing us harm while we BEG to breathe. You say Africans sold Africans when you know the damn truth. You are forcing Desean Jackson to go look at your so called Holocaust when 100 million of us died. Thats just the Southern Kingdom not even the Northern Kingdom those are raw facts. How many Indios or south pacific northern kingdom perished by your hand in the name of Christianity?

Even a better question Max Kellerman if you are the real Jews of the bible answer this for us all since we have misinformation and we got to go to Massa once again to get told the truth this is by YOUR PEOPLE. Wouldnt this be Anti-Semtic?

You know what the lord told Abraham about blessing the true Jews. Has this world been blessed or cursed? If Christ said that Gentiles was going to live in the land after 70AD who’s in the land today (Luke 21:20-24). Im going to do you a solid along with all of the world since you know sports.

If your people are the real Jews why would you buy and sell slaves and lead them into captivity? (Revelation 13:9-10) Why do your people own the IMF and other banking institutions that charge Usery when the bible says thats a sin. The bible also says the Israelites would have no power in the last days last I checked you guys own a military and have missiles. By Prophecy we were made stronger go read Genesis 25:23 you cannot duck the truth.

Name me the last white Heavy Weight Champion Boxing.
Name me the last white 2000 yard Rusher in football.
Name me the last Jewish scoring champion in Basketball.

Whos the fastest runner?
Name me the last Jewish Lifting Champion.
Name me the best Jazz singer R&B or any other music with flavor.
If you go through your house right now there are over 200 inventions made by Israelites.

Who survived 400+ years of slavery and still are the best at whatever we place our hands to?

Who ruled the Dark Ages?

Who had a nation within a Nation called Black Wallstreet? And who Destroyed it?

Here you go Kellerman out of the top 100 best runners on the charts 9 are white the other 91 are people of color or Israelites.

You owe us an apology we will start with that but according to the father you reap what you sow. We are the biblical Jews of the bible we are not ashamed of Yahawahshi or Yahawah or our lineage. You people owned the slave ships and insured us for the slave owners. The Kinsman Redeemer Comes very soon I would get your act together because you are messing with the apple of the most highs eye. Desean Jackson is an Israelite and there is nothing you can do about it you cannot change your blood like you did with religion in 700 AD.

We will blackball your entire society and create our own for us by us. Leave us alone you have talked enough evil and your hands are full of blood and sin. DAMN YOU for trying to make Desean Jackson feel as though hes a slave just to get one of your checks. If the roles were reversed you would never stand for it. ALL OF YOU SO CALLED BLACKS WORKING IN THE WHITE MAN’S SLAVE CAMPS BETTER STAND TOGETHER OR FALL ALONE.

What I want is a full on the air apology for Desean Jackson and the Philadelphia Eagles to do the same. I want Nick Cannon to be rehired or given a severance pay for the remainder of his contract plus a live apology. We will pull every single black dollar up our of America Pandemic or not and see if this damn boat floats.


  • Lets see how you Jewish people do with brothers and sisters playing your “Sports” Football Baseball etc (2 Maccabees 4:10-15). I BET we can make a better one without you.
  • Let’s see how you do America without OUR essential workers in the middle of a pandemic.
  • Lets see what happens if we stop shopping at YOUR stores.
  • Lets see what happens when all the Israelites in one voice with all the power of the Angels and Yahawahshi backing us say NO MORE.


America and all of you that stand with the confederate flag you have been warned many times. You see the signs the father is not pleased. Kill one more of us or let there keep being Karen’s around us. You better go read what happened in the bible when ALL the Israelites worldwide prayed to the father what happened to those enemies. When Kellerman said what he said the rest of you blacks should of stood up and punished them for that. When Riley Cooper said  “I will jump that fence and fight every nigger here, bro that should of been IT! Now you white people want to come after the Black Militias through the guise of labeling us BIE’s or Black Hebrew Israelites?

When Jewish people said what they did and turned around and fired Nick Cannon and you all did NOTHING?! Thats why the bible said is Israel a home born slave Jeremiah 2:14. No Hebrews world wide in all lands you pick a side today no this minute as you are reading this. Dont send me any inbox messages or emails on this matter check your spirit. If this happened to any other people on this planet the entire country and other nations would unite, but they will not for you because you are the hidden ones of Psalms 83.


You know one of the reasons they will not give us reparations? It’s simple math they know we are the salt of the earth literally. If they do give us what is owed we would leave that night. Thats some hard facts and all you got to do is think about it. Who’s going to stick around in a abusive relationship forever? That is exactly what this is and some of us are fed up, and frankly we dont give a damn anymore. Stockholm Syndrome and PTSD (Post Traumatic slave Syndrome) is what we have and we need peace.

Im going to close this article now with this statement. I actually do believe there are some good white and Jewish people out there and want nothing to do with the lies Kellerman and the News Media (Jewish owns that also) spew. I do not hate white people its not your skin its your actions I wouldnt care if you were purple. Keep abusing us and see what the father and the son do to you in the end. Speaking of the end you know times almost up …. right?

Shalom to Desean Jackson and Nick Cannon I pray this article reachers you soon. I for one stand with you and NOT with them. If they do not make right on this right Every melanated person on the planet pull back out of the USA financially and mentally and I bet that ship don’t float.

From the time this article goes live I’m going to give it 2 weeks if no changes then I will no longer shop with anyone of the Caucasian Persuasion. Colin Kapernic had the right idea but now I say dont kneel just walk away and see if they dont beg for us back. We are going to put Matthew 5:13 to the test once and for all for I believe WE ARE the salt of the earth. We do not need you to survive till the father comes back. Max Kellerman and the rest of your kind better get right Yahawah is coming with his son.

I really do not care if you believe or not in the bible one thing that is fact is that we are the biblical Israelites and you nor anyone like you can take THAT away from us (Jeremiah 33:22-26, James 1:1). We are still here and we are watching stop telling us who WE are Massa.

To my beloved brother Desean Jackson you owe them nothing STAND PROUD. Dont you people lay another hand on us. I am sorry for the lack of backbone in our Israelite community that stood with the Jewish on this matter.

You heathens keep testing us the father is watching , you thought Covid19 was bad. The curses are being switched from us to YOU go read Deuteronomy 30:1-7 Revelation 18:5-10. Your sins have reached the heavens can you not see whats happening? You did the fathers will Desean Jackson and Nick Cannon that is not hate you are justifed.

As long as we are their puppets they are all cheers and laughter, but as soon as you figure out the truth and speak it all hell breaks loose. Well we are not their punching bag anymore it’s time for the Israelites to pull OUT of her and be separate. THE REAL 12 TRIBES ARE AWAKE WORLD WIDE.

Desean Jackson was right AMERICA you owe him and us an apology and all of our reparations. In a way I hope you ignore this article the father and the angels know I did it in the spirit and I will stand for my brother even if no one else will because Yahawahshi commanded it. Desean Jackson was so right you imposters better wake up and give us our Lineage back.

Bulan the King of the Converts and the lie told world wide


I debated Whether or not to write this next part about the history of Bulan but I figured of you read this piece of history maybe some of you Jews and Gentiles will finally wake up. This is all 300% fact and I will give you all the breadcrumbs so in your own time you can look this up yourself. It’s been in plain sight all this time but if you dont read non-Jewish scholar books you will never come across this.

In order to paint a narative you have to have power to do so and since the Jewish owns most media outlets some books are hard to find from certain publishers. I will do my best to give you some history of Bulan and the Khazar Correspondence. Im going to state this for the record this is a letter of much scrutiny but with other sources available you can plainly tell these quotes are quite real.


Hasdai’s (An Israelite) letter to King Joseph (Convert)

Hasdai’s Letter starts like this ….


I, Hasdai, son of Isaac, son of Ezra, belonging to the exiled Jews of Jerusalem in Sepharad, a servant of my lord the King, bow to the earth before him and prostrate myself towards the abode of your Majesty from a distant land. I rejoice in your tranquility and magnificence and stretch forth my hands to God in heaven that He may prolong your reign in Israel….

Praise be to the beneficent God for His mercy towards me! Kings of the earth, to whom his [ Abd-ar-Rahman’s ] magnificence and power are known, bring gifts to him, conciliating his favor by costly presents, such as the King of the Franks, the King of the Gebalim, who are Germans, the King of Constantinople, and others. All their gifts pass through my hands, and I am charged with making gifts in return. [Ibn Shaprut, who knew several languages, received these embassies.] Let my lips express praise to the God of Heaven, who so far extends His loving kindness towards me, without any merit of my own, but in the fullness of His mercies!
I always ask the ambassadors of these monarchs who bring gifts about our brethren the Israelites, the remnant of the captivity, whether they have heard anything concerning the deliverance of those who have languished in bondage and have found no rest. [He was anxious to know if the “Ten Lost Tribes” existed as an independent Hebrew state anywhere.] ((Direct quote from Here))

((Clearly this man is an Israelite biding shalom to people that he believes is his family))


The reply from King Joseph reads as follows you need to take notes this is H E A V Y.



….I wish to inform you that your beautifully phrased letter was given us by Isaac, son of Eliezer, a Jew of the land of Germany [Isaac carried it through Germany, Hungary, and Kievan Rus to Khazaria.] You made us happy and we are delighted with your understanding and wisdom…. Let us, therefore, renew the diplomatic relations that once obtained between our fathers, and let us transmit this heritage to our children. [Joseph believed the Khazars had once had diplomatic relations with the Spanish Arabs.]

You ask us also in your epistle: “Of what people, of what family, and of what tribe are you?” Know that we are descended from Japheth, through his son Togarmah. [In Jewish literature Togarmah is the father of all the Turks.]


I have found in the genealogical books of my ancestors that Togarmah had ten sons. These are their names: the eldest was Ujur, the second Tauris, the third Avar, the fourth Uauz, the fifth Bizal, the sixth Tarna, the seventh Khazar, the eighth Janur, the ninth Bulgar, the tenth Sawir. [These are the mythical founders of tribes that once lived in the neighborhood of the Black and Caspian Seas.] I am a descendant of Khazar, the seventh son.

I have a record that although our fathers were few in number, the Holy One blessed be He [this is a common name for God], gave them strength, power, and might so that they were able to carry on war after war with many nations who were more powerful and numerous than they. By the help of God they drove them out and took possession of their country. Upon some of them they have imposed forced labor even to this very day. The land [along the Volga ] in which I now live was formerly occupied by the Bulgarians. Our ancestors, the Khazars, came and fought with them, and, although these Bulgarians were as numerous as the sand on the shores of the sea [a reference to the Book of Joshua], they could not withstand the Khazars. So they left their country and fled while the Khazars pursued them as far as the Danube River. Up to this very day the Bulgars camp along the Danube and are close to Constantinople. The Khazars have occupied their land up till now.

After this, several generations passed until a certain King arose whose name was Bulan. He was a wise and God-fearing man, trusting in his Creator with all his heart. He expelled the wizards and idolaters from the land and took refuge in the shadow of his wings … After this his fame was spread broadcast. The king of the Byzantines and the Arabs who had heard of him sent their envoys and ambassadors with great riches and many great presents to the King as well as some of their wise men with the object of converting him to their own religion. [The Byzantines and Arabs hoped to stop the raids of the Khazars by converting them and later make them allies through shared faith.] (( Religious Compromise)) 

But the King-may his soul be bound up in the bundle of life [a standard burial phrase for Jews] With the Lord his God-being wise, sent for a learned Israelite. the King searched, inquired, and investigated carefully and brought the sages together that they might argue about their respective religions. Each of them refuted, however, the arguments of his opponent so that they could not agree. When the King saw this he said to them: “Go home, but return to me on the third day…”

On the third day he called all the sages together and said to them. “Speak and argue with one another and make clear to me which is the best religion.” They began to dispute with one another without arriving at any results until the King said to the Christian priest “What do you think? Of the religion of the Jews and the Muslims, which is to be preferred?” The priest answered: “The religion of the Israelites is better than that of the Muslims.”

The King then asked the qadi: “What do you say? Is the religion of the Israelites, or that of the Christians preferable?” The qadi answered: “The religion of the Israelites is preferable.”

Upon this the King said: “If this is so, you both have admitted with your own mouths that the religion of the Israelites is better Wherefore, trusting in the mercies of God and the power of the Almighty, I choose the religion of Israel, that is, the religion of Abraham. If that God in whom I trust, and in the shadow of whose wings I find refuge, will aid me, He can give me without labor the money, the gold, and the silver which you have promised me. As for you all, go now in peace to your land.”

From that time on the Almighty helped Bulan, fortified him, and strengthened him. He circumcised himself, his servants, attendants, and all his people.

Then Bulan sent for and brought from all places wise men of Israel who interpreted the Torah for him and arranged the precepts in order, and up to this very day we have been subject to this religion. May God’s name be blessed and may His remembrance be exalted for ever!

((We had to teach them how to live by our Gods commandments Nothing is new under the sun see 2 Kings 17))

Since that day, when my fathers entered into this religion, the God of Israel has humbled all of their enemies, subjecting every folk and tongue round about them, whether Christian, Muslim, or pagan. No one has been able to stand before them to this day [about 960]. All of them are tributary. [But only about ten years later Joseph was defeated by Sviatoslav I of Kiev, 969.]

((HE converted the entire kingdom to the Israelite way of life))

After the days of Bulan there arose one of his descendants, a king Obadiah by name [the name means “God’s servant”], who reorganized the kingdom and established the Jewish religion properly and correctly. He built synagogues and yeshivot, brought in Jewish scholars, and rewarded them with gold and silver. [The Jewish scholars could have come from Baghdad and Constantinople.] They explained to him the Bible, Mishnah, Talmud and the order of divine services. The King was a man who revered and loved the Torah. He was one of the true servants of God. May the Divine Spirit give him rest!



There are over 30 books on this subject as the quote above is just from Wiki there is a mountain of evidences to prove this fact including the bible.  You so called Jewish are a mix of Edom and Japheth because of the wars Edom took over a lot of those lands and then converted people there also. Going back even further Herod was an Edomite Convert this is not a Hyperbole but just a matter of real history.

Some of you have never heard of the Khazar Correspondence or the King Bulan Conversion and thats ok now you know. I have given you Israelites and gentiles the shovel go dig this history up and see for yourself. For those of you that cannot fathom the magnitude of this discovery Ill make it plain

Desean Jackson and Nick cannon were right and told the entire world facts


In closing with the evidence listed above and Deuteronomy 28 you can see who the real Israelites are today. Max Kellerman and all the other concerts like him know in their spirit that their time is up and all they can say deep down if THATS NOT TRUE THATS IMPOSSIBLE. You all sound as ridiculous as when Megan Kelly said Jesus is white and not fact check THAT BS and let her run with it. Id like to send a shout out tp Tim Wise that put that entire thing to rest (Revelation 1:14-15 Daniel 10:5 Jeremiah 14:2 and Hebrews 7:14)


Even King Bulan know who is the real King Maker on this planet and its Yahawah. Since he rules in the Kingdom of men even Edom and Japheth have a line they cannot Pass (Job 14:5). Desean Jackson and Nick Cannon might not have broken it down like I did here but the fact remains we are the real Jews the bible speaks of. 

We are not converts, or wannabe’s we are not delusional or wakos looking to make a fringe group of suicide maniacs. We are not Media made puppet flunkies that tell their opinions to make them facts. We do not use a cacophony of prescripted media confusion to make new speak history. We are the biblical sons of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, and we back our brothers Desean Jackson and Nick Cannon because they were 300% on point.

100% proof the Apocrypha and the hidden books are part of the bible: Scribes of Righteousness

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The Scribes of Righteousness have spoken those who have an ear let them hear


  In this article we are going to give 100% proof that the Apocrypha and the hidden books are part of the bible, in addition we will prove that what you have in the 66 books currently isnt even a small sample size of what the the ancient Hebrews had. Now whether or not you believe whats being posted here is not my concern, as our savior said “Its given to YOU to know the mysteries of the Kingdom but to them it is not given (Matthew 13:10).The apocrypha was part of the original bible


 So the question has to be asked why now? What did it take me a True Israelite to come to this conclusion about the Apocrypha? As you all have known Ive always wrote about topics that make you think and this is no different. The turning point for me where I could not longer deny it came from an unlikely place. Some of you will get frustrated with whats being brought out and that is OK because to you this is not given. Go and keep your 66 books of history that is supposed to house over 6000 years of Israelite history. Yea …let that sink in for a minute.

Would you believe the prophet Jeremiah?

What if Jeremiah quoted Enoch?

  Would you call that Blasphemy or say “The white man wrote that”, or would you give ear to what men wiser than you had to say? Would you give way to learned men that on many occasions quoted their forefathers? The Apocrypha and the hidden books are written and summarized many places within the New Testament so why is there so much push back? Some of these camps are paid agents of the Priests of Mahan If you do not know who they are I will leave a small video. This fight has been since the beginning of time till now and the devil knows he has a short time left.

 Some of us were gifted before the foundations of the earth to be able to see behind the veil of lies and to be able to keep the meat and spit out the bones when it comes to our “Books”. This is not a new concept or some radical idea of interpreting scriptures, in fact we do it all the time and dont even know it. For instance the bible says Precept must be upon Precept this not not only foundational but a commandment.


BUT …….. is this talking about just the bible?

Revealed Secret order also search Big Judah video on Priest of Mahan also known as the Jesuits

So what does Precept must be upon Precept mean? Ive been told not to pair the bible with any other “Books”

Ok we have to deal with this head on because many “Camps” tell you that some of our ancient writing have been tainted by the enemy so you are not to use extra biblical sources outside of the 66 or 80 books. Then I have a few choice questions that must be asked and answered.

1. When we received the knowledge of the bible in the Americas did anyone else have our scriptures?

2. Why did we have a slave bible during the time of our punishment but massa have a full copy?

3. Who taught us the bible and the instruction thereof if we were not able to read or write?

4. Do we still trust our slave masters definition of events in the bible?

5. Who decided to take out the precepts and Apocrypha out of our original text?

As you can see family we have to start with a clean slate because even your bible tells you that the enemy has forged a lie against the father and his children Psalms 119:69. We are going to start with a clean chalk board and wipe everything off the table so to speak. If Precept MUST be upon precept as commanded and you cannot use any other books then you cannot use any other extra sources to prove a point.


  You cannot use Babylon to Timbuktu or The Compact Bible Dictionary, Nature Knows no Colorline, and you certainly cannot use history because you know the white man has tainted that. What does precept mean? It means you need 2 witnesses to justify what you are saying.  Precept means Law or Proof must back up Proof or Commandment must back up commandment.


 That means Isaiah said something Jesus, said or Jesus said something Esdras said, so on and so forth. It also means History backs up History that backs up the bible. It must be a complete seemless circle without breach of understanding. Now I am going to ask a hard question because there is this theory floating around that all the old prophets in the bible were walking around with a full printed bible in their hands LOL.


In Isaiah 34:16 what was meant by this? If you take it for what most camps say (Curses to those who follow men) you cannot pair the book with anything else. This would also mean you cannot use historic sources to “Mate” with the bible. This would also mean everything AFTER the book of Isaiah is not biblical. You might say YOU ARE TAKING THIS TOO FAR …. I am not and I am trying with all humbleness to show you a cruel trick has been played on the children of Israel.

If we go by that definition that the major camps preach we might as well pack it up and go back to the slave bible, in addition we cannot use proven historic sources to prove a matter. This alone should tell you that Isaiah 34:16 is not saying what they are preaching. If it is then the next time you are on a sabbath class or learning in a classroom stand up and say YOU CANNOT MATE THE BIBLE WITH ANYTHING. See if they do not escort you out the front door.

“Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.”

So what book was Isaiah carrying at that time? Was that prophecy even meant for Isaiah’s time? If we take this literal that means we cannot and should not be referencing or quoting anything past the book of Isaiah because you know Isaiah was walking around with the New Testament right? …… It’s saying that the scriptures are filled with the holy spirit and that those who study in the scriptures shall be gathered to wisdom and guidance.


  In Ezekiel 3:1-2 it commands us to eat the entire roll and it’s also quoted in Revelation 10:9. Well if the enemy has taken some of the bread of the children of Israel and hid it to himself how can we take the roll? (See 60 miles of library under the Vatican). You have to make a choice Israel either you have to listen to the holy ghost or man you cannot do both. If you are lead by the spirit then precept will be upon precept and it will match up line upon line.


 Again I will state this for the record so there is no second guessing what im trying to say here. You have to go to other books to get the entire picture of events and happenings for your enemy has scattered your writings. Now lets prove we do not have all of our books, in fact there were more than just the 14 books taken out that we now know as the Apocrypha. Yes there was more sooo much M O R E!!!

100% PROOF the Apocrypha is part of the bible and the hidden enemy that took it out


I debated with myself how I wanted to print this so you could understand but I finally decided to show you this in We defenders of the faith believe in the apocrypha and the hidden bookspaint by numbers simplicity. The holy ghost is telling me no matter what I write here some will believe and some wont because of Isaiah 6:9-10 so it won’t matter what I spoon feed you either you will believe or you wont. We have always had defenders of the faith some used a real sword some spiritual but all of us Male and Female were defenders of the Faith. From the slavery of Egypt till now nothing has changed.


Plug their ears and shut their eyes. That way, they will not see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears, nor understand with their hearts and turn to me for healing. We are the former of all things including the scriptures.


According to the scriptures the enemy has left us with we will follow the rules. Precept MUST be upon precept so to approve or disprove the Apocrypha we got to have at least 2 witnesses that match up. Now for us that are studied and try to be lead by the holy ghost, this is easy but we will take it 1 step further as we always do on True Israelite. WE are under the order of Melchizedek so we are not bound by the scribes and Pharisees yoke of being under their school mastership. Since Matthew Mark Luke and John were also under the Messiah (Yahawahshi) we will use their writings to justify the Apocrypha. Remember the books of Matthew Mark Luke John or the NT were not written yet!


The book of Matthew quotes from the Apocrypha


Matthew 6:19-20 – “store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
James 5:3 – Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you, and it will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure for the last days.
Sirach 29:10-11 – Lose your silver for the sake of a brother or a friend, and do not let it rust under a stone and be lost. Lay up your treasure according to the commandments of the Most High, and it will profit you more than gold


Matthew 7:16,20 – “you will know them by their fruits”
Sirach 27:6 – Its fruit discloses the cultivation of a tree.


Matthew 27:43 – if He is God’s Son, let God deliver him from His adversaries
Wisdom 2:18
if the righteous man is God’s child, he will help him, and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries



Book of Mark quotes in the Apocrypha

Mark 9:48  – it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and to be thrown into hell where their worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched.
Judith 16:17 – The Lord Almighty will take vengeance on them in the day of judgment; he will send fire and worms into their flesh; they shall weep in pain forever.
Mark 4:5,16-17 – Jesus’ description of seeds falling on rocky ground and having no root follows Sirach 40:15.


Book of Luke quotes in the Apocrypha

Luke 1:52 – He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly;
Sirach 10:14 – The Lord overthrows the thrones of rulers, and enthrones the lowly in their place.

Luke 1:42 – Elizabeth’s blessing was not the first time this honor was given to a woman above sister Judith was also given this esteem and honor Judith 13:18.


Luke 2:29 – Simeon’s biblical statement that he is ready to die after seeing the Child Jesus follows Tobit 11:9.

Luke 13:29 – the Lord’s description of men coming from east and west to rejoice in God follows Baruch 4:37.



Book of John quotes also from the Apocrypha even Jesus (Yahawahshi) gets in on the action


John 6:35-59 – Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
Sirach 24:21 – Those who eat of me (wisdom) will hunger for more, and those who drink of me will thirst for more.

John 10:22 – At that time the festival of the Dedication took place in Jerusalem. It was winter …. (festival not in the 66 books!)
1 Maccabees 4:59 – Then Judas and his brothers and all the assembly of Israel determined that every year at that season the days of dedication of the altar should be observed with joy and gladness for eight days, beginning with the twenty-fifth day of the month of Chislev.


John 1:3 – all things were made through Him, the Word, is the same thing mentioned in Wisdom 9:1.

John 3:13 – who has ascended into heaven but He who descended from heaven is quoted Baruch 3:29. Baruch was the scribe of Jeremiah 36.

John 4:48; Acts 5:12; 15:12; 2 Cor. 12:12 – Jesus’, Luke’s and Paul’s concept of of “signs and wonders” follows Wisdom 8:8 proving its not a new revelation.

John 5:18 – Jesus claiming that God is His Father follows Wisdom 2:16 among many other places this is quoted.


WAIT IT GETS BETTER! Paul quotes the Apocrypha many times in the book of Romans time to UNLOCK YOUR MIND

Romans 9:21 = Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one object for special use and unlocking the black mind the apocrypha is part of the bibleanother for ordinary use?

Wisdom 15:7 A potter kneads the soft earth and laboriously molds each vessel for our service,
fashioning out of the same clay both the vessels that serve clean uses and those for contrary uses, making all alike; but which shall be the use of each of them the worker in clay decides.


Rom 1:18-25 – Paul’s teaching on the knowledge of the Creator and the ignorance and sin of idolatry follows Wis. 13:1-10.

Rom. 1:20 – specifically, God’s existence being evident in nature follows Wis. 13:1.

Rom. 1:23 – the sin of worshipping mortal man, birds, animals and reptiles follows Wis. 11:15; 12:24-27; 13:10; 14:8.

Rom. 1:24-27 this idolatry results in all kinds of sexual perversion which follows Wis. 14:12,24-27.

Rom. 4:17 Abraham is a father of many nations follows Sirach 44:19.


Here is the killing part of the whole deal I’m only getting started. Again to go back to what was said before, If we are not to mate the bible with another other books some bibles only have 66 books in them, what are Christ, Matthew, and the others quoting books that are NOT IN YOUR BIBLE of 66 books!

Answer: Someone has been tampering with the biblical text you need to read Maccabees 3:48, but which heathen has done this atrocity because even in the 66 books it teaches us NOT TO TOUCH HIS WORD. So who has combed through our bible and messed up all the precepts? Who has went across the planet in search of US?

In a word ESAU has done it. Everyone wants to quote the bible but does not want to go down the rabbit hole. Daniel even warned you of this Daniel 7:25. Remember their entire goal is to break us from following the father and thus breaking us from the holy spirit. It’s been proven the APOCRYPHA is part of the bible unlock your mind before it’s too late. The Apocrypha has Prophecies that are happening right now as you are reading this.

Why has my bible been tampered with? How much of the bible is missing?


You have to understand family what is written in Revelation 2:25-26 is heavy because its telling you that what you have hold tight until the son comes to redeem us. Paul also tells you that we see through a glass darkly, thats because we do not have all the pieces for the enemy when we were asleep has hidden our history and no Im not talking just the 14 books in the Apocrypha. 



APOC’RYPHA, noun [Gr. from, to conceal.] (( IN OTHER WORDS HIDDEN BUT WHO HID OUR BOOKS!?))

  Literally such things as are not published; but in an appropriate sense, whose authenticity, as inspired writings, is not admitted, and which are therefore not considered a part of the sacred canon of the scripture.

( books whose authors are not known; (we knew who they were)


When the Jews published their sacred books, they called them canonical and divine; such as they did not publish, were called apocryphal. The apocryphal books are received by the “Romish Church” as canonical, but not by Protestants.

Watch this Hebrews we are about to unlock a mystery =The original KJV contained the Apocrypha, known more properly as the Deutrocanonical Books (Or extra books of the law). But the Puritans removed them when they assumed power under Cromwell, following the lead of Europeans Protestants, and they have usually been absent from KJV printings since then.

WAIT WAIT WHO THE HELL IS “CROMWELL” = No one can be sure of the exact figure, but it is estimated that the destruction started and legalized by Cromwell amounted to 97% of the English art then in existence. Statues were hacked down. Frescoes were smashed to bits. Mosaics were pulverized. Illuminated manuscripts were shredded. Wooden carvings were burned. Precious metalwork was melted down. Shrines were reduced to rubble. This vandalism went way beyond a religious reform. It was a frenzy, obliterating the artistic patrimony of centuries of indigenous craftsmanship with an intensity of hatred for imagery and depicting the divine that has strong and resonant parallels today.The forefathers used the apocrypha

What was depicted ? … kings, queens, saints, nobles, Black Jesus, the divine as Black etc…..the Catholic Church, Countries, and Eastern Orthodox still have their Black religious artifacts…. ((SOURCE)) and ((Source))3rd Source

I then speculate, that during this shift in power, Black and Black descended nobles were forced to suppress open acknowledgement of their Black heritage and were forced to do so secretively ….. using symbols in their propaganda art …. the black pages, black boys and girls offering jewels, food, etc…



 As you can see family they went on a crusade to destroy everything and anything that had to do with you and this includes your writings so was Maccabees 3:48 lying? This alone should be a massive wake up call  to you because while we were being slaves and shipped half way around the world they were busy erasing us.

There is another level to this that through my time of learning and waking up I came across.  They always keep enough copies for themselves so they can pass it down through their lineage to keep up with our prophecies. The enemy knows your writings especially whats fake and what’s real. They have went through great pains to learn your literature, but deny you of it.

The protestants along with these white zealots (Or red )  tried to cover up all of your history in Europe and across the world but there was too much of it. This is why where ever the enemy found us via the Papal Bull of 1492 = they destroyed or stole YOUR KNOWLEDGE and kept it for themselves. We are a visual people and they knew that thus they have always tried to trick us with their imaginary.


The protestants went out of their way to tell you what you could and couldn’t read what was “Canon” and what was Apocryphal, so again I asked who gave them authority to dictate what we can and cannot read that the father has ordained to US?  Remember these are HEATHENS THAT HAD OUR WRITINGS  FOR OVER 1000 YEARS WAKE UP PEOPLE. Ever since we got ousted out in 70AD they have had our spiritual papers. Then we got them back and rewrote a lot of it then in the Dark Ages we lost them again.


By appealing to Jerome, he also rejected all the other books Jerome rejected (Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, Tobit, Judith, 1st and 2nd Maccabees, Daniel 13, and sections of Esther).

From then on, Luther (and all Protestants) have been trying to justify this removal. Luther in 1534 thought Baruch was “too skimpy” and not lofty enough to be from the scribe of Jeremiah. He also had problems with certain historical elements in Baruch. But in the long run, it really came down to Jerome’s rejection.

 As a side note, Jerome rejected it because he thought that a Hebrew manuscript tradition, known as the Masoretic Text, was identical to the inspired originals and all other copies were made from this text. Since the Deuteros were not part of the MT, he rejected them as not being of the canonical Scripture. 

 What Jerome could not have known was that there were many different Hebrew manuscripts in circulation during the first century and that the Greek Septuagint, a translation made by the Jews around 200 BC, at least in parts, appears to be a very literal translation of a more ancient Hebrew text tradition that is now lost. 

This means that Jerome’s idea of “Hebrew truth” (I.e., only that which is found in the Hebrew MT is true) has been demonstrated to be an error. With Jerome’s position no longer tenable, Protestantism really doesn’t have a historical leg to stand on in regards to their OT canon.


Remember Psalms 119:69 they forged a lie against TMH by taking out what they had no business touching. These were not their records to touch them and the bible destruction group now known as the world council of churches has you all jacked up. Maybe thats not good enough for you lets see what John has to say and Esdras because after this you will have to choose between your oppressor or the angelic forces that have called you to this marvelous light.

The book of John and 2 Esdras prove there are more than 66 books God never ordained only 66 books only


For those of you that are still with me we are going to prove that there are and were more than 66 – 80 books that were in our original source. The question in the title above is pain show me 2 scriptures that say..

((CHAPTER VERSE)) Thus says the lord I have ordained 66 books thou shalt not read past thus.

I will stop you before you go flipping through pages hell even Yahwahshi said in Revelation 1:3 blessed is those who reads. Lets go to John 21:25


John 21:25, John 20:30-31

 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:

((You see that family? They are not written in this book but in other “books”

See Revelation 20:11 and Daniel 12))

But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

  I am doing this to open your eyes so you can see you no longer need a school master to tell you what you can and cannot read. Ezra or Esdras are the same people. In the book of 2 Esdras there is a passage I believe is long overdue to be explained, for indeed there are more than 66 books that were supposed to be in your bible. Either Ezra is lying or we have been taken for a ride and its time to relearn what they stole from us.


 For the events that are happening today with Covid19 and the strife in the streets are written in the hidden books and your enemy knows it! This is why once again they are trying to calm you down because whats happening is BIBLICAL. We will break down exactly what they and some of these 66-80 bible only groups have missed. Or to be more accurate it was not given to them, and in fact they have been blinded.


2 Esdras 14:20-22

Behold, Lord, I will go, as thou hast commanded me, and reprove the people which are present: but they that shall be born afterward, who shall admonish them? thus the world is set in darkness, and they that dwell therein are without light.

21 For thy law is burnt, therefore no man knoweth the things that are done of thee, or the work that shall begin.

22 But if I have found grace before thee, send the Holy Ghost into me, and I shall write all that hath been done in the world since the beginning, which were written in thy law, that men may find thy path, and that they which will live in the latter days may live.

As you can see Cromwell was not the first to burn our records laws and statutes no this is after the captivity of Babylon (Ezra 8.2–14), nothing has changed to this very hour. We also learn in these few verses that the holy scriptures had to be rewritten. In the book of Jeremiah our own people burned the warnings Jeremiah brought to them (Jeremiah 36:21-23).

Esdras asks specifically for the Holy Ghost plainly this is not talking about the scriptures but a spiritual power of sorts for the ability to dictate and rewrite what was lost and more. Not only is he to write what was done in the beginning  (Things he couldnt of known) but things that are to come just like Moses (Read 2 Esdras 14:1-5). This is a massive undertaking and we have not even gotten to the good part. This job that Esdras was going to do had not been done on this level yet and there was no white man saying DONT READ THIS and there was no Apocrypha at this time.

These writings were supposed to be for us TODAY right now this minute as you are reading this, for guidance to the father’s light. We are in the latter days and we need all the help we can get. Lets see what else we can learn.


2 Esdras 23-26

And he answered me, saying, Go thy way, gather the people together, and say unto them,

that they seek thee not for forty days.

But look thou prepare thee many box trees, and take with thee Sarea, Dabria, Selemia, Ecanus, and Asiel, these five which are ready to write swiftly;

And come hither, and I shall light a candle of understanding in thine heart, which shall not be put out,

till the things be performed which thou shalt begin to write.

And when thou hast done, some things shalt thou publish, and some things shalt thou shew secretly to the wise: to morrow this hour shalt thou begin to write.


Now we see that not all the Israelites were able to take part in this mission only a certain crowd were privy to this mission. Remember at this time the records had been burned so this is all from scratch.  We also learn something most overlook to their own detriment.


Not everyone shall see these writings but you might ask why? Well it has to do with those who are wise and those who are not. There is a division here just like the dividing of the nations there is a chosen bunch who gets to understand the deep mysteries.  This concept is not new either, there were regular Israelites, and those who did magnificent things and miracles. You had the 12 tribes of Israel, but Levi was set apart no one could go behind the veil except Arron. In other words a separation within a chosen group. Also a light of understanding must be lit inside of those to understand these other books, and that can only come from the holy ghost.

Some Israelites were to be given the entire understanding and some were to get just the basics. Dathan and Kora didnt like this at all but as you learned in Numbers 16 its not how we wish it to be it’s gods plan. The light of understanding is not in everyone and we are commanded to follow the LIGHT. That light is Christ he is the light of the world otherwise you are in darkness. Need proof of this?


Wisdom of Solomon 7:7
Wherefore I prayed, and understanding was given me: I called upon God,

and the spirit of wisdom came to me.


James 1:5-6

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,

and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.

For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.


So I took the five men, as he commanded me, and we went into the field, and remained there.

And the next day, behold, a voice called me, saying, Esdras, open thy mouth, and drink that I give thee to drink.

Then opened I my mouth, and, behold, he reached me a full cup, which was full as it were with water, but the colour of it was like fire.

And I took it, and drank: and when I had drunk of it, my heart uttered understanding, and wisdom grew in my breast, for my spirit strengthened my memory:

And my mouth was opened, and shut no more.

The Highest gave understanding unto the five men, and they wrote the wonderful visions of the night that were told, which they knew not: and they sat forty days, and they wrote in the day, and at night they ate bread.

As for me. I spake in the day, and I held not my tongue by night.

In forty days they wrote two hundred and four books.

And it came to pass, when the forty days were filled, that the Highest spake, saying, The first that thou hast written publish openly, that the worthy and unworthy may read it:

But keep the seventy last, that thou mayest deliver them only to such as be wise among the people:

 For in them is the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the stream of knowledge.

And I did so.


You can write an entire article just on this chapter alone but you can see why they removed this out of the bible too much meat for those of us that are wise. We learn that eating the entire roll or what is written in Isaiah 55:1-2 about scriptural understanding and wisdom and it is supposed to be free of charge, but as James and Solomon said you need to ask and pray for it. The lord has to GIVE you this understanding it comes not by itself. For the spirit of Wisdom or the Holy Ghost is alive and she is a strong force that has been here since the beginning (Sirach 24). For the record I am not talking about the Catholic Trinity.

In 40 days they write 204 BOOKS, thats right 204, not 66 and not 80. This was back in Esdras time 204 holy scriptural inspired, transcripts of biblical proportions. So I ask you again how much did the bible destruction group destroy and how much did they keep? How much damage has this white man did to our spiritual foundation? We got to stop right here and THINK. The lord did not give us the spirit of fear the enemy did. When it comes to our books you need to be lead by the holy spirit to see what is bones and what is meat. You see now why they took out what they did?

If there were 204 books during the times of Ezra how much during the time of Christ? Our books were more than spiritual building blocks it was HISTORY and PROPHECY. Now you should be able to plainly observe that Isaiah 36:16 is not saying what these camps are quoting. At that time a good portion of our records were intact but what about now this day? Now we MUST deal with the last few verses …… read this with understanding.


And it came to pass, when the forty days were filled, that the Highest spake, saying, The first that thou hast written publish openly, that the worthy and unworthy may read it:

But keep the seventy last, that thou mayest deliver them only to such as be wise among the people:

 For in them is the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the stream of knowledge.

This is what you call a last days prophecy for some of us are the same ones back in those days who understand these writings to not only be canon but a must have. Those that are stuck in the 66 books and will not acknowledge the many other books out there that have our ancestors blood sweat and tears are not worthy. Even the heathen has the 66 books is it not written that the Israelites are above them? Are we not supposed to teach the world about our ways? (Isaiah 2:1-2)? Then why are we begging them for our daily bread when ALL WISDOM was given to us and the sons of Jacob? (Sirach 24)

The War of the Scribes of Righteousness and the sons of Perdition


We have been at war family for a very long time now and one of the many ways the sons of perdition wage war is to rip you from your “Knowledge of Self”. Their goal was a massive one that composed of distorting history, misdirection, and cunning craftiness. You might say to yourself well how do we know whats real and whats not?

In other words how do we know what the heathen has tainted and what is inspired? If you watched the video above then you know one of the jobs of the agents of the devil was to steal or destroy historical documents. What happened when the Spaniards went to the Philippines? What happened when Leopold went to Africa? Why did Magellan  and Columbus bring Hebrew (Or Indios) speaking translator?

In every single good movie ever made there is always a Villain, and a Hero well if the Israelites are the Hero’s then TMH MUST of made a bad guy. Who is the ONE RACE in the bible who is promised no mercy from TMH? Who are the agents of these Villains? If the Israelites work for Yahawahshi and Yahawah who do the agents of darkness answer to? Sirach 33 tells you that God made everything in pairs so who is the OPPOSITE of us? This aint that hard family we got to call a spade a spade. We need to get ALL and I do mean ALL of our books back and reconstitute them into the order they were meant to be in.

FUN FACT: Did you know that older bibles than 1800’s have completely different Precepts written in them? Guess who is responsible for taking your bible and snatching the precepts out. When we got scattered we brought our records with us. When they enemy came they took YOUR records with them. Still our people will use their knowledge to justify and to deny TMH’s inspired writings and just because the white man says it’s so then ………

The Apocrypha is part of the bible always has been



If you are asking that question that means you are afraid and the Sons of Perdition have a lock on your mind. If the lord and savior said you belong to him and you are free indeed how can you not tell HIS words? Wisdom which is the holy ghost has always been with us. As it is quoted by Stephen in Acts 7:51-53 we always reject her.

So because we wish to be subject to sin, Wisdom or the holy spirit of discipline cannot stick with us (Wisdom of Solomon 1-5). In essence you have given up the wisdom of TMH and the scribes of righteousness (Law) and traded it for the sons of Perdition laws or the precepts of men (Isaiah 29:13). How do you get back on the full path of righteousness? Read Baruch 4:29 and you will see the road is still open to you ….for a limited time.


Christ said my sheep hear my voice and that is easy to understand for those of us that have the candle of light. It’s also telling you that there are 2 kinds of sheep on this planet (See also John 8:40-51). Question, If Noah wrote something important and he is known as a preacher of righteousness is it not true? If Enoch wrote something essential to today and he was quoted a being a Scribe of Righteousness would you not listen?

“”Jude quotes directly from the Book of Enoch, part of the scripture of the Ethiopian and Eritrean churches but rejected by other churches. He cites Enoch’s prophecy that the Lord would come with many thousands of his saints to render judgment on the whole world.””

Justice for Enoch and our other Scribes of Righteousness or Brothers of the light


My mission is not to get you to believe me but if I may quote the Oracle in Matrix “Make up your own mind”. Like I stated before this is not for everyone and thats OK. There has only been accord to our records 3 individuals to ever be translated or taken up to heaven. Christ Elijah and Enoch Enoch was taken first then Elijah and Christ. Although Paul seen that other heaven he was not translated to that place. Enoch quoted many things to come but I want to show you something that you might not of seen. Most prophets in the bible quoted things to come and some quoted things that have past to bring strength and reassurance that the Lord was still with us. Enochs Prophecies are plain and written and others have precepted with that book see for yourself.


1 These are the words of the blessing of Enoch; according to which he blessed the chosen and righteous who must be present on the day of distress, which is appointed, for the removal of all the wicked and impious.
(Zephaniah 1:14-18), (Matthew 24:21-22), (Matthew 13:30), (Revelation 7:14)

2 And Enoch began his story and said: –
There was a righteous man whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he saw a Holy vision in the Heavens, which the Angels showed to me. And I heard everything from them, and I understood what I saw: but not for this generation, but for a distant generation that will come.

3 Concerning the Chosen I spoke; and I uttered a parable concerning them:

The Holy and Great One will come out of his dwelling.
(Isaiah 14:22, 33: 10-13 35:4), (Ezekiel 34:11-12)

4 And the Eternal God will tread from there upon Mount Sinai, and he will appear with his Host, and will appear in the strength of his power from Heaven.
(Mount Sinai: The relationship with Moses and Children of Israel and the Place:  Why is Enoch talking about Mount Sinai?)
(Galatians 4:24-26)

5. And all will be afraid, and the Watchers will shake, and fear and great trembling will seize them, up to the ends of the earth ((The same watchers in Daniel 7:14 James 2:19, Isaiah 24:21-22))

6 And the high mountains will be shaken; and the high hills will be laid low and will melt like wax in a flame.
(Jeremiah 4:24), (Micah 1:4)

7 And the earth will sink, and everything that is on the earth will be destroyed, and there will be judgment upon all,

and upon all the righteous.
(Zephaniah 1:2-3, 6,18), (Zephaniah 3:8), (2 Peter 3:7,10-12), (Isaiah 13:9), (Isaiah 24:1-23), (Isaiah 28:22)

8 But for the righteous: He will make peace, and He will keep safe the Chosen, and mercy will be upon them. They will all belong to God, and will prosper and be blessed, and the light of God will shine on them.
(Psalm 29:11), (Romans 15:13), (Isaiah 26:3-4, 12), (Ezekiel 34:25)
(Isaiah 41:10), (Isaiah 41:13), (Isaiah 61: 1-9) (Psalm 121:5), (Psalm 31:20), (John 14:18),

(Matthew 28:20)
(Malachi 3:17), (Micah 4:5), (Isaiah 44:5)
(2 Chronicles 9:7), (Psalm 115:15), (Matthew 25:34)
(1 John 1:5), (Revelation 21:23), (Revelation 22:5)


EZEKIEL 37:25-28

And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever: and my servant David shall be their prince for ever.

26Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. 27My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

28And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.

9 And behold! He comes with ten thousand Holy Ones; to execute judgment upon them and to destroy the impious, and to contend with all flesh concerning everything that the sinners and the impious have done and wrought against Him.
(Deuteronomy 33:2), (Jude 1:14-15), (Psalm 68:16-17)


 Now Israel why do they tell you that the book of Enoch isnt Cannon? Who do some of these camps knowingly or unknowing work for? Who do you trust TMH or man. I cannot answer that for you but I think there is a stronger question to be asked instead of arguing over doctrine.


  That question is How and WHO messed us up this bad? Now not all Enoch books are created the same which Book of Enoch did I start reading? I will give you the link but you need to be given the candle of understanding to take out bones from the meat. Who do you believe Jude Christ Brother? Or someone who was never supposed to have our books in the first place (Psalms 50:16). WAIT ISRAELITES THERE IS MORE Enoch prophesied about Yahawashi, you wanna see it?

Not only Jeremiah Quoted Enoch but also many other prophets,

and Enoch Prophesied of Yahawashi


What made me come out with this information you ask? Why Now of all times of the year? What changed my mind to see what had been hidden? What really did it for me family is not what some camp said or some “Hebrew Scholar” said but the holy ghost.


  You see because of a lot of these would be Youtube teachers I never bothered to get the book of Enoch but then I remember what Timothy said in 2 Timothy 2:15.  I read it for myself and to be 100% honest with you all I have questions about somethings that are in there but when Enoch said the same thing as Jeremiah I had to take a step back and examine the matter. Some of us Israelites are lazy and still trust 60-80 book Israelites and that is OK for them but for us that have the holy spirit Prophecy recognizes Prophecy or as we used to say in the streets Real recognizes Real. This is not for vain Glory I am just telling you there are somethings you need to understand in the book of Enoch. WATCH THIS FAMILY.




95:1 O that my eyes were clouds of water, that I might weep over you, and pour forth my tears like rain, and rest from the sorrow of my heart!”

95:2 “Who permits you to engage in evil fight? Judgment will catch up with you,

95:3 “You righteous ones, fear not the sinners! For YAHWEH will again deliver them
into your hands, so that you may carry out against them anything that you desire.”

95:4 “Woe unto you who pronounce anathemas so that they may be neutralized!
Salutary remedy is far from you, on account of your sins.”

95:5 “Woe unto you who reward evil to your neighbors! For you shall be rewarded in
accordance with your deeds.”

95:6 “Woe unto you, witnesses of falsehood! And unto those who prepare oppression!
For you shall perish soon.”

95:7 Woe unto you, sinners, for you persecute the righteous! For you shall be handed
over and be persecuted through oppression. Its yoke shall be heavy upon you.


We will be focusing on the highlighted portion of this scripture but as you notice precepts should be JUMPING into your mind as it did mine. Thats the spirit telling you there is more than meets the eye. You do not throw out the baby with the bath water thats exactly what the ENEMY (Esau and the other nations) want you to do. Enoch 95:1 was like a Nail in my brain because I couldnt shake it, and I couldnt sleep that night I KNEW I read that before. Here is the verse 1 more time. In some books of Enoch it is written in Chapter 94.


O that my eyes were clouds of water, that I might weep over you, and pour forth my tears like rain, and rest from the sorrow of my heart!



To my Hebrew brethren out there I ask where is this written in the 66 books? Its there and Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet said it in summery in the book of Jeremiah 9:1 but the entire book of Lamentations goes with Enoch 95. See for yourself HERE IS THE PRECEPT!


Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! (Jeremiah 9:1 KJV)

Oh, that my head were a spring of water
    and my eyes a fountain of tears!
I would weep day and night
    for the slain of my people. (NIV)



  When I seen that verse in Jeremiah it shot out like a cannon in a echo chamber. I had to back up and think thats when the spirit said to me the prophets are subject TO THE PROPHETS. No one came preaching their own doctrine because that would be going against the scriptures. Prophets taught life lessons and things not yet seen and prophecies of things to come.


  When Enoch said this there was no book of Jeremiah and for Jeremiah to almost word for word thought for thought to quote this….. I had to come to the conclusion no white man wrote this. When you read the rest of Chapter 95 of Enoch you can see that he is prophesying of an event in the future of the wicked being Judged. Enoch 95:5 should directly point you to Isaiah 5:20, but he said it first. Do you see Enoch 95:7 are you going to say that scripture almost verbatim is NOT written not only in the Apocrypha and in the 66 books?

But I will keep it read with you all …. I still was not convinced until I read how the prophecy of Yahawashi was in the book of Enoch and matched the Apocrypha and the New Testament. When I read what I am about to post I had to come to a realization either I had to trust TMH and the holy Spirit or men that told me that the bible 66-80 books were all I needed. I was also told that if I got caught reading and prohecying from those books I would be excommunicated from the congregation. But wait is not not the Church of Yahawahshi and not man? Once more if Enoch Prophecied about the Messiah wouldnt that make him a viable prophet?


Enoch Prophecies about Yahawahshi before it was called Yahawahshi


Wisdom, and power of the Elect One


46:1 At that place, I saw the One to whom belongs the time before time. And his head
was white like wool, and there was with him another individual, whose face was like that
of a human being. His countenance was full of splendor like that of one among the
kodesh malakim. (Matthew 17 the Transfiguration)

46:2 And I asked the one -from among the malakim -who was going with me, and who
had revealed to me all the secrets regarding the One who was born of human beings,
“Who is this, and from whence is he who is going as the prototype of the Before -Time?” (Confirms the first Adam was Christ)

46:3 And he answered me and said to me, “This is the Son of Man, to whom belongs
righteousness, and with whom righteousness dwells. And He will open all the hidden
storerooms; for YAHWEH of Hosts has chosen Him, and He is destined to be victorious
before YAHWEH of Hosts in eternal uprightness.” (Precepts jumping off the page (Matthew 17 Isaiah 53 Prophecy)

46:4 “This Son of Man whom you have seen is the One who would remove the kings
and the mighty ones from their comfortable seats and the strong ones from their
thrones. He shall loosen the reins of the strong and crush the teeth of the sinners.” (Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 Chapter)

46:5 “He shall depose the kings from their thrones and kingdoms. For they do not
extol and magnify HIM, and neither do they obey HIM, the source of their kingship.” (See Above all knees shall bow “The souce of their Kingship Daniel 4:17, Romans 13)

49:1 So wisdom flows like water and majesty is measureless before Him forever and
ever. ((Proverbs 18:4 ))

49:2 For His might is in all the mysteries of righteousness, and oppression will vanish
like a shadow having no foundation. The Elect One stands before YAHWEH of Hosts; His
splendor is forever and ever and His power is unto all generations.

49:3 In Him dwells the spirit of wisdom, the spirit which gives thoughtfulness, the spirit
of knowledge and strength, and the spirit of those who have fallen asleep in

((Sirach 24)) ((See Daniel 12, John 18:9 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17 the righteous are remembered))

49:4 He shall judge the secret things. And no one will be able to utter vain words in
His presence. For He is the Elect One before YAHWEH of Hosts according to HIS good




Enoch Chapter 48: Hold on to your hats it’s about to get good


48:1 Furthermore, in that place I saw the fountain of righteousness, which does not
become depleted and is surrounded completely by numerous fountains of wisdom.

48:2 All the thirsty ones drink of the water and become filled with wisdom. Then their
dwelling places become with the kodesh, righteous, and elect ones.

48:3   At that hour, that Son of Man was given a name, in the presence of YAHWEH of
Hosts, the Before Time; even before the creation of the sun and the moon, before the
creation of the stars, He was given a name in the presence of YAHWEH of Hosts. (Genesis 1:3)

48:4 He will become a staff for the righteous ones in order that they may lean on Him
and not fall. He is the Light of the gentiles and He will become the hope of those who
are sick in their hearts. ((The Line of Adam all the way to the 12 tribes of Israel))

48:5 All those who dwell upon the earth shall fall and worship before Him; they shall
magnify, bless, and sing the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts. (Yahawah and Yahawahshi shall  Rule Absolute Isaiah 2:1-3 Revelation 3:12, Revelation 2:25-26, Revelation 19:12 and many more)

48:6 For this purpose He became the Chosen One; He was concealed in the presence
of YAHWEH of Hosts prior to the creation of the world, and for eternity. ((Who is this?))

48:7 And He has revealed the wisdom of YAHWEH of Hosts to the righteous and the
kodesh ones, for He has preserved the portion of the righteous because they have hated
and despised this world of oppression together with all its ways of life and its habits in
the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts; and because they will be saved in His Name and it is
His good pleasure that they have life. ((You see this wisdom has to be revealed to you John 15:19))

48:8 In those days, the kings of the earth and the mighty landowners shall be
humiliated on account of the deeds of their hands. Therefore, on the day of their misery
and weariness, they will not be able to save themselves.

48:9 I shall deliver them into the hands of MY elect ones like grass in the fire and like
lead in the water, so they shall burn before the face of the kodesh ones and sink before
their sight, and no place will be found for them. ((The book of Obadiah Revelation 13:9-10 Like Stubble ))

48:10 On the day of their weariness, there shall be an obstacle on the earth and they
shall fall on their faces; and they shall not rise up again, nor anyone be found who will
take them with his hands and raise them up. For they have denied YAHWEH of Hosts
and HIS Messiah. Blessed be the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts


Recommended articles of importance

Enoch was quoted by Christ himself will you deny him AGAIN?


Mar 14:21 =  The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had never been born.

Enoch 38:1 The first thing: When the congregation of the righteous shall appear, sinners shall
be judged for their sins, they shall be driven from the face of the earth,

Enoch 38:2  and when the Righteous One shall appear before the face of the righteous, those
elect ones, their deeds are hung upon YAHWEH of Hosts, HE shall reveal light to the
righteous and the elect who dwell upon the earth, where will the dwelling of the sinners
be? and where the resting place of those who denied the NAME of YAHWEH of the
Spirits? It would have been better for them not to have been born ((<=== You cannot DUCK THIS the white man did not write THIS.))

Luke 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Enoch 104: 1-4 “I swear unto you that in heaven the malakim will remember you for good
before the splendor of YAHWEH the Great One; and your names shall be written before
the splendor of YAHWEH the Great One.”

“Be hopeful, because formerly you have pined away through evil and toil. But
now you shall shine like the lights of heaven, and you shall be seen; and the windows of
heaven shall be opened for you. Your cry shall be heard.”

“Cry for judgment, and it shall appear for you; for all your tribulations shall be
demanded for investigation from the responsible authorities – from everyone who
assisted those who plundered you.”((We have YET to do this as 1 nation))

“Be hopeful, and do not abandon your hope because there shall be a fire for
you; you are about to be making a great rejoicing like the malakim of heaven.” Acts 26:6, 7 and Acts 28:20, Zechariah 9:1-12

  I know some of you still will not believe because if you bring this to your preachers or leaders they will reject it outright without doing due research. I do not have all the answers its not the point of this article to convince you to rely upon me. My goal is 2 fold its to get you to understand there is more than meets the eye with these hidden books like the Apocrypha and Enoch.

Look I cannot get you into heaven nor do I have any say in Judgement but with all the events happening in 2020 we need all the prophecy we can get. If Christ is quoting Enoch and you say I follow the sheep wherever he leads then you need to check the book of Enoch and other books out.

  For the record dont mind the cover of this book the Angels were not white nor any of the prophets. As for me and my house we follow the lord if you cannot see it then keep your 66 books but you can no longer say you did not see the true road. I just pointed to a few of Yahawahshi’s quotes going back before the flood….there is more but study to show YOURSELF approved. Again there are 2 camps the wise and the deceived I will show you directly there has been a separation as Moses separated the Israelites after they got caught doing Idolatry. 
  This will be the only article on this site that I do like this so take notes, and NO I will not debate this with anyone either you believe or you dont. If you fall into the latter I would be praying like it says in James 1:1-5 to get wisdom before she leaves you permanently.
So how did we get so Jacked up? How did things get so distorted How did they even get our books?
  In order to understand this swamp of lies and traps the enemy has put out you need to understand that they have hated us since before Yahawah said LET THERE BE LIGHT. It’s planned and operated by forces seen in unseen this is why the scripture say we fight NOT AGAINST flesh and blood.

  There be spirits here that are ancient some have been commanded for your good and others for your destruction. Sounds like a good movie right? Nope, this is our life and our legacy until Christ comes and saves us from this mess. You think George Floyd and Sandra Bland, Freddie Grey, and a host of others were random? We are children of the light but for the time we had our lights put out for sin’s against the father Darkness ruled unchecked for a very long time. The Gentiles have been driving this car called earth for a very long road but now its coming to a end.

Romans and many other nations has held our records and studied us and knew how to kill us (Judith 5:17-20). They have set up counsels and secret plots to make SURE you didnt wake up and UNITE LIKE YOU ARE COMMANDED Zephaniah 2:1. Have you Israelites not noticed everything they have attempted has been to break our bands asunder?

If you think in 70AD when we had to flee for our lives from Jerusalem that we had time to grab all of our belongings you better think again. I hate to use this as an example but when our beloved sister  Breonna Taylor got shot thats how they do us. The Romans and Greeks have always did those barbaric tactics on us Just read Maccabees 1:41-51. Her boyfriend had one thing on his mind when those murders came through the front door. Protect my family no matter the cost, and he did it, DAMN the consequences it was no different when we got ganked (John 10:10) in 70AD.

He didn’t have time to see who it was and he didnt have time to ask if this was a good white man or not. Those that were smart left early. Speaking of that …. the climate in America is getting the same as it was back in 70AD, but that is an article for another day.

This is what happened this is the raw truth and what Christ was warning us about in Luke 21:20-25 and every word came true so why do you not believe when he quotes Enoch? They have been combing through our records since the times of the Roman Catholic Church. When Christ said sell your garment and go buy a sword do you think that was talking about SCRIPTURES?!

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and its so apparent these days. These churches shall lead you to Hell with gas underwear, if you do not leave them, and join with you brothers now you will be locked outside of the ark. They have (Edom Esau “The white man”) has your records and he has been using them against you since before he gave you the slave bible. Since you trust the whiteman so much here let me show you what HE says.

  In 1773, the Scottish adventurer James Bruce found complete copies in Ethiopia. Numerous James Bruce went to the Ethiopians to steal the book of Enoch and the Apocryphamanuscripts of 1 Enoch have since been found in Ethiopian monasteries. Turn of the century scholars concluded that parts of the book are pre-Maccabean, and most (perhaps all) of it was composed by 100 B.C. [Charles, 1913]. ((Before the book of Maccabees 1:1))
These conclusions were largely vindicated when numerous fragments of 1 Enoch were found among the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. There have been two major English translations of 1 Enoch, the 1913 translation of R. H. Charles and the 1983 translation by E. Isaac. All of the quotations that follow come from the newer translation.(SOURCE)
The importance of 1 Enoch is poorly appreciated outside the scholarly community. Comparison of its text with New Testament books reveals that many Enochian doctrines were taken over by early Christians. E. Isaac writes: Quote: There is little doubt that 1 Enoch was influential in molding New Testament doctrines concerning the nature of the Messiah, the Son of Man, the messianic kingdom, demonology, the future, resurrection, final judgment, the whole eschatological theater, and symbolism.

No wonder, therefore, that the book was highly regarded by many of the apostolic and Church Fathers [1986, 10]. First Enoch influenced Matthew, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, and several other New Testament books. The punishment of the fallen angels described in 2 Peter seems to come directly from 1 Enoch, as does much of the imagery (or even wording) in Revelation. (( THIS IS HOW THE ENEMY ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE 1 STEP AHEAD THEY GOT YOUR BOOKS!!!))

The Epistle of Jude contains the most dramatic evidence of its influence when it castigates “enemies of religion” as follows: It was to them that Enoch, the seventh in descent from Adam, directed his prophecy when he said: “I saw the Lord come with his myriads of angels, to bring all men to judgment and to convict all the godless of all the godless deeds they had committed, and of all the defiant words which godless sinners had spoken against him (Jude 14- 15).

” The inner quote, 1 Enoch 1:9, is found in the original Hebrew on a recently-published Qumran fragment [Shanks, 1987, 18]. By attributing prophecy to Enoch, Jude confers inspired status upon the book. First Enoch is important for another reason. Unlike the canonical books of the Bible, which (in my view) were never meant to teach science, sections of 1 Enoch were intended to describe the natural world.

The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of YAHSHUA Messiah and yet is considered by
many to be more Messianic in its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early
Messianic Assemblies. The earliest literature of the so-called “Messianic Fathers” is filled with references
to this mysterious book.

The early second century “Epistle of Barnabus” makes much use of the Book of
Enoch. Second and Third Century men like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all
make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch “Holy Scripture”.
The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the
first three centuries after YAHSHUA Messiah. ((Hmm the New Testament was written 100-200AD and Enoch was used before the NT.))

This and many other books became discredited after the
Council of Laodicea. And being under ban of the authorities, afterwards it gradually passed out of
circulation. (( WHO DECIDED THIS?))

At about the time of the Protestant Reformation, there came to be a renewed interest in the Book of Enoch
which had long since been lost to the modern world. By the late 1400’s rumors began to spread that
somewhere a copy of the long lost Book of Enoch might still exist. During this time many books arose
claiming to be the long lost book and were later found to be forgeries. (( The scripture says Sirach 12:10 NEVER trust your enemies The white man told you they were not cannon. He uses these books to this very day)) Also James Bruce was touted as to “Find” the lost books of Enoch in Ethiopa. He came back to England with the books. 

Bruce returned from his travels with three copies of the Book of Enoch. This book was previously thought to have been lost to history. The only extant copy was thought to be in Ethiopia but all attempts to retrieve it from the 16th century onwards had failed. Only fragments of the text had survived to be read; jigsaw pieces written in Aramaic from the Dead Sea Scrolls, and others in Latin and Greek.

The fact that Bruce brought back three copies in the original Ge’ez language (the language of Ethiopia that they were thought to have been written in) was utterly astonishing! And a major contributing factor to the rumors’ that started to abound around the infamous traveler and his shocking discovery.

((Throughout history they have always stolen our records and told us its no good but they use it.))


The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal Jewish religious book. It is not part of the Bible, or certainly not part of the original Bible, as the text of The Book of Enoch was written between 300 and 2BC. However it is related to the Bible in that it was supposedly written by Enoch who is said to be Noah’s great grandfather. There is also a small section of The Book of Enoch that is included in The New Testament of The Bible. The book was banned as heretical and is not used as part of mainstream Christianity, but is still recognized as a religious text by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

(( This is what they “Said” If It’s not scripture why are there so many NT holy men quoting it? This gave way to the Bible Destructi0n group of Bible Destruction Group 1776~1826 Do you not see the game they are playing?))

((Zephaniah 3:10 there were Israelites in that land using the book. Bible means collection of books))


Bruce gave one copy to Louis XV in the 1700’s, the king of France at the time, and this copy currently resides in the French National Library. He gave another to The Bodleian Library at Oxford and retained the third, although that also eventually passed to the Bodleian Library. All three copies remain extant and available in these libraries.


Everyone of importance in the bible had 1 or 2 goals. The first is to preach repentance and the second deliverance of the chosen people the Israelites. If you were a prophet or a seer of Yahawah you came with HIS MESSAGE not the wisdom of men 1 Corinthians 19-20. Enoch, John the Baptist, Yahawahshi, John the Revelator, all the children of light the order of Melchizedek had the same message this is why the precepts sound so close. Yes even Paul quoted Enoch 20+ times and not only that Jude quotes word for word Enoch.

The Roman Catholic Conglomerate of Churches uses these hidden books and has did everything in their power to keep you from it. They cannot unlock the full potential of these scriptures though thats why they keep buying time and coming out with so many different versions of the bible. They are playing 3 card Monty with your history Hebrews its time to take our scriptures back. The version I linked in this article is close to the Ethiopian version id download it before its too late. It calls the father Yahweh but we all know thats not quite right keep the meat spit out the bones.

Now finally a last day Prophecy from the book of Enoch and another book
Self -indulgence of the rich, origin of sins, more woes to sinners:
Enoch 98:2  “For you men shall put on more jewelry than women, and more multicolored
ornaments than a virgin. In sovereignty, in grandeur, and in authority, in silver, in gold,
in clothing, in honor, and in edibles; they shall be poured out like water.”


98:3 “For this reason, they are devoid of knowledge and wisdom, so they shall perish
thereby together with their goods and together with all their splendor and honor. Then
in dishonor, in slaughter, and in great misery, their spirits shall be cast away.” (( Is This Not Written? Hosea 4:6 Wisdom of Solomon 1-5))

98:9 “Woe unto you fools, for you shall perish through your folly! You do not listen to
the wise, and you shall not receive good things.” ((2 Chronicles 36:16 Matthew 21:33–46)

98:10 “And now do know that you are ready for the day of destruction. Hope not that
you shall live, you sinners, you who shall depart and die, for you know for what reason
you have been ready for the day of the great judgment, for the day of anguish and
great shame for your spirits.” ((Come on Israel this is before Moses Enoch said this is this not written all over the bible?))

98:15 “Woe unto you who write down false words and words of wickedness! For they
write down their lies so that they the people may commit wicked acts, and they cause
others to commit wicked acts.

(( BOOM GOES THE DYNOMITE They tell you the book of Enoch is not cannon but they use it along with the Apocrypha. Remember this was written before they ever did it. If it’s a white mans translation why would he condemn himself?))
Wait it gets better!
100:5  “He will set a guard of kodesh malakim over all the righteous and kodesh ones,
and they shall keep them as the apple of the eye until all evil and all sin are brought to
an end. From that time on the righteous ones shall sleep a restful sleep, and there shall
be no one to make them afraid.”

100:6  Then the wise people shall see, and the sons of the earth shall give heed to all
the words of this book. They shall know that their wealth shall not be able to save them
at the place where their sins shall collapse.”

98:16 “They shall have no shalom, but shall die quickly.”

They have committed Blasphemy by touching the words that the Messiah has given to his people. They have touched the apple of the Most High’s eye. Judgement has to come forth for the time of the Gentiles is about Over. The Apocrypha and other hidden books were for the comfort to us Israelites in the last days and your biblical enemies have tainted the waters. TMH gives you clear doctrine forsake not his word and his word is LAW. There is one other thing I must bring up and you must consider.

If the Northern Kingdom was gone since the book of 2 Kings did they not have prophets and records? When they went to the 4th part of the earth as spoken about in 2 Esdras 13:40 were they forsaken? So you believe not their writings either right? As for me and my house we will trust Christs voice for we are his sheep and his is OUR Shepard.

When you read John 8-33-50 you can see plainly if your eyes have not been shut those are NOT israelites Christ is speaking to. Herod had scribes and Pharisees also same as today. Let’s see if this is Esau talking in this passage or the holy spirit. We were scattered WORLD WIDE some of you claiming to be Israelites your spirit bares witness against you. Lets see if the white man wrote this or STOLE it from the original people.

After you read this there is no going back so I suggest if you want to stay in the 66 books only you stop here. But for those of us that are called and hear his voice no matter the manuscript. Here is Northern Kingdoms Records Second Stick blaspheme the word of God if you want to my hands are clean.


2 Nephi 29 2-10-14  And also, that I may remember the promises which I have made unto thee, Nephi, and also unto thy father, that I would remember your seed; and that the awords of your seed should proceed forth out of my mouth unto your seed; and my words shall hiss forth unto the ends of the earth, for a dstandard unto my people, which are of the house of Israel; (WHAT!?)

3 And because my words shall hiss forth—many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible. (You just got nailed Prophecy Fulfilled for all you non believers.)

But thus saith the Lord God: O fools, they shall have a Bible; and it shall proceed forth from the Jews ((the66 to 80 books), mine ancient covenant people. And what thank they the Jews for the Bible which they receive from them? Yea, what do the Gentiles mean? Do they remember the travails, and the labors, and the pains of the Jews, and their diligence unto me, in bringing forth salvation unto the Gentiles?

5 O ye Gentiles, have ye remembered the Jews, mine ancient covenant people? Nay; but ye have cursed them, and have hated them ((Nothing has changed)), and have not sought to recover them. But behold, I will return all these things upon your own heads (Joel 3 Deuteronomy 30:7); for I the Lord have not forgotten my people.

6 Thou fool, that shall say: A Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews? ((I told you they Got our records or Stole them))

7 Know ye not that there are more nations than one? Know ye not that I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the isles of the sea;

((Keep calling Northern Kingdom Japheth and see what happens))

and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men, yea, even upon all the nations of the earth?

8 Wherefore murmur ye, because that ye shall receive more of my word? Know ye not that the testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another? Wherefore, I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another. And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also. ((Ezekiel 37 John 10:27))

9 And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one (The bible or 66 books) word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever.

10 Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have not caused more to be written. ((Get this in your spirit Israelites))

11 For I command all men, both in the east and in the west, and in the north, and in the south, and in the islands of the sea, that they shall write the words which I speak unto them; for out of the books which shall be written I will judge the world, every man according to their works, according to that which is written. ((Revelation 20:11))

12 For behold, I shall speak unto the Jews and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the Nephites (These are Northern Kingdom that followed Christ The Lamenites were the ones who rejected him) and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto the other tribes of the house of Israel, which I have led away, and they shall write it; and I shall also speak unto all nations of the earth and they shall write it.

((Because we are scattered James 1:1))

13 And it shall come to pass that the Jews shall have the words of the Nephites, and the Nephites shall have the words of the Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews shall have the words of the lost tribes of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel shall have the words of the Nephites and the Jews.

14 And it shall come to pass that my people, which are of the house of Israel, shall be gathered home unto the lands of their possessions; and my word also shall be gathered in cone. And I will show unto them that fight against my word and against my dpeople, who are of the house of Israel, that I am God, and that I covenanted with Abraham that I would remember his seed iforever.

  If that doesnt heal your spirit I dont know what else will, I get goosebumps when I read that because it has so much meat. That is Not the Jews record but from the Prophets that went via ship to the Americas. Joseph Smith made a religion out of our records the same as the Roman Church.

I will not be doing a full break down of this on this article but One Nation 1 Power shows with 100% scripture these records are real. For the record Mormon was a lake around Utah where the Israelites made camp. The lake was named after an Israelite. Dont Blaspheme the word of god before you examine a matter. I am going to end this article here but as Yoda put it you must “Unlearn what you have learned” you cannot serve 2 masters. Nephi is an Israelite he says it himself but follow the link above if you want to see how the Book of Mormon is our lost records as well. The Apocrypha and the hidden books are part of the bible: Scribes of Righteousness have spoken will you hearken?

Shalom Family

Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame

Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast

Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame

  Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast system and its about time it’s been brought to light. This has been heavy on my soul for a while now because of this revelation of Nanotech, I cannot rest. This is probably the most controversial article I have ever written, as a result of these findings TMH instructed me to write this.NanoTech is part of the mark of the beast dont take this


  I like a lot of you Israelites world wide are into some tech of some sort and many of you have seen the wonders it can bring. For those of you that have no idea what I am speaking about grab some coffee/tea and get ready. We know in part and prophesy in part, therefore we look through a dark glass to bring some light (1 Corinthians 13:9).

  As a nation of Israelites born in these last days to show forth the light because we are not children of the darkness. For this reason TMH chose us to warn the people this is why I am writting this. Not for vain glory or praise but because I see death coming, in the form of Nanotech.

  I pray this article reaches you through the power of Yahawashi (Jesus). Above all else we are commanded to have faith in these last days, and to keep the commandments, but we cannot be stupid/stiff-necked.

  Real Israelites are not ignorant of Satans Devices 2 Corinthians 2:11, so just like in the days of old we have to stand on one side or the other. Choose everyone world wide whom you shall serve as for me and my house we will follow TMH.

Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast, an endgame system of control

  When it comes to Nanotech and control you need to understand the system it runs on. Like all computers there is a master switch and guess what you do not control that. If you put these monsters into you rest assured you are no longer in control. The bad out weights the good, like with all things Esau invents.


  Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast, an endgame system of control and you are the guinea pig. Google ID 2020 or simply look at your ID in your pocket is there a start in the upper right corner? They are starting tracking programs now as you are reading this and what I’m about to show will blow your mind.


  All of you need to see this Trojan Horse of doom for what it is, because if you take it (The mark of the beast) you are finished. To make it plain you have accepted another God to rule you. You cannot have both the blessing of TMH, and the blessings of the devil, you cannot be the King of Babylon and in heaven.

  I have been tossing and turning in my sleep on how to bring this to you brothers and sisters in the right light, so you can clearly see with 100% clarity. Clarity is mandatory in this matter, and I  must give a strong mighty SHALOM AND THANK you to brothers in GMS, Rebirth of a nation , and all that have stood so firm on this topic. I pray I can throw a log on the fire, and save 1 soul from falling to this trick of Satan.


The Most High revealed this to me while watching a documentary on the affects of 5G and Covid19, which later in this article you will see they scrubbed those type of videos off Youtube. That this indeed that Nanotech is a part of the mark of the beast that the bible speaks of. You Israelites still claiming that this is an embargo alone lack understanding to sum it up you need to dig DEEPER.

We are commanded to cry aloud and spare not: Nanotech needs to be seen for what it is

  I have no idea why TMH chose me to bring this out in an article, even as I am typing this I know that this is only the tip of the iceberg of what Nanotech brings to the table. We are commanded to tell the truth even in the face a certain death. Isaiah 58:1 is clear and it’s a sin to place Nanotech into your body.


  Most of you know what 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, because of this scripture alone you should never willingly place these things in you. God is in you to protect you and give you power if you place programable mini robots in you off some weak promise then you have chosen another god which violates Exodus 19:3-5.


  I also fear you will not believe me and take this warning severe, and place this accursed thing inside of you. I used to love Nanotech and couldn’t wait for the innovations it brought, but as I came into the truth I learned early everything is upside down.

  You will learn in this article how something that was meant to do so much good, has been turned into a weapon against not only Israelites but the entire planet. All for one final showdown that is soon to come, and no thats not hype talk thats cold hard facts. Covid19, 5G and Nanotech is a 3 prong attack devised by the devil and his sons to take you out.


  I am crying aloud and sparing not. Whether you hear or forbear you cannot say in the day of Judgement you never knew. My hands are clean of this blood Ezekiel 3:17. Play time is over gird up your loins.


Full disclosure this is only a piece of the bigger puzzle, but TMH is burning my spirit to bring this to you all, and I have lost DAYS OF SLEEP. Maybe someone can take the mantel after this and bring it further.

  I am petrified, not with fear but knowing so many of our people will die to take this “Cure”, disguised as savior vaccine, for Novel Covid19 but in fact its a smoke screen for something much more sinister.

 Hold tight Hebrews world wide, for this will be a bumpy ride. This article revelation is NOT to cause fear but, to crack the door the enlightenment so you can see what I do. You will never read another article like this again, I know soon it will have to be taken down. The devil does not like when you reveal his tricks of the trade.

The end game for Nanotech is revealed world wide, its more than meets the eye


The end game for Nanotech is to merge man and machine to create a super drone, or Nano Solider. Owned and operated by Babylon or principalities the rulers of the darkness. I will not get into it for this article but they have been merging man and fallen angel DNA for decades. As Yoda said in Star Wars you must unlearn what you have learned, but the bible said it first. Just ask yourself does Esau want his blessing back and how badly does he want it?

“human beings will eventually be transformed into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label ‘posthuman‘”

large-scale genetic and neurological engineering of ourselves….[a] new chapter in evolution [as] the result of accelerating developments in the fields of genomics, stem-cell research, genetic enhancement, germ-line engineering, neuro-pharmacology, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition technologies, and nanotechnology…. at the intersection of science and religion [which has begun to question] what it means to be human

I have personally debated leading transhumanist, Dr. James Hughes on his weekly syndicated talk show, Changesurfer Radio. Hughes is Executive Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies and teaches at Trinity College in Hartford Connecticut.


 More alarmingly, the same researchers have already managed to reanimate tissue,

“from dead human cells in another breakthrough which was heralded as a way of overcoming ethical dilemmas over using living embryos for medical research” Source

(( WAIT WHOS DEAD CELLS DID THEY USE? And you wonder why so many of us Israelites are “Missing” What are they combining?))

 I could care less if you believe in fallen angels, or devils, or DNA, whether you believe or DONT YOUR ENEMY DOES and is using it. Esau’s goal is to not only restructure your DNA, but what is more important is fixing his own soul (Habakkuk 2:4). In Israelites DNA there is the building blocks of life itself, and he knows this  fact 300%. From what basic research shows our life strand DNA has elements that have no been unlocked as of yet.


  This is where the Nanotech or Nanites come in. If Esau cannot change you, and track you he will try to switch your DNA to “Something else”, in hopes of getting his blessing back. Dont let me tell it listen to what “They say”.


  More interesting is the crossover that occurs in recombination, in which two pieces of DNA break and partially unravel and the resulting four strands join up somewhat like the intersection where two highways cross.

(( Meaning that some of your DNA has to be broken off in order for the “New DNA” to be implanted))


  You can read more about combining of Nanites and DNA here. Also I have linked a video from the brothers in Rebirth of a nation it explains the 4 strand DNA, and your DNA. The brothers also go into a rather deep topic on 5G and Vaccines which we will also deal more with.

Go to 2:49:44 to see for yourself what 4 Strand DNA, Covid19 , and Nanotech have in common

  I know it sounds like something out of the movies but truth be told they showed you this very fact in the movie Bloodshot, or even Captain America and have been giving peeks here and there in other movies. What you see in this picture is not dust and dirt but Nanites doing a complete body Regen. I told you Esau aint playing games this is already here.Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Bloodshot movie

Through the Black Hebrew Israelites as they call us in the media, I have learned that if they show it in the movies they already have it. Its what you DO NOT see that is the end game.

I owe a huge thank you to GMS, HODC Israelite Camp and other like minded Hebrews because they have been hammering “The mark of the beast” but what I am about to share should crack the door of truth a little more.

What is Nanotech and what are the benefits? Why is this so deadly?



  I know its hard to believe that Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame, but once you see the benefits of this tech you will believe. I know what the scripture says in Revelation 13 and we will get there. Buying or selling is just a small part of this mystery. This mark of the beast comes with some heavy benefits that most people will willing take. If the Nanites are in you then you do not even have to go to the store to buy groceries.


As a matter of fact you will have an internal HUD display that you can pick out buy and have your groceries delivered to your door while playing video games. Everything will be controlled by the Nanotech in essence you will be what you see in the movies but at a high cost. In contrast us Israelites are controlled by TMH and he provides all what we need, do you see the dilemma, but for us its not a hard choice?

The ultimate end goal as Morpheus put it in the movie Matrix is to change a human (Israelite) into a commodity, or reusable battery, or slave. All controlled by one system of control owned by 1 master, because to end your paradise of tech all they have to do is flip a switch. Since he cannot beat us he will try to change us.

The purpose as you seen in Matrix 3 is to do one final battle for all the chips. Neo had to fight Mr. Smith in a no holds barred battle royal,  he will be enhanced and so will we. Which is why Nanotech needs to be shown in full light so we we can know what we are up against. We will be changed instantly when the time is right (1 Corinthians 15:40-45) Jacob vs Esau and this time is fast approaching.

What is Nanotech and what are the benefits how deep does this go?


  Well to someone like myself that has a lot of preexisting health conditions, one of them is extreme pain in my legs. Some of these next level health advancements are almost too good to pass up. The enemy sure does know how to tempt you like the devil. But the true Israelite will never cross that line, and deny the promises the father set in stone.


Here is a short list of the benefits of Nanotech. Not my Quotes lets walk through the dark to get to the light.

Nanotech is hailed as having the potential to increase the efficiency of energy consumption, help clean the environment, and solve major health problems.
((WAIT WHAT ENERGY? And Clean up the environment from what? Remember this when we talk about Radiation later.))

Others, however, are as cautious as Smalley is enthusiastic. Eric Drexler, the scientist who coined the term nanotechnology, has warned of developing “extremely powerful, extremely dangerous technologies”. In his book Engines of Creation, Drexler envisioned that self-replicating molecules created by humans might escape our control

more effective methods of delivering drugs in medicine and new ways of repairing damaged tissues and organs, according to a report Source

(This report was written in 2003 we are in 2020 how has things changed?)


  We will take this in small bites family so we can all digest what is being said because you know some of us are not on that techy nerdy level heh. I will lay it out for you plain as ice water. Benefits of Nanotech so far are.

⦁ Being able to absorb energies (this is heavy you will see why and what it has to do with Covid19 or Coronavirus). This means you can convert different kinds of energy and turn it into renewable power via the Nanites.

⦁ When you have Nanotech in you or Nanites you can help clean the environment and what does it need to be cleaned from?  It has to be some form of pollution that we cannot see or smell

⦁ And the crown Jewel can fix health problems before you even know you have a health Problem.

⦁ As you clearly read my brothers and sisters world wide: Nanotech is extremely powerful, extremely dangerous tech.

And also self-replicating molecules created by humans might escape our escape our influence. In other words these nano particles are independent to the laws of nature.

⦁ And if all that was not enough you see that you can have drugs given to you remotely and repair damaged tissue and organs.

All this is to make you a God on earth. But wait there is more!!

 The Israelites were created to be immortal and the powers and principalities know this as the warning states in Ephesians 6:10-12. You are commanded to put on the entire armor of god but its much deeper than the scriptures.

  They know what we shall become and they have been taking steps to avoid and delay this collision of biblical prophecies since before 1969. Esau and these nations know the power of god on earth was never promised to them but to Jacob. They also know Yahawah is soon to return and his son thats why Trump made the Space Force.


  2 Esdras 6:9 is written for a reason there has to be a transfer of power on the earth


There is a deeper meaning to 2 Esdras 6:9 If Esau is the end of the world as we know it what did he do to bring it to that level?  What is this new beginning that TMH is talking about here that Jacob must bring? There is a transfer of power and powers happening here.


  We are approaching this at break neck speeds because of these new technologies the time MUST be cut short. The bible in Sirach 10:8 talks about riches and power gotten by deceit and Nanobots are one hell of a deceit. If this is allowed to happen globally no flesh shall be saved.

We read above by their own hand some of the benefits of this Nanotech, but there is a key part I want to dig in deep on which is what TMH woke me up to see which I will explain more later. Nanites can absorb energy now lets get a second witness on this fact so we can expose more of this mystery.


  Again this is not ANYWHERE in the media because they are being paid to push the Covid19 scare, so when phase 2 happens you will have no choice but to get vaccinated. Those of you that want to remain in the dark shall soon be a part of that dark permanently. The cure  or vaccination they are preparing you for is part of the Mark of the beast. More Answers are coming keep reading family.


  In the future, nanotechnology could also enable objects to harvest energy from their environment. New nano-materials and concepts are currently being developed that show potential for producing energy from movement, light, variations in temperature, glucose and other sources with high conversion efficiency Source
((But how can energy be  take from the environment to power these  micro machines?))


What materials would a Nanotech Nanite have to be made out of to Absorb energy from the environment?

  So you cannot get anymore plain that this the Nanites or Nanotech or microrobots need energy to be powered like your toaster or your microwave. We will learn now about the material they will use for these machines because you need to see how this all ties together.

  And since Nanotech needs to be powered by an energy source the enemy has invented Nano-Materials. They are using Crystals of Power. That can be used to harness the energies around this giving them unlimited energy. But the question remains what energy?

 There are still unknown elements on this planet that have been burried since before TMH said let there be light. There are facts around that Crystals Absorb harmful energies. I am NOT TALKING ABOUT WITCHCRAFT.

I know some Israelite out there minds have been seared with a hot Iron concerning this but you have to see this family to believe it. Read closely and do not judge see the BIG picture. Today you will fully learn what EMF’s are so you can go forward with this message we are trying to bring. These new Nanites are covered in anisotropic crystals.


EMF definition and what it has to do with Nanotech

⦁ Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. Source


 Ok now we are getting somewhere but now watch this family. Read slowly so you can understand why TMH wants you to see this and the end game of the Nanotech they are about to implement. Some of you have all ready done the match and know where this road is headed you see what I highlighted in red and blue above? Anisotropic crystals absorb radiation from the air and turns it into usable energy.


Scientists have found that EMF’s can be attributed to a number of symptoms. These can include:

Blurred Vision
Ringing in ears
Lack Of concentration
Sleep disturbances
And many more symptoms including destroys your ability to fight sicknesses


2 anisotropic crystals that protect against some of these Symptoms are as follows

Black Tourmaline = Cleanses, purifies and forms a protective shield around the body. Protects against EMF’S. Protects against cell phones, and strengthens immune system.

Orgonite = Is one of the most common and popular to use for EMF’S. It is man-made from resin, crystal shavings and metals. This mixture of elements are combined to harmonise bio-energy or chi.

Nanites or Nanotech robots are made from anisotropic crystal and can 100% Absorb Electromagnetic radiation and convert it into an unlimited Power Source.


Scientists show that it is possible to fully absorb electromagnetic radiation using an anisotropic crystal (( DONT JUST STARE AT THIS READ IT)) Source


To make it easy to understand these anisotropic crystal or crystals of power take negative energy and coverts it to positive. Its like an AC/DC battery but on a biblical level. Since these new Nanite bots will be made from a composite mix of these crystals and other materials if you have these in your body = You will be protected from Radiation 100% and get all the benefits listed above but it will come at a cost of your soul. These are not my words while Israelites are making twerk videos and Covid Dance Off Parties they are creating your demise.

As I stated above we are of the true Israelite stock  of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and we would not willingly put this into our bodies ……or would we time certainly will tell.  They know about our methods of healing and the source of our power.


We are already Gods on earth we just haven’t been fully transformed yet. We don’t need their vaccines or Nanotech

  Living in America we have no idea the depths this “Oppressor” has gone through to keep the secret that we are the Israelites.  They killed off the elders of the native Americans and stole their herbal healing techniques. They went into Africa and did the same thing and where ever these devils went took what they wanted John 10:10 and left us scraps.

We used to have books upon books of family remedies that came from the earth. Dr. Sebe told you that the earth has everything you need to cure any aliment or sickness but the bible said it first. The word of God heals just look at the acts of Yahawahshi in the New Testament.


  He never dug up an herb from what we read but he did spit on dirt and rub it in a mans eyes to heal him. There is still untapped power in this earth just look at the Dead Sea Salt. If we are made from the earth it stands to reason that the earth has health cures yet untapped, does this include the minerals of the earth?


Our hair and skin absorbs and coverts the suns rays into vitamins but hurts the white man and those without melanin. We are naturally immune to some things that plagues others. We already run faster and jump further how much more when we get the final change? People that are going to be attracted to Esau’s tools are the ones of us that are low on faith, or are in pain. Even Christ said those that are not sick need not a doctor. In the end the feeble among us will be like David.

  Here is the issue since we have been here over 500 years we have not kept the same diet, or activities, of our fathers and foremothers. I am sorry to say we have lived like the heathen for far too long and must come out of her. Now we are getting stronger and we are learning more. We are waking up and standing in the truth and as the scripture says soon we will be an exceeding great army and Esau knows this.

Our source of power is TMH and his son, as he was resurrected so shall we be. The enemy does not make movies like Avengers and Xmen, or Bloodshot for nothing. He needs an Equalizer and Nanotech is it.

To be clear once again do not get side tracked I am not talking witchcraft of hookas pokas spookism. Im trying to keep it real. Esau has ALL of our history in the Vatican and refuses to let it go.  They needed a weapon to fight against us when we get transformed and now they might just have it.

Some of our own people will want to be healed and will walk right into the blender of doom, because nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame.

We as Israelites would never take this Mark of the Beast” or a Nano Chip: Continued.


  I will explain how a lot of you will absolutely take this if you are not grounded in truth, and it will be in your hand or your forehead. If you are dying and bleeding from every part of your orifices and the doctor says take this or die.  It’s easy to say I would never take such a thing when you are sitting in your house with no pressure on you.

quantum dot vaccine is Nanotech and is part of the mark of the beast


The bible says “Ye have not resisted unto death”. So we shall see whos about this walk and whos an agent of the devil. Shout out to Ron Dalton JR for your ground breaking series.  Another word for this tech as you can see is “Black Goo” which is made from the Weyland corp.


  If you want to learn more about this see this amazing video by Ron Dalton explaining more on Nanotech. Start at 1:46:29 and watch till 2:15:49.dna nanotech mark of the beast unlocked


What if it was a family member and you had a choice of letting them die or signing paperwork to allow this “Nanite” to save their life. This is going to be the hour of temptation the bible speaks of.  The devil never presents something as evil and says here take this. He comes with smooth words like the abilities listed above, he will slow how he can help you.

You never know the poison is killing you till you die. He makes the bitter taste sweet. His children such as Bill Gates is a child of darkness. I will expose why I would type and say such a thing.  You Israelites think this Covid Virus is the main event  of 2020. no family that is a feign, or a fake, a clever distraction, the real Phase 2 is the 5G towers.


  Now why would I say something like that? Am I claiming 5G towers are going to kill us outright? Look to the radiation coming from these towers. Those of us that know what this enemy will do knows he sees no limits. That Radiation is one of the many weapons they have used on us. The records are listed below.


    They have tried killing us before Corona Virus, 5G and Nanotech is nothing new

  You can go all the way back to Genesis with Cain and Able with this spirit of Malice and Wickedness. The children of righteousness have always fought the children of Satan or the evildoers. They have been trying to take us out even to this very day.

13 ways the world has tried to kill the Israelites a short list.

⦁ Egypt tried to wipe us out but Shiphrah and Puah seen to it to save us from certain death

⦁ In the Apocrypha you read many times the Greeks and the Romans tried to take us out, even some of our own people as it is this day.

⦁ In the New Testament plans were laid to kill Christ and leave us in slavery under the Romans.

⦁ 70 AD happened and the same Romans decided to fight us and all but eliminate us by Titus and Vespasian.

⦁ We survived the gladiator pits in the coliseums

⦁ We somehow through the grace of god survive the Spanish Inquisition

⦁ 1492 the Northern Kingdom world wide were persecuted by the Papal Bull written by the Roman Catholic church.

⦁ 1619 we all know of the trans Atlantic slave trade we survived that, Trans- Pacific, and Blackbirding slave trades and we are still here, and who ran that enterprise.

  • Poisoned the waters (See Flint Michigan)

⦁ Jim Crow laws were made so we could not advance.

⦁ Planned Parenthood and Eugenics

⦁ Medical Apartheid and many other medical break throughs were given out by the doctors of death to us Israelites.

⦁ Forced Vaccinations and Ebola these are the SAME Romans.

⦁ Now the invisible enemy called Covid19 which originally was not affecting us now is. 5G towers giving us radiation poisoning and their own people.

Before we get into the last bulletin point made above I must share with you a revelation TMH gave to me and I could not sleep because of it. We are a loving and forgiving people but we got to come to hard facts. How many of you knew we were targeted for radiation experiments to see how we can survive? Did you know the current way of curing cancer was first experimented on us first?


  He Used Black People As Guinea Pigs For Years – And The Government Paid For It.

The experiments worked like this: The University of Cincinnati hospital would refer patients with advanced cancer diagnoses to Saenger, who would explain the intention of his tests while omitting the fact that the treatment” was being paid for by the Department of Defense. ((REMEMBER THIS))

The patients, who were anywhere from nine to 84 years old, were exposed to up to 300 rads over the course of a few hours. This is equivalent to about 20,000 chest x-rays, well outside the amount of radiation exposure considered safe. They suffered from a number of debilitating side effects, ranging from nausea and vomiting to hallucinations.

The mortality rate was astonishing. Of the 80-plus cancer patients experimented between 1960 and 1971, as many as one quarter are thought to have died from radiation exposure.

Covid19 or Coronavirus is the Smoke Screen, 5G is the trigger, and Nanotech is the weapon


 Before we start this section I want to make something clear. I do believe the sickness called “Covid19” exists but I can see a much thicker plot than a virus. They are prepping you and the world for a switch in your reality. This is a warning to all Jews and Gentiles. These are not words of a madman high on shrooms or LSD. I am 100% sober and filled with the spirit of TMH when writing this.  All you got to do is look up on google 5G towers being put up while you sleep. Across the WORLD this is happening.

  Im not saying Novel Covid19 isn’t deadly hell, its made in a lab by people who want to kill you with a Patent number,  then they will justify it via a law. Like Ebola or Zika you israelites need to look deeper. It is not the same Coronavirus on the back of a Lysol bottle.Coronavirus is killed by lysol dont be fooled by lies

My main thing is why are they putting up ALL these 5G towers at the same time this “Virus” is loose? They got something to hide if they are doing it at night, again family THINK. yes while you are sleeping these towers are going live. Prepare to learn the hidden secret deep thoughts of Edom.

  It is well established now that this virus is a global pandemic, but when you look closer there is something amiss. You see Anchor men and regular everyday citizens out in the world without masks every day.   5G towers give off massive amounts of Radiation and it is poisoning millions world wide. They are forcing you to stay in the house and its not because of Covid19. This is all to get you face to face with a doctor.


  This is not only a fact but even your own government was trying to stop putting these towers of death up but the FCC still said its all good along with those who go mega paid.  They know very well the affects of 5G on the body and guess what it is the exact same symptoms as Corona.  Remember Israel they tell you enough truth in pieces to make a full puzzle. Go to google and type in.

5G is what’s actually causing COVID-19 symptoms. (( Scrubbed from the internet))
Symptoms of Covid19 and 5G are the same. (( Scrubbed from the internet))


Try any variant you will see that they ALL are saying the same talking points. The media including youtube are all scrubbing any trace of independent media on this topic. 1 month ago you could find tons of other videos on the topic, I wish I would of saved them.  All these media companies are owned by the beast and are going to take the Mark of the beast, some already have. Forbes, CNN, Vox, MSNBC and Fox are all owned by the same group of people.

  They are paid to misdirect and confuse the issue and fill the airwaves with propaganda. The most high is about to turn Egypt against Egypt once again this truth shall come out. If ALL of them are saying that “5G It’s safe nothing to see here”, and you believe it click off this article and go about your life. You are already marked I cannot help you, this goes for Jew and Gentile.

  This is so controversial that the Media giants (Fake Jews) have been on a all out blitz to call “Corona and 5G connection” theories as a bannable offense on social media. They are trying to do soo much damage control it looks like a cover up, because it is. This means they will try to filter truth through their lens of lies. You will not get the truth from these Media Liars.

The term Conspiracy Theory was even made up by the government to slander anyone who speaks about things they WANT to keep hidden.  Like 5G and coronavirus have the exact same symptoms. So much for free speech huh.

  Corona Virus is just the cover up or smoke screen and a damn good one. To what end? To have to go to THEM for a cure. Bill Gates said in 18 months this crises will be over and the “vaccine” ready, hmm the same timeline that the Government is saying  this will be over. Again by the time some of you read this the internet police would of already scrubbed some of this off to preserve their net of lies.


  Your immune system has been crippled by 5G and you are suffering, now how does that “New Vaccine” look? When you cannot breathe or other maladies then you are presented with hope what will you do?

  The 5G towers are the trigger for all this it weakens your natural immune system down to a crawl. This in turn makes your body not be able to fight off the virus. They know that these towers are destroying immune systems. They know how radiation affects our body they tested it on us Israelites for years.  5G tower is the trigger to get you to take that Vaccine of Death. The radiation is so strong from those towers its way above the allowed amount. Fine dont believe me let the experts in Canada tell it. Go to 2 Minutes to get the quick news but if you are like me and you want the entire cake watch the whole video.

  Nanotech is the doorway to the Mark of the beast system take it at your own Perl you have been warned


So when I came to this realization that TMH has given to me by faith, a dark fact entered my mind. If Esau will do this thing in combination with the 5G and Corona will that not kill some or most of his own people?  The answer through the spirit said YES because he was a murder from the beginning.

The first video I linked on this article is the exact 1 I watched that night. I will admit some of it is above my paygrade but most of it said volumes. After I watch that video I said to myself

…..they trying to kill us all once again. But how will he do this and protect himself.


  How do you fight an invisible enemy that is killing you from the inside out, because it destroys whatever Biomaterial it touches?  So there I was at a cross road where I didn’t know what to do. I was in the room my head was spinning as some of you do when you are learning different things. I keep up with the Israelite brothers on youtube and try to keep myself sharp, they always say the mind of Esau is DEEP.

  That’s when it hit me, and it was heavy on my mind soul. Esau needs a method to protect himself and those that are on his side. That’s TMH and he said “Look to the Nanotech” so I dug deep into the subject. 

  First thing I looked up was “What Materials Absorbs EMF Radiation” thats when anisotropic crystals popped up lets be honest thats not a negro friendly word lol. After I learned that Nanotech uses anisotropic crystals to convert that energy to raw power. Still that wasnt enough to seal the deal because I asked myself the logical question.

“Who in their right mind would willing place these things in their body” Then through the power of TMH I came across a brother from the GMS camp who showed a video involving the Quantum Dot Tatoo.

  When I got to what TMH wanted to show me to see which was the Quantum Dot Tatoo information invented by Bill Gates. Through that research I learned that they have already been using Nanotech to inject medicines and vaccines remotely in soldiers. Then I put it together and the picture got real clear ….. Nanotechnology, Quantum Dots

  • 1 Phase Cause a Pandemic to make everyone rush to the hospitals = Coronavirus plaster news station with distractions, causing Medical Martial Law (See 2 Esdras 15) Food Shortages people are outraged. Trigger Collapse of the Dollar. Assign Blame to others instead of the source which was not China.
  • Phase 2 Run 5G towers to weaken Immune System Globally = EMF Radiation Poisoning causes people to rush to doctors for vaccine. Public unaware that towers weaken immune systems to make you a target to Covid19. Causing a perfect storm for a “Fix, Cure people demand to be healed. Media chalks everything up to Covid.18-20 months later the Gates foundation implements the Nanotechnology Quantum Dot Tatoo as mandatory to go to school or go in public. Government funds this cure as a savior of the people. Dollar gets ready to fall people are in a panic because the Covid is still active. People are persuaded to take “Vaccine or Chip” that contains the Micro Nanotech.
  • Phase 3 Dollar Collapses the world is in a uproar somewhere between A-Z its announced that One world Currency is the only way to right the ship. News still says people are still dying from the virus but the ones that took the Nanotechnology Quantum Dot cure are recovering well.Good news everyone the vaccine can also tell who and where you are! No need for Paper money anymore. The mark of the beast was disguised as a cure. Those who refuse the new cure are persecuted. Privacy has been eliminated freedoms gone you are now part of the Machine
  • Phase 5 One government and world. Everyone is “Chipped” whether externally or internally with Nanotech. With most of the known world sick off the “Virus” people place ID2020 in their veins.


This is where we are heading and I will explain more about the how and why of the Nano-cure below. This is how you get the entire planet to take something the bible calls the Mark of the beast. This is the only way you get 7.8 billion people on the same page. Out of this Chaos the war will begin super Nano soldiers activated and the end will come.

  While these 5G towers are pumping our absolute mega tons of this radioactive energy micro waves. Those without the protection of the father will fall. Those that are weak and feeble will die. Dont believe me? Look at whos dying now you are telling me ALL these patients are dying from Covid19? 


  Nanotechnology Quantum Dot evolution is happening right now, Nanotech is the mark of the beast. Esau is about to play his Trump Card, join us or die. Those that take this abomination will surely die in the end. You cannot scrape this off your body when TMH cracks the sky. Nanotech is made from powerful crystals forged into mini robots and are able to absorb ALL ALL ALL radiation and convert it into sustainable power and energy to create a superhuman.

Bloodshot Showed you a small taste of what Nanotech can do remember if they show it in a movie they have it.


 Esau and those like him believe the bible is not real. He thinks its a fairy tale or a fictional story but the elites know it to be true. They KNOW that we are going to be transformed: so they also need to be changed into something more powerful. Nanotech soldiers are real and have been for a very long time.

They fear going back to the father because they KNOW judgement is written, so what do they need to do? Thats right hebrews make themselves immortal.  I couldn’t sleep a few days ago at all knowing the damage these 5G towers were doing to my people. I also could not get the voice out of my head about the Nanotech Robots.

I watched the movie Bloodshot just a few days ago and then the entire puzzle was unravled from one scene. Thats when I looked up all the research I am giving to you all. FYI I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS VIDEO ITS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES.

In the movie Bloodshot this hero is

⦁ Immune do all forms of external trauma

⦁ Able to download anything informational on the internet. Can learn any skill in seconds.

⦁ Able to control other robots

⦁ Can be programed to do certain tasks that normal humans cannotNanotech is showed in Bloodshot Movie

⦁ Immune to disease and famine and pestilence

⦁ Superhuman strength, speed, agility,

⦁ stamina, reflexes and endurance  are enhanced

⦁ Regenerative healing factor

⦁ Master hand-to-hand combatant Skilled marksman Shapeshifting Cyberkinesis Camouflage and more ..
(( Ladies and Gentlemen that is Nanotech and more. In short like I said a god on earth))

  This is why I am writing this and I hope you watch the movie because I am showing you the truth. Something special that TMH is showing me.  This is spiritual power on the LEFT HAND side we are on the RIGHT side. This is all to tempt YOU like Christ was tempted, so you willingly give up your salvation that is the end game.

The same as Esau giving up his birthright to Jacob he is trying to reverse what has been done. WAKE UP JACOB its about to get real in this article.  This has to be inserted in you either willingly or not. Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame, do not give in to the wiles of the devil.

  I will explain how someone Jew or Gentile would take such an enhancement. Make no mistake what I am about to show you is real not fiction. Esau believe we cannot live without him but he will soon see. Without us there is no world past present or future.

  Just in case Vin Diesel sees this article you are an Israelite brother by blood. I hope you repent and pray for your family both past and present. I know you did this movie not knowing what you showed but I pray even you can see the bigger picture. The Most High is calling you home and its time you reclaim your heritage.

Bill Gates is bringing the Mark of the Beast to a new level



  This sinister game to be played out on earth is to be orchestrated on earth by your friendly neighborhood villain named Bill Gates. He is bringing everything into focus on what Ive been typing. How many of you knew that him and his wife have been at the forefront of ID 2020 and vaccinations?


  Just look up Event 201 you will see in that video whats coming down the pipe. These elites have been planning our demise for a long time, and if you watch in that video look whos sitting around that table.

  Well here is the quick short of the matter he wants to make it so everyone and yes I mean globally has to get designer vaccines, in order to be deemed safe and free from infection. This is the same man who put in a plan to depopulate the planet. Thats right they planned this outbreak to force their one world order. This is not out of context or a misquote hes serious. Phase 1 from what I call it is all about panic and Depopulation.

Gates said the world must advance its treatments, vaccines, testing, contact tracing and examine its policies for opening up, in order to stop the virus. (Source)

 In video 2 I linked above at the end of it they go into some white Jesus just throw out the bones keep the meat. The information is very solid and on point dont mind their ignorance. Here are some more sources you can look up for yourself these are facts that break the non believers backs.



The use of nanotechnology in medical settings is spreading, but challenges remain.
Folks like Bill Gates and others that have been involved along the way, they’ve been involved because they’re interested in the five-, 10-, 20-year horizon,” Giljohann said. Source


  Now how would they get this “Nano Micro Chip” on you? Here is a deep dive into the left hand side. Remember the scripture says he will be like god. They are getting the methods to do things like this from the FAR LEFT and no I am not talking politics. Introducing the Quantum Dot.



  What is a Quantum Dot? Who Invented it?


  Bill Gates is the brain child behind this abomination called the Quantum Dot Tatoo. It’s the hidden enemy that disguise itself as a cure but is death. It is part of the wicked Babylon system of control.

You go into the doctors office suffering from what you think is Covid19 or a sickness of some sort. You find out there is a new trail treatment that you can take and you will never get sick again. You have pre existing conditions and have been in pain for a while and you trust your “Doctor”. He tells you of the Quantum Dot tatoo but doesn’t tell you whats in it like they do with Vaccines today. To keep it 100 a lot of doctors don’t even know about this tech yet.

You are suffering from 5G or 6G sickness but the doctor will not tell you that since you know they work for the enemy or most of them anyways. Since the media has all but expunged the evidence clinical or otherwise of the affects of 5G the doctor is “Doing his Job”.


  He explains it goes on your hand and there is a small pinch and then 30 minutes later you feel brand new. You hearing this great news and forgetting you are an Israelite have just marked yourself.  The Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine is not something made up its real and it’s coming sooner than you think.

Im sorry for this next section Israelites world wide, but you MUST read what this damn thing is. This is from section 3.1 on this PDF document. They are already placing these in Humans. DOWNLOAD IT BEFORE THEY PULL IT.

Quantum Dot Tatoo or ”lab-on-a-chip” devices already being manufactured and animal testing and early clinical trials starting on nanotechniques for drug delivery

Nanotech’s promise comes from the fact that nanoscale devices are a hundred to tenthousand times smaller than human cells and are similar in size to large biological molecules (“biomolecules”)such as enzymes and receptors

While a quantum dot is about the same size as as mall protein (<10 nm) and some viruses measure less than 100 nm. Devices smaller than 50 nm can easily enter most cells. ((Source))

By gaining access to so many areas of the body, they have the potential to detect disease and deliver treatment in new ways.


  So what does all this have to do with Bill Gates? 


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team’s research, which was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Wednesday.

According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations.

The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots – tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light – that glows under infrared light. The pattern – and vaccine – gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.  ((Source))



  Look at the history of how they treated the slaves in the past, because your answer is there. In the movie Roots Kunta was whipped till he broke. You are being whipped right now and do not even know it. What will you do when they say in order for you to get your basic needs you have to have these “Trackers” in you? What if they tell you your kids need to have these robots injected into themselves in order to go to school?


Slaves used to have to walk around with ID patches on their persons back in the early slave days for Identification there is nothing new under the sun. Which begs a question WTF do you need an ID for to tell someone who you are? All these things have something in common. Watch this family…..

  • They control the farms and production = We dont
  • They control the government and global Resources = We dont
  • They control when you can and cannot go out = We dont
  • They have their own Military or Police = We dont
  • Who controls the Media? = We dont
  • Who controls your Education = Our people do not
  • Who is still is under social and physical, and mental slavery to this day = We are
  • Who Invents things like the Atom Bomb, Syphilis experiments, Planned Parenthood, or secret plots to exterminate millions? = They do
  • Whos holding the master program for these Nanotech inventions? = They ARE
  • If and when they enforce this thing who are they coming after = The youth and US
  • Who came up with EUGENICS!? = They Did
  • ((So now ask yourself if these are the exact things they controlled when we were under chattel slavery what do you think Nanotech will do))


Here is another source Israel read this and tell me if GMS called this right or not. Shout out again to those brothers who kept the path straight. When no one else was saying the mark of the beast is the Microchip you stood strong. The white man might of been talking about that Mark some years ago but question when we were in slavery who had OUR records?


Microsoft founder Bill Gates announced on March 18, 2020 during a “Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ session” that he is working on a new, invisible “quantum dot tattoo” implant that will track who has been tested for COVID-19 and who has been vaccinated against it.

According to BioHackInfo.Com: “The quantum-dot tattoos involve applying dissolvable sugar-based microneedles that contain a vaccine and fluorescent copper-based ‘quantum dots’ embedded inside biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. You cannot Dig this out its permanently in your body!

After the microneedles dissolve under the skin, they leave the encapsulated quantum dots whose patterns can be read to identify the vaccine that was administered.” (( There is your Permanent Mark of the Beast both inside and outside of you))

The Covid-19 vaccine is already under research and development and experts say it will likely be available in about 18 months. <==== See that timeline Hebrews? Didnt the government say this would be over come 18 months?



  Will this mean forced vaccinations or perpetually “sheltering in place” for those who refuse the coronavirus vaccine?

Bill Gates is carrying many hats these days, working on the ID2020 Certification Mark, which according to uses “immunization to serve as a platform for digital identity”.  The Gates Foundation company has also formed an alliance with other huge businesses like, Accenture,, Gavi, and the Rockefeller Foundation to make ID 2020 a real not just a pipe dream or a Hoax. The use of human enhancement Nanobites by the military is not new. Broadly construed, vaccinations could count as an enhancement of the human immune system ((Source))

It was recently announced that Covid-19 has the ability to survive on cash for up to 10 days. How long before businesses shun paper money for fear of the virus and people demand a cashless society? As we already pointed out you will not be able to function in Esaus new world without being marked. Those of us that choose not to take this will be marked as enemies of the state. Those of us who resolve not to step into willful sin would rather walk to the gallows rather than burn for an eternity.

  There is nothing new under the sun. This is what we are up against so this will be how this will happen lets recap:
  •   Nanites or Nanotech is made from Crystal so it can absorb harmful radiation being pumped out by 5G. Those Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame you have been warnedof us that do not have it world wide will be getting hella sick.
  • The Nano robots feed and gather that power to keep them charged, all the while the cell towers and satellites keep them full power. This will be injected into you via a cure (See picture IM NOT MAKING THIS UP)
  • You can never take them out they now control you, or whoever is driving the chip program. You now are a soldier for Satan and marked eternally

Revelations 13:16

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

((This is the Quantum Dot Tattoo))

 This trans-human change is for the last war to come because these elites are now hiding in droves. This is not superstition or Hyperboil, or chicken little. Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast, this war will happen choose wisely.

TMH asked me to warn you ALL both Jew and Gentile that this war is going to happen. Why do you think they do not want you out of your house? They are placing these towers everywhere. Start looking UP family and notice whats been right in your face.

Remember the scripture says he CAUSES all to take it not by force. He creates scenarios where you have to choose. Remember when the Devil tempted Christ in Luke 4:1-4?


These are white elites saying this its not pooky on the street corner slinging dime rocks and weed. Who would do this madness and force the world to bow down like this. We Israelites have been warning Jew and Gentile alike about these horrors but as my uncle says “Some people have to get hit by the bus to know it hurts”.  The military will not let you go unless you can pass one of their bio-checkpoints.

Now you think they are just going to inject you with medicine? Nope this is nanotech being disguise as a cure. They can program the Nanites where ever they are in your body as you see from the Bloodshot video.

They are telling you their plans to your face and I hope you can see it. They are already making super soldiers and got a space program, why is that? You might scream they cannot do that its not constitutional. My question to you is when has the government ever knocked on your door and asked your opinion on a policy? 


  They just printed 2.2 TRILLION dollars out of thin air there was no pole for that, but yet they still will not give reparations. They pump tons of chemicals on you daily so they can track where you are via satellite, they didnt ask permission from anyone.


  They are preparing us for a kill shot I hope you are ready……fyi this is why TMH has to cut the time short. They know judgement is coming for them and ALL the wicked on the planet. White Jesus cannot save you from this coming onslaught. They have tried everything since the days of Moses to take us out. Now Esau is betting the farm on this plot.



  Listen up you Israelites and gentiles world wide, Satan came when Christ on Luke 4 was weakened as we are today. The devil offered him things he already had. The Israelites are joint heirs with Christ we will get our immortality and power back it is written have faith till the end. You true blooded Gentiles of the other nations better start cleaving because the Israelites are your hope.


  As soon as you read this get pray hard that we have the courage of our ancestors and we can stand strong. Pray for the father to crack the sky and make the time short, most of all pray for forgiveness for not only your sins but your forefathers. This is why Christ has to come back to save us from THIS enemy.

  Even if we die to the plans of Satan, we MUST remain faithful that we shall return. They will at first come with subtilty like the devil they come in the footprints of their father. This way he can accuse you like the devil and say no one forced it upon you. Like I said most of us have pre existing conditions this Nanochip innovation seems like a god send. Remember the strength of the sisters with the 7 sons in 2 Maccabees 7 stand strong and united.


This is the end game he has been trying to force us into his vaccines of extermination for years. They know time is short. You have to face facts family there are demons around us.

⦁ You go to the hospital because you “Feel Sick”. Even if its a loved one.
⦁ They present the Quantum Dot Tattoo (Probably another name later)
⦁ You take this “Cure” not knowing what it is because you clicked off this article.
⦁ You get BILLIONS of nano robots injected into you. Welcome to the Mark of the beast and yes they will be in your head/brain.
⦁ They flip the switch on and you go bananas killing everything you see.
⦁ You get back to the father because you took their mark and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

As For the heathen they have to do this enhancement to survive but for us who believe in Yahawah and the son this is a HELL NO.  As the scripture says who will stand for me against the evildoers?

As we walk through the prophecies in 2 Esdras 15 and chapter 16 lets not forget who our rock is. We got to be stronger than normal we need to push for truth for the famine of the word is coming.

We can no longer walk with the whore we need to drop her ass off at the curb and Rise up as Israelites. Watch the movie Bloodshot and you will see exactly what I am saying. We are too close to the fathers promises now to give up.

Nanotech is part of the Mark of the Beast Endgame I hope and pray you do not take this thing. Shalom

Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites and come out of her my people

Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites and come out of her my people

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Ezekiel 37 = The Mighty Army of Israel is back!


 Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites and come out of her my people, is repeated in the bible many times but today we are seeing it live and in your face. Rise up Israelites and prepare for the glory and rewards the father has promised us since before the earth was formed. We are waking up so fast we have been banned from many platforms.  As the rest of the world battles the unseen enemy called Coronavirus as Trump called it, we are commanded to unite. Not as the heathen that celebrate Easter and other pagan holidays but as Israelites. This article is very much needed and its long overdue so the message of truth and unity. 

Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites and come out of her my people today

  What exactly do I mean by come out of her my people and rise up Israelites? For those of you that are new to this message I will make this easy, but the broader definition means quite a bit more meat. The picture is so powerful I had to share it click the picture to go to this brothers Instagram this was wonderful work. We are all working for that 2 Esdras 2:40 crown. 


  Jeremiah 51 has a deep breakdown if you have ears to hear. As you will learn in this article times places and events have double meanings in the bible. It’s extremely rare that I go outside of the King James bible, but I am finding more and more “these other versions” have some meat.


Berean Study Bible Judgment on Babylon Jeremiah 51:6-10

Flee from Babylon! Escape with your lives!

(This means pack your things and leave if you can)

Do not be destroyed in her punishment. (See the News Today)

For this is the time of the LORD’s vengeance;

He will pay her what she deserves.

7Babylon was a gold cup in the hand of the LORD,

making the whole earth drunk.

The nations drank her wine;

therefore the nations have gone mad.

(( PRECEPT Revelation 18:1, Revelation 17:1 , Isaiah 47:1 Read These Chapters))

8 Suddenly Babylon has fallen and been shattered.

Wail for her; get her balm for her pain;  perhaps she can be healed.

(Even to this day we have tried)

9“We tried to heal Babylon, but she could not be healed.

(Judgement is Set and I mean Global)

Abandon her!


Some say America is not Babylon some say it is. I believe in a global Babylon, but we have shelter even this captivity called Sanctuaries. You need a place where the laws govern your movement and actions according to God not Man. Am I telling you to pack your bags and flee? Short Answer is No. Come out of her my people is both Physical and Mental at the same time, you need the holy spirit to see things spiritual.


  We need to trust in the safety the lord has afforded us due to the promise in Psalms 91, but we also cannot tempt the father. When Herod was trying to kill Christ did Mary and Joseph mentally come out of Rome, or did they pack up and go to Africa? Did they listen to the Angel or did they scoff? If you have the means to bring your family to safety do so. You think the blood moon during Easter over Rome was a fluke?


  Where are you going to run because the bible says the earth is given into the hands of the wicked. If you are planning to flee where you currently live my advice is to get where you need to be before the serious  wrath starts. Whatever side of the coin you land on you Israelites world wide need to make a choice for now things are speeding up.


I have a free gift for you if you have no idea what the curses of Deuteronomy mean feel free to download and no its not a scam. Rising up means to put aside what you have learned in this kingdom and go to the light of the scriptures. The promises are coming and you want to be in line for them.


  We are commanded in the bible by TMH (The most high) to come out of the ways of this current system of control and to stand with the father once again. In short we say Qam Yasharahla  or Rise up Israelites, for we are the children of the biblical Israelites. We are about to get our crowns back and set on high repent for the Kingdom is at hand.


  As Covid19 rages through the world  and infects 2 million we as Israelites must turn away from our oppressors and choose none of their ways Proverbs 3:31. Things as we know it nothing is the same, except the message god said a long time ago which is. I will save my people from the 4 corners of the earth, and Judgement comes for those that have touched my children.  There have been many signs that TMH is fed up with this current rule and the dominion talked about in Luke 21:20-24 is coming to a devastating halt.


  It’s time to rise up Israelites and put down the cup of trembling for now according to Deuteronomy 30:7 the cup has passed to the other nations. Whether you believe gentiles can be saved or not according to Ezekiel 14:14 you can only walk the strait path alone. In order to get the crown you have to choose this day who you serve. You cannot wear the crown of Babylon and the crown of Righteousness at the same time. The Christianity doctrine does this and now most all churches are shut down, and pastors are being put to death.


  I have written ALL articles on this site through the spirit of TMH, to warn these nations to repent for the Rape, Robbery, Thievery, and Mayhem John 10:10. All the articles I do here are not for self gratification but in hopes 1 person repents so the angels can cheer.  These nations have broken every single law in hopes to keep us asleep. They have brought Hell on Earth to us and now the Angels are listening and delivering prayers to the father. The Destroyer of the Gentiles has to purify the lands that have been defiled and no one can stop it.




Its 2020 now and if people do not believe you are the Israelites its too late for them they have been marked. Show me one place in the bible where “Jesus” went to the other nations and begged them to believe. I will wait because he came to heal the sick and to rise up Israelites that had been abused and downtrodden. THIS is our mission and we are to seek them to the 4 corners. If you have a talent use it less the most high blow out your candle and remove your fire.


We got to stop begging these “nations” to believe and tell us who we are

because there is enough evidence for you to wake up

  1. Archeology check
  2. Biblical Records Check
  3. Historical Proofs via pictures and paprus
  4. The Spirit of God


  STOP these silly debates there is no reason to argue with what TMH gave you. He is the smartest strategist ever and he proves it daily. We were scattered and we all have a piece of the puzzle. There is no reason to be captain King Shit when all of our righteousness is as filthy rags. Some were given less some were given more teach what you know and share, not for strife but for truth.


  Stop these silly YouTube debates about doctrines of deceit, because if you do not know Christ was Black by now chances are you are not going to make it. If you are still arguing if the world is flat or are the laws of god done away with then there is a missile with your name on it. For all you non believers if it’s not the truth why are so many fighting over this very issue?


  The bible says the spirit of the lord will lead you into ALL TRUTH. Do not act like you are the savior and lord over Yahawahshi’s flock. Every-time you go on a public forum especially video  and argue over xyz, the other nations sit back and say, “We still got time they STILL don’t get it”. Simple question to my family when’s the last time you seen a lion argue with an elephant over what he is? 


  If the world is against us how can we gain independence and not need them?

What is a Heritage?


Remember family we were sent here as punishment this is not our rest. Many do not know much outside of the Babylon Bubble and what went down in other parts of the world with the Israelites. We truly need a refreshing in Jeremiah 17:4 TMH said Jeremiah you will lose your heritage.


  Heritage is Independence and freedom because you need Language, Laws and Land to be considered “Free”. Jeremiah always knew who he was and he spoke Hebrew so this cannot be talking about his time. Question then what people lost those “3L’s” that were mentioned above?


  Thats right Us, but now the father is starting to return our heritage and now we shall gain freedom. The world knows where ever we lay our feet due to our covenant, that is our land Deuteronomy 11:21-24 and Joshua 1:3 is your proof, so why are we fighting over street corners? This is a heritage forever because where ever we have been slaves has prospered at some level. We are promised to get everything back but we must repent as Israelites and not as gentiles and UNITE. 


  Rise Up Israelites sounds great paper but won’t they come after us?

Remember Black Wall Street?


The creator of all things seen and unseen did not give us the spirit of fear. The book of Daniel 7:18, Psalms 50:5 tells you that the saints will take the kingdom. This is not begging and we are the only ones on the planet who sealed our covenant through blood with the father. If we all come together as a nation and work together under the banner of Qam Yasharahla in faith. 


  In short we win and we will never suffer a Black Wallstreet again, so whats the proof? Ask yourself and look through history this is the only thing as a people we haven’t tried. Yes 300% certainty these nation according to Psalms 83, will try to stop us but this time because we quit sinning TMH will fight for us. If you want to see a scripture on this Judith 5:17-20 is cut and dry. Even some of our own people like the Pulpit pimps and government hustlers will come against us, remember dont let anyone take your crown Revelation 3:12.


  You got 5G towers, Coronavirus, Martial Law, Planned Parenthood, Eugenics, Tuskegee Experiments not to mention Vaccines of death and destruction.  Yes the world, and the principalities are against us but who can stand against our father? For a guarantee fact they are going to come with force, but this time Michael the Arch Angel and the Savior have a surprise for them. All that being said in order to earn this crown TMH has promised you have to have the strength to say NO MORE.


  Everything that happened to us is about to land in their lap and they get to sip double. If you are wondering what the cup of trembling is take advantage of the free book I am gifting to you. Rise of the Israelites will show you what the Church has been paid to hide, and yes I am serious. 

  Here is the thing family we have been so busy drinking from the cup of Curses and trembling we got used to the taste (Isaiah 52:22-23 Revelation 18:5-6 Jeremiah 51: 5-8).  The lord is now placing that same cup we drank into the hands of those that hate us. You have a front row seat to watch what happened to your forefathers. There is nothing new under the sun. You will see as you get healed and rest they will have turmoil and pain.  Some of them will repent and say surely our family has inherited lies and uselessness but some are slated for that lake with the snake.


  A small message to you “Pastors” out there who refuse to tell the damn truth either you tell your congregation who the real children of Israel is or suffer in damnation and get your flame put out. The death angel is loosed and  as Moses told the Israelites he will not forgive your transgressions.


  Choose ye today who you serve because the so called blacks Hispanics and native Americans and the scattered Israelites world wide need this medicine and its your job to give it. STOP TELLING THEM THEY ARE GENTILES OR BE JUDGED.  Hang on to your prosperity doctrine if you want to and see what happens. What do you gain by having the world at your finger tips but losing your soul? What did Esau and these other nations promise you in exchange for your very essence? Where is your backbone or your sense of right and wrong? Why are you taking the children’s bread and feeding it to DOGS?


  You can hang on Trump and your voting all you want to, and even take the 10 Million he has offered you to keep lying to your people. Or you can repent and do the right thing its simple really either you are going to be Lazarus or the rich man Luke 16:19:31. If you do not repent you can look forward to Isaiah 66:22-24. I pray this message reaches you because there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth in these last days, and you are running out of time. Bring forth good fruit and choice vine out of the vineyard because the Axe is put to the root, and the swinger is Yahawahshi Matthew 3:10.

As for the rest of you believers of the truth we shall continue……..


  According to the bible if we return to the Savior Yahawahshi now more than ever and seek him 10 times (Baruch 4:28) more, he would save us in the last days.  Im going to keep it 100 with you all, listen to me close we have lived like the heathen TOO LONG. It’s time to pick a side and not be stiff-necked or once again we will be left in the wilderness.

Our forefathers did grievous things in the face of TMH, and for that we were punished with the lash of the enemy and forced to eat sour grapes (We paid for their sins).  The father whooped our butts good and we got the scars to prove it. The controversy of Zion is beginning and now TMH will fight for his chosen.

  When The Most High gets done with Babylon as in the days of old there will be no more argument about “Who’s his children are” read Ezekiel 39:21-29.  Everything that is written that we have seen, and not seen is coming to past, that is your sign to Rise up Israelites and stand for the truth and you will gain a crown of life, and repent for your redeemer comes.


  This is why Luke 1:68-70 exists this event has not happened yet, and no Zachariah was not talking to Esau.  Qam Yasharala is a heavy term it means more than just “Rise Up” its a call for unbreakable unity and strength, so I exalt all you Israelites world wide to be brave like our family line does and FIGHT FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Now I made mention of Babylon above and some of my brothers and sisters have different views on what this actually is.


  We can all agree that these lands have our forefathers blood on them so it has to be purified. YES so called American belongs to the 10 tribes of Israel but the house needs a cleaning badly. Numbers Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites stop voting today35:33 has to come to pass I am sure the father is going to place you back there once it is done, but for now fire is slated for a major cleaning.

When he restores the land and the animals it shall be even more beautiful than before. You cannot vote to be free you need to fight and the weapon we use is the laws statues and commandments and our faith is in the son, and the seal is our baptism.

We all have seen either movies, TV shows, or heard songs about the oppressors of not only our own people but of the heathen round about us.  I am not going to rehash what is already known but I will tell you Judgement and Justice is coming.


Wisdom of Solomon 18:7 states you MUST accept both the destruction of your enemies and the salvation of the righteous. Some of our people have such a soft spot for the other nations this is going to be a lot of their downfall, its called Stockholm Syndrome, or ptsd by Joy Leary


Did you know right before Rome fell their were very similar events taken place on the earth? Did you not know that we just had a SUPER MOON that was red just this month?  You think this Passover is just an coincidence? Look to Ecclesiasticus 43:6-8, because there it will tell you what the moon is for. If you do not have that book inside your bible you are using a revised slave bible.

Read it for yourself the Blood Moon is a sign of biblical judgement. Trust me you do not want to be near anyone or anything when TMH’s  judgement comes. Come out of her my people is written in so many ways in the bible, and one way to do that is back away from “Their Customs and beliefs”. 

  Yes this includes white man Jesus because the one depicted today is Cesare Borgia. That false Image comes with a doctrine of lies, and many brains have been seared with a hot iron. This is why we call him the devil all that word means is Deceiver and he fits that to a tee.


  This is the damage that white men have done to our people this is root of our issue. We cannot see God in one another if we raise up a white man as our savior. What part about Jesus was black and the Israelites dont you get? You are in violation of the 1 and second commandment.

Question where is white man Jesus to stop this virus? Where is your Lilly white, stringy hair, leprous, reprobate of a man at? An ABOMINATION is all who chooses you Isaiah 41:21-24.

We can no longer do Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Lint, Halloween, Birthdays, for these are tools of the devil. You see the so called white man gave you these holidays not the bible. In other words white man Jesus doctrine says do what you want to but the lord god as a good father says, do what I told you to do.  The goal is to keep you asleep and Satan has done a good job with the majority of you.  When the lord said Awake Awake put on YOUR glorious garments. This means come out of her sins because you have your own holy days to love and to cherish.

Holy days of the Lord

  • Passover and Unleavened Bread
  • Feast of First Fruits
  • Feast of Tabernacle
  • Day of Atonement
  • Feast of Dedication
  • 12 New moon feasts Yearly
  • Day of Simeon
  • Day of Nicanor
  • Sabbath Day


  Holidays of Satan ((WATCH THIS FAMILY))

  1. Rise up Israelites and stop celebrating their holidays Valentines Day
  2. Easter
  3. Fathers day Mothers Day
  4. Presidents Day Labor Day
  5. Halloween
  6. Feast of Bacchus or Christmas
  7. Birthdays
  8. New Years or feast of Janus


Do you see now my beloved brothers and sisters? Everything Righteous that TMH ordained he has flipped to the side of darkness.

Remember the scripture says he will be LIKE the most high. So everything that Satan does is to be as close to TMH as possible to fool as many people as possible. He is going to get a high body count because even though I laid all this out still some will not research. I am trying to get this to be paint by numbers easy.


  Here are the top 7 things you can do today
to Unite and to come out of her (Babylon).

1. Stop doing wickedly to your brother or sister repent of that evil and love them help them as we used to do.
2. Stop the Idolatry and all such practices because anything you place over TMH is Idolatry including Sports, Kids, Loved Ones, Lusts.
3. Stop celebrating wicked holidays on the side for instance we do not celebrate Thanksgiving (Or thankskilling)

Many Israelites will wait till the day after or before and cook the turkey stuffing etc. That spirit is pure wickedness and not acceptable 1 Thessalonians 5:22.

4. Stop Listening to music that forces you to be programed to hate your brother or sister.

The Music Industry is own operated and funtioned by the same ones who owned the slave ships, Khazar Jews.

5. Stop blaming the “Powers that be” for your condition the lord clearly said HE DID THIS TO YOU.

TMH controls who rules the Kingdom, and who is in the poor house, or who has fortune and prosperity and who drinks the dregs(Joshua 1:1-8)

Come back to him in humbleness repent and he will heal you Jeremiah 30:11-16, Romans 13:1-8, 1 Kings 8:46-48)


6. STOP  going to these whore houses call Churches and cone out of these wicked Israelite camps.

Did you know that Trump just signed a bill to give these fake ravaging wolves called pastors a 10 million dollar loan program they can take out of the bank as “Salary“?  They still are asking for Tithing in the middle of a outbreak of Coronavirus and robbing the people blind and nothing is done. Some studies show that African Americans and Latinos and Spanish Americans are being disproportionately affected and its NOT being shown on the news.

7. STOP separating from the brothers and sisters that are in this walk. We will need one another now more than ever Zephaniah 2:1-3, for the decree has went forth. You are commanded to entertain strangers (Hebrews 13:2) you do not know who you are giving the cold shoulder to.



To be clear because I know some Israelite camp shall have a problem with what I said. Some are the same scribes and Pharisees of old doomed to die when Christ cracks the sky.  If they are in sin according to the New Testament help them break that sin Galatians 6:1-2, Leviticus 19:17-18. Remember Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.

Personally I owe a strong SHALOM and thank you to some camps that helped me wake up to this truth and they are many. If I forget to Mention you please do not take it personal the many bricks you have laid has keep me strong. This short list is but not in any particular order. This is not about doctrine its about truth. This was my road and I am thankful to them and TMH.

1. Hurricane Hashar from Ambassadors of Christ. = You were the one who first woke me up to who and what we are as a people on this planet.

You though the power of TMH reached into my soul and poured the first glass of clean water, on my soul, and mind.

I make no bones about this ALL PRAISES TO TMH for you brother and may your place in the kingdom be a triple portion.

I may never meet you face to face in this kingdom but I pray we can drink wine together in the kingdom with Christ. I owe you a debt that can never be repaid.


2. Big Judah (Youtube Channel) = Deeper Understanding of events today that has been hidden and proof about other books being ours and not the heathens.

I don’t have enough article space to thank you for all you have done you are the reason I have broadened my reading library and my faith is raised to the level it is now.

3. Ahyal ban Gad Gadite University (Also on youtube) = strong leadership and he specializes in the holy ghost and the order of Melchezidec (Which I am proud to be a part of)

Do not come here if you just believe in just 80 books you will be lost in the sauce. Some of us that are awake are the “Wise ones” mentioned in 2 Esdras 14:42-48.

You have taught me spiritual secrets that have been lost for ages. Hidden things that we sorely needed now. And you are responsible for Rising Up Israelites world wide of the 10 tribes.

I love ya for all you have done and I keep watching weekly. May we both walk into the Kingdom in white robes of truth.


4. IUIC = Yes, I said it, because they were one of the first to show how important the law is and how deep the levels of Esau went.

If you are just now starting your walk they have some deep basic classes that are very good. Although some of their doctrine has some bones you keep the meat and spit the bad out.  Deacon Yawasap is one of my favorites and Deacon Ethan for they both show many truths to boost your spirit. Although they just stick with 80 books you can learn a lot. The other listings above deal with much more spiritual and deeper matters.

5. GMS or Great Millstone = I have to say a strong QAM YASHARALA to you all for without you in my dark days I wouldn’t of had hope.  Malchaamah and Tahar and a great host of Apostles have taught me to dig DEEPER into words, and meanings to get the true meat.  Although they just say in the 80 books they get every drop of milk out and meat. If no one else will say it I love you brothers although we never met I salute you.


6. True Spirit of Christ = All praises to TMH for you although you are still growing the foundation is true and the rock is Christ or Yahawahshi.  There are levels to teaching and you show patience in everything you show. Lords will we can meet sometime but know your voice has stretched across many lands and I pray your reward is great in the Kingdom.

The bible says give honor where honor is due, and I am humble enough to do that and proud to say I am a True Israelite from the work of these camps and teachers.

8. Sons of Thunder Israelites = Never has there been more dynamic street teachers these brothers of wisdom. Although many things have threatened to have them pushed off the corners for speaking the truth they stand bold as Lions. I have spent many restless nights trying to catch up to all your videos lol. Your work is not in vain I let my son learn from your older videos because like others on this list you preach a lot of truth. TMH has really given you all a humble powerful spirit that I pray to learn how to adapt.

  These are the steps I have walked in to get to where I am now and Precept upon Precept has been hammered into my very spirit because of these Kinfolks.  Now Everyone has their issues on doctrine and points they are trying to make against this list is not to cause debate but to show love. I study to show myself approved and I recommend you do the same.

  I do not want to get into the differences in doctrine on this article but point blank we got to stand together unless we fall apart.  We will all see eye to eye when the Messiah returns lords will he will clear up the darkness of bad understanding. We all believe in Yahawahshi and the holy spirit that is a foundation we can trust.  You have to leave the teachings of Babylon and empty your cup of dregs and place in their cool clean water of the word.

  We are spiritual people and have been since we were created (Isaiah 43 1-3 Isaiah 44:1-2and if we just get a drop of truth that has not been tainted by Babylon the Great we are unstoppable.  We as a people will be no more tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. We can pick out the bones and keep the meat to get a clear picture of what is about to happen today. In order to do this we MUST come together and stand as one unit of power. The savior never said live divided stand alone so why do we not fix what we have broken.

Rise up Israelites and come out of her my people and be no more afraid of the dark for we are children of the light. The father is raising up his army in the site of the nations as we speak we need to unite, hurry time is short.  We all know TMH used these other nations to oppress us, and to whip us into shape, for our sins so now hes calling us home, and demanding that we drop the pride and strife, and take back power and life.

We are the salt of the earth the former of ALL things. All major inventions were either inspired of created by us. Coronavirus or whatever weapon we get attacked with shall not succeed. In this year 2020 we shall start to see things that the enemy has had planned for ages.

When the Lord said “Come out of her my people” do you believe that was only spiritual? Look through all the captivities TMH always made a way for us to prosper in the face of evil. We are instructed what to do in captivity in Jeremiah 29:4-15 read this closely and with NEW eyes.  We have always been entrepreneurs and business minded forward thinking people. Thats not Esaus gift he steals what he wants and kills when you tell him no. What do you think when they came to Africa and got us from our lands they grabbed dummies? Let this sink in I will let the nations TELL you who they grabbed. It wasnt Random as they want you to believe.

The black Jews had an advantage over the African tribes: they carried their culture, history, laws, and written records  with them; this assured them a constant precedent for the development of a higher social organization. Because of the stability of the black Jewish culture,
the Jews were not absorbed into the autochthonous population.

In fact, the Jews absorbed some of the native tribes.  The Jews made use of every opportunity; they were an industrious and skillful people: In the Jewish Ghanaian states were found kings,  princes, governors, generals, secretaries, treasurers, revenue agents, judges, architects, engineers, doctors, historians, language interpreters, mathematicians, jewelers, sculptors, masons, carpenters, painters of art, goldsmiths, leather-workers, potters, armorers, saddlers, blacksmiths, agriculturists, et-
cetera. (( Link to Source))




((Who told you they took Lazy Slaves from the west coast of Africa or “Worthless Consumers”?))

  As for Jacob we create from nothing as our father did. So I have a question why do we need to cling to Babylon when we made it brick by brick? We do not need them to be successful Ezra 4:1-3 tells you that.  We are to have something that we can cling on to in times of famine, and pestilence, in other words safety in Goshen.


  Right now if they were to just shut off the water nothing can be done to stop them. I KNOW this is not our kingdom but our 400 years are up we need to protect our young ones and wives and family with more than just scriptures. We are to move in wisdom even Christ said sell your garment and buy a sword. I am not telling you to commit violence I am extorting you to be like Judah Maccabees and Protect your flock.


  Now I am sure the scripture has popped into your mind that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. I 300% agree with you but lets put it this way. Would Christ let anyone storm into his flock and destroy it without putting up a fight? What did Levi and Simeon do to the African King that Defiled Dinah? Did they throw bible scripture at them? You brothers and sisters better read 2 Esdras 15 and chapter 16 and realize what time we are in. This devil is coming and gunning to destroy us literally not just spiritually read Revelation 12 again especially the last verse.


Sad to see us fighting against one another and brings tears to my eyes because of doctrines we are still so far apart. The bible says GATHER YOURSELFS TOGETHER not remain apart.  If we built the world and mega empires surely we can have an economic structure that’s not dependent on the descendants of slave-masters. Dr. Claud Anderson told you as much its a shame he cannot see the entire picture.

We are the mightiest, most loving, resilient people on the entire planet, and it’s time we show this world we do not need them, and we never have.  You name the nation they work group economics and have mastered it. No one ever asks the question on where they learned this from that’s right us. The story of Joseph is a blueprint to financial success, and that’s in Genesis. Did he say NOPE THATS A HEATHEN IM NOT TELLING HIM A DAMN THING. No because of his diligence he not only saved Egypt he also saved his own family from the Pestilence and famine.

Whether it is China, Europe, Spain, Japan, there is a China town in every city and they do not vote for the most part but they own mini communities of power.

  Even the fake Jews understand leveraging money and resources, we can do better Israel. As it sits now we have little or nothing as a nation of people.  After 400 years we are still begging for Reparations of a Stimulus Check we got to do better Israel. I applaud ADOS but the issue is bigger than Cut the Check. The entire planet is made for us so why do we beg from the masters table?

Rise up Israelites as a super power or fall as a heathen. I cannot speak for the rest of you brothers and sisters but I want to inherit the Kingdom Promised by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

  Do you all remember the story of Moses and him coming down the mount finding us doing all kinds of wickedness? Arron had JUST made the golden calf and Moses just got the 613 laws from the father? This is also symbolic when Yahawahshi is coming down to us, what will he see? I wonder if he will find faith or sin.

Later in that story Moses stood on the other side of the Israelites and said “EVERYONE WHO STANDS FOR THE MOST HIGH STAND BY ME”. That same decree is being pronounced now.

  Then the order was given to kill those who still wanted to be hitched to Beial and Egypt. We are approaching that time once again. Now the fishers are still out but soon hunters will be on the prowl. A final Separation as in the days of old must happen again. We must once again rule this planet by TMH’s laws in love and power or be counted as chaff.
When you read Isaiah 2:1-3 its crystal clear whos going to be ruling and whos going to be the directors of truth for in Zion goes forth the law.

The law is what gives life and so long we have been in the grips of death for far too long. While the rest of these 10 plagues hit we are commanded to Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites for now the angels fight for those that have repented.

In order to rise up as an Israelite do I need to be Baptized?

This is a question that ALL camps have a different view on so I will tell mine and yes its scriptural. This will not be a long breakdown but there are some key points we need to look into.  Just as an FYI when you do the research ALL of our patriarchs of legend were baptized in one way or another. Some were baptized by fire some were by water some by both. So according to that premise I stand firm on Christ because he also was baptized by fire and water.

  Everyone from Adam to Christ and beyond went through a form of it so why not you? Think about it what Shepard do you follow did not when Christ was baptized the holy ghost descend on him? And you wonder why you do not have it? Baptism is symbolic of you dying (Dunking you down) and Rising up again (Just like Christ did or Resurrection).

I am not going to get into this mega deep in THIS article, but we really have to open our eyes and realize that the enemy has had our records under the Vatican. It is sealed in vaults 50 miles long for a good reason.  They have our records read Judith 5:17-20. For ages now they have detailed records of who we are like the Terminator …….they know who we are!

Rise up Israelites the Vatican has your records


  They know our history and hid it for a reason. If we get even a taste of what those records hold its a wrap. Look at the power we have with the 80 books they “Allowed” us to have.  They know what happens when we are united with the father and cry out to him when we are purified. These nations are not stupid Psalms 83 is not in the bible for vanity.

There are much much more books than 80 even 2 Esdras 14 tells you this. Hell up to about 10 years ago we only used 66 books. To that end I have no reservations when I say Baptism was done WAY before John.  Beloved brothers and sisters you cannot squeeze 2000 years of history events and miracles into only 80 books. You also do not throw the baby out with the bath water.

  The scriptures are 2 fold and sometimes 3 fold meaning there are multiple breakdowns for 1 scripture. There is a carnal side and a spiritual side. So we will go over the carnal and the spiritual in hopes we can get down to a resolution.

In Corinthians 10:1-2 you see plainly that the Israelites were baptized unto Moses but you do not see really any breakdown to this in the bible. This is clearly spiritual and a heavy understanding when you dig deeper.  You do not see anywhere where Moses is dunking people in water in the 80 books. Walking through the Red Sea (Red is representing blood of Christ).

They are leaving filthiness of Egypt and being lead to freedom or the school master to be taught again how to be clean. To make things plain.

⦁ We went from Egyptian captivity and Paganism. We were in Covenant with the heathen like today. We were redeemed with blood.
⦁ To Laws of God and the most powerful nation on the planet. We also were sealed with blood to this covenant.

Later you will see that we went from the school master (Levitical law) to Christ, which again we were sealed with blood.

At each level a change or a “Cleansing Baptism” has to take place, your mind has to be changed, or you cannot MOVE forward as they did crossing the red sea.

Now that is a lot of meat maybe you knew some of this or maybe you didn’t, review this for its needed info. This is why some of these other nations need to put OUR book of scriptures down. It’s like watch a child with sharp scissors its only a matter of time before they get cut.

Again the spiritual side is the Israelites had JUST came out of captivity from Egypt (Slavery), and were being purified by the laws of TMH to live a better life, and to be separated from the unclean to the clean or Holy.  To put it short TMH instructed Moses to come out of her my people at the burning bush and did the same for us.  As we are yet again this day doing but some love America too much as did Dathan and Kora, and Lots wife. Some of us are going to look back or hate the order as Dathan.

  Ill say it again, We were too stiffnecked to understand what Moses was trying to do then. We wanted to cling to Egypt instead of embracing true power and freedom just like today. Some of the Israelites are home born slaves and cannot be fixed. Moses was BEGGING us to do right and keep the commandments and be transformed he was shown the end (2 Esdras 14:1-5). Some of us refused to be purified as some do today.

Remember in the New Testament where the Israelite said “Let His Blood Be Upon Us?” We didn’t understand the magnitude of that statement but us the children understand.  Same deal Christ blood hit the ground but it covered all the Israelites world wide, so the northern kingdom and southern kingdom could get a do over. From that point on we were baptized out of the Mosaic law (Arron) into the New Covenant that you read about in Hebrews 8:8 which is the gospel of grace and truth.

We are in Babylon but we are commanded by the lord not to be a part of their system. One example is the RFID Microchip, Invisible Quantum Dot Tatoo, as some call it the Mark of the Beast. This is an example of 2 marks one Physical and one Spiritual.


  If you take it you are being baptized by the devil or his “Mark” or Tatoo. The bible calls it Charagma google it. Anyone that cannot see this you have already been marked. The brain child of this Abomination of Death that has been disguised as a vaccine is Bill Gates. Hell even Tru News has deemed this a direct path to hell but dont let me say it listen to them yourself. I cannot blow the trumpet loud enough for this weapon against our people.

The Spiritual aspect is taking on their Idols, philosophies, and Ideals this will get you a one way trip to the lake with the snake. In other words you mind has been seared with a hot Iron, and chose your new master. At this point your white garment is good for nothing but to be burned.

You need to have the mark of the Savior in order to be saved and be baptized by the word of god, and the blood of the lamb (John 15:1-3 Ephesians 5:26, Revelation 12:11). For as it is written no unclean thing shall set foot into the kingdom to come.

Physically and Mentally forever more you have to be changed. Christ got Baptized why wouldn’t you?  Do you trust God or Man? This is a sure fire way of getting out of the grips of Satan. No I do not mean getting dunked in water in the name of Cesare BorgiaEither you are under Arron or Christ you cannot have 2 masters. If you search the scriptures and look DEEP you will see that the Levitical priest hood was smashed in the book of Malachi.

Then in the New Testament John chapter 8 Christ is arguing Scribes and Pharisees and Sadducee. The same exact order that turned its back on the father in the book of 2 Maccabees 4:10-15 and going back to the OT, and many other places. Now not everyone turned their back on TMH but the ones that did are not hard to spot today. Its the same ones that screamed Crucify him and we want BARABAS.

Look close my beloved Israelites. If the Levitical Priesthood was still on the earth when Christ came why did not Christ fall under that order? Thats because it was way too carnal and he was bringing the Order of Melchiezidec back into the earth then. Look at this.

⦁ He stood against the order of Arron many times. Remember the woman caught in Adultery? Or the man with the withered hand in the Church? The scribes and Pharisees were using the laws as a beating stick to the people and twisting Judgement Christ was not with that at all.

⦁ The order of Arron or Mosaic law did not heal people with touch or prayer nor raise anyone from the dead. Christ did this and more. Im not kidding in Matthew Mark Luke or John you see none of the Pharisees and Priest healing no one. Even better show me ONE Miracle they did.

⦁ Christ had his OWN disciples did he not? Why again did Christ not join up with Nicodemus and go learn under Caiaphas? Didn’t Nicodemus come to Christ and Joseph of Armathea? Did not Christ command his followers not to rebuke those who did not walk with him? These were not scribes or Pharisees some others were casting out devils.

⦁ Even when Christ resurrected he went to his people, his followers, why did he not go to the Sanhedrin? He called the Israelite Priests Hypocrites in Matthew 23. The Pharisees watched him heal a mans hand on the Sabbath Day why did they not lay on hands? Everyone Christ healed it was according to their faith not the carnal laws of Sacrifice.

⦁ In Matthew 13:10-12 Christ stated plainly that the secrets of heaven were given to YOU but to them it is not given. Who was the audience when he said that. Yes the scribes and Pharisees were there but who was the secrets of heaven for?

⦁ John 18:36 read it closely remember the Jews wanted him dead along with Rome. Christ told Pilot this kingdom is not mine if it was “MY SERVANTS” would fight for me. Who gave Christ up to the oppressor? Christ was keeping the laws so what was the high priests problem? They stood not against John the Baptist and he did NO miracles. Show me 1 scribe Pharisee or Saducee that healed the sick on touch walked on water or any other miracle.

  The disciples of Christ were given power to heal and to cast out devils (Matthew 10:1-2) others were not. This is why they needed him dead and in a hurry. Because this new order means their doom. Read John 11:46-47 closely you will see it. There is clearly one order more powerful than the other. Look to the old testament even back before Moses if you see Miracles that is of the Melchizedek order.

All throughout the NT you read about a new order being established, and in that order we are to follow the lamb of god wherever he goes. It’s so powerful that the devil today tries to copy it on the left hand side.  If you follow Christ my job is to tell you to get baptized, believe in the son, keep the commandments till the end because then you will receive the holy Ghost as it is written Acts 19:1-7.

I cannot force you but it is a gift given to the children of Israel I suggest you take it. For in these dark days you need all the protection you can get. Or you can stay with the lesser priesthood your choice. One last thing you can run to Paul all you want to but he doesn’t cancel out Christ’s order in Matthew 28:19-20.


  As a matter of fact read Acts 9 1-5 he had to be blinded so he could see. He prior to this event was himself a Pharisee so what did he get “Baptized” or “Changed” into? His charge or commandment was to find and start waking up the Northern Kingdom that had been scattered since 1 Kings 17. Now you look in the New Testament show me throughout the first 4 books where anyone of the Royal Priesthood outside of Christ said “We must go find the 10 tribes of Israel”. Sad thing is these same people are alive today and have no concern for our other brothers and sisters.

Anyone who teaches you NOT get to get baptized for the remission of sins is under Arron not Christ. Come out of her my people is just not talking about Babylon its also talking about wicked teachers of this bible we hold dear. Rise up Israelites and take back your gift and heritage.

What think ye …… John the Baptist was the first person to Baptize? Research family its time to dig DEEEPER! Again I say If Christ was baptized by water as a showing of passing the torch from one phase to the next why are Israelite camp and Churches teaching against it?

Rise up Israelites Why must we unite as a people not a doctrine

Some people believe that we have YET to go through Jacobs trouble and some believe that 70AD to today was the Jacobs Trouble the bible speaks about.  Whether you believe we are in our Goshen or their Babylon the fact remains we need one another. A lot of us got caught with our pants down when this epidemic hit globally and had no answers. The scripture says be not ignorant of any matter small or great.

Foreknowledge is the formula for success. We seen the earthquakes and heard the rumors of wars why did we not unite and prepare? Why did we not listen to our patriarchs?  We seen the Chariots and heard the horns but did not prepare for war. This my beloved brothers and sisters is why we fail because we keep depending on a people that can not save us. We have been too busy making Corona Rap Videos these are supposed to be the mighty men on Zion SMH. While Esau has his children at the age of 6 learning how to load and shoot AR-15 we are wondering about the new Jordan’s.

  We lack faith to move as a stand alone unit instead of Rising up as Israelites we are laying down as slaves. We have lost sight in the scripture that says we can do all things through Christ. Then why can we not join together?

So in this article I am going to do as my forefathers have done and show you examples of empowerment. That should get you in the water of truth once and for all. I am doing this out of love for you all and I pray it reaches you.

The scripture says WHO WILL STAND FOR ME AGAINST THE WORKERS OF INIQUITY so I ask the same thing and I bring examples of the power of our bloodline.

God did not give us the spirit of fear: Rise up Israelites and come out of her my people.

⦁ Judas Maccabee and his family stood strong against the heathen and those of us who sided with the Greeks and Romans.

They were placed in an impossible position either serve the Greeks and Rome or die. They decided to pick the 3rd option which was defend the truth and told their people to RISE UP ISRAELITES.

His father Mattathias raised him in the laws of TMH and they were willing to die rather than upset Yahawah. (Maccabees 2:1-48)

⦁ The book of Susanna is a story of a woman forced to either give in to the wiles of 2 Israelite elders or be put to death under 2-3 witnesses. She stood for TMH in the face of certain death. and she knew it.

Daniel a young man of righteousness stood in the gap for the young madien and found out the wickness of these 2 men whos lust for Susanna had clouded their judgement. In the end since she stood for truth and trusted in the father she was protected.

⦁ In the book of the 2 Maccabees you have chapters 7 &8 which have to do with integrity and standing your ground. We were never given the spirit of fear and these 2 chapters make that plan.

With faced with certain death and danger Eleasar (Chapter 6) and the Courageous woman of 7 sons (Chapter 8) withstood temptations of impossible measure. I can only pray for their strength.

⦁ We all know about Daniel and the lions den and also for fiery furnace. Did you know that this parable is also talking about today in Daniel 3 chapter and America?

NONE of our forefathers of renown were given the spirit of fear and we should look to their examples because now we are back in the belly of the beast. As they faced the spiritual and physical perils as we do now this day. We are now faced with the same temptation that was given to our forefathers.

⦁ Take the Mark of the Beast and live in Babylon. Meaning accept their vaccines and medicines of the pharmakeia written about in Revelation 21:8.

Im not going to get into a full breakdown of this here but Revelation 21:8 the word there is actually pharmakeia not sorceries. Here is the definition. Israelite teachers out there here is a nugget for you those who have an ear let them hear.


STRONGS NT 5331: φαρμακεία Pharmakeia
a. the use or the administering of drugs b. poisoning
c. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry Revelation 9:21

Now look at the vaccine that they are ramping up to give you. Do you really think something with Formaldehyde, Pork, dead baby fetus, and dead disease cells can heal you? You see that Invisible Quantum Micro Dot Tatoo listed Above?

⦁ Or stick with faith and pray and get the new kingdom to come 2 Esdras 8:1. I for one and my family stand like Joshua 24:15. With this power you will be protected under the promise of Psalms 91 and Psalms 27. For the record we all will go through the hour of temptation and I hope we have the fortitude and strength to yell. Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites and stare death in the face and laugh.  My family will not be taking any of their witchcraft potions or any Micro Dot Tattoo invented by Bill Gates and that family of devils.


Find the 10 lost tribes before Yahawah finds you, and I mean NOW!


  We must rise up as the 12 tribes of Israel not just Judah, Benjamin and Levi. We have shunned our Northern Kingdom Brothers long enough and they need our help desperately. This will be a rebuke in love and humility its a shame many will not see this and will not listen for their hard heart but I do what the father says.

In the face of these plagues of justice we must come together. We were commanded by the Messiah to gather up the 10 that were lost (Matthew 28:19-20).  They need more than scriptures and feel good stories they need the Southern Kingdom to bring them truth and aid.




because they are in the Islands of the sea (Deuteronomy 33:23) among many other places the bible tells you this. Stop freelancing with the scriptures to make a doctrine TMH is watching.

The word for West and the South is not written like that in the old text, its Yam which means Seas. Its stating that Naphtali would be in the SOUTH SEAS. You travel all over the globe telling people they are this and or that when they went through the exact curses written in the bible yes even the slave ships.


  You can and will be judged for telling someone they are a heathen when they are not. Christ is clear what happens when you offend a little one. If they agree with the scriptures and their spirit bares witness then your only job is to glorify the father and allow them Shalom.

  THE NORTHERN KINGDOM had their records taken and a lot destroyed or hidden. This is why when you tell them they have been slaves or oppressed many do not know this. Most are under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church STILL in 2020. It’s our job to bring them to Yahawahshi and the gospel pursuant to Isaiah 61:1-3 Luke 4:18. This is something the scribes Pharisees and Levites refused to do. This is one of the reasons why the order of Arron was  put by the side and the order of Melchizedek was reintroduced through Christ. You are commanded to go by the spirit and not phenotype.

With Christs Sacrifice both kingdoms can unite under HIS blood. He holds all the keys and is guarding all the gates going into the Kingdom. We no longer do Animal sacrifice and the Levitical order is no longer in charge of the temple. Southern Kingdom is not to vex Northern Kingdom anymore.

You are making up history to fit doctrine its no different than the Christianity Church it has to stop, accept you have fringes and border of blue. It was not your blood that was spilled for the nation we are commanded to follow HIS steps Matthew 17.

You cannot use other books the white man has written to prove a point about history because you know you call him the devil. Then turn around and use the same book to justify YOUR point when it fits your needs. So outside of 1619 was there ever a point in the bible where the other nations had our records and “Adjusted” them? I suggest you take a good strong look at 1 Maccabees 3:48 for starters.

rise up israelites realize the bible has missing books

Then ask yourself has the heathen ever tampered with our bible before or after 1619? I’m not building contention this is raw facts. I’m showing you what the scripture is saying but you all are afraid to venture outside of the 80 books THEY GAVE YOU. If it’s a bone spit it out and keep the meat when it comes to scriptures. Psalms 119:69 says that they formed  a lie against the father and the son.

qam yasharahla rise up israelites they gave you a slave bible

Remember TMH is not mocked and his sheep hear his voice, but how can they hear without a preacher? Who are you to judge if TMH has called them and they look like Blake Griffins son then so be it. We come in all shapes and sizes America and hate has a lot of you messed up. Or as Paul put it not all of Israel is Israel.

No one talks about Black Birding or the Trans-Pacific slave trade or the Manila Acapulco slave trade. These ALL happened as documented facts not fiction. There are many volumes of books that have been stolen from us and deemed “Not Canon” but who judged such matters? Are we not the Children of Israel are we not allowed to say what our books and our forefathers meant? Did Isaiah have other books from other prophets? Was there not other family records? For some of you, you understand fully what I am saying.


  If you think the heathen or whiteman Esau or whatever you want to deem him has never touched our books including your bible then you need to stop teaching. If you believe the most power weapon on the planet according to the Book of Eli movie has been laying safely untouched till the slave masters gave it back to you (See above SLAVE BIBLE) then I got some ocean front property in Antarctica to sell you.

  If Esau’s blessing was the sword and the word of god is described as a 2 edged sword do you not think Esau has our weapons? In that same vein if its a 2 edged sword you have Southern Kingdoms records or some of it, where is Northern Kingdoms? I mean the hard raw prophets and prophecies from the NK laying facts that break the non believers backs, was that not the point of leaving away FROM the heathen?


 Did Christ not say “I have other sheep that need to hear MY VOICE” (( Hint on where to find those records if you have ears to hear)). Frankly whether you believe me or not I am telling you the truth there is 2 Olive trees not one. The second stick is deeper than you think in Ezekiel 37, the stick of Joseph is talking about the records.  If not what is the stick of Judah and his companions?


  In John 10:16 you read clearly they must hear my voice and there is no record of any apostle or prophet making it to the Americas ….. or is there. How many of you have read Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem: How Religion Drove the Voyages that Led to America?


  How many of you knew Magellan came to the Philippines to find the Children of the Indios (Or Children of God). He used the same records Columbus did they both were looking for Ophir. When the Roman Catholic Church split the earth with the Papal Bull Spain took the  east and Portugal the west. All was to find and rape rob and murder the Children of Israel that ran to their forefathers lands.


  Do you honestly believe a weapon of this magnitude was kept out of his hands? The bible calls him wiser than Daniel chew on that one. You see he was supposed to hold our records and show us who we were according to that book but he didn’t. He got a taste of what his blessing should of been and decided to punish us because he couldn’t touch God. Case and point Slaves obey your masters when it didn’t mean that at all. Until the times of the gentiles was fufilled he was supposed to hold our records then give them all back.


In the Vatican they have all of our records and its time we open our eyes. We only have a portion of what Esau is holding. 80 books is nowhere near the 214 Esdras talked about. Just think how much has been missing from that time till now.


When King Solomon said the making of many books there is no end he did not mean don’t read outside of the bible. Speaking of that Solomon wrote 1000’s of Psalms why do we only have a limited amount? We are not under a school master anymore does not the holy spirit lead you to ALL truth? 


  I got a better challenge we will go to the father himself. Tell me where chapter verse we were ordained to only read 80 books. You better go back and read 2 Esdras 14 the last 5 verses.


Did King James write or have other books? Even the book of John tells you all that Christ did cannot be contained in just books. Biblios means Collection of Books…. come on Israelites this is not that hard. You think people were walking around with a King James Bible in Christs time 33AD? Did Baruch write a book? Now when Northern Kingdom was Separated from South did they have books and Scholars and Prophets? Where are their records? Here is a hint look up the 2 sticks of Israel.

The bible says you shall be sold to your enemies. How many of you knew that after the Spaniards colonized the Indios of whats now known as the Philippine Islands, that they sold the entire 7000 Islands, and the people for 20 million to the Americans? Did you also know the Spaniards took their records and burned them including books? Does that sound familiar? Of course they a few full copies for themselves of course.

  How many of you Israelite Scholars knew that they were put on slave ships by the Spaniards called Galleons for Human Cargo as slaves to Mexico? Oh did you know that they made them build the ships first out of Almug  or Acacia wood?

 Acacia. (Acacia tortilis and other species)

A large thorny tree with rough gnarled bark. The orange-brown wood was hard-grained, and it repelled insects. It bore long locust-like pods with seeds inside and produced round, fragrant clusters of yellow blossoms. Many species of acacia grew in the desert of Sinai, in southern Canaan and in Egypt.

Acacia wood was used to build the ark of the covenant and the first tabernacle (Ex. 36:20; 37:1). The acacia is called shittim and shittah in the KJV (Ex. 25:5, 10; Is. 41:19).

I just dropped a Gem there if you can see it. Also Why is there a Solomon Islands here in the south seas? Filipino isnt in the bible its made up like Mickey Mouse, Negros or blacks. (For the record also they are not Japheth either).  It comes from King Phillip of Spain after the colonization and brainwashing they named the Islands Philippines. Come on yall this is not that deep ……..

Apart from guaranteeing the independence of Cuba, the treaty also forced Spain to cede Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States. Spain also agreed to sell the Philippines to the United States for the sum of $20 million.

  One reason why TMH is stating that he will gather them even if you will not is because some of you are greedy and selfish and there is no money in it for you. This is a violation of Torah and you are showing hate for them. If you cannot see the raw in your face that is their history and that it fits Deuteronomy 28, and Lamentation 5, and many other places I cannot help you. Here is the real punch in the face, they went through all the curses BEFORE us Negroes then they came and got you in 1619.


  Thats right! They perfected their art rape robbery and murder on our Northern Kingdom Brothers then got you from the shores of the Gold Coast. You ever see sometimes in the camps they have a young brother and sister stand up and they say “What tribe are you from”? You hear JUUUDDDAAHH or LEEVVVVIII or EPHRAIM but you never near Naphtali. Thats because they live on the OTHER Island call the Philippine Islands. IT WAS NOT EVEN CALLED THE PACIFIC ISLANDS before the 1500’s look it up Magellan named it that it was called the South Seas Deuteronomy 33:22. Who renamed the South Seas the South Pacific Ocean was it not Magellan?


23Concerning Naphtali he said: “Naphtali is abounding with favor,

full of the blessing of the LORD; he shall take possession of the Sea and the south.

Again look up the history of the Papal Bull’s of 1492. The northern Kingdom is still plagued with Idolatry of the Roman Catholic Church and Islam (Deuteronomy 28:64). As you are reading this article they are still under this devils teaching. Its also time for them to come out of her and come back to Abba. Remember brothers and sisters Judah and Israel were oppressed TOGETHER (Jeremiah 50:33). I do not have to prove this I have given you the tools now bring the sheep home. Stop being LAZY and safe in your bubble you say “You about this life” lets see.

  The nations know who we are they have had a long time to study us and if you want to find your brothers and sisters that are scattered you need to “Follow the blood of the Eagle”.  That is why the bible says study to show yourself approved so you can help those written about in Isaiah 61. That is part of the gospel or good news that is missing. You are looking in the wrong place for some of the Northern Kingdom. That means where ever Rome, Spain, Portuguese, Dutch, British, Irish went after 1492 to enslave our brothers that’s where the 10 tribes are at. Follow the money and the blood eagle of Esau he has left behind a swath of destruction the likes the world has not been fully shown. For wherever the eagles are gathered  their you will find the blood our people.

  I hope this article helps some of you Israelites to stand strong and to keep gathering our people world wide (James 1:1). I love you all and want to say thank you for pushing this word. The plagues are sent these nations are scared, STAND and be counted in Yahawahshi’s army of Melchizedek. The Ark is about to be closed, as in the days of Noah shall it be once again. I will leave you with the wise words of King Solomon.

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Didn’t Christ come to save everyone?



Ecclesiastes 4:, 9-12

So I returned, and considered all the oppression that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.

(See Above about the Northern Kingdom)

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth;

((See what I mean 2 are better than one Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom.

We both fell by the same enemy))

for he hath not another to help him up.

11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him;

and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

  Fire of judgement is on the horizon (2 Peter 3:1-10, Mattew 24). The first time TMH used water to purify the earth now fire.  What ….did you think these nations had nuclear weapons for a fashion show? Qam Yasharahla Rise up Israelites and come out of her my people, before it’s too late.

Repent for the Kingdom is coming Coronavirus was the FIRST PLAGUE

Repent for the Kingdom is coming Coronavirus was the FIRST PLAGUE

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Destruction of the Wicked and

Salvation of the Righteous has begun Wisdom of Solomon 18:7


  Repent for the Kingdom is coming the lion of Judah is coming and in one way or another we have all felt it. Life as you all have known it shall never, and I mean ever be the same. If you can forgive the pop culture reference “There has been a disturbance in the force”.

As it is written repent for the kingdom of heaven is here, is written many times in the bible in many different ways. I have been doing some deep study lately on the events and the times and its time for me to send a warning from Yahawashi and TMH.  You might have the question why now? And some of you even after reading what I’m going to say shall still deny the facts that the truth brings forth.


It is said also multiple times in the bible that in order for some to be saved some must be taken or destroyed. Matthew 24:40 is one passage that talks about this also many others. In order for 1 kingdom to come through another has to be going out. For instance 2 Esdras 6:9 says Esau would be ruling in the last kingdom but Jacob would rule the last. You also have when in Isaiah 43:3 TMH talks plainly about the Egyptians (slave masters) being killed off so the Israelites can be free.


  Of course you have the statue of Daniel’s vision that shows each kingdom falling so that another could have it’s time to rule. So what I am about to bring forth today will sting some of you to the heart and I do this so you have time before the other plagues hit Repent for the Kingdom is coming. And before anyone gets simple I am talking to the entire world Jews and Gentiles. Just like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah TMH once again is shaking up a lawless nations with plagues.


Repent for the kingdom is coming America is being punished like Sodom and Gomorrah

Life as we know it was altered by this all  new Coronavirus, Covid19, Megaflu has hit the world and now is a world wide pandemic, but you call CoronaVirus we call the Plagues of Egypt and they have been released not only on America but the entire planet. Who knew that you would be waking up so soon and not be able to go catch a movie or go walking like you usually do.

TMH Yahawah has upset the apple cart and this kingdom was transformed with 1 plague there are 9 more to come.  This site has been cyber attacked and has been flagged numerous times because of what is written but if it wasn’t the truth why attack? Why does the entire earth need to repent and what is the crime they have committed? Well to quote the great prophet Joel.


Joel 3:5-6

Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things:

The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians,

that ye might remove them far from their border.

This is just ONE plague

  We are in the grips of prophecy and promises hold on to your seats lol because this is BEGINNING of SORROWS. If you do not heed this warning and throw it behind you then you will suffer even worse things than “Covid19” you will be annihilated. That might sound harsh but the Israelites have been telling you this for ages now but since Marshall law has been implemented in many parts of the globe the famine of the word is at hand.

Please I’m begging you other heathen nations learn from our mistakes get on your knees if you are reading this and ask and plead for mercy remember this is 1 of 9. As for you Israelites that are stuck in the world COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE repent for the kingdom is coming and sin will not enter. You cannot serve 2 masters and your churches have lied to you ….the sky is about to crack what side do you stand on?


I also have to mention something here and now the entire “Rapture” doctrine that the church teaches is not as they are saying it and it is not for the heathen. Those who choose to cleave to a True Israelite shall be permitted to survive because they will have to rebuild the kingdom for us. That is another topic for another day but to be clear they will be IN THE KINGDOM but they will NEVER rule the earth again Job 9:24.

Repent for the kingdom coming : The Harold has been sent you have been warned!


  If you are behind the curve during this corona outbreak then let me bring you up to speed on 

Repent for the kingdom is coming the prophets warned you

something biblical. TMH is not going to do anything drastic until he sends a messenger or Harold of doom first, and we call them prophets. The very same ones you call and I quote “Black Hebrew Israelites” or “B.I.E’s” or “NIGGERS WITH BIBLES”or “BIBLICAL POWER RANGERS” the list goes on and on these are the very same trying to warn you whats coming.

I will keep it 100 with you all if you deny the truth after this article and cannot see the urgency in my tone then you deserve what the father has coming.

No that is not a threat from me it is written Mark 6:11 if they do not hear or see and deny what you say it will be better with Sodom than with that family.

We have been the messengers sent to get you right Jews and Gentiles because the word comes forth of ZION NOT THE POPE (Isaiah 2:1-3) and for that matter how is the pope nowadays? Now I said it here are the scriptures to back it up because doom is here and more is coming. The real prophets of Yahawah have been warning you are you listening now?

Jeremiah 28:8
The prophets that have been before me and before thee of old prophesied both against many countries, and against great kingdoms, of war, and of evil, and of pestilence.`

2 Chronicles 36:16
But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.

Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.  Romans 3:1-4

What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? 2Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. 3For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

4God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

(( That is as plain as it gets we were sent to warn you and we are justified))


Here we go once again us true israelites have been crying aloud and sparing not (Isaiah 58:1) not only to the bloodline Israelites but also to the other nations saying REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM coming. Now this is not the first time an article like this has been written but It might just be your last shot to read and consider your ways. Some of these heathens will come running to us for answers because not only is the toliet paper getting low but so is their faith.

You see as stated above TMH will not destroy unless he warns your first thats his method of mercy. Its like a parent that keeps telling a rebellious child to stop playing, or not to touch that. The parent even goes as far as to take out the belt in a warning gesture of “Ok you are about to get your ass whooped”.

When I first came into the truth I learned that repentance is just for Israel and to that end I still stand firm on that belief but these nations have got to repent also and they have yet to do so. Yahawah’s Kingdom is coming and there will be LAW AND ORDER. We will deal with the heathen first that have touched the apple of gods eye to be blunt, you have greatly erred. When they were ruling we had to serve them in their kingdom now things are being flipped.

All the prophets of old said the same exact thing and WARNED you many times (See the book of Jeremiah he warned the heathen and the Israelite ) and now in 2020 and Beyond Yahawashi is coming to make right the evil that you all have done.  You have hurt the earth and for that and a extensive list of other things has to be brought to light. We need to establish something to show yes TMH will send messengers, or heralds, or even his presence via dream or sign to even these other nations to get right.


1. Abimelech was warned = Genesis 20:3 he was from another nation and was not from the seed of Abraham Isaac or Jacob but yet the lord told him straight “You are a dead man” and in so many words told him to repent for he was about to do a great evil. TMH was not only gonna curse him but his entire KINGDOM for commiting Adultery.

2. Ninevah = Book of Jonah, is all about repentance of a nation of people now yes I do know that their were israelites there (Book of Tobit Apocrypha). They even called a nationwide fast from the King to the poor all did this in 1 united voice. Now Their kingdom was still destroyed but the plague of death was delayed Jonah delivered that message.

3. Assyria verses Isaiah and Hezekiah = As the Assyrians were about to lay war at the Israelites feet and mocked god and the prophets that were in Israel at that time. The Angels were right there listening to everything being said. As the bible says “God is not mocked” and “Whatsoever you speak in the darkness shall come to light”. When the Israelites prayed against their enemies (Remember this statement) the angels moved with haste and killed 185,000 of the Assyrian Armies in their sleep. 2 Kings 19:1-35

4. In the New Testament Paul, Peter and other unnamed prophets have told the tale of how our savior Yahawahshi was killed on a Cross and that payment had to be dealt back for such an evil act. Even Christ himself in Revelation 1:7 prophesied that those that pierced him (THE ROMANS or AMERICA TODAY) MUST see him in the last days (Proves you come back but that is a story for another day).

Even Noah warned the Nations that they had to repent because of the flood that is coming but in his time it was water but now FIRE. You nations better heed the warning of past Israelites and the ones you choose not to listen to here in 2020 and beyond for you have been warned REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM IS COMING sooner rather than later.

If you do not repent for the evil and wickedness that you have done and if you do not repay and let gods real chosen people free then you will suffer a fate not yet written. You will be the warning people read about in future generations you will be the hissing and gnashing of teeth. A nightmare story that parents tell their generations about to get their children to act right. In short ……

You will suffer the entire wrath of Yahawah the father of the Israelites and Yahawahshi

I am not going to give you 3000 precepts to prove this fact I have many articles warning you of the coming doom. Everything to Warning to CNN, and Does America keep the 10 commandments. You Repent for the kingdom is coming the plagues are loosednations that have the biblical Israelites in captivity better take heed you have been warned, you have been served papers, you will be judged for the evil you have done on this planet and the Plagues of Egypt (Or bondage) have been loosed and no one can turn them back.

  When Yahawah shoots an arrow at a target it does not miss and he is taking aim at everywhere the Israelites have been persecuted. “Coronavirus” although made in a lab is not new by any stretch of the imagination but this new strain is.  I ask a question. Who was the force to move those who made this abomination in a beaker? Who is the one’s who come up with weapons of biological destruction? If the lord controls everything on his planet would he not “Make someone” create something like this?


  Then as we can plainly see he has turned this evil upon the entire planet. What was ment just for Wuhan TMH had other plans. Its high time you start looking UP because the unseen king has a controversy with the entire earth. Donald Trump in a sideways comment on the verge of racism said this was the “Chinese Coronavirus“.

Now those with eyes to see can discern the truth while china was going to launch a new currency and stop using the petro dollar all of a sudden BAM they get an unseen unstoppable mutating illness? Now am I saying that America planted that virus to stop these superpowers for making the dollar obsolete? The lord sees in secret and in the dark his vision is not clouded you cannot hid wickedness from him so, I have my suspicions but we shall see. One thing is for certain these countries are about to fight and TMH is bringing them one against the other. As seen below these nations are being punished by the most high but America has the most Coronavirus cases. NO I do not own the rights to this map but its for educational purposes.


America has the most coronavirus cases on the planet

A lot of you do not understand our father who art in heaven and I know many of you want to click of this article now but let me share 1 thing with you before you do. TMH is not playing anymore Moses, Noah and many other example exists of how the father feels about people abusing his people. You nations have NO IDEA who you are F@@King with. They do not call our father the King of Terrors for nothing.

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Isaiah 47:11
But disaster will come upon you; you will not know how to charm it away. A calamity will befall you that you will be unable to ward off. Devastation will happen to you suddenly and unexpectedly.
(Can you say Coronavirus)

Revelation 18:7-8
How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

America is a prideful, spiteful, and rebellious nation, and mocked China when the plague hit Wuhan and said hurtful things that they would never say about white Americans. They were ridiculed and treated like you treated the Negroes and Indians. Let’s be straight about 1 thing China you now know how you as a nation of people have treated the real Jews (The Negroes) for a long time now it’s a bitter cup isnt it?


  Now whos laughing? Europe has been hit even harder than China and now America is struggling and kicking against the pricks lying on the Media like everything is ok. Oh BTW did you know that we are at war with Iran (Another country trying to get rid of the US dollar?) while Coronavirus is running wild? Seems like this virus is a distraction that has gotten out of hand to hide another hidden agenda … just saying.


  • I’m going to give it to you all plain raw with no chaser. You didn’t listen when all the schools were being shot up with no justice.
  • You didn’t listen when the racist Edomite was hanging us from trees in 2019 and 2020
  • You did NOT even listen when the earth shook and the floods came and the tornado ravaged the lands.
  • You didnt listen when California was burning
  • You pay BILLIONS to the fake Jews in Jerusalem today and thats not “Anti-semetic” because we ARE SHEM

If you get through this article whether you be Jew or gentile I call heaven and earth to record you were shown a time to repent and chose Babylon. Here it is plain and in your face if you do not heed this warning put forth by the father himself you shall not survive. While the Israelites shall be protected by Psalms 91 you shall reap what you have sown in the earth.

The harvest is ripe your wickedness MUST be judged, and your sins have reached the father, and the destroyer of the gentiles is on the way! The times of the Gentiles has been Fulfilled and the rise of the Israelite have been launched.

Which nations have to repent for their evil whos the most guilty?



  Which nation you might ask have to repent and why? In short all of them because they ALL have hurt the true Israelite in one way or another. You better learn from Abimelech the lord does not play when it comes to his people or his promises. The bible states with 100% clarity in the Apocrypha in short all of them.

1 Maccabees 2:10-11, 3:41

Her glorious vessels are carried away into captivity, her infants are slain in the streets,

her young men with the sword of the enemy.

 What nation hath not had a part in her kingdom and gotten of her spoils?

All her ornaments are taken away; of a free woman she is become a bondslave.

And the merchants of the country, hearing the fame of them, took silver and gold very much, with servants, and came into the camp to buy the children of Israel for slaves: a power also of Syria and of the land of the Philistines joined themselves unto them.



  There are many many issues that are on the docket that these nations of Psalms 83 need to repent from but lets pull some nations in question, for their craft council is coming to a swift end.  Gone are the days of 100’s of years of torment and false balances, rape, robbery, and murder with no end in sight. Because all these nations have done damage to the world and not just to the Israelites.

1. America = Do we really need the 411 on this? John 10:10 pretty much in 1 verse tells you what this nation is about and they also have enslaved Israelites world wide even on the Pacific Islands.
Yes you heard me right there are MANY Israelites in Philippines, Fiji, Solomon Islands etc and if you do not believe that then you are in the same boat as America for your pride has blinded you. The entire world needs to look up Black Birding and the Trans-PACIFIC slave trade. I will do another article on this soon but its time to acknowledge our Northern Kingdom brothers in the Pacific Islands need to wake up and I mean now. America has done so much damage in their short 200 years of existence only the angels and TMH know the full extent of their hands of evil. The bible refers to them and Europe and America as the seat of evil where satan sits or Babylon the Great.

  You need to REPENT America or your pride shall destroy you. You also need to admit your sins and give the Israelites back what you have stolen and yes I mean all of it. Yes, this means Reparations because its not a handout you owe us for the work we have already did. We are owed more than 20 Trillion and you have not even so much as paid dime 1. You say you do not have the money but can fart out 1 trillion out of thin air to help with  this coronavirus outbreak amounting to 1000 per person?! Someone do the math on that the IMF and the Khazars have fooled you all and its time you wake up. You have been marked and warned even with all you have done you can still do the right thing before that sky cracks.

  You know who we are America and you know damn well what you did and it doesnt take a 40000 man committed to “See and Investigate” what you have done and owe. Either do right by us and the Black Messiah and repent or watch as see if this is not the final Trump (1 Corinthians 15:52), we are going to be changed and you shall see it because in the end we win.

China = You know of your great Dynasty of the past but who really built the great wall of China? Who was it that established most of your teachings? Why was the original Chinese so called Black? You also along with America have had the true Israelites in Slavery and have done so pride and neglect.

The very empire you sit on was raised on the bones of those men and women you slaughtered. In the Philippines you have done exactly what America did to the Negroes thus you are guilty of the same things.

Now you invade the west coast of Africa now that your lands are tainted. You ALL need to read 2 Esdras Chapter 15 and 16 your judgement has been written and the plagues sent. You pattern yourself off Americas blue print and deem yourself better than them but the lord see you as 1.

Europe = A warning to the Pope and the Church of Abominations and the tree of wickedness. Release our records or suffer a fate not yet written. You have over 50 miles of history written in those Catacombs underneath the Vatican its time to release the records. You know who had Europe before you did……..and more Importantly you know that you are Edom, Esau, Idumea or “white man” and we know who you are. Tell the world what you have done with Religion and how you have crippled the world with your lies and deceit. What did you think?

That you could just change the Sabbath Day and not face Judgement? You were tasked with HOLDING THE RECORDS OF THE ISRAELITES WHILE WE SERVED OUR PUNISHMENT and not to abuse us worldwide and pollute the earth with sin.

  There is too much to list, there isnt enough paper or internet space for the atrocities you have brought. Nature knows no Colorline is stark reality check on who the original Europeans were because you are not them point blank period. Europe Ireland and Scottland were all Negroes why you ask? Do you not know what the Dark Ages is referring to? You have lied on the real Israelites and King James because they are Brown to the Ground. EVERYONE needs to read the declarations of the Papal Bull’s of 1492 there are 3 of them in short ill paraphrase.


“Find the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom world wide and destroy them mentality and Physically then go get the Southern Kingdom”

((See Magellan and Acapulco Slave Trade otherwise known as the Pacific Slave Trade of 1500 – 1890, the Conquistadors also Portuguese divided the planet in half ))

  You have the most blood on you because you are tied to America in more ways than one, Coronavirus was a warning shot pray for mercy. Your Economy Crippled your people Quarantined and your pride has been put in check.

  Yahawah and the son are not done with you a worse plague shall come the horsemen have been loosed on the WORLD and you have just gotten a small taste. Admit your sins change your ways tell the world who the true Israelite is or watch as our father shows you his left hand and the legions that follow.


Africa = Although you have not been hit as of late listen good, you have done wickedness also and you know our history. You sold us to the most unforgiving, thankless, heartless, heathen in existence and you did it for money, gold, and women. Shem and Ham are blood brothers but yet you showed us no love and were jealous over something your forefather did not ours. You have something called the right of return but you are asking us to return and BUILD again what you destroyed and I for one say NO!

If you truly want us to return then first you need to also Pay the Israelites Reparations in not only choice land, and citizenship but also monies to be established tax free forever. You know the empire you helped destroy because of your hatred of your own brother. We ran to you for help because we were being chased by Europe (Rome) but in the end you betrayed us. Now that China has infiltrated your lands how long do you think its gonna take before they own Africa?

Repent for the Kingdom is at Hand! When you come to America you see your brother struggling because we are in the grips of the Babylon Matrix but you still have no sympathy. You claim to be “Christians” but deny the second greatest commandment. You come to the enemy get his grants and his loans join his system of oppression all the while looking at us to say “Kaffir“.

  Israeli’s and Khazars = Listen to me good this is not Anti-SHEMETIC talk we are from Shem so we cannot be Anti-self. You have tried to cover up the Covid19 blow up in your country and will pay for that. You have lied on who the real Jews are and that you all are converts to our faith but now the land is starting to speak and your lies uncovered. Thats right you produce less than you should be being “The chosen people” and with this Covid19 attacking according to your own people the clock is ticking, and here is the kicker where you are about to build that new temple IS NOT JERUSALEM.

I have written many articles on this site telling who and what you are but history has been revealed to all who you stand with. You start wars but hide your hands, You own the USA financial district (IMF) but claim you have nothing to do with their affairs, you bet and finance both sides of a war and when the smoke clears you laugh and collect the check.

You own the media (Which is short for Medium or Witchcraft) but take no ownership of what your music and movies have done to the world. You claim to follow Yahawah but do nothing that the commandments say.

  Since you have our records look to see if any nation in the old testament was destroyed for doing the acts that you have done. I would recommend looking to Sodom and Gomorrah. I would repent and give back what you have stolen. Its not your land its not your “Torah” Yahawahshi will make an example out of you all (Revelation 3:9) if there is not a change ….and I mean soon.

Arabia and Surrounding Countries = You are responsible for arguably the most heinous slave trade known to man. The Trans Saharan slave trade has not even ended yet, Enacted against the chosen people because we sinned against the father, lets get 1 thing straight we did wrong by all rights but like America according to Zechariah 1:15 you took this shit too far.

You know how you treat the blacks in the USA and the Indians. You know how many men you castrated and women you have raped or had in your sex Palaces. You know the false Doctrine you have spread through the Pacific Islands. You know the sex trafficking ring you produced then and now. ALL these things Abraham did not do and that is your forefather same as us.

  You have shamed him as you and your 12 princes have lived deliciously. Iran and Iraq and these other nations around the so called Arab Spring better Repent before it’s too late. You claim to fear Allah ok I will give you that, but what does your “Quran say about the Israelites”?

You know we were chosen and not Ishmael so in Jealousy you have tried to destroy us because of what the father promised US NOT ISHMAEL, your pride has blinded you. Our father would not have the covenant split between 2 heirs because of this fact to the promise goes to Isaac,  and then to us the 12 tribes of Israel, and for that reason you better repent and fast. Either give back what you have stolen or deal with Yahawah your choice. You got your blessing its not our fault you have a giant sand box.

  You nations outside of the true nation of Israel (No not those Khazars in Israel today) need to act fast because the horsemen have been loosened a little wars, famine and pestilence have been declared. You better take the warning in the bible of Abimelech because in the end most of you were not promised mercy so I would get on my knees now. That heathen was soo Afraid he acted swiftly to make good on his offenses and are you all any better than he?


  Its funny in a way because half of you will click off this message of truth and not understand that this is mercy from TMH. You cannot see because you have been blinded, you cannot hear because you are stubborn, you will not speak the truth for fear of man, but who do you fear more Man or Yahawashi Every Abrahamic Religion on the planet has prophets and before destruction comes we always give the same message REPENT.

One last thing Farrakhan you need to choose a side and you know of what I speak as the bible said a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. You need to tell your congregation the absolute truth before its too late. I say this out of love repent brother and take them from Ishmaels bonds we are free we are not from Hagar.

Repent for the Kingdom is coming : A Message for the

True Israelite World Wide Including the Pacific Islands


The bible says in Revelation 18:5 come out of her my people. There must be 3000 articles on this same topic mostly from heathens but we true israelites are cutting their nonsense. Whether you are new to the awakening or a long time vet I want us to reason with one another. I have a question

“When we are slaves under another nation as a whole who’s habits did we follow?”

Sure we had the Daniels in the face of all danger and oppressions kept gods laws even in captivity. We know it can be done but you cannot get past the book of Judges 1 to the end and not see a trend of “So and So did evil before the lord”.

You have to think on this question because many of us are still wrapped up in Babylon’s Umbrella, or tied to the Alembic-cord of sin that we were born into. We have not fully come out of her yet and we need to also act fast. You see the Christian church does not teach repentance because repentance means a SIN WAS COMMITTED. Let me say that again slow…

  The churches that are out today do not establish or teach what sin is therefore you are prone or programed to think that sin no longer exists that turns you into 100x the devil of the one who teaches you that madness. In short you have the mark of the beast already because no where has TMH ever given us a license to sin much less cancel his laws.

Without sin there is no point in Repenting because no Law according to them has been broken.

  If you believe that the laws of Yahawah and the son have been done away with click off this article and go live YOLO. There is nothing i can say or do to persuade you there is no reasoning with crazy lol best thing to do is get out of the way. This is a message to the true Israelites that believe what our book says and the Messiah because you know what he said “MY SHEEP hear MY VOICE”.

If you do not repent and stop with all these wicked sins you are doing the father will count you along with these nations and destroy your soul and body. Frankly now I don’t care what side you pick either be hot or cold for the truth but dammit pick one.

You cannot be a friend to the same nations that TMH has planned to destroy you cannot be tied to sin once the sky cracks. As of right now a lot of us have cried ABBA FATHER and the Coronavirus has past us due to the blood of Christ that to this day is protecting those who stated “Let his blood be upon us and our children”, but for many your time is running out. And many of you are taking his sacrifice as a light thing and throwing it away as a nasty cloth.

  I mean how many times do you need to read John 14:15 and Baruch 4:1 and Matthew 5:17 for it to click? If you want to see whats going on live action just go to Jason A’s youtube channel although hes coming from a different standpoint on the scriputes what he puts together is in your face truth Matthew 24 and 2 Esdras chapter 15 and 16 are jumping off the page.

1. Earthquakes in Diverse places check
2. Wars and Rumors of wars? Check
3. Many and I do mean Many anti- Christs Check
4. Feels like the times of Noah all over again? Check

  If you are into anything that destroys the people of the lord you need to come out of it asap. This includes selling drugs, doing rap music that promotes sin, hating your brothers and sisters turning them into whores, sex changes, Adultery, Fornication, Witchcraft, Illuminati, Loving the enemy at the cost of your own people, Homosexuality, Drunkenness, Changing of Kind, Pushers of Religion, Priests of Mahon or church of Satan (See Jesuits). Im hammering this home because we were the only ones on EARTH given the codified written in stone laws from heaven.

  You will suffer a vengeance that you will never die from and White Man Jesus will not save you. Coronavirus will be the least of your worries for you have done things that are not only against nature but you promote Anti-Life because you reject the creator of it.

  Keep mocking the one that is coming to save you, keep taking his sacrifice for granted there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. If your “preacher” has not told you we are the final generation (2 Esdras 6:9) I AM TELLING YOU. For the record I do not care if you believe in the Apocrypha or our other books that the Vatican have taken away what is written is written. There are no more Kingdoms in Daniels Vision this is the last one, we are at the toes. The scripture says in the midst of these kingdoms TMH shall raise his eternal one.

I love all of you that have came into this truth and is standing firm while our father does his work. It’s time we come together as commanded for we shall all need each other. We have blown the trumpet we have cried aloud and now he’s coming. All of our sweat and pain shall be rewarded and as we repent and come away from these nations ways we shall rise as ONE NATION. Now with a mighty hand stretched out once again hes coming  3:7-9.

The Judgement is Written it cannot be stopped the world shall be cleansed one way or another Esdras 15 chapter and 16th is in full effect.

Do not get mad at me or the other Israelites telling you what has to be done we are just the messengers as said above. Im not looking to save the planet as you will see soon judgement has to be carried out whether I wrote this article or not. I am looking for people to repent nations also. There is an old Saying DO NOT KILL THE MESSENGER. Some of you are predestination to be destroyed and some of you will repent which one are you?

Pray and hope that he hears you Israelites, because the Lion of Judah has come up from his thicket, and the horsemen loosed. I WILL NOT HAVE YOUR BLOOD ON MY HANDS as said in Ezekiel 3:17 you have been warned jews and gentiles alike. Pray also for your ancestors who made it possible for you to see this article today. Pray they are also forgiven and shown mercy. Now witness what your preacher has been hiding from you.

 2 Esdras 15:5-6
Behold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues upon the world; the sword, famine, death, and destruction.
((There is your horsemen right there))

For wickedness hath exceedingly polluted the whole earth, and their hurtful works are fulfilled.
((There is the crime and judgement on the earth))

2 Esdras 15:7-9
Therefore saith the Lord,
((SEE dont get mad at me thus says the Lord))

I will hold my tongue no more as touching their wickedness, which they profanely commit, neither will I suffer them in those things, in which they wickedly exercise themselves: behold, the innocent and righteous blood crieth unto me, and the souls of the just complain continually. (See Luke 18 and Revelation 6:10)

9 And therefore, saith the Lord, I will surely avenge them, and receive unto me all the innocent blood from among them. (Separating wheat from Tares)


2 Esdras 15:10-11
Behold, my people is led as a flock to the slaughter: I will not suffer them now to dwell in the land of Egypt:
((This mean house of Slavery Exodus 20:2))

But I will bring them with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm, and smite Egypt with plagues, as before, and will destroy all the land thereof.
((See its not talking about old Egypt. Didnt we just read that before?))

2 Esdras 15:12-27
Egypt shall mourn, and the foundation of it shall be smitten with the plague and punishment that God shall bring upon it.
((The nations that have treated the Israelites poorly))

They that till the ground shall mourn: for their seeds shall fail through the blasting and hail, and with a fearful constellation.
((Famine and Pestilence aka locust))

Woe to the world and them that dwell therein!

For the sword and their destruction draweth nigh, and one people shall stand up and fight against another, and swords in their hands.
((People are fighting each other for Toilet Paper and goods the sword is the modern day gun))

For there shall be sedition among men, and invading one another; they shall not regard their kings nor princes, and the course of their actions shall stand in their power.
((Get ready this is coming on a larger scale))

A man shall desire to go into a city, and shall not be able.
((See Europe right now today and Wuhan and America))

For because of their pride the cities shall be troubled, the houses shall be destroyed, and men shall be afraid.
((There it is Pride))

A man shall have no pity upon his neighbour, but shall destroy their houses with the sword, and spoil their goods, because of the lack of bread, and for great tribulation.
((Coronavirus was just the start keep playing with Yahawah hes turning you one against another))

Behold, saith God, I will call together all the kings of the earth to reverence me, which are from the rising of the sun, from the south, from the east, and Libanus; to turn themselves one against another, and repay the things that they have done to them.
((WAIT!! WHOS THE “THEM” lol East and West and all nation in between repent fast))

Like as they do yet this day unto my chosen, so will I do also, and recompense in their bosom. Thus saith the Lord God;
((See who the “Them” is now? The Israelites and not the ones in Israel now again those are Khazars))

My right hand shall not spare the sinners, and my sword shall not cease over them that shed innocent blood upon the earth.
((Whos the right hand of Yahawah? And the Israelites is the lords Battle Axe google it ))

The fire is gone forth from his wrath, and hath consumed the foundations of the earth, and the sinners,

like the straw that is kindled.
((Too many precepts to list this is easy understanding))

Woe to them that sin, and keep not my commandments! saith the Lord.
((I thought the law was done away with? Christianty you are DONE))

I will not spare them: go your way, ye children, from the power, defile not my sanctuary.
((Thats plain he’s going to have no pity next verse will tell you why))

For the Lord knoweth all them that sin against him, and therefore delivereth he them unto death and destruction.
((Its been predestination))

For now are the plagues come upon the whole earth and ye shall remain in them: for God shall not deliver you, because ye have sinned against him.
((And there you go Judgement written the plagues have been loosed))

  You all have a choice to make even my house made a choice 7 years ago to follow the father and damn this world of sin in hopes of the kingdom to come. There is no justice or hope for us in a enemies kingdom. America is the final beast and there is a wicked King in the chair blowing the Trump of Sin. The white people call him a savior for them to make America great again but the world knows him as the Trump of Babylon.Repent for the kingdom is coming trump cannot save you

 Again Daniel was living in Babylon although he did not sin himself he still had to suffer with his brothers and sisters but in the end TMH lifted him up. Same in these last days we are in Spiritual Sodom and Gomorrah and Egypt but we are trying hard to come out of her ways.

Our forefathers such as Joseph same thing although his brothers sold him into slavery TMH had a plan all along for Joseph to be raised up out of Jail to save all of Egypt from the famine and his family.  Ehud and Gideon were both brought up in slavery only to save their people in the end. In the book of Obadiah it states clearly that Saviors shall come in the last days.

  Now the ultimate savior is Christ but we are supposed to be the light on the hill. A guide to the Gentiles so you cannot commit the same sins as them and expect to reap the rewards of the kingdom to come. The Kingdom of is Coming and there shall be nothing that offends in it. Remember Isaiah 2:1-3 we are going to judge and teach these nations we can not be counted in the judgement to come as Esdras said.


Why should we listen to you? Who are you to instruct nations  to repent under whos authority?


  We are the True Israelite or the biblical Jews that the bible speaks of the same ones mentioned in every bible across the world. We have been tasked with a certain job before the end of days. We are under the order of Melchizedek in short we teach Repentance, Baptism and the Kingdom of Yahawahshi that is soon to come.

Lets get one thing straight we do not bow to you anymore heathens we do not need to “Prove” anything. The Earth itself is proving our case with artifacts uncovered relics and unexplained events nationwide. Surely you all have inherited lies.

  We teach all the 613 commandments new and old testament and everything between. Love your Neighbor as your love yourself and Love TMH with all your might. We believe and follow and hear the lamb of god and do as commanded. We are charged to call out evil when and wherever we see it and tell the offenders to repent for such acts.

We are the promised seed the ones before TMH said let there be light, before the foundations of the world we were called. The holy Ghost deals with us due to the father giving us wisdom and he loves US.

What we bind one earth shall be bound and what we loosen it shall be loosened. We are the descendants of those whom you have persecuted through time and ages but now we are back. Our Authority comes from the father and the son to find the Israelites world wide and compel them to repent before its too late Matthew 28:19-20. Stand against our mission and face our father and the savior the 2 witnesses are awakened (Northern and Southern Kingdom) and being united once more.

You other nations better cleave to us before its too late (Malachi 14:1-5) yes our rise means your fall but some of you will not be annihilated. Some of you will turn from your ways and Coronavirus will just be a bad dream, but if you do not repent the nightmare to come shall be epic there wont be enough ink to pen everything that is to come. All also that are tied to you shall be dealt with also as quoted in Isaiah 13:11-15.

A closing message to those in the Philippines so called “Filipinos” REPENT for the Kingdom is at hand

  It’s close to the end of time and days and it’s past time to bring something to light that been buried for far too long. The world has called you Outcast and the Arabs called you Alipin or Slave. You do a program called the OFW program which in essence is just slavery by another name because you have no jobs in your own land. That is not a knock on you but a statement of truth because of who rules now over the President.

The Americans when they had you colonized called you Nigger or Negrito or “Little Brown People. You have been raped robbed and murdered and not ONE nation has came to your defense. Speaking of slavery and colonization here is a SHORT list of how many nations had you in bondage.

1. America
2. Arabs
3. Portuguese
4. Spain
5. Japan
6. Israeli’s or Roman Catholics((Yea you didn’t help the real Israelites you helps imposters.))
7. Chinese

  It’s no wonder you do not know who and where you come from (Isaiah 1:3 Isaiah 65:15 Deuteronomy 28:37) the word “Filipino” was not even meant for you as a nation it’s original definition meant a Spaniard (White man) comes from King Philip of Spain.

Isaiah 1:3 states that the ox knows his owner and the ass his masters crib the the Israelites do not know my people do not even consider, so if you are not Filipino what and who are you? And for the record you are not from Jokton either.

You identity was stripped along with the 50 crates the vatican took with them back to Spain. If you read Deuteronomy 33:23 it states this. READ SLOWLY

  And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the west and the south.

(But watch closely this is what it says in the Hebrew)

And of Naphtali he said: O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the sea and the south.

  You see the difference? Seas and the south that means today the South Seas or Pacific Islands. The word there for West is not in the Hebrew the word there is Yom or Yam meaning a wide body of water or Sea. I have left you the source here so you can see for yourself there are 3 witnesses to this just do a little research.

  You are not Japheth or a Heathen or an outcast or whatever abomination you have been told, andRepent for the kingdom comes filipinos are Israelites frankly I could care less about what any other Israelite or “Filipino” says, you all are from the Northern Kingdom of Israel not because I say so Isaiah 11:11 and the verse listen above with many others tell you so.

STOP LISTENING TO YOUR SLAVE MASSA THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND ISLAM that was put upon you for disobedience and sin, but now I have been tasked to show you light.

The name of the father is Yahawah and the son is Yahawahshi, now is that a magic shazzam button to get you into the kingdom? In Bohol you already know the word Yahweh which in that language means Key. Even your very language has tons of hebrew words thats not on accident.

You have to come away from whiteman Jesus because he never existed. You must stop doing the catholic hand gesters of the cross and praising mother marry and these saints that are not in the bible. Who do you think made the papal bull to come enslave you? Thats right Rome did and you are hanging on to that madness.

Now a lot of people will try to tell you who you are NOT but will not tell you facts about who you ARE. Many Israelites besides me are awake to the fact of who you are and it is prophesied that in the last days more Israelites would be awaken world wide.

Now the question comes onto the plate of “What makes an Israelite” well that is a long story but put as simple as I can you have to have went though the curses of Deuteronomy and other curses listed. Your church will never and I mean N E V E R show you this so I pray this reaches you. Because I am actually here in the land I have a rather “Unique” view on the subject.

The filipino language is full of hebrew words

That sounds like Deuteronomy 28 to me

Click on the document to see the entire letter you can ZOOM IN from there

If a picture says 1000 words this is worth a million Click to see the full image

America knows who you are repent for the kingdom is at hand
Repent for the kingdom is coming: Colonialization of the Philippines
The Spaniards landed in samar and enslaved the native indos repent
Naphtali are Israelites repent for the kingdom comes

  I’m just getting started these are signs of who the true Israelites around the world are and you fit every single curse so much so the enemy had to steal your records and take then to the Vatican. You have been fed lies by your parents because they didnt know themselves. This is why the plagues have come because you have not repented as a nation and called yourself by the name the father gave you. You come from Josephs line Northern Kingdom of Naphtali NOT JAPHETH OR FILIPINO. Did you know that when the conquistadors came and rapped robbed and murdered the people and the land they left with over 50 cargo crates of artifacts? Did you ever hear why they would not let you pick up a bible or read for 333 years?

  Read Deuteronomy 28:15-68 for yourself stop listening to man before its too late! Even your language is teaming with Israelite Hebrew words and all your mountains are Hebrew Phrases. Mindanao means Promised Land….. I wonder why lol.

Like I said earlier there is too much to show and I am not the only one trying to teach you who you are you fit the curses and not only that you went into slavery BEFORE the NEGROES. Trans Pacific Slave Trade happened before the Trans Atlantic. Maybe all what I have posted is not good enough what about a first hand account by one of your oppressors? America knows and Europe knows exactly who lives in the land of the so called “Philippines” and its not Japheth.

Would that get you to repent and leave those wicked churches and be baptized again through the truth? What did Pigafetta say when he asked the natives who they worshiped?

  What is my message to you then? Its clear you have to repent because your time is coming to where you need to pick a side. Either come out of Babylon or suffer with her repent as Naphtali (Or Northern Kingdom) before it’s too late. The Plague has hit the Philippines and the President and people need to cry Abba father again not to the white Messiah but the true Messiah thats listen in Revelation 1:14-15 and Daniel 10:5. Pigfetta who was with Magellan gave a pretty good run down of “Some” of the history but not all. I am giving you a piece of your heritage back and I pray this reaches you soon for my prayer is that ALL Israelites world wide repent. Here is some more of your history that cannot be denied.


Chaazaq Ahraya Part 1 – History of the Northern Kingdom and how you got scattered (Source)

Chaazaq Ahraya Part 2 – More History ((Source ))

Chaazaq Ahraya Part 3 – Final Nail In the Coffin  ((Source 3))

As a quick side note if you are in the Philippines and want to talk about some of this in Tagalog message my brother in the truth he can explain more his name is Arnel Araiz Dulhao you can go to his page he has cutting edge info and has been crying loud for the truth. I cannot list everything I have here I am trying to write a book on the subject of the trans pacific slave trade but resources are hard to come by since Spain has a lot of your original records.


One more nail in the coffin is the fact that America told on itself in its pride I didnt write this article but I will show you what the world knows and not just me. They had a different name for you during colonization again not my words but this should knock you out of your coma of religion and back to the truth of Abba father in hopes that all of you repent and come to him before it’s too late. Again you cannot go to the throne as a gentile in the mind and spirit the kingdom has only 12 gates (Revelation 21:12). Watch what America said about you lets see if they called you Japheth.

Maybe all that that still is not good enough maybe you and these hard headed Israelites will not believe it unless an angel himself comes down and smacks you awake how about evidence from the Spanish American war? Will that persuade you to repent as an Israelite? Because see only Israelites are called Bywords and Proverbs and have went through the curses of Deuteronomy. Lets see what these heathens said about your ancestors lets see if Japheth or Chinese or Asian came out of their mouths as you will see somethings up someones been lying to you.


From The Conquest of the Philippines by the United States, 1898-1925 regarding general J.M. Bell, one of regional military campaign’s leader :

“I am now assembling in the neighborhood of 2,500 men who will be used in columns of about fifty men each. I take so large a command for the purpose of thoroughly searching each ravine, valley and mountain peak for insurgents and for food, expecting to destroy everything I find outside of towns. All able bodied men will be killed or captured. … These people need a thrashing to teach them some good common sense; and they should have it for the good of all concerned “
Another testimony, by Sergeant Howard McFarland of the 43rd Infantry, wrote to the Fairfield Journal of Maine:

“I am now stationed in a small town in charge of twenty-five men, and have a territory of twenty miles to patrol…. At the best, this is a very rich country; and we want it. My way of getting it would be to put a regiment into a skirmish line, and blow every nigger into a nigger heaven. On Thursday, March 29, eighteen of my company killed seventy-five nigger bolo men and ten of the nigger gunners. When we find one that is not dead, we have bayonets”


((Thats Their Own Words Not Mine this is on RECORD))

It could be racism, as shown in one of the testimonies where U.S. Soldiers were calling the Filipinos “nigger”; it could also be from a sense of superiority, as shown in “benevolent” claims of president McKinley that the Filipinos need to be “helped” ; it could also be plunder, as shown by the soldiers’ recognizing the Philippine land is indeed rich.

U.S. Soldier L. F. Adams that was enlisted with the Washington regiment, described what he saw after the Battle of Manila on February 4-5, 1899:

“In the path of the Washington Regiment and Battery D of the Sixth Artillery there were 1,008 dead niggers, and a great many wounded. We burned all their houses. I don’t know how many men, women, and children the Tennessee boys did kill. They would not take any prisoners.”
On the Island of Samar (south of Luzon), regional military campaign’s leader General Jacob H. Smith gave the following order (as reported by Manila Times):

“‘I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn: the more you kill and burn, the better you will please me,’ and, further, that he wanted all persons killed who were capable of bearing arms and in actual hostilities against the United States, and did, in reply to a question by Major Waller asking for an age limit, designate the limit as ten years of age. … General Smith did give instructions to Major Waller to ‘kill and burn’ and ‘make Samar a howling wilderness,’ and he admits that he wanted everybody killed capable of bearing arms, and that he did specify all over ten years of age, as the Samar boys of that age were equally as dangerous as their elders.”

And a testimony found by Philip S. Foner and Richard Winchester and in written in their book, The Anti-Imperialist Reader: A Documentary History of Anti-Imperialism in the United States: ((Source))


  Why do you like the same sports as us and eat the same foods? Why do most of you sound wonderful when you sing and like the same entertainment? Where did you get fiestas from and why do you speak Spanish? The entire world knows who you are except you if you were just “Normal” why still your history? The Americans KNEW who they were colonizing and destroying Deuteronomy 28:49 cannot be overlooked and whats the symbol of America and the Spaniards? I am not showing you all of this to mock you or to poke fun I am showing you that you fit the same curses we were under. I know a lot of you have been told you are Alipin for a long time now but you are much more than that. LOOK where Spain is compared to the Philippines you think they went all that way for sugar? We are family there is a reason why you get a long with so called Mexicans and African Americans. You might think those are Mexicans in that photo but nope those are Filipinos so called the bible calls that speckled bird.


  Thats right the Eagle or American Eagle. You are biblical and chosen by ABBA to come home. Now the question might come up why do we have so many Spanish features now verses a few 100 years ago? When the Manila Acapulco slave trade of 1520-1899 happened they sent a MASSIVE amount of Mexicans (Issachar) to Philippines Islands and millions of Naphtali to south Mexico. This is why a lot of you now have Spanish last names and no it was not for some census and some have the names of their slave masters as do the Negroes. One small thing before we move on the word “Nigger” In itself is not bad its in the bible Acts 13:1 that word Niger later a G was added. I am telling you that you come from Israel because we are the only ones called that name. It just means that your skin comes in all shades of brown and all the prophets in the bible were called Niger.

Its been far too long that you have not been united back with your brethren we need to be united now more than ever, I pray you repent and stand united once more. Im going to do a much larger break down of this because I came into some writing that pretty much seal the deal but the clip I listed above about the 4 Million Filipinos that were shipped via ship as slaves to Mexico I listed the book in a photo above.

 You Israelites in America will stop vexing the house of Israel (10 Lost Tribes) or be judged for hating your brother. They have been in every nation as a slave same as us its time you realized the truth if you ever have been here and seen with your own eyes you will know their true Identity. Read James 1:1 either you will hear Yahawahshi voice or Babylon but you cannot serve both. The commandment is in stone in Matthew 28:19-20 you Israelites that know the truth you are messing up Paul’s mission.

  To those in the Philippines who read this and still are not sure. DO NOT BELIEVE ME PRAY like your forefathers did to Abba or Yahawah and see what answer he gives you. Remember what Christ said in John 10 I have other sheep that must hear my message this was talking about YOU? This was the start of uniting of Ezekiel 37 the rejoining of Northern and Southern kingdom. But I must also tell you what Ive been stating this entire article REPENT for the kingdom is coming. Get under Psalms 91 Protection before it’s too late.

Isaiah 42:12-14, 14:21-27
((Babylon and Assyria also refers to places of Slavery scriptures are 2 fold or 3))
Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare his praise in the islands.

The LORD shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies.

I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once.

Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.

For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD. 23I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts.

God’s Purpose against Assyria (Also referring to slave masters)

The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:

That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.

This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.

For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? ((Precept 2 Esdras 16))

Isaiah 13:11
I, the LORD, will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sin. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty

Revelation 11:18
The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.

Deuteronomy 30:1-7
And the LORD thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee.

As you can see from what is written above the Messiah and the father are not happy and wraith is coming in Deuteronomy 30:7 (Read the chapter for yourself) you can see that the lord is about to pass the cup of trembling to these nations. This is also written in Revelation 18 and other places. I turn on the news now and we live in a different world and its a fearful and glorious time for my forefathers told of a day as today but I am alive to see this.

Wisdom of Solomon 18:7
So of thy people was accepted both the salvation of the righteous, and destruction of the enemies.

You have to accept both repent and let the father work or keep joined to the heathen and the enemy and die with them, for just as the bond women Hagar was told Sarah “They shall not be Heirs with the Promised Seed”. Come out of her and repent for the kingdom is coming, because thus says the Father Abba you are running out of time and the Ark once again shall be closed. Covid19 was the warning shot don’t stick around for the encore. Hide in his glory till the scourge overpasses us.

Shalom Please Israelites world wide repent and pray for us all.



Message to the Media and CNN: Ignorance brings Chaos not Knowledge

To the Media and CNN: Ignorance brings Chaos not Knowledge

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The Media Circus of lies and Ignorance and Jewish that own them


Ignorance brings Chaos is the name of this article and we all need to take heed this is sure to strike a nerve.  What you as writers and seekers of knowledge do after you read this is up to you. What do I mean, or who am I referring to when I say Ignorance brings Chaos? Well I am talking about the mouth piece of racism and rhetoric called the Propaganda Media. To be frank we know who you are and the evil you promote issuing hate on a daily basis.

Just because you choose to ignore a matter or falsify a report does not diminish what really happened. We as a nation of Real Bloodline Israelites know TMH’s wrath from breaking his laws, and you will soon see it one way or another.

LISTEN UP WORLD CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and all other media think tanks knows who the Negroes of America is and the scattered sheep worldwide, we are the biblical Jews and not those in Israel today.

  Thou shalt not lie or bare false witness was not printed in vain you do not place your morning coffee on gods laws and pretend you didn’t see it. You media types have have called us “blacks” everything but the children of god. Hillary Clinton even called us super predators you media types gobbled that up and pushed a narrative of hate this hasn’t to this day stopped.

Police shoot first and ask the corpse questions afterwards because they fear people in hoodies or folks who like skittles. Car doors get locked as we walk past and purses get clinched a lot tighter as we come near. We get stopped and arrested at Starbucks for nothing because we are waiting for our friends. Sandra Bland Freddie Gray and the list goes on and on all the way back to Emmett Till.

If you decide to withhold information that might save someone’s life that is the same as lying because you knew the truth but said nothing. In other words just because you refuse to tell the truth does not diminish the truth. Your handlers are Khazars that converted to be Jews and Im going to prove it your own Ignorance brings Chaos to the world on this matter. You know who butters your bread and who cuts your checks and we do also.

Ignorance brings Chaos Israeli's are converts

 Whenever us so called Black Hebrew Israelites say something its deemed hate even though its the raw cold truth. The media has made us a so called boogieman but whos the one doing dirt in the shadows?

The media has held the weapon of propaganda for far to long and now CNN and others call us Black Identity Extremists or Black Hebrew Israelites. Tell me something do you hold the KKK or other white extremists groups to the same spotlight? For a point of reference when the planes dropped bombs on Black Wallstreet where was the media for that? We defend ourselves against being shot you call us violent on the news. We carry weapons for defense and you have the nerve to ask why black people have guns.

Feigning or faking Ignorance is acceptance of the evil, and thereby you are guilty of the same crime (Leviticus 5:1). The scripture says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) but no one ever asks the question who is withholding the knowledge? You Media lie houses are about done slandering us real Israelites and the father is fed up.

  To bring things easy to understand you are backing the wrong horse, or you are blessing the WRONG ISRAELITES. Those of you that have an ears and eyes after this article will have no more covering for your smear campaigns against the True Israelites. You are covering and sending your blessings money and power to Khazars and that is not hate speech that’s speaking TRUTH TO POWER. Again this is not hate this is the TRUTH whether you hear or forbear.

Ignorance brings Chaos your media is lying to you about the Israelites

As you see in the picture to the above is something truly wrong with this informational age we live in and it has been going on for ages. Propaganda is one of the most wickedest tools of the devil this cannot be stated enough it gets people killed, geared to smear and to distort reality though a lens of half truths. It was used against Hitler in his battles with the Jewish, it was also used against Christ and many of the other apostles. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue this is a biblical one.

Some of you that write these so called articles are atheists and that is fine but you are commenting on matters you have no knowledge of. Moderators at these high profile News Outlets have seen the so called Black Hebrew Israelites world wide and their message is so strong most need counseling after viewing some have retired all together. ALL social media platforms and the owners thereof I come with a warning and it’s quite simple ……

Leave the True Israelite alone and do them no harm. Ignore this if you want to at your own peril Yahawah is coming the plagues are released.


Ignorance brings Chaos slogan comes from a well known movie called Lucy but it is really talking about something much much deeper. You Media hounds have lived on Propaganda and other smear campaigns for way too long. We are not the Black Hebrew Israelites as you have coined us, and we are defiantly not B.I.E’s (Black Identity Extremists).

Now we have NFAC and many other black militias defending our own people and you question why? I originally wrote this article way before the pandemic NOW look where we are today and you think Yahawah is playing games?

  Quite frankly your lack of knowledge is laughable at best and tragic to say the least, and I do not mean that as an Insult. TMH has blinded you and when we fell as a nation of people for our sins we were punished, and you took our place for a time.

CNN and other media outlets have pushed a narrative on our history for far far too long but that time is over. The earth is helping the woman (Revelation 12:16) by means of artifacts and ancient books long forgotten…..or so we thought.

We Israelites do not need you lording over us anymore. Your Chaotic non-factual Rhetoric has not only effected us but the planet. I do not care if you have this article blocked or if you see the title and subject and ignore it completely TMH will be done. Those who have an ear let them hear this says the father. Psalms 105:15 is coming to past and Coronavirus was just the beginning. Again we know who you are “Media outlets” and you KNOW who we are.

You shall be judged for your words AND ACTIONS

even the media is subject to Gods Laws


 In your “Just Us” system of law even that says that anything you say can and will be used AGAINST you in a court of law. My simple question to you media superstars is where do you think that quote comes from? There is a reason why on the dollar it says In God We Trust, and the USA runs off the Jewdicial system.

You hide behind cubical and million dollar structures and firewalls and write nonsense that even a 10 year old could see through unless they want to be “Ignorant”. We as Israelites are governed by GOD’s LAW (Yahawah) Not mans. We believe whether we be non-messianic or Messianic in the 10 commandments. A repenting Israelite takes this oath seriously, and we of the Order of Melchizedek do not curve gods word to fit into evil box of lies. Are all white people racists? No? Then why do you always slander us so called black people?

  1. We do not believe in Murder (those of us that are awakened to the truth).

  2. We love Knowledge

  3. We are the salt of the earth and have invented just about everything you own

  4. We do not eat Pork Crab Shrimp or Lobster or any other Abomination
  5. We do not Steal

  6. We do not kill

  7. We honor the Sabbath and High Holy Days

  8. We love Prophecy and love those who bring truth (the laws)

  9. We live by a Moral, Dietary, Civil, Ceremonial agreement inked by the blood of our ancestors at Mt Sinai.

  10. We do NO violence to no man and we do not seek vengeance.

  11. We do not defile our temple

  12. We stand for the laws of TMH and Justice

  13.  We Proudly scream that we are the Children of Israel till the sky cracks or we are in the Pine Box
  14. We love more than you can ever understand



According to Jeremiah  31-34, 17:4, Isaiah 1:1-3 the Israelites are still in existence but they do not KNOW their history or identity, and nope its not the people in Israel today. TMH wiped the slate clean because of our sins but he never forgot us.

  Arthur Koestler told you as much in the book The 13th Tribe and so did Henry Ford in the book the International Jew and many others. Like the title in the banner says “WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE”! Although you are the kings of spin and misdirection your ignorance of the facts do not change them. Doesn’t the bible say when the REAL Jews are in the land there will be world peace? Is not Israel fighting Coronavirus as you are reading this? Would TMH punish his own people with the plague if they were keeping the laws? Hmm…..

See I believe you know all these facts of our identity but refuse to listen so you are pushing Ignorance and thus creating Chaos to confuse the masses, but to those of you who are reading this that believe read what Christ said. Don’t listen to me listen to our lord and Savior. Many of you that work for Fox, CNN, Washington Post, Daily News, Facebook fall under the umbrella of “Christianity”.

Matthew 12:36-37

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Romans 14:12

So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.

2 Corinthians 5:10 King James Version

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

I am going to do you a favor and give you some breadcrumbs to follow so you can stop being Agents of Ignorance, because after this you will have no covering for what you write or say. If we are judged as Israelites for what we say how much more the non Israelite? The best thing about this info I am going to give you is that it is simple even a cave man can do it. I am going to rip the band aid off raw so the world can heal and come to the truth.

Ignorance brings Chaos not Knowledge so if you choose to Ignore what is written do it at your own souls peril. All you have to do for this little exercise is read the verse and then go to google and see if they match in 2020 what the bible is quoting. This will not be metaphors or parables but ice water plain.

Leviticus 20:13 KJV, NIV, LIVING BIBLE

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have brought it upon themselves.

Question for you media tycoons why do you not report on this?

Ignorance of Leviticus 18 does not make it a lie

 The bible clearly says you need 2-3 witnesses to establish a matter and since you LOVE sources I have included the links and info for everything I post. This way you can take it up the food chain and watch the inaction for yourself and just maybe you can shine some light in a world of darkness. Again this is out of the horses mouth from Edomite (White man) blogs or videos.  These actions alone and what is being said by YOUR OWN PEOPLE eliminate them from being children of TMH and thus are not Israelites.


Israel is one of the most inclusive societies in the world for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. As early as the 1960s, same-sex couples lived in Israel freely and without fear of persecution.

Gays in Israeli Society Protected by Law

Gay Israelis have served openly in the Israeli military since 1993. Israel fully recognizes the partners of gay soldiers and officers.

The Equal Opportunities in Employment Act of 1992 forbids discrimination in the workplace on account of sexual orientation.

Same-sex couples hold the same legal rights, privileges and obligations as different-sex couples, from hospital visitation rights to taxes and inheritance.

Gay citizens serve as Members of Parliament, judges, and public officials. A large number of openly gay diplomats represent Israel throughout the world and their spouses and children are fully recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Same-sex parents are recognized for what they are – parents – and through an accessible adoption process, are legally supported as a family with full parental rights. Lesbian couples receive the same fertility benefits as different-sex couples.

Gays and lesbians experiencing persecution throughout the Middle East often seek refuge in Israel.

  Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Gay Israel
Israel is one of the most inclusive societies in the world for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. As early as the 1960s, same-sex couples lived in Israel freely and without fear of persecution. The Gay Revolution of the 1980s brought Israel’s LGBT community full recognition of their human rights, as well as legal and social equality to individuals and families. Today, Tel Aviv is considered the “Gay Capital of the Middle East”, thanks to its thriving and supported LGBT community, playing an integral role in Israeli society. Source is here


((3rd Witness why are you Israeli’s breaking the Torah? And you media outlets are not taking them to task! As a matter of fact most of you are a part of it.))

Thus says the Prophecy by 2 or more witnesses: When The Israelites are in the land there will be PEACE and SAFETY. (3rd Witness)


  Jeremiah 31:1-2 Ezekiel 39:25-27 Isaiah 2:4

At the same time, saith the Lord, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.

Thus saith the Lord, The people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest. 

Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob,

and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name;

26 After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against me,

when they dwelt safely in their land, and none made them afraid.

When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of

their enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; <== REMEMBER THIS PART

Isaiah 2:4 

Then He will judge between the nations and arbitrate for many peoples.

They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.

Nation will no longer take up the sword against nation, nor train anymore for war.


I do not own the rights to this video this is strictly for educational purposes

Does this look like peace and safety to you? Does TMH need military rockets to defend his people? Does the Scriptures say that the Israelites would have military might in the last days? You can Ignore the facts but you cannot beat them the scriptures do not lie.

So we need to go over a couple of things according to the scriptures listed above along with many many others. The real Israelites would have peace in the land and the entire world would no longer know war or pain. All you got to do is go to google and type in “Who is Israel at war with in 2020” this will prove to you that TMH (The Most High) is not in that land. If that is the case then those cannot be the people of the book because they do not fit what is written.


  There is another facet of this that needs to be investigated because CNN and these other news outlets will not uncover this history. The people in the land today are Khazars and are not the Real Biblical Jews that is not hate speech this is proven not only with their own DNA data but scholars of their own people.


  The origins of today’s Jews have been less clear, especially those of the Ashkenazis, who make up 90% of American Jews and nearly 50% of Israeli Jews. Ashkenazi Jews settled in Germany in the 9th century C.E. and developed their own language, Yiddish. Some writers, notably Arthur Koestler in his 1976 book The Thirteenth Tribe, have argued that the Ashkenazis stem from a Turkic tribe in Central Asia called the Khazars, who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. And historian Shlomo Sand of Tel Aviv University in Israel argues in his book The Invention of the Jewish People, translated into English last year, that most modern Jews do not descend from the ancient Land of Israel but from groups that took on Jewish identities long afterward. Source is Here

Image result for those are khazars in the land not the jews of the bible

This ladies and gentlemen is not propaganda this is called structured research and so simple to 

understand. Just google the definition of Israelite and Israeli and you will see the difference. So we can clearly see those are not the people but according to scripture there is another part of this puzzle.

You see TMH destroyed Jerusalem and it was left in heaps and ashes just like when Babylon came through and the Greeks.

It was defiled and abandoned this is why the scriptures say that the land would be desolate but shall be MADE like the garden of Eden again Isaiah 64:10 and Isaiah 51:3. The wailing wall in Jerusalem today is the wall of Herod.


Thy holy cities are a wilderness, Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.

(So according to this how should Jerusalem look?)

For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.


  What you see in Jerusalem today is called the Wall of Herod not the land of Jerusalem and its the wrong location anyways. There are many videos on this but you do not report real news you report what you get paid for. So this is what we have so far so we can stay on point.

1. They have all types of abominations that break Torah not to mention they use the Talmud which is not anywhere in the bible for reference and have passages in there that say things like “Christ is boiling in hell in feces”. We as the True Israelite got punished for this severely, but them nope not even a slap on the wrist. Homosexuality sex city, and eating Kosher Pork is not allowed, and since God doesn’t change in 2020 what is new? 

2. There should be peace on earth when the 12 tribes are back in the land of promise well its obvious that now is not the case. Even Gamal Nasser said “There will never be peace in the middle east, Because you left here black and came back white”. Those are not my words but other nations screaming these are NOT the biblical jews but again CNN why have you not reported this or Fox.

3. Your OWN DNA EVIDENCE doesnt even provide you with enough proof that they are the Jews. In fact it proves through many sources that they are converts and never were a part of the 12 tribes of Israel. Not only that they fit none of the prophecies of redemption told by Christ or the Prophets but they do fit Luke 21:24 they are the gentiles that took our land.

4. Above we read that we must be sanctified before the lord the land and the people. If Abominations have been done in that land how can that be the land of promise and blessings? Is the lord now the promoter of sin?

The scripture says that the land should be DESOLATE with no one living there period but they are holding  tours. The bible says the people IN THE LAND would be cleansed in front of all the nations this did not happen in 1948 with the Balfour Declaration.  The bible also says the Jews would be the tail and not the head if they committed sin so who owns the IMF, and who owned the slave ships that sent MILLIONS of Negroes to America?


  I have came to the conclusion that the media are either in denial or really really ignorant to the fact that you have been played and not only you the entire planet…. the devil has been busy. You are not spreading facts but lies to push that false narrative of the Black Hebrew Israelites are a hate group.

I have already demonstrated that you do not deal in facts CNN, Fox, Facebook, and all the other outlets will not tell the damn truth nor give us an spot on a talk show. You and the government work hand and hand to do false events to sway the opinions of millions to set a mindset. Just like 911 and many other wars America have been in have been cooked up on the back of lies.


  Any black owned empowerment structure always gets attacked by the white supremacy bulldozer and that has been going on since the times of Christ. So we are going to hash this out here and now, whoever reads this article and see this video shall be marked forever more and changed. You can never again say “I Didn’t know”. This warning goes out also to these fake setup churches that will NOT tell their congregation the truth either.

Truth Unlocked Who The Real Jews Are We Are NOT Black Hebrew Israelites

Ignorance brings Chaos not knowledge:

Tell the TRUTH about who the real Jews are today


According to the prophecies listed above and many other proofs both archeological, and historical, the media can no longer hide behind this orchestrated media blackout of the Real Jews. We are well aware of the secret programs and plots to keep us silent. Google and Youtube along with many other media superpowers have used their platforms to silence us but in the end we win.


  You have banned videos movements such as ADOS, Truth Music, Black Hebrew Israelite Teachings.  You have even went so far as to infiltrate groups of black empowerment to destroy from within, and make movies to mock us yearly. All these actions have never been done to silence movies such as Shinderlers List or the story of Anne Frank. We see that you will not tell who the real Jews are today but instead do shows such as this one. TMH see you and so do we the plagues are released if you do not repent and do right the Plagues of Egypt and more are coming.

You know who we are tell the truth before its too late

You have Coronavirus and wars rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places and the world is on fire. Not to mention all the wildlife and ocean creatures dying off and all this is coincidence? It is written when the biblical Israelites are back in the land there would be no more pain in the earth but yet people are launching missiles. You are not telling the facts of who the owners of the Media outlets are and their motives. Whether you believe they are Esau or Japheth the bottomline is they are not the Jews that the bible speaks of and the lord is not mocked Galatians 6:7. If we are not “Black Hebrew Israelites” as you have named us then who are we?


We are the true Israelite covenant people by BLOOD and Prophecy

It is absolutely impossible for Yahawah to lie and in these final days we the true prophets are back in the earth. We are prophesying once again to you as Jeremiah did and others that the end is near 

Why does Trump and Israel have a space force? is it Ignorance?

(Jeremiah 28:8). We fear our father and we will not transgress his word or his prophecies. 

  We are telling you THUS SAITH THE LORD YAHAWAH and the son YAHAWAHSHI those in Israel are not the real descendants of Abraham Issac and Jacob (Luke 21:20-24). Call me a liar if you want to and ignore this article its all good judgement is coming on the wings of Chariots to deliver us.

Just ask yourself between Russia and the USA they have enough atomic weapons to destroy the earth 1000 times over why do they need United States Space Force? 



 Now that I have your attention lets see if what I am saying is backed up with truth or am I just talking out of my ass. If I say something the world looks at me like I have some sort of hate in my spirit never-mind the mountain of books and literature that breaks down what I am saying even better. You see Propaganda is a tool of the devil and he uses it well, and even his children are masters of it. I say why do we not get it from the horses mouth I mean if their own scholars say it who am I to argue.



Israeli historian Shlomo Sand’s The Invention of the Jewish People took Koestler’s thesis in a direction he had not intended, arguing that because Jews were a religious community descended from converts they do not constitute a nation or need a state of their own.

Israel seems finally to have thrown in the towel. A blue-ribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums has just issued a secret report to the government, acknowledging that European Jews are in fact Khazars. Source is Here



Your Media Ignorance cannot stand in the light of truth: you cannot ignore what we have been saying

The funny thing is we have been telling you this for years but you not only ignore us but TMH. The media have slandered us from the time we got to these shores via the slave trade till now over 400 years later. Lynching Riots and mass murders have happened in the name of a lie and yet CNN, Fox, NY Daily News we are still here. Have any of you even slightly researched all that I have placed above? The answer is probably no or have you ever heard who really owned the slave ships that brought us from the west coast of Africa?


  We are no friend to Hitler and 6 Million Jews travisty was an ugly page in history, but that being said over 100 Million Israelites died just in the Atlantic alone during the Trans Atlantic slave trade.

This does not even count the Trans Pacific slave trade or the Trans Saharan Slave trade or even the Black birding Slave Trade. Lets see what Hitler said about America and the Jews America has in captivity this was mostly the negroes and the native Americans as you call us today. As stated above once again you have Jews and Jewish, there is a difference. You hope to ignore truths like this to cause Chaos and confusion but truth is the lights justice.

fake jews owned slaves thats facts
Ignorance about what hitler said does not make it false

  What is CNN and the other media companies afraid of?

Why will they not report truth?


  You see a lie needs some truth to make it believable but the absolute truth can stand alone. We have TMH and the prophecies on our side and most of all we bound by an unbreakable covenant. Media is paid to spread lies by the Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews or Amalek. The fear is quite simple even some of you that are reading this article have did the math and have seen the latest events in the world, but here ill spell it out for you and tell you as we use to say in the streets “Keeping it 100% real and raw”. Enter the mind of the Oppressor when he realizes the Jig is UP.

Enter the Mind of the white Media and their black bootlicks…..

  1. If they are not the real Jews in Israel then who is? They check the bible Revelation 1:13-15 and then go to Daniel 10:5, Hebrews 7:14, Jeremiah 14:2.
  2. Then they realize the Jews are really Black or Brown to the Ground, and all brown shades between.
  3. Then they do the math and say to themselves “If The Jews are Black and that would mean Jesus and Moses and all the 12 tribes because they are brothers and sisters.  Then they will go to Exodus 4:6 and see that Moses was dark also.
  4. Then that’s where the “Ohhh SHH@@TT” moment hits! We hung Christ on a tree and who did we hang on a tree throughout history in the America and around the world? Then they realize that they have been sending TRILLIONS to those Imposters in Israel and have been rejecting by either choice or Ignorance the real Jews.
  5. Then they realize that they have been living a lie and have inherited all lies and Ill gotten gains, and that their forefathers Raped Robbed and Murdered (John 10:10) and they are holding stolen Property.
  6. Then some of them will run to Google and see how this all started and will come across the Papal Bull of 1492 and see how the Roman Catholic Church to this date are still hunting Israelites (Why do you think so many blacks are missing).
  7. Then they will “think about Reparations for what they have done” but doing the math they realize their judgement is sealed. Guilt sets in and nightmares TMH shows you in visions what is to come for what you have wrought on the world.

  8. Then the real drama starts when it hits them that America has been blessing the wrong Israelites to this very day and have been paying the slave ship owners BILLIONS, which would mean hitter was right. Although he went on a murderous rampage what he said what absolutely right. Which would mean Nick Cannon was right and Professor Griff not to mention Desean Jackson.
  9. Which in turn would mean that Farrakhan was right and the Hebrew Israelites about who the real Jews are.


  Why do you not report on all of this CNN, Fox, Daily News? Is it because the people Im talking about in this article are your bosses and CEO’s? You cannot serve 2 masters some of you are so called Christians and according to the Torah you must cleave to the true Israelite and not an imposter. Will you remain silent and keep taking the bag as Judas did or will you speak up and say something?

YOU are responsible for your actions everyone goes to the judgement seat alone. Lets make something crystal clear you do not know me and I’ve never met some of you face to face. That being said all of you must make a choice and stand on the side you wish.


  Is your Job more important than serving the creator and the son? Can you really justify the lies you have been telling about the “B.I.E’s or Black Hebrew Israelites or about those imposters in Israel today? You do know we are the actual bloodline descendants of Christ right? We are the Apple of Yahawah’s eye to make it plain, You have Gods literal children in slavery and yes I mean in 2020. The chains on our legs and neck are gone and you have helped place them on our minds.


  This is not Rhetoric or hearsay this I give you is the real deal those that have an ear let them hear. You now know who and what we are and we know who you are. You were charged to guard the history and richness of the Israelites until the day Christ returned. You have failed us and this planet you Jewish and Edomites have pissed Yahawah and his son off in so doing the Plagues have been released.


  You “Blacks” that are of the stock of Israel but deny it (Calling yourself African American etc) you need to pick a side now. The right wing, left wing, side wing, media of abomination is destroying the planet 1 lie at a time. If you stand on the sidelines and cheer the madness you see and do nothing there is a payment for this. If I may be so bold I will tell you what the bible says on such matters. You have been warned………


Revelation 11:18 and Isaiah 13:11

And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.


Media Giants what do you do now?

  Start reporting the truth as a company we are not a terrorist organization nor have ever had our eye set in that arena.  We might have issues with one another (See Willy Lynch Syndrome) but we do not believe in mass shooting etc. If someone is doing that they are not a repented Israelite for Thou shalt not Murder is a straight commandment we keep. When someone does evil report that evil show pictures and evidence that is real not made up. We have been awake for sometime now and know lies.


  REPENT of your sins and do them no more this is a world wide mandate, for the death angel has been released. Start cleaving and learning from the true Israelite and not heathen gentiles. We have a strict judgement for lying and so do you because that is not just a 10 commandment thing but a Global law. I know CNN prides itself on sources well its time to truthfully go to the source and stop slandering the real Jews. Now if you didn’t know half the stuff written in this article then now you can start to do good and bless us. In closing this is what I want you to think about on Judgement day when the son and the father are glaring at you with the angles.


2 Timothy 2:19

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

WHOEVER IS READING THIS ARTICLE and loves Christ (Yahawashi) and his father and say they know him its gut check time. According to the bible is baring false witness a sin or Lying? If we all have to appear before Christ 2 Corinthians 5:10 do you really think you will go past without answering to what you have printed or said in the shadows? Is your career worth you soul? What profits a man to gain the world but lose his very soul Mark 8:36. Ignorance brings Chaos but the Israelites bring truth and light, which side do you stand on light or dark?

Shalom one and all

8 Biblical keys to a successful marriage and lust is the road to destruction

8 Biblical keys to a successful marriage and lust is the road to destruction

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 A beginners guide today for a wonderful marriage tomorrow


There are  8 biblical keys to a successful marriage that you should know. In essence this is a beginners guide and a advanced guide for those that have spiritual eyes. As Hebrews 13:4 states Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled BUT WHOREMONGERS god will judge.
8 biblical keys to a successful marriage MUST READ
Now that is the so called New Testament If there is no law how could there be judgement (Question for you porkchop pastors that says the laws are done away with).

Before we get to the 8 biblical keys to a successful marriage we need to deal with Lust. If I were you I would not skip this next section because it will show you plainly why the devil has your wrapped up in Porn, Fornication, Whoremongering, Adultery and other sins that you cannot seem to shake.


Biblical keys to a successful marriage: Lust is the road to destruction Avoid it at all costs


As we read in 1 John 3:4 sin is the transgression of the law there can be an entire write up article on this alone but so far as marriage this is particularly important. We will be going to one of Paul’s writings  to see what he said clearly would lead to you losing the Kingdom of God and your ticket to Heaven

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.   <== This is important because even Christ told you about the spirit.

 You see 3/4ths of all churches and other religious organizations are confederate in 1 thing do NOT offend the flock  to lose money. I have watched TBN and other Esau led ministries and the audience is jam packed with women and the few men that are there clearly their women are ruling them. The men talk Effeminate (See Above) and they have no fire in their soul it seems. The women are wearing the most lustful clothing you can imagine like going to a club on a Saturday attire inciting and promoting fornication and lustful desires. because of this the modern day church teaches prosperity doctrine and does not tell you that what I just posted above will get you a first class ticket to the lake of fire.


If you want a second witness to what Paul is talking about John the Revelator said the exact same thing in Revelation 21:8. Now all the things Paul listed above are in the  Old Testament and in the Apocrypha. There are 2 ways to teach a youth 1 is though your actions and 2 is what you tell them or they see with their own eyes. You can set them up to fail if you do not point out sin while they still can be taught (Deuteronomy 6:1-7). If you do not teach them that what is listed above is wrong and TMH hates that what you see portrayed on The Maury Show will continue and marriage will be a bad thing instead of something beautiful. The Devil and his minions use Lust as an ultimate weapon against the true israelite because they know for 400 years we have been oppressed, and have lacked a lot of things and one major thing is stability and structure.


The sins highlighted above start in the mind and from their the seed of wickedness blooms into a tree of wickedness (If you want to read more about that full grown tree click the link). If your mind is not right because you never was taught what sin really is according to the bible then your marriage is doomed even before you meet that special person and lust and covetousness will rule instead of truth and love. You see the scripture says come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sins. This verse is very heavy but in short it means back your butt up and look at YOURSELF and see if you are really looking to follow the most high or the world because you cannot serve both, and your marriage will suffer. But dont take my word for it let John tell you himself about how lust will lead to the road of destruction.


1 John 2:16

For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,

and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.

(You cannot duck this or dodge this)

8 biblical keys to a successful marriage and how to maintain it


  In order to get this right and find a wife or a husband there are keys to a successful marriage that cannot be avoided and to be honest most of these are common sense but as my momma used to say biblical keys to a successful marriage: Trust is on the listcommon sense was never common. There are 8 biblical keys to a successful marriage you can use today and they are super easy to do but you need a clean slate in order to pull this off. This not only will effect you but generations of children down the road this is how serious marriage is.

You have to be lead by the spirit of TMH and pray for him to give you a righteous man or women that will fit your needs. If you are a wicked man or woman beware because the devil also hears prayers and some of you are already attached to someone who means you no good. Beware also that  TMH is not mocked because if you again are seeking a mate just to “Hit it and Forget it” not only is this article NOT for you TMH will give you what you are really wanting then destroy you in the end. You might say …that was harsh and I say no read it for yourself.


Ecclesiasticus 26:23


A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man:

but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord.

(This also works in reverse for a ungodly man will be given a wicked woman)

So here are the 8 biblical keys to a successful marriage according to the bible take notes you will not find this broken down like this anywhere else on the internet all praises to TMH. Again you can try these solutions today.


  • 1. (((Start here)))  Yahawah’s Laws are the

    Biblical keys to a successful marriage – Foundation of Life 

You probably could of guessed we would start here but as the scripture says below the law is forever because it comes not from man but from the creator of man and woman. Even if you did the minimal at following the 10 commandments it would boost your success chance by 1000%. This instruction manual is critical for life on this planet and that includes a successful marriage.


Baruch 4:1-2, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

This is the book of the commandments of God, and the law that endureth for ever:

all they that keep it shall come to life; but such as leave it shall die.

Turn thee, O Jacob, and take hold of it: walk in the presence of the light thereof,

that thou mayest be illuminated.


This goes right back to what Christ said in John 14:6 Christ is that light and life so how did Christ treat his church? You should read very closely Ephesians 5:32 because there is a lot of meat in there on how to run a marriage and a church which is a union of like minded believers. When you go and try to find a wife you need to be of the right mindset and have a vision of what you want to achieve. We are supposed to model ourselves  after the messiah how much more in marriage? The law shows you what to do and not to do so your foundation of love is not built on sand but a rock which is Christ. Whether you believe in the bible or and Atheist you have to agree that marriage without structure is doomed to fail. 


Marriage is serious and not to be taken lightly for the lord whether you believe in him or not will hold you accountable for your actions. Men are prone to certain earthly lusts and cares of the world but we must fight those urges because it is damaging not only to ourselves but also the home. Baruch tells you plainly that the law of the lord will give you the light of life and keep you from the darkness of sin that plagues so many of our marriages. I made a statement above I believe though the spirit that most of you do not believe so I will show you that the 10 commandments can show you in themselves how to treat your spouse. Remember TMH’s laws are spiritual and physical (Read Ecclesiasticus 33:14-15)


8 biblical keys to a successful marriage: Extended to the 10 commandments

  • Thou Shalt not have any gods before me: This means that you shall not reverence or give praise to anyone else but the most high. Especially calling them LORD and GOD this also includes following pagan beliefs.In marriage you and your spouse are supposed to be joined together in perpetual union loving none other but one another and not cheating and giving your time and affection to others. Sara called Abraham lord and never cheated on him you do not read in the bible anywhere that she abused the love Abraham gave her.


  • Thou shalt not make any graven image to worship it: I think this is clear of a commandment but what does this have to do with marriage? In the days of the prophets there was no such thing as social media or the like, but this technology has been a bane and a blessing to us.We use our smart phones to be dumb and hide photos of other women and men (Sometimes both) and lust so hard after it that it can drive us to do things against our loved ones. If this fits you and you are serious about having that special someone in your life you need to delete all of these lust filled perversions before you commit. Also if you are hiding photos like this or videos it shows you are not ready to move on. We as Israelites are spiritual and visual people thus this commandment has many many facets.


  • Thou shalt not take the lords name in vain: This is a heavy verse because in order to get the meaning of this you need to see what phrase “the name” refers to. The name breaks down to the word shem which name, or reputation, fame, glory H8034 is the strongs number google it. The bible states is name IS the word of God. A huge part of this understanding means the entire bible is inspired and approved by TMH and his son. To speak against the scriptures would tarnish or soil Yahawahshi’s and Yahawah’s good name, and they will not hold you guiltless.

In marriage to a spouse you are a representative of one another and should compliment one another with no divisions. You see all the time women and men abusing their spouses name in the public with many embarrassing situations making the others name worthless. Just go on facebook or Worldstar you will see many scenarios like this where one person in the relationship is trying to rally support against their ex for some reason of vain glory. Taking your spouses reputation to abuse it is not only a blot on your name but also on yours and causes strife and backbiting. This is supposed to be the person that you love why run them through the mud don’t you know you will also get dirty? Just like TMH will not hold you guiltless for abusing his name your Husband will not forgive you for this grievous action its like spitting in their face. If you are a victim to this DO NOT go railing for railing pray and have the lord take care of it.


  • Honor the Sabbath day to keep it holy: This is plain as Ice Water you are supposed to keep the sabbath and make it a separate day of rest different than the other 6 days of the week. A wife is suppose to be a pillar of rest not stress ECCLESIASTICUS 36:24. This goes for the man also you are not supposed to be in constant fighting over nonsense with the person who is supposed to be your best friend in the world. You are supposed to be separated from the world and your house a sanctuary of peace. Me and my wife have a rule we leave the world in the world and leave our house for God and Peace. You also need to set time to be with that person just you 2 and talk and go out keep the fire lit and the importance of you 2 being together against the world. In doing this TMH will show mercy to you and bring peace to your home, remember where 2 or more are gathered in his name (See above) there he is.


  • Honor your mother and father: Seems simple enough but pull the covers back and see the deep meaning of this when it comes to marriage. Lets keep it 100 sometimes you CANNOT STAND your partners parents maybe they said or did something that offended you or her? The bible says honor them and you shall have long life, but what does that mean? I will take this from a mans point of view because it will be easier to explain. Even though me and my wifes parents have had our run in’s and fights I still greet them with a shalom and try to show them I am taking care of their daughter. It’s a hard hard thing for another man to trust you with his pride and joy and you as a man need to have things in place that over time the Father of that woman can trust you. I show him honor and always give thanks to him because without him his daughter I would not have. Many men take this transfer of power for granted and never sit down with the daughters father to say I will EARN YOUR TRUST if you let me sir.

Same goes for the mother that is her pride and joy its not a jump off or a piece of meat you buy and place in the freezer till you need it. You have to according to the scripture keep them honored and well favored. Even if they do not keep the commandments you are to show them through your works there is something different about you. There is more on this but that is something to chew on do not be afraid of your stepmom and dad embrace them and show them they did not make a mistake. For the record if you got married WITHOUT their approval you need to go make that right according to the scriptures.


  • Thou shalt not Kill: This translates down to Murder because you can murder someone also spiritually. Mental Murder is assassination of ones mind through words of destruction because your words can do permanent damage. This is why James 3 was written with many other scriptures in proverbs and in psalms. A lot of us are coming from bad relationships and are damage, and some of us are 1 comment away from exploding. This is why the scripture says once you come to Christ (Yahawahshi) you are a NEW creature or person the old you is dead. You need the laws in your relationship to help you rebuild the destruction of the world has created.  You mental state is key to being in a loving relationship because if someone has murdered your moral and has abused your kindness you cannot plan to love anyone else. Many relationships start and end with bad words and phrases that tear down but never build up TMH in the bible calls that murder for you hate them.


  • Thou shalt not commit adultery: Need I say more? This is a vibration that is being pushed RIGHT NOW as I write this. Rome and the Greeks lived and breathed this doctrine of debauchery and sin and since we are in the land of Sodom and Egypt it is all too apparent that you will be tested. When you have a fruitful wife and a providing husband cling to one another and give 100% commitment to them and do not commit sexual sins as outlined in Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20. Marriage is honorable but jump offs and sexual partners are not and that includes swinging. Sodom and Gomorrah was burned for this abuse and thus it shall be again. The scripture does not say in vain that you abuse your own soul when you commit this, and that includes spiritual and physical.


  • Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor: In short stop lying on one another and in another light stop accusing your partner of something they did not do it will cause a crack in the dam and most times break it. if something really did go down give that person a chance to explain WITHOUT you interrupting it could be they did not do it. Sometimes you are the one in the wrong and are blaming the other partner trying to justify yourself TMH does not like this it means again you hate the other person which violates Leviticus 19:17-18.


  • Thou shalt not covet: This is called the Gateway sin because through this sin alone all other sins are opened up. If you are never satisfied with what your partner is giving you the other 9 commandments you shall break and find a reason to disobey gods laws which takes us back to the beginning of Baruch you either chose life or death. Out of all the 613 laws statues and commandments this 1 Law if you break it nothing is off limits its the number 1 destroyer of marriages world wide whether you believe in the bible or not. Just look up the word Covet and tell me if every single commercial or TV show doesnt promote this in some way. After years of being in America do you now understand why the Divorce rate is sky high? Adultery and Sexual sins start at this door and although America says In God we Trust do they really keep these 10 commandments? If your partner is never good enough chances are you have a covetous spirit and need to pray and fast and beg the most high to take this off you.


  There are many keys to a successful marriage and how to maintain it but the question is will you take the first step in challenging yourself to examine yourself (2 Corinthians 13:5) and see if you are abusing any of these basic laws? Even if you are single you can build a safe and loving foundation through Yahawah Laws – Foundation of Life thats why I said “Start Here”. If people would just apply this first tip as you had read 3/4ths of marriages would last and you will have joy in your life.

Biblical keys to a successful marriage Tip 2: Communication is the foundation of  trust.


According to the bible communication is a major key to a successful marriage. As a matter of fact there are many passages dedicated to this exact issue. Words do only 2 things they either build or destroy and marriages can be destroyed and built with the wrong choice of words. You do not need to look further than your local social media outlets to establish this fact.8 keys to help your marriage watch your mouth


The bible says clearly that “Let no evil communication come forth out of your mouth” See Ephesians 4:29-32 for this and also as a second witness go to James 3 that chapter will get you on code to start watching how you talk to people.

You cannot with the same mouth bless people then cuss them out in the second breath.  A soft answer turns away wraith is written in the book of proverbs for a reason, you cannot always fight fire with fire.

We as a people have been in this tainted drama filled hotbox of sin for over 400 years now and we have learned how to hate and hurt one another with many “Choice Words”. The Most High God the power of Jacob has it written that we are not supposed to be like this any longer. As a married union you are now 1 flesh so if you abuse her or if she is abusing him you are destroying the very thing TMH put together.



Use not thy mouth to intemperate swearing, for therein is the word of sin.


The man that is accustomed to opprobrious words will never be reformed all the days of his life.


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Thats about as plain as it gets we are not supposed to be this way and I see shades of this from the israelites on the streets teaching and also from arguments among family members. See this is why the bible says come out from among them and be separate and envy not the heathen and choose none of their ways (Proverbs 3:31). This is a learned behavior passed down from trauma from earlier times in you or your spouses life.


To be fair we all have had bad days but remember the person who would be your spouse is supposed to be your help meet, or your rock, is supposed to be your pillar of rest and not stress. Now I said something that might of flew right over your heads but don’t take my word for it.

Look at the short article and video on how Trauma can be genetically passed down, and now picture how long we have suffered in this kingdom. Do you not think there are lingering effects? Also the sister Joy Degruy did an extensive study on this and the affects it has on us to this very day even affecting happy marriages.Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome affects some marriages study shows


In the study I have highlighted they looked at the children of holocaust survivors and found that indeed that trauma and pain is transferable and traceable. Now whether you believe in the holocaust is not the point of this article that is for another time but the results of that test PROVE Deuteronomy 28 stands as 100% truth.

This kind of abuse runs very deep and we as a people have never had programs for debriefing us from the pain, so we do what we were taught to our loved ones never knowing we have mental illnesses. In the video I have provided below there is a breakdown of this phenomenon and how we as a people can fix it, even better the bible tells you how.  We have been mirroring what we have been taught by force for generations passing it down to our descendants.


Joy Leary has also did an amazing video on this subject to show the prolonged exposure to hurt can have lasting effects especially on language and other aspects of everyday life.

The Biblical keys to a successful marriage are many but this is a step in the right direction as the scripture says in 2 Corinthians 13:5 you need to examine yourself first fix your broken wheel before you crash the whole damn car because of pride thinking there is nothing wrong with you. We have been told we are nothing all of our life and treated as such, if you do not love yourself because you have no idea how special you are how can you love someone else?

Do not be afraid to say to your loved one I have this problem and admit your faults it may be they have a solution you didnt know they had access to. Communication is an under rated staple of a successful marriage, first identify the pain, then communicate the issue, fix the issue.

Tip 3 Biblical keys to a successful marriage: Commitment takes sacrifice without it there can be no progress


  When you decide to say “I do” there are a list of things you should of done before you even got to the alter and high on the list is Commitment. I will not go over all the passages in the bible that talk about this heavy topic but just like Christ was committed to HIS CHURCH and HIS PEOPLE you need to be committed to your own wife or husband.

You cannot say in one breath you love this person then go cheat on them with Miss Hot Girl Summer down the road. As a woman committed to 1 man who is supposed to be your husband you cannot go to Mr. 12 pack Abs from across the street. Remember Adultery is a stain on your soul you MUST sacrifice that feeling of lust as Christ did. In all points was Christ tempted but he remained loyal to the very end. With that said as we always do with these articles lets actually look up the word Committed and lets see if what I just wrote is true.

Definition of Committed

feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated.


 On paper we have no problem with Commitment but in actual real life it is as foreign to us as Pluto, now that might seem harsh but let me explain. This society pushes Y.O.L.O “You Only Live Once” but is that really the case? You have been inundated with all sorts of perversions that push the fast life and I’m not just talking about music videos and Drama shows. Even in fast food the definition in the phrase tells you what it is. American values are steeped in getting poppin and keep it moving. This all goes back to the video I posted above if you haven’t watched it you are a product of what I am describing. Marriage is about sacrificing the urge to go at your pace and you BOTH are supposed to move as an unbreakable unit. Let King Solomon tell you himself don’t believe me lets see what happens when you are committed to one mind and one focus to achieve one goal and not rushing.

Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth;

for he hath not another to help him up.

Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

  Your marriage partner is more than just someone to have sex with you are supposed to start building an empire together united moving in lock step not looking for the “Right Now Only”. Having the lust of the world will ruin the commitment you have planned out because you are always going to feel as though you are missing something. As King Solomon plainly put it when you are together you can tackle anything thats why the wife is called the “Help Meet” and the man is called the head of the house.


  Again Christ never looked to Caesar or the Roman Empire to provide healing and spiritual growth to the Nation of Israel. Like him you are to move within this world but not give into it. As a man you must protect your house at all costs this includes everyone and everything that is in your house. Now do not get simple I am not saying go grab a gun and start shooting anyone who comes on your yard but we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices and he will send his agents to try you, especially if you are keeping the laws of god (Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12). Commitment is a BIG umbrella of things it can mean. For a successful marriage according to the bible I would reference Galatians 5:22-23 because these qualities if you commit to them fully and your partner you will have a fruitful marriage.



But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.


Tip 4 Biblical keys to a successful marriage: Pride or Humility you cannot have both in a marriage CHOOSE ONE


Humility Definition

freedom from pride or arrogance : the quality or state of being humble
((In other words PRIDE Destroys Marriages))

When reading the scriptures its obviously clear that TMH hates pride (Proverbs 16:18, ECCLESIASTICUS 10:7) and there is no place in marriage for such emotions. If you cannot admit to your partner that you are wrong or they MIGHT be right on a situation TMH hates that.

It takes Humility to admit when you  made a mistake and it takes even more meekness to say I am sorry. These building blocks let your loved one know you need them. It is not a “Giving up of Power” issue, in fact according its wisdom to leave pride and covetousness because it leads to contention and arguments (Proverbs 13:10). It allows them freedom in the future to come to you with their issues so you can work them out as a family. If you do not get ANYTHING else out of this article you need to listen here closely.

The Most High once again as a 3rd witness tells you he hates this thing in Proverbs 6:16-19). If you trust in one another as partners and are both pulling the same direction then for sure things will work themselves out. The lord himself will fight with you if you come in humility and without arrogance. No one knows it all and even more than this there is safety in numbers. Solomon the wisest of all men said it best.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

9Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
10For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.
11Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm;
But how can one be warm alone?
12Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

((But if Pride is in your heart (Mind)  and lack of Humility

you will do the opposite of what Solomon said))



You hear it all the time in Rap videos or even Millennial music today, and even on TV programs that promote the “I’m Good by myself” syndrome. NO ONE on this earth got to where they are now or where they will be in the future alone, and although you just read all this if you have pride you still deny it.

This is one of the main things that make relationships fail and to be truthful if couples would just have the common sense to admit when they are wrong it would go a long way in fixing burned down bridges. So you might ask yourself how do I know If I lack Humility or how do you know if you have a prideful spirit?

1. You are entirely to emotional: Especially if you are a man you need to control this and not be too emotional remember you are supposed to be the rock. If you make everything you do or think about YOU instead of US then you have pride.

2. Pride will make you blind to your mistakes: In a relationship it takes 2 to argue and there are 2 sides to a story always. Someone who has a lack of humility and has pride will always harp on someone elses issues instead of trying to fix their own. A pride-filled person will always say how they are right and everyone else is the issue. Listen to your partner you will know if they have this spirit.

3. Pride and lack of Humility will not allow you to see the pain of others: Remember the example above with the “Im good” and “I’ll just do me” attitude? Some people have years of abuse hidden away in their mental closets and to protect themselves they tend to go into a selfish mode of protection. Remember the second greatest commandment Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

In doing this you can be so wrapped up in your own personal war, you cannot see that you are hurting the one trying to help YOU win your war, but sacrificing their own pain and placing it on the back burner. Pride will make it so you are spiritually blind to your partners needs.

4. Pride will make it so you believe you can never be wrong: You ever been around that person who believes their “Ish” don’t stink? They walk around as though they have a golden halo and they cannot be touched. Usually when someone has this spirit covetousness is not far behind, and this spirit will destroy a relationship hella fast. Only TMH god can break this spirit because he is the only one that can change this spirit heavy fasting and prayer is needed.

When pride or lack of humility is present not too far behind is sin and lust and you have rolled out the red carpet for the devil, Intimacy is not there because of lack of compassion for your partner which leads to regret and anger. 2 People can be full of pride you can be SURE this marriage will fail for TMH is not dealing with the non meek.


  They can have a healthy marriage, if they repent as a couple and let the spirit of the lord lead them (Read Fruits of the spirit and Fruits of the flesh Galatians 5:19 –). A wise couple will see quickly that the crippling power of pride and will do everything in their ability pray and fast to utterly destroy it from themselves and start anew with a fresh foundation to build a house of truth and love.

Tip 5 and 6 Biblical keys to a successful marriage: Dividing time between your wife or Husband and TMH


  This is a rather sensitive topic but very important to hash out, because when you come into this truth of you being a True Israelite there is a delicate balance of Time and Due Benevolence between you and your wife or husband.

See if you are single there is nothing to split your time between and you can dedicate as much time as you need to the ministry, but when you get born again it seems like you draw away from one another and claim your are too busy doing the will of the father. If you have a husband or wife that is trying their best to walk with you in faith and keeping the commandments then you are obligated to walk with them. Due Benevolence is more than just sex its taking the time to show your significant other they are MORE than a partner.

Remember Christ himself never neglected the people because the people are the church. Just like your wife or husband combined with you make a church. Christ said when 2 or more are gathered in my name I am there with them.

  Paul had to address this very issue in 1 Corinthians 7 you can read the chapter for yourself but its plain that the church of Corinthians had some issues with fornication and he had to include a good breakdown for this topic. As a man it is your job to make sure that your help meet wants for nothing, and as a wife you are not to vex your husband if he is doing the correct things.

For the record NO! You cannot withhold sex from your husband to get what you want ladies and men you cannot do that to the wife either if you do Satan will enter in and place stumbling blocks on you both. That might happen in the form of an Adulterous relationship, or affair, fornication, simply put it opens the gates of sin.

One of the reasons you have a partner is to squash those urges. If you do call yourself withholding sex as a weapon against your partner for whatever selfish reason then you are Defrauding your Neighbor (1 Corinthians 7:1-5, Leviticus 19:11,13, Leviticus 19:17-18).
When you give Due Benevolence and time to your significant other it also heals wounds and brings you closer together. TMH was kind enough to send you a partner in this wicked kingdom take his fruitful gift and give thanks.

Now ladies if your man is trying to raise up the children of Israel that are sleep in the 4 corners of the earth then you have to back them with whatever they need. You are the pillar of rest not stress. In the world you backed wickedness with all your might now in righteousness give 100 x the effort. You will be rewarded for your steadfastness and dedication to the truth. It is a war out there and even the strongest warriors never stand alone we need our women to give us the time of day. A lot of women want to being up Deborah as a hero of Israel and to a point she was and Judith. But the one thing you never see or hear them doing is going outside of the role TMH had them do for that time. This is why Paul wrote this in Ephesians 5.

Ephesians 5:22-33 (This is a letter to the congregation)

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church:

and he is the saviour of the body.


24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ,

so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.


25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,


27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church,

not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.


28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.


29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.


31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife,

and they two shall be one flesh.

32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

As you can see marriage is a great mystery in the bible that’s why when you go to popular bookstores or websites online you see 1000’s of books on the topic. There is a link to how you are supposed to run your marriage and a church and your have to balance your due benevolence and love between both.

Now if you are single reading this and are looking for a wife IMO you should pray and fast for a righteous wife, it maybe that the lord will send you one. That being said If you are wicked the scriprure says plainly TMH will send you a wife after your manner of life. A wicked man will be given a wicked wife and a righteous man shall be given a good wife. Now if TMH gives you a righteous woman and you abuse her or women if you give men a reason to doubt your loyalty to him your are spitting Gods gift right back in his face take heed. You prayed and prayed and fasted for the perfect man or women and you got your blessing and YOU abuse it? Again I warn you take heed…….

You have to get yourself in order first before you can love someone else. Now if he decides that he wants you NOT to be married but give your time to the church do not get upset for great is your reward in the kingdom. According to the scriptures that we have access to Paul was never married and placed all his time into the ministry as though he was married to the Church trying to wake up the Northern Kingdom.


More marriages are broken up because of evilness between loved ones this is of the devil and not from TMH or his son. If you both find yourself mad for no reason and growing apart from one another look to this article and see if you can do better by one another.

Sometimes you need to break away from immediate family and rebuild the foundation that brought you both together in the first place. Go out to dinner or go somewhere that you both can be alone and talk. Bridges can be rebuilt but it takes time, don’t throw away the gift TMH has given you on this side because of pride (Read above).

Tip 7: Money is a defense: How as a couple do we survive in this Kingdom of Sin?

   What are the instructions that were given to the Children of Israel while in slavery? A lot of not only Israelites get this wrong but also Christian Churches. Jeremiah 29 4-10 gives you a play by play instruction manual of how to conduct ourselves during these trying times. There is only 1 kingdom in rulership at a time throughout history so all you got to do is look at the front of your dollar it will tell you who’s in charge of Babylon.

Someone once said “I care not who rules but give me the control of money and I will rule them all”. The love of money is the root of all evil. According to the bible we are supposed to place up our riches in Heaven “Seek ye first the kingdom of Yahawah”. Why you ask? Because the fact remains that TMH has our back and will provide the things needed to get by in these scattered countries we are in.

In Marriage it is essential that we as a people REALLY study Zephaniah 2:1 and depend on one another for our daily bread Physical and Spiritual. We are not in the Kingdom of God yet ….so we must still play by Esau’s rule or the rules of the land WITHOUT breaking our fathers laws. Money can make or break a marriage because you cannot eat love. A man MUST provide for his family (1 Timothy 5:8) because if he doesn’t or if he is not even trying to he is counted as a non-believer.

Lets place all the cards on the table for a moment TMH is not dumb or slow and neither are we. He knows EXACTLY what, where, when, and how is going on with his children and he will not place more on you than you can handle. There is 1 catch though you and your family must be keeping the laws and the faith of his son to get that protection (Revelation 14:12). This is why this is written!


Jeremiah 30:10-17


10Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid.

11For I am with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.

12For thus saith the LORD, Thy bruise is incurable, and thy wound is grievous.

13There is none to plead thy cause, that thou mayest be bound up: thou hast no healing medicines.

14All thy lovers have forgotten thee (the other nations); they seek thee not; for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were increased.

15Why criest thou for thine affliction? thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity: because thy sins were increased, I have done these things unto thee.

16Therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey.

17For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.


One of the first things our oppressors world wide did according to Psalms 83 was to cut us off from being a nation of people.  Make no mistake whether you believe in the scriptures or not your enemy does and because of this you need to see exactly what they have tired to hide from you.

You see every other captivity we have always had our true identity intact but this time the lord wiped us clean. The nations knew this so they took advantage for a very long time but now that we are awakening they call us BIE’s or Black Hebrew Israelite.

There are many programs they have used to keep us blinded to who we are and they all revolve around division. They do most of this by government programs that make it so you just get by or place rules on you such as “You can get welfare but you cannot have a man in this house”. As a happily married couple you need to ban together and be wise against these tricks the devil tries to place in front of you. Remember what our parents used to tell us? Everything that shines aint gold.

Now why would having a man in the house matter? As the scripture says Bind the strongman and the house shall fall (Paraphrased) and your enemies took this literal. For the better part of 400 years they have had 1 goal break the unity of family and place financial burdens on the children of Israel (Or slaves) until they submit.

This is why you see in Hollywood movies and music promoting this madness of self over US. 

  • Greed, over being satisfied,biblical keys to a successful marriage: watch out for hollywood
  • Lust, over Love,
  • Affair , over Marriage,
  • Chaos, over Order,
  • I’ll murder you over, “I’ll die before I let you fail”.
  • Pride , over Meekness
  • Standing Unity, Divided and Destroyed
    Love your Neighbor (Brother) as you love yourself , Kill or be Killed that man by any means necessary.

You see brothers and sisters you cannot run a nation off oppression of your own people you are playing right into the enemies hands its called Divide and Conquer and “They” have become masters of the Willy Lynch Manuscripts whether you believe in them or not. A nation rises and falls from the family structure which goes into a lot of facets and you MUST unite or die. One mind not two, because and double minded man is unstable in everything he does.

As Eccleseasticus 10 says so goes the leader as goes the followers this includes familes. If they can destroy your family bonds through the man then the wife and kids shall follow suit for the man is the leader of the home or Shepard.
Our oppressors know as long as they keep us in perpetual sin = They will rule, and one of the weapons they use against us is Money or the lack thereof. Now we are in the last days and this current kingdom is on the way out (Read Matthew 24) you have to still apply Jeremiah 29:4-7. We believe American is Mystery Babylon the Great and we were given financial instruction on what to do while we are here. We were also told to USE this Kingdom but do not abuse it in the New Testament.

Our 400 years is over and now more than ever we are growing so as a newly married couple bring your talents to one another and start building businesses, homes, and other things to help this life. We built their kingdom with NOTHING and even through that hell we still “Had” as Black Wallstreet and Rosewood and many other great townships of power. Some might say “I dont have a degree, so I cannot thrive”. Did our forefathers have degrees? If you do the research now more than ever trade trumps degrees.

As things go as you are reading this article a husband and a wife time is all you need. You find a niche you can fill and provide a good service our people will come because frankly we need all skills on the table.

As a nation once again we need to BUILD our kingdom because Christ has not returned yet. Slothfulness ruins Marriages and also progression, and in these final days we need to show TMH and his son that we had faith in Judges 5:11 and we rehersed all what we could so when practice is over we will have all the blueprint.

Christ NEVER let us go hungry spiritually or physically and you as a man or women need to set yourself a foundation. Zephaniah 2:1-3 is a heavy verse and its a commandment, because its easier dealing with your own nation than building someone elses. Nation building starts within your 4 walls of your home. The bible plainly talks about the things needed in this world to be financially free.

The other nations of the earth do not have the problems listed above, because they do not let their “Media” dictate the narritive as much as Babylon. When they do business its with one another FIRST. As with their family they take care of their nation FIRST and we have YET to listen to God on this lesson we have become cruel and malignant to our own.

Money in the right hands will solve a lot of our issues but in the wrong hands will destroy us faster than a cut can bleed. Our entertainers have pushed a wicked self serving adjenda and are happy to get paid for such madness all the while breaking the second commandment of Christ. Even Dave Chappel told Hollywood there are some lines he will not cross even for 50 Million, True Israelite world wide where is your guts? When you read in the Maccabees We would rather DIE than break gods laws, Now in 2020 we would rather die than keep them.

Back in those days we had more Denmark Vessy and Malcolm X, than sellouts content with seeing the destruction of your own. I speak now as a man when I say this but you that follow the oppression of our people with laughing and kissing the oppressors as at our peoples expense I pray you end comes soon, for we cannot rebuild with you in our midst.

When you read the scriptures you can see plainly that your Money is a defense against the Kingdom of Sin that surrounds us. You wouldnt NEED to go to the whiteman or any other nation for your goods and services if you just listened to Zachariah 2:1-3. As a family if you needed a loan to get by you can do it through your own people like Black Wallstreet. If you needed a job for your trade then bam you can get one because we hire our own straight out of school. If you wanted entertainment …..need I say more? Just think what would happen if all the Black Athletes up and left Football, Basketball, Baseball and started their own league with their own rules.

Now imagine if those same leagues took 10 percent of their earnings and bought some land and built affordable housing etc on it. Fueled by our own we only need OUR OWN. See that’s too strong for the slave mind we can do nothing without Massa, well I present to you a new thought…

Without our money as their defense they could do nothing without US, the children of Israel would thrive. Yes we are supposed to store up your treasure in Heaven, but that does not mean you live in dirt today. You see that’s why they do not want us united this is the secret sauce they do not want you to realize because when we unite with Yahawah, Yahawashi, Laws , Faith, Love = We are Gods again and we win (Judith 5:17-20).

We have been under Roman Rule of law for a very long time and we have to break free. We do wait on the lord as commanded in Zephaniah 3:8 but we need to come out of “Her” NOW! Roman by definition means all the laws to keep us oppressed including killing us. As a family leader (Talking to you men) you have to know the dangers your family faces. Even just the schooling system is setup by white supremacy and that is not hate speak thats truth speak to power.

Do an experiment for 2 weeks look at your children’s homework and see if 3/4th of their topics are not geared towards the empowerment of current Kingdom. Look at whos history they are teaching in the light and who they say is the dark. Even more than that look at what they are NOT teaching YOUR children and tell me if you still feel safe with the enemy teaching your children 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Now look at the degree program when they graduate do you think those employers are hiring book knowledge or people who “Know how to get the job done without the book”?

In the New Testament you start off in the book of Matthew but have you ever asked yourself WHO’S ruling at that time? Did that Christ tell you who’s kingdom that was in power then………


Matthew 17:24-26

And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute?

He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers?

Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free. (This is a question)


Matthew 22:21
Jesus said “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s
((Wait! what kingdom had Ceasars?))

3rd Precept Romans 13:1-8

TMH picks and chooses who is in rulership (Daniel 4:17) as a man you need to know the rules of the game before you sit down to play. You and your family were set in the Roman Captivity and its been that way for over 2000 years or 2 Days according to TMH’s time clock (2 Peter 3:1-8).

As a man it is your job to guide your family and wait for the day soon to come when things that are wrong shall be set right. A man of the lord is responsible for the life they created and are in charge as the lord is in charge of us as his people. So when you look at the front of a Dollar Bill look at the face is it an Israelite? No? Check then you know what Kingdom you are in. If you are reading this and happen to have an so called Israelite on your money but the nation does not follow the laws statutes or commandments then ask yourself who is ruling. Your Money is a Defense but to who?

Tip 3: Unity is us against them there is no denying the truth of the matter.


The scripture in the NT clearly states “If it be possible live in peace with all men”. Lets look at that scripture closely . The very first letter is “IF” so that means there will be a time when that is not possible. Us as a people have turned the other cheek so many times we have lost the direction we are supposed to be heading in. Please ANYONE show me a scripture that says no matter what happens let the enemy kill you, rape you and destroy you, but smile and take it. That my brothers and sisters is NOT in the bible. What did Mathias  do with his sons when the task masters  came to oppress them and sacrifice swine on the alter breaking gods laws? Did he sit there and bare it and say “Oh well I might as well do as they do” and teach his sons wickedness?


As a second witness I would like to pull Daniel chapter 3 when everyone else was commanded to do as the king did he follow their ways? Or the mother with the 7 children when they were commanded by the king in the book of Maccabees when they were commanded to eat pork did she or her children?


  So no living in peace with all men does not mean “When in Rome do as the Romans” that is YOLO or Do as thou wilt. That is of the devil and not of Christ. We are commanded not asked to UNIFY under the order of Melchizedek.  That being said if Christ was doing as the scribes and Pharisees they would of NEVER put him to death, so your Christian church is under the same government that shoots first and asks question later, and expects you to grin and bare it and march. Have you not learned that Christ sell your garment and buy a sword for a reason? Notice in the scripture he knew he had to go to the father and since the Shepard shall be gone the wolves shall come.


In Ecclesiastes 4:9 it talks about Unity and banding together we need that more than ever here in 2020. We need to remarry our nation to one another and renew our vows to one another and get right with the father before the sky cracks. Now Israelite Camps will say dont join this camp because they believe XYZ or ABC well the father was clear in his instruction and if I may be frank




  Why do I say this because the decree is about to come forth and the judgement is about to come down the Day of the Lord is at hand, and we are approaching the 3rd day we need to get together now and I mean right now. Get you and your loved ones into the commandments and the faith in the son before it’s too late.

According to the father we are no longer under the school master and we no longer need to be worried about the oppressor because the judgement is already written and locked in heaven and in earth. So why is it we cannot shake the dust from our feet place on our royal apparel and start showing this world what the Children of Israel can do NOW?

In a word it’s called Pride ladies and gentleman.  Yahawashi is plain when he talks about the talents being handed out and what you did with the time and power you were given. To whom much is given much is required and no that did not come from Spider Man. TMH power of Israel is going to start judgement very soon at our house even more harsh than before because a lot of you are denying Matthew 28:19-20 and are afraid of seeing the other 10 tribes of Israel that are still scattered to the 4 corners.


We are a family of 12 not a nation of Judah only. You Negro only Israelites or Japheth preachers need to be put down and lead no more we are commanded to separate wheat from the tares we are commanded to find HIS LOST SHEEP.


  The commander of the lords armies said MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE you will be judged for denying someone the gospel just because they favor the other nations. We scattered them though our own wickedness and so we are commanded to seek them out.

You Israelite teachers are doing Gods Job by his commandment of the angels if you are telling someone who they are and are not according to the decree in Matthew 13 thus by your traditions you make the word of god of none effect, you are going by the precepts of men and not of the father. Answer me this if the Eagle tears and rips the prey does the prey have a say in the matter?

Who therefore writes most of the history of what happened to the prey? Doesn’t the old saying say this “Dead men write no tells” well that is the truth.  If you want to find where the children of Israel truly are you need to follow the blood trail the eagle left behind. Unity means more than join together its power of another kind and through that power we can write our own history.


Esau and these other nations have made it their lifes mission not to let us unite under the Banner of Ephesians 4:1-5 because they know once we do everything in that chapter we are unstoppable. Families will have 1 mindset and be united under truth and know their enemies and friends. If we were spewing hatred and venom why stop the message.

Even Gamliel in the NT stated in Acts 5 that if this is not of God it will come to nothing so why do they fear us? We had gangs separated by colors and the nations loved it even Boys in the Hood was made and Menace to Society  and the movie Colors but the message was still lost… maybe it wasn’t time yet. Everytime you see a movie promoting our unity and strength it always has to be joined by some White Savior who is either the father figure or some type of Mentor why do you never see that in reverse? They push we need them but really we don’t and they know it.

Want proof? Here is 2 clips from the movie American Gods 1 and 2, maybe you have never seen this series but let me show you what happens when just a small bit of truth comes from an actor who plays his role …. too well. TMH uses a lot of methods to get this truth out.

American Gods season 2 TRUTH

American Gods season 1 TRUTH

If this was a lie why did they fire the actor who played the role?


  Can you blame them? Nope that is too much truth for millions of show watchers to see. Those 2 clips are a microcosm of what the True Israelites have been preaching since before the time of Christ and always the “Powers that be read Psalms 83” have been trying to stop this for a long time but they cannot. Here is a quote from a well known news online website.


Orlando Jones says he was fired from American Gods, Mr. Nancy sent ‘wrong message’: In a searing video message shared on his Twitter account Saturday morning, “Orlando Jones says he was fired from American Gods season 3 and alleges new showrunner Charles Eglee decided his character, Mr. Nancy, sends “the wrong message for black America.” Source Here

And of course I would not just leave you with 1 witness lets see what brother Orlando says about this on his own twitter feed remember we need 2 witnesses….

It’s clear to understand why Amos 8:11 says what it does because they know that if enough of this truth gets out and we really do what the lord has commanded their kingdom is finished this is why the Trump Impeachment is a distraction. Am I calling for violence absolutely NOT but no matter how much we preach that we are not a violent people they stage events with paid agents to go out and do things to promote their  hate towards us but we are supposed to sit there and take it? Peace and Unity come with a price and that price tag is non-negotiable. You non- bible believers that are so called Negro or Native American or Indos, Filipino, West Indian, Jamacian  or so called (Insert heathen given name here) need to wake up the entire Bible is talking about YOU.

What kind of an author would write a story with his own demise in it you give the white man too much credit? If you do not stop drinking the Kool-Aid flavored Lies you will be drunk and destroyed by them its 2020 and you STILL think the white man wrote the bible? WE HAD THE EXACT SAME OPPRESSOR and you still fight to save Massa.

Christ marveled at your unbelief and as do I, you believe not so you are left in darkness. Either you go to the Light to Unify or stay in darkness to be united with pain the choice is yours.  You cannot play for both teams choose a side or let the angels and the wrath of TMH choose for you. There is a story in the bible when Moses was commanded to tell ALL the Israelites those of you who stand with the lord come by me and separate from those who want this world.

And the lord still waits for those that stand United or in Unity with him and not the ways of men. As a family we must have unity as an unbreakable chain not only in our immediate family but those of us that are scattered are commanded to come together.

Out of this rather large list of Top 8 biblical keys to a successful marriage there are 4 things that will rip a marriage apart faster than paper through a shredder, Money , Sex, Communication, lack of Unity those are the heavy 4, that all talk shows and new papers tabloids make millions off of. Want more Proof? How much money did these shows make off the suffering of the nation of Israel?

Jerry Springer= Deserves its own Category for many reasons


  All of them made their cash flow off those 3 platforms Money Sex and Communication and Lack of Unity and Hollywood keeps these shows alive because those 3 issues sell. Remember what the most high says sowing discord (Proverbs 6:16-19). Communication is of paramount importance because without that the other things on this list above manifest. Improper communication turns into lies and deceit and people today would rather accept a smooth lie than the raw truth this is why these shows make millions of our suffering. Shows like the Steve Harvey and others of that same cloth do nothing for US AS A NATION all the while they strive to be like those who have oppressed us for 100’s of years (See 1 Maccabees 1:11-51 and see for yourself).


Lets keep it real and 100% men lie and women love the lies men tell, this recipe for a marriage is like taking an angry cat and a brutal dog and placing them in a house together its bound to fail. When you start a union on lies and sex well these both wear off over time what do you think will happen?

This is why marriage foundations is so important Read Sirach 6:7 and then look at the list above shows or your cable programming and ask yourself the question: Where did we go wrong?  It’s called PROGRAMING for a reason people and the hard fact is you shall see plainly that if you do not prove someone before you give them the sex,  you not only have lied to yourself but also lied to you partner and according to god Sex = Marriage. You are not permitted to test drive the care before you buy it. If you stick the key in men you bought it.

Here is something your ever lying Christianity Church of Get Dat Money will never tell you. Everytime a woman lays down with a man she takes on the persona or “Spiritual Essence” of the man she has been with permanently. Scientific evidence already has proven what the bible has said 1000’s of years ago, proving the bible is the foundation of life. The proof of this is found in 1 Corinthians 6:15-17) and many other places.


Thats why you see some ladies walking around bugged out of their minds, because there is more than one driver at the wheel. Im not making fun of you beautiful women but if this is you then you got to repent. Men and Women were supposed to be

One life

One Partner

One Mind

United Under One Lord

As we know Lust rules the world not and not Love. If you seriously loved your partner before you lay with them you ask them the 8 keys listed above. This society teaches you to test drive the car before you buy it. According to Gods Law of marriage you shall KNOW the car before you sit in it. You need the Car Fax on it before you even put the keys in. Same goes for courting a new mate you need to do the leg work and make sure its right. And no that does not mean become a stalker.


The Law of OLT and what that means for me

In order the execute Sirach 6:7 the right way you need to be close to that person to Observe, Listen, Test. Even our Patriarchs did the same thing according to the scriptures and even back then they were tried and had trouble in the flesh. In 2020 you need to be careful about the mate you will choose because there is no return policy unless they break the rules of Marriage.


Here is a example of Observe, Listen and Test.

James has known Mary for a period of 2 weeks and invites her to dinner and a movie. James is going to use the “OLT TEST” on Mary to see if this lady would be something he wishes to pursue later and possibly marry one day.

Mary and James decide to go to the bar of a restaurant and they plan to order a few drinks. James Observes Mary when she is looking at the menu because he is trying to see if she is.

A. Going to be considerate of James and his Finances

B. Order the most expensive drink the Bartender can make to see if he can afford it.

In order to see where her mind is at he asks her “Hey Mary there are plenty of drinks on the menu order what you like”. Mary is thinking which path she is going to take A or B. James then listens to her reply and she of course wants to be polite and says “You order whats good”. James now has seen that she has compassion for what James can and cannot afford, this impresses James but now the final test.

James unbeknownst to Mary has a very very lucrative business that he started and has no problem ordering and paying for anything on the menu. James is now going to pull off the “T” in OLT. He purposefully pulls out his thick  wallet and drops it on the floor. He picks it up while opening it to expose his cash and long list of Gold Issued Credit Cards.

Mary Sees this and she now has a critical choice to make. He asks again what does she feel like drinking (Now James knows she has seen his cash). She replies without hesitation “Ill just have what you are having or something off basic drink menu”.

She has passed the OLT test now she and James can move on and test more of the Sirach 6:7 and build off the 8 Essentials Rules of Marriage. James has learned that not only does he want to see more of Mary but she him because she also was testing him unawares with OLT. He orders them both 2 expensive drinks and they continue proving one another. The name of the game is ask enough questions and test until you both are sure this foundation you 2 are laying will last.


You are guaranteed to have trouble in the flesh our forefathers did and you are no exception. Personal Spiritual and Physical issues will arise. I cannot state this enough because the Devil hates Unity just look at how his minions try to divide us to this very day.

1. Abraham had Issues with Sarah (Genesis 21) Over Ishmal. They had an argument over this

2. Tobit got fired from his well payed job and was blinded for a test like Job but his wife didn’t desert him she stood strong by his side. Anna took up the torch when Tobit couldn’t (Tobit 1:19-20, Tobit 2:11-

3. David after a massive battle that him and the men of Israel won came home to a wife that was mad that he was dancing for joy in the name of the lord. This is a grievous trouble in the flesh because this woman could not see the joy David had and rejoice with him so she resorted to trying to tear him down.


If you are curious why I am focusing on the “Men” in each of the scenarios above its because the Men are the leaders in the Nation of Israel (READ! 1 Corinthians 11:3-5). If the men are fixed and right then the women will also be fixed and in order. TMH is a God of Order and in a marriage there is no 50/50 (The man has power over the wife as long as he liveth Ephesians 5:23, Genesis 3:16 1 Corinthians 7:39).

All you feminists that have a problem with that click off of this article and call 1 800 I Hate Men, or write TMH GOD because that is the order HE setup since the beginning of Genesis.  Leadership begins at home with Daddy many of you do not understand in most cases how powerful the man of God is. Most men and women of today were not raised by their biological father and this is sad. This is where you you get “Daddy Issues” from which leads to Marriage Issues. If your foundation of trust did not start with the first man you ever seen (Your Father). How can you now as a grown women trust a man you just met?

This leads to breakups in marriage and abusive wives and husband all because your family of the past never loved you so you now repeat the cycle. Since you were abused and taught to hate yourself that seed as grown into a full tree of malice. This physiological abuse leads to.

1. Perpetual Hatred for not only you but you pass this behavior on to your sons and daughters.

2. Brings you into alternative sexual lusts as in Lesbianism or Effeminate Men. Feminists also have the same traits as some Lesbians the “I dont need a man syndrome” stems from bad fathers.

3. Outbursts of Emotional rage that has been being kept since your youth and now you have someone to turn it on. Usually this is your new husband or wife.


If you go to the book of Numbers 30:2 and read that chapter it is explaining how much authority TMH has given the real of TMH men over his daughter and wife. Real men of god do not abuse or use their wife but enhance them and provide so they can grow. Real men of God protect and fight the wolves at the gate and will die for the sheep like Christ. Your first marriage values stem from things you have learned from Mother and Father. If they taught you the commandments then you will have a much better chance of surviving this captivity and if not you get World Star Hip Hop.

Again I cannot state this enough a man of God are not scary Effeminate cream-puff Metrosexuals. They stand in front of danger not run from it endure and never quit. Stand for something other than making babies and playing video games, revolutionaries and most of all lead their house in the laws of god which makes for a happy marriage. In the book of Numbers 30:2 you can see that TMH had given not only power to the men of canceling prayers, but also when he gives his daughter in marriage this power is transferred to her NEW protector he husband. This is a weighty matter according to god its a transfer of power.


Men and Woman when they decide to marry its taking 2 souls from 2 different walks of life and mashing them together. In proving a friend you need to understand each others families so you can see what issues each others have. Men raised by their mothers are going to have more Effeminate Traits. Some women were raised by only their fathers they are going to gravitate more towards manly things. Do you now see how important Sirach 6:7 is? We are only scratching the surface. What does that have to do with the fathers in Numbers 30? Listen closely, in some societies to this day the women and men of upper tier life do not go to bars or hangouts to meet men.

They in fact are pre-joined before they ever meet their potential husband or wife this is called today prearranged marriages. Back in the time of Moses and the Kings this was practiced heavily due to protection for the sons and daughters of kings. Men gave away daughters to Sons they didn’t meet at the local tavern.

Sons used to have to present themselves to the fathers of the daughters before they were allowed to talk to them. Once the father felt safe enough to let “That Boy” next to his daughter then and only then they could take it to the next step. The father proved the daughters and sons but does that happen today? In a word. NO!

There are some rare cases floating around but as a majority whole?

In order to be a real husband the first thing you need to understand is 1 Kings 2:1-2 and 1 Timothy 3:5. You are taking her FATHERS PLACE AS A PROTECTOR AND LORD. IF YOU CANNOT RULE YOUR HOUSE (Lawfully not abusive) HOW CAN YOU RULE A KINGDOM. Sirach 10:1-2 is proof of this fact, like it says in Numbers 30 this is not something to take lightly women are not sex dolls to play with and discard as trash this is someones daughter, you are abusing not only her father but your own.

You have now decided to become a King in your world and her’s act accordingly or you will be judged accordingly. TMH does not play when it comes to Marriage because this is bigger than your Lust.

Women you must submit under a godly man not someone who just wants you to have you. I sympathies with you really I do you are victims of the same oppression its hard to trust but you need to trust TMH not man. You are allowed also to use OLT to you benefit and not let yourself fall victim to a boy when you want a MAN. You are a daughter of Sarah not a trophy piece to be displayed at his will. You are a pillar of rest not a pillar of STRESS. IF you do not want a man that is fine but do not be bitter towards brothers and sisters just because they have a happy marriage.

If your man tells you to cover your assets  because you are exposing yourself (Chest and Butt out taking selfies) submit yourself to that order. Why you ask? Because if you are under HIS hedge its like your fathers and he promised to keep you safe. You know what happens when you dangle fresh meat in front of a wolf…….

You can look beautiful for your man but be professional in a dress head wrap and stunning colors. (read 1 Timothy 2:9 and Deuteronomy 22:5) You can also read an article here called cover your assets women.

Women do not brow beat your man especially here in this Kingdom its evil enough with all the hate towards black men overtly and covertly. He does not need to hear how much of a failure he is because he could not afford to buy you a 1000 dollar necklaces to express his love. If you want some of the more nicer things get a side job to help him pay for bills and then you can have some other finer things.


Ive seen many articles online dealing with “Sex and Love” but hardly any of them are according to gods word. They always tell you their opinion of sex and what is love but never go to the creator of love to see what he says. YES the bible deals with Sex and marriage. There are RULES and LAWS to this thing called marriage. You will be wise to listen Deuteronomy 24:5, Proverbs 5:19, Song of Solomon 8:8 and many many more.

In closing I am sure you have noticed that there hasnt been any new articles on this site in a while but I assure you that I have not been gone just dealing with the powers that be trying to destroy this site. I am not the only one just like Orlando James did in the video above when expose the devil people that work for him get upset. This site has been though many Cyber attacks and other clandestine attempts by those who hate this word to stop it. This article like many others I am sure google will flag as hate speech but its just the medicine we need to RISE UP. I will write another article soon on this topic but if they do take down this site know that i fought with my last keystroke to keep it up for you my beloved family. As Christ fought to keep his marriage to the Israelite’s and to the truth we all should do the same and fight righteously no matter who does not like it. I write these articles for 3 reasons only and I will keep doing them until they either shut down the site or destroy me.

1. TMH said to feed his flock so I try to do this the best I can with his word through the spirit as I am able.

2. We were commanded to reach the 12 tribes world wide and the internet right now is the fastest way.

3. I love my people as Christ loved the Church so thus I write in hopes to reach 1 that turns into many. This is my talon that I extend freely and do not charge for this in no way shape or form because my prayer is to store up treasures in heaven. If you do not like what I write or gain anything from it after trying the precepts that is fine it was not meant for you. This site is for the True Israelite and if you are not sure that is you the spirit bares witness, then go to here


I hope you all have gotten something out of this article because it will not only help the 12 tribes of Israel but also those that are not of our nation will gleen something from this lesson. Biblical keys to a successful marriage are now in your hands this is a big BIG clue to the parable to the marriage supper that is talked about in Revelation 19 but that is another article lol till next time Shalom and I love you all world wide.

Romans 9 Breakdown Part 1 Has God Cast Away His people for good?

Romans 9 Breakdown

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From the Beginning to the End and Today


T here are many websites out there that “try” to teach what Paul is saying in his Romans 9 breakdown is talking about, but what is the truth? In order to get the understanding of what Paul is writing in this letter you need to go BACK to the beginning.

Yes, I do mean Genesis why you ask? It’s simple really but I am going to let the New Testament tell you with the old in 3 connecting precepts that need to be understood fully to breakdown Romans 9. 

Romans 9 Breakdown the truth

Like I said on this site many times, you cannot understand the bible unless you read all 3 stories. New Testament, Old Testament and Apocrypha are all connected will give you every tool you ever need to understanding what TMH power is saying. We are COMMANDED not to lean unto our own understanding but his (Proverbs 3:5, 55:8-9).


  To be frank and to the point THERE WAS NO NEW TESTAMENT when Paul was in jail and he wrote the letters you see today. TMH Yahawah and his son Yahawashi are not fools and they know exactly what and who Paul was talking about in Romans 9, and